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October 01, 1957 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-10-01

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Lily Pons Ill;
Rise Stevens

ale on U.S. Tour

VJP) -Queen
ine Philip on
it to the United
busier than the

Jule was re-
d it charts
every min-
and diplo-

matic ceremonies, luncheon, recep-
tions, dinners, a visit to an art
gallery, religious services, a foot-
ball game in Maryland and a visit
to the northern Virginia horse
These are just some 'of the
things they are to take in before
their visit ends with a flight back
home from New York.
The visit of England's Queen
and her prince will begin at the
Jamestown Festival near Williams-
burg, Va., celebrating the 350th
anniversary of the founding of
the first permanent English colony



y, Ernest
s was a
by stu

hat .Selective Service
;he small number of
the exams did not
g of qualified person-
aster the project at
it occasions during
re for the Qualifica-
. for undergraduates
aduate students. An
aining a successful
red from the draft
matriculated from
he willfully neglects
toskey continued.
dent has taken the
ed it, he is not re-
any further Selec-
sts during his career
ho are eligible for the
h to take the deferr-
Mday should call the
>or Selective Service
e exact date of the
,nd make an appoint-
will be given at the

in America.
Wednesday, Oct. 16-Arrival at
Pratick Henry Airport near Wil-
liamsburg, on a Royal Canadian
Air Force plane; visit to James-
town Island and the Jamestown
Festival park; visit to the College
-of William and Mary at Williams-
burg; reception in the garden of
the Governor's Palace at Williams-
Thursday, Oct. 1' - Flight to
Washington aboard President Ei-
Ssenhower's plane; luncheon at the
White House with President and
Mr's. Eisenhower; laying of wreaths
fby Queen Elizabeth at the tomb
of the Unknown Soldier and at
the Canadian Cross in Arlington
~tational Cemetery.
r Friday, Oct. 18-A visit by the
Queen to the National Gallery of
Art; a visit by Prince Philip to the
National Academy of Sciences;
visit by the Queen to Children's
Hospital; reception and luncheon
by' Vice-President and Mrs. Nixon
Iat the capitol.
Saturday, Oct. 19-Reception by
the Queen and prince of various
members of staffs of mission of
the Commonwealth countries at
the British Embassy; award of
insignia to American citizens who
have received honors from the
Queen; visit by Prince Philip to
the Marine . Barracks; laying of
foundation stone of the new Brit"
ish Embassy office building; foot-
ball game at College Park, Md.,
between the universities of North
Carolina and Maryland; dinner at
the embassy by the. royal couple
in honor of President and Mrs.

To Substitute
Rise Stevens, Metropolitan Opera
star, will replace Lily Pons in the
opening concert of the Choral
Union series at 8:30 p.m. Thurs-
Miss Pons, who is ill with the
grippe, was advised by her doctor
not to sing at the concert.
* Miss Stevens, often called the
"First Lady of Opera," appeared
at the University during the May
festival last year.
She -is. the first Metropolitan
Opera singer to be able- to cover
a voice range for three repertoires.
She sings mezzo-soprano, soprano
and contralto parts:
When offered her first contract
.from the Metropolitan Opera
Company, Miss Stevens declined,
sayinig she felt she needed more
experience and training.
She studied in Europe and
made her debilt at the Prague
Opera House.
During the following winter she
accepted the offer of the Metro-
Miss Stevens became the first
American-born star to premiere
an Italian opera in Italy.
She has also started in two mo-
tion pictures, "The Chocolate Sol-
dier," and "Going My Way." She
is well-known for her appearances
on the "Voice of Firestone" tele-
vision 'program.
I Notices
(Use of this column for announce-'
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially recognized and registered stu-
dent organizations only. For the cur-
rent semester organizations° should
register. not later than October 11.)
Hillel, Yiddish class a iow being
formed. Instructor will be Prof. Herb-
, ert Paper. of 'the Near East Dept.
or application; callNHillel secretary,
NO 3-4129 or Marvin Gerver (until
midnight) NO 2-5470.
* * *
Generation, general staff meeting,
Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., Student Publications
n. * * *
Chess Club, regular meeting, Oct. 2,
7:30 p.m. Union.
v * *
Young Republicans, meeting, Oct. 2,
7:30 P.m.,'Room 3-MN, Union. Adnian
Zein, Syrian law student, .will speak
on the Syrian crisis.
* '* *.
Russian Circle, meeting, Oct. 1, 8-10'
p.m. Upper Room of Lane Hall. Airi-
elle Kuhn, Grad., will show slides of
Prague, Warsaw, and the U.S.S.R.

