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October 01, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-01

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

:4I.a tt


See page 4


XVIII, No. 1



'aubus Weighs
pecial Session
Governor Wavers on Summoning
Legislature as Little Rock Relaxes
4rjTLE ROCK, Ark. (I) - Barricades came down, bayonets were
Jhed and a bristling cordon of troops was drastically cut yester-
as the second week of integrated classes got under way at Cen-
High School. 5r
During the day, Gov. Orval Faubus continued to withhold a deci-
on whether to summon a special session of the Arkansas State
lature. He said such a session was very likely. But he was known
running up against opposition from lawmakers.
k special session might try to legislate its way arou~nd the troop-
ced integration at Central High, first school in the city to
e mingle white and Negro stu-





Teamster Election Dela




Wire Hits
Of Delegates

Hoffa's Foes Complain

High Cot



)r Meeting

Dwight D. Eisenhower ended'his .
27-day New England vacation
yesterday and returned to Wash-
ington to cope further with school
integration questions.
His first major item was a con-.
ference on the problem at the
White House today with a com-
mittee of Southern governors.
Gov. Marvin driffin of Georgia,'
who is opposed to integration of
white and Negro pupils, said at
Atlanta yesterday that he would
not attend. He was one of five
governors who had been selected.
to confer with the President.
Gov. Griffin said he was pas-
sing up the meeting- because Pres-
ident Eisenhower agreed to talk
only about integration, rather
than the question of pulling
troops out of Arkansas.
The President, called the con-
ference with the governors at
their request. They had asked
that it deal solely with the earli-
est possible removal of federal
troops sent into Little Rqck, Ark.,
to cope with integration disorders.
Kasper Sets
Picket Plan
per, campaigner against class-
room integration, said yesterday
the Seaboard White Citizens
Council will picket the White
House today.
Kasper, executive secretary of
the council, said pickets will pro-
-test against use of federal troops
to help enforce integration in Lit-
tle Rock.
He said the marchers also will
protest against yesterday's meet-
ing between President bwight D.
Eisenhower and four Southern
The, governors will discuss with
the President the problems of in-
Kasper said in a statement the
White Citizens Council, other un-
named organizations and individ-
uals will begin marching along
Pennsylvania Avenue in front of
the White House at noon today.
Kasper was freed from a Nash-
ville, Tenn., jail two weeks ago
on $2,500 bond after being indict-
ed on a charge of inciting to riot.

dents. Gov. Faubus broke a two-
day silence to tell newsmen: "At
the moment it appears very like-
ly there will be a special session
of the ,Legislature, but that i
not definite or positive."
Legislators Oppose
There were unconfirmed re-
ports that Gov. Faubus' ardor for
a special session had been cooled
by some legislators who didn't like
the idea.
The governor said he personal-
1y was against a special session
because it would mean "a lot of
work and a terrific strain."
He also said that he does not
favor abolishing public schools,
but did not elaborate.
Davies Relieved
Meanwhile, United States -Dis-
trict Judge Ronald Davies, whose
court ruling the regular Army
troops are. enforcing, asked dur-
ing the day to be relieved of his
duies here. He was assigned here
from North Dakota district earli-
er in the segregation crisis.
Judge Davies upheld an Arkan-
sas federal judge in ordering in-
tegration to proceed at Central
High. His final ruling was in the
form of an injunction that pro-
hibited Gov. Faubus from using
the National Guard to bar the
nine Negroes fron Central High.
Chief Judge Archibald J. Gard-
ner of ,the United States Circuit
Court of Appeals, said Davies will
be relieved at his own request "in.
a day or two." He will be replaced
by United States District Judge
Roy W. Harper of St. Louis.
Archibald said the shift was
routine and without "signifi-
cance." However, Davies has been
the target of biting criticism by
Gov. Faubus andothers.
No Confidence
Vote Ousts
French Hads
PARIS () - Premier Maurice
Bourges - Maunoury's government'
and his program for a measure of1
home rule in Algeria floundered
last night on a vote of no con-
Bourges-Maunoury, a middle-
roader,. and his minister went to
Elysee Palace immediately to hand
their resignations to President
Rene Coty.
However, since the government's
defeat was not by an absolute
majority of the Assembly's total of.
596 deputies, the government was
not overthrown constitutionally.
There was a chance Coty might
talk the Premier out of resigning
and ask the Assembly for a second
reading of the bill.
Bourges-Maunoury, France's
youngest premier since Armand
Fallieres took over the premiership
at 42 in 1833, heads a coalition of1
Socialists, Catholic Popular Re-
publicans and moderate Radical-
Socialists with a few splinter ele-
ments. He took office June 13.