Under grads
Earn 2.57
Grade Level
Undergraduate- students at the
University maintained a grade
point average of 2.57 during the
last- academic year.
Edward G. droesbeck, director
of the Office of Registration and
Records, in announcing the grade
points yesterday, pointed out that
this figure is .01 of a point less
than the average of the previous
Retaining an average of 2.69,
which they established last year,
the women again came out ahead
of the men. The men's average
was 2.49, which was .03 of a point
less than last year.
The freshmen set their best' av-
e age since 1949-50 by darning a
A new record was set by the in-
dependent women by achieving an
average of 2.70. Their best aver-
age since 1947-48 was set by the
women living in residence halls
by getting ,an average of 2.66.
Men's residence halls averaged
2.46, sororities, 2.68 and fraterni-
ties, 2.48.
Sigma Delta Tau placed first
among the sororities with an av-
erage of 2.85 and the first place
winner of the fraternities was Phi
Epsilon Pi with an average of 2.80.
No Monument
To Originator
Of Tine Zone
WASHINGTON tP) - The na-
tion's capital seems to be infested
with statues.
Everywhere you look there's a
monument to somebody: to gen-
erals who took part in battles now
forgoten, to statesmen whose ac-
complishments have been worn
away by the pressure of new prob-
lems. .
'Yet where is the monument to
William Willett? Who today even
thinks of the man 'whose achieve-
ment is no further away than this
morning's alarm clock?
For William Willett did the most
to sell the idea of daylight saving
Today some persons who have
been on daylight time went back
to work on standard time, and
some who have been on daylight
time will stay there for another
month, and all this tampering
with time is because of Willett.
Willett's idea was that clocks
should be set ahead for 20 minutes.
This would be, done in four stages
as summer advances, so that final-
ly the clocks would be 80 minutes
ahead of standard time.
Although he spent a lot of time
and money pushing his idea, Wil-
lett never got anywhere much in
his lifetime. He died in 1915, short-
ly before World War I made day-
light saving time a reality.

Daiy7-Wesley Kar
LOOP THE, LOOP-Traffic in the campus area gave the new
one-way "loop" in the State Street business district its first major
test yesterday. The project directs automobiles in a stream around
State, Liberty, Maynard, and William' Streets, with traffic moving.,
north on State, west on Liberty, south on Maynard, and east on
Union Finances Sound; Fees
Used To Retire Bond Issues,

WASHINGTON (J)-A moderate
autumn increase in employment is
expected by employers in most of
the natioi's principal labor mar-
kets, the Labor Department said
The department said the most
recent surveys of employment con-
ditions and employer hiring plans
in 149 major areas pointed to job
gains in both manufacturing and
non-manufacturing activities in
three-fifths of the centers.
The department's Bureau of
Employment Security, which con-
Employment Security, which con-
ducted the surveys in cooperation
witsh state employment security
agencies, said employers expected
the bulk of the expansion to be in
non-factory activities.
While most areas looked for
slight to moderate job gains in
manufacturing industries, the bu-
reau said employers did not expect

Employers Expect Increa
In National Employment




manufacturing employment
creases to equal those of th
tumn months last year.
Major areas expecting moc
overall employment gains
mid-November include D
Chicago, Los Angeles, Long I
Philadelphia, Boston, St. Lou
The surveys covered both
ployment conditions . and f
hiring plans. They showed en
ment generally continued hi
the nation's major productio
employment centers. Most a
areas reported unemploymer
of Singing and Speakin
Mrs. Kenneth N. Westerr
715 Granger NO 8-6