-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
HOW'S THAT COUGH-Students who arrive at Health Service
with one or more symptoms of the Asian Flu are directed to a
special section of the building by Dr. Morley Beckett of the Health
Service staff.
'Cold'Epidemic Swamps
Health Service F acilities
An estimated 140 cases of "upper respiratory infection" yesterday
forced Health Service to institute emergency methods of taking care
of patients, director, Dr. Morley Beckett, said.
Of the "unusually high number" of students who reported to
Health Service complaining of colds, Dr. Beckett said he "wouldn't
doubt that there are some cases of Asian Flu."
It is impossible to tell by physical diagnosis if a person does have
the Flu, he explained. Only extensive laboratory tests will indicate if
the virus is present. Completed tests show one patient probably has
.\ !the disease, according to Dr. Bee-

Halts Seaway
Tr ansfer Plan
Charles Potter (R-Mich.) said yes-
terday President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's administration has pi-
geonholed plans to turn oyer ad-
ministration of the St. Lawrence
Seaway to the Commerce Depart-
Sen. Potter and other great
lakes members of Congress had
previously described the proposed
switch as a scheme of eastern rail-
roads, longtime opponents of the
Sen. Potter, in a statement re-
leased at a news conference, said
Presidential Assistant S h e r m a n
Adams has informed him "no final
action is likely in the immediate
future" on a proposal to shift the
Seaway Development Corp. from
the Army Department to the Com-
merce Department.
"Why move it into a department
which must, by its very nature,
concern itself with the welfare of
the railroads? Everyone remem-
bers how the railroads fought
passage of the Seaway Act. They're
still out to get the Seaway."

There is still no indication of
when preventative vaccine will be
available, he said. "I wish I could
say we had the vaccine."
The emergency program, which
sends patients complaining of cold
symptoms to the basement of the
building for examination, was in-
stituted at noon yesterday when
it became apparent that regular
Health Service procedure couldn't
efficiently handle the situation.
Basically, Asian Flu symptoms
are the same as those of the com-
mon cold or ordinary influenza,
fever, headache, thirst. Patients
with this complaint were referred
to a converted examination room
in the basement, where they were
examined by doctors.
Two extra doctors will be on
duty today, said Beckett, to handle
the overload.
At the 'present, the infirmary is
filled, including the extra beds put
in last week. But ; the patients
must be treated in the infirmary
and a bed is not available there
will be provision made for a bed
in University Hospital.
Beckett said that Health Service
will have extended clinic hours
as usual during the evening from
5 to 10 p.m. After 10 p.m. a night
doctor is on call.
"Are we at the peak, or just
starting?" asked Dr. Beckett, re-
ferring to the increase in com-
plaints. "I just don't know."

WASHINGTON (W) -\- The Sen-
ate Rackets Committee sent word
to the Teamsters Union conven-
tion yesterday that it has infor-
mation' which "clearly indicates
that 50 per cent or more" of the
union's delegates assembled in
Miami Beach were improperly se-
Sen. John McClellan (D-Ark.),1
committee chairman, made the
charge in a wire to William A.
Lee, Teamsters vice president.
Lee is campaigning for the un-
ion presidency in an attempt to
block the election of James R.
Hoffa, the front-running candi-
. Sen. McClellan turned over the
same information to Martin O'-
Donoghue, attorney for retiring
Teamsters President Dave Beck.
Beck had sent the lawyer to the
senator's office to get the report.
Declines Comment
O'Donoghue declined to com-
ment after talking to Sen. Mc-
Clellan, telling a reporter, "I have
a job to do and I'm going to do it."
He declined to explain the re-
mark and Sen. McClellan said he
did not know what O'Donoghue
might have meant.
The telegram to Lee listed 24
Teamsters locals, and said that
"we have ascertained, we believe
definitely" that the delegates
from them were not selected in
conformity with the union's con-
stitutional requirements.
Locals' Listed
"Wo have information, which
we have not yet had time to def-
initely confirm, that the delegates
of the following locals also were
not selected in accordance with
the provisions of the internation-
al constitution," the telegram
continued. It listed 44 locals in
this connection.
"Further information the com-
mittee has, but not yet fully con-
firmed, clearly indicates that 50
per cent or more of the delegates
in attendance were not selected
in accordance with constitutional
provisions," the telegram con-
Sen. McClellan told reporters
he had turned over to O'Donog-
hue a copy of the telegram and
an oral report on the 68 locals
listed. He said he assumed O'Don-
oghue would pass on the informa-
tion to Beck.

the union, said he'd spent the
hardest five years of his life during
Beck's leadership of the union
to keep track of union funds.
-"What incentive is there for me
to go out and try to save you
$100,000, and then somebody rolls
a million down the gutter?" asked
Although an AFL-CIO vice-pres-
ident, English said those in the
federation "can all go straight to
hell" if they. buck the teamsters,
who are under a 30-day cleanup
order to avoid a threatened AFL-
CIO expulsion.
William A. Lee, Chica'go, a rival
candidate against Hoffa for the
presidency of ;the scandal-rocked
union, said Beck turned down a
suggestion that Meany be .invited
to come to the convention to ex-.,
plain the federation's corruption
charges against the Teamsters.
Lee also charged .that two union
vice-presidents, unopposed yester-
day morning for reelection to their
own posts when they announced
support for him, were suddenly
faced with rival candidates from
the Hoffa camp yesterday after-
Hare Relates
LANSING - Secrtary of State
James M. Hare reported yesterday
a phony agent for the McClellan
Committee tried to trick him out
of personal political records that
could embarrass Jimmy Hoffa and
his Teamsters Union.
Hare said the attempt to spring
the scheme was made last Thurs-
day in Roanoke, Va., where he
was attending a national meeting
of motor vehicle administrators.
The records involved are photo-
stats of fraudulent petitions cir-
culated. Hare said, by Teamsters-
Union organizers during the un-
ion's unsuccessful bid in 1950 for
control of the Democratic Party
organization in Detroit.
The petitions, which Hare said
contained wholesale forgeries,
-were designed to seat delegates to
the district Democratic conven-
tions that year in Det oit.
Had the plot succeeded pit would
have delivered party machinery
into Teamsters' hands and Hof
fa's direction.

bout Pressure Tactics
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (?P)--James R. Hoffa's political foes com-
plained of pressure tactics last night at the Teamsters convention
and lost an attempt to get AFL-CIO president George Meany to
address the delegates.'
These developments came as 68-year-old John F. English, the
Teamsters' secretary-treasurer and money c'aretaker, blasted retiring
president Dave Beck and other fellow Teamsters chiefs.
Hoffa, Detroit union vice-president, the leading contender for
Beck's job although enmeshed in the union's scandals, appeared well
in command of convention ma- «
chinery as sessions got under way UN DEBATE:
at the oceanfront Municipal Audi-
English, a veteran of 46 years in

To Disarm
The United States yesterday chal-
lenged the Soviet Union to make
concessions so, that suspension of
nuclear tests would be "the first
thing to happen" on the road. to
world disarmament.
But the Soviet Union, charging
that the Western Powers were ig-
noring demands of "millions of
people throughout the world," re-
mained adamant on unconditional
suspension of tests, as well as
other Soviet disarmament pro-
The exchange came at a meeting
of the 12-nation 'United Nations
Disarmament Commission.
It was the first debate on dis-
armament at this Assembly "es-
sion, and there appeared to b no
change in positions of the East
or West since the London talks of
the commission's-subcommittee
ended in deadlock.
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge called the issue of
suspending nuclear tests "the top
of the iceberg that bears testimony
to the dangerous mass below. To
tion of weapons would make no
contribution to the solution of the
real issues that confront us."
Lodge reiterated the Western
offer for suspending tests provided
that the Soviet Union agree on
establishing an effective inspection
system, stopping production of fis-
sionable materials for weapons
purposes and reducing existing
stocks, starting control of outer
space missiles and reducing the
numbers of men under arms.
He declared tha"Soviet unwill-
ingness to accept the Western pro-
posals could only mean that Soviet
conduct is explained "by its deter-
mination to impose military domi-
nation on the world."
Soviet Delegate Arkady A. Sobo-
lev accused the Western Powers of
wrecking all. attempts to reach
agreement on, suspension of nu-
clear tests. He said the West
adopted "frustrating" methods by
both military' and political, with
the issue.
Sobolev made plain the Soviet
Union intended to take advantage
of the U.N. forum to drum up
world support for Soviet arms re-
duction proposals.
Cuban Rebels
Renew Attack
HAVANA (A) - Reports from
Manzanillo last night said Cu-
ban revolutionaries have made a
fresh landing near the spot where
rebel leader Fidel Castro came.
ashore with'82 men last Dec. 2.
The Manzanillo reports were un-
Strict censorship prevails over
Cuban communications under the
government edict suspending con-
stitutional rights.
Manzanillo is in the southeast-
ern province of Oriente where
Castro enjoys wide sympathy and