As "stockholders" in the Michi-
gan Union, University men have
nothing to worry about.
The Michigan Union's tinancial
position is good. In fact, all of
the money ($12 per year per full
time male student) received from
the Regents yearly by the Union
is used to retire the $2,000,000 of
bonds still outstandig on the lat-
est.Union addition.
The bonds are being tetired at
the rate of $105,000 yearly. This
rate should enable the bonds to be
completely retired in 27 years,
sooner if enrollment, sand result-
ing fees, continue to climb, ac-
cording to F. C. Kuenzel, Union
Build Addition
Previously, $1,000,000 of the,
$3,000,000 needed to build the new
addition came from operations
and allocations surpluses the Un-
ion had built up during the pre-
ceding years.
Indeed, this was,after the Union
had finished paying for its ori-
M ed 'Students
View Future
Medical students throughout the
country have indicated that they
expect to have a net income of
over $15,000 within ten years of
A survey of 1,086 students, re-
ported in the Journal, of Bedical
Education, also revealed that
these students expect to hit an
earning peak of $22,000 at some
tinte during their careers.
"Helping others" was the rea-
son given by most of the students
for their having entered medicine.
Only one per cent said that they
could think of other careers which
could be more satisfying.

ginal building and two additions.
Understanding the Union's ac-
counting procedures, which are
probably a thing of beauty to an
accounting maor, is no joy what-
soever to the average student de-
siring to know how the Union
D~irects Union
Ultimate responsibility for iu's
finances lie with the. seven man
finance committee. This commiit-
tee is composed of members of the
Union Board of Directors.
Following' policies: set down by
the Board, the finance committee
is able to borrow money and okay'
Among its more infrequent du-
ties, it appoints the Union Man-
ager. Kuenzel has been serving as
manager for the past 16 years. He
is in charge of the day-to-day
operation of the Union, ordering
the supplies, hiring employees, and
seeing that everything goes
The Union's services are quite
numerous and increasingly ex-
pensive. For example, even the
checking service costs the Union
$9,000 yearly.
Separating Ahe direct depart-,
mental costs (guestroom, cafe-
teria and dining room operation,
etc.) from the general accounting,
Union operating expenses came
to approximately '$200,000 last
The 183 guest' rooms operated
by the Union pay for approxi-
mately 75 per cent of the operat-
ing -cost.

1 m G~sonsWite
Wig a- Tis-d 4.
Al tad SPtng
Ofte Pri ndT P
"Pth $riend h a




~ollege Roundu'p


ATIC FLU - Many cam-
especially in the South and;
West Coast have been hit
Asian Flu. The University
xs, in Austin, reported 40
1t had been hdspitalized by
ease. -
e than 60 had been stricken
t Friday at the University
ahoma in Norman.
biggest outbreak reported
e Daily was at the Univer-
Oregon where over 100 stu-
mostly co-eds were af-
by the flu.
WARD - In Cambridge,
RIMSON, campus newspa-
pened publication withra
7describing eyewitness re-
integration in Little Rock
paper's managing editor.
vered the story from the
rn city.
* * *
,A -A new course is being
to extension students in
no textbooks will be used.
I, the class will use such
ns as "Birth of a Nation."

-A bottle of brown sugar syrup
was, found in a fraternity house

marked "pure nitroglycerine."
The bottle was found in the at-
tic of the house.
COLLEGE, Indiana - A co-ed,
was severely wounded in the face,
arms and hands by a bomb placed
in her locker.
The "infernal device" was a
plain wooden box addressed to her
containing a shotgun and a por-
tion of the breech mechanism of
a shotgun, triggered to go off
when she opened the box.
The device was placed in her
locker by a freshman who. was
'apprehended after a short time.
.* * *
Berkey-Thea Associated Students°
of the University of California, the
equivalent of Student Government
Council, went into debt again last

* * *
Student American Chemical Society,
monthly meeting, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m.,
3005 Chem. Dr. D. Gordus and J. Mar-
shall: Demonstrations in Chemistry.
S* *
Phi Lambda Upsilon, Honorary
Chemical Society, monthly meeting,
Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m. West Conference
Room, Rackham. Speaker: Mayor Sam-
uel J. Eldersveld, "Ann Arbor: Prob-
lems, Plans, Prospects."
* * *
Ballet Club, regular meeting, Oct. 1,
7:00 p.m. for beginners; 8:00 p.m. for
advanced, Barbour Gym.
. * * *
Modern Dance Club, regular meet-
ing, Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m., Barbour Gym.



sr a "J





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