May Decide
Case Today
Rankaand-File Ap
Injunction Reversal
Justice Earl Warren agreed y
terday to consider a plea fo
Supreme Court order prevent
the Teamsters Union from ele
ing national officers this week
tThe eleventh-hour afpeal 1
made by 13 rank-and-file me
bers of the union fighting wi
they call a "dictatorship" In' 1±
There is a possibility that
chief justice will rule In, the c
The 13 asked for reinstatemi
of a temporary injunction Issi
here Saturday by United Sta
District Judge F. Dickinson Le
"Judge Letts' order would h
barred . the 1% -mllion-mem
union from picking a new slate
officers at its Miami Beach 5(
vention on the ground, amc
others, that. the election' i
rigged in fayor of James R. H
fa, who aspires'to be president.
The ink on the order was hai
ly dry, however; before'the Uni
States Circuit Court of Appe
overruled Judge Letts and Issi
a stay of the injunction. It
from this ruling that th'e rar
and-f ile group from the New Y
area appealed today.
Their attorneys told -the E
preme- Court the stay I"perm
the entrenchment in power of
fendants who have imposed a d
tatorship control upon the int
national organization, Its ,subor
nate bodies and members.
Martin F. O'Donoghue, cou
for Hoffa -retiring PresidetD&
Beck and other defendants fi:
a reply brief contending Ju
Letts' order was intrinsa
contradictory and confusing" a
showed on its face "anbuse
Gunman Kille
After Thefts,
Three Murder
One of two gunmen who kil
a state trooper near Clinton y
terday as the first of three mid
ders in two states was killed hi
self by state and local police t
morning in North Vernon, Ind,
The other gunman, a woni
companion and a hostage w
being hunted In the woods n
the town.
The men had killed Dugald
Pellot 'and wounded Douglas
Vogel, both of the Clinton St
Police Post, yesterday afterno
Pellot died in University Hospii
where Vogel was "in serious con
Late last night William R. E
Iems of the Indiana State sol
was killed when he attempted,
stop the men, who were driving
car stolen in Jackson.
A man's body was also oy
near Scottsburg, Ind., where K
Iems was killed. Indiana pol'ce
lieved he was another viotn
the two.
Vogel had stopped thetwo m+
yesterdaw for a traffic Violat
near Clinton. At that time t
were driving separate cars and i
not met the woman. When Vo
was shot, Pellot and Sgt. Freder
O'Donnell went to help him.
turn, the men shot Pellot and
They thn stole two cars in qu
succession, bound and gagged I

owners, and fled south from Jac
son. Until Kellems was shot
Scottsburg, they were not se

Medical School's Dean WI

+V 'wMy°"urv^

till Seeking
ew Trainees

Wayne L. Whitaker, assistant
dean of the University Medical
School, died Sunday of cancer.
He was 53 years old.
Ill for over a year, Prof. Whita-
ker volunteered himself as a- sub-,
ject for experiments through his
sickness. His major non-scientific
activity in recent years had been
concerned with the equitable and

Is your

pen mightier than a

If it is, then your place in the
sun is The Michigan Daily. The
editorial staff is holding a try-
out meeting tonight at 7:15 at
the Student Publications Build-
ing, 420 Maynard.
Sports-minded writers with a
will to work are needed for The
Daily sports staff. Meetings will
be held at 7:30 tomorrow and 4:30
Thursday, also at the publications
For those whose taste runs to
more material considerations, The
Daily business staff is also hold-
ing a tryout meeting today, at
4:15 in the publications building.

AticiaMoon' Plans
tf Changed by' Russians
WASHINGTON (R)-Russia yesterday announced she is rigging
her space-flying baby moon with a radio voice no one else can easily
This is a turnabout from an agreement publicly made a year ago.
Radio transmitters inside the little moons make it possible to find
and track them, and get back reports of what they discover out in
space. l
Change Costly
But Russian moons will broadcast on different frequencies from
those of the United States, a Soviet scientist declared.
"It woml take nus sveral months and great enxense tn "chang our

effective selection of medical stu-
dents and the encouraging of qual-
ified high school students in
Michigan to work toward medical'
Prof. Whitaker was appointed
assistant dean in 1953 and had
been secretary to the school since
1948. He was one of the few
assistant deans who was not a
Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, Medical
School Dean, said, "Prof. Whitaker
will live in the history of our
medical schools as a leader in both
medical education and adminis-
tration. From the beginning of his
career, it was his ambition to com-
bine teaching and executive duties
for the service of undergraduate
medical students. . . . His name
will be honored in that group of
men who have contributed sig-
nificantly to the progress of medi-
cine at Michigan."
A native of Putnamville, Ind.,
Prof. Whitaker graduated from
DePauw University in 1926. After
graduation he became assistant
I?-.- *-,

National Roundup
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission has
rejected a request that it help the White Citizens Councils of America
get radio and TV time to answer President Eisenhower's nationwide
broadcast on Little Rock's school situation.
The commission made public yesterday a reply to a telegram from
W. M. Rainach, Homer, La., chairman of the councils. Rainach had,
complained that the President used network time last Tuesday night
"to present a one-sided explanation of his action" in sending troops
to the Arkansas capital after rioting over integration at Central High
School there.
Commission Chairman John C. Doerfer wrote in reply that the
"'equal time" provision in the Communications Act applies solely to
disqualify candidates seeking the same office and hence could not be

hiitaker Dies
pastor of the First Methodist
Church in Elkhart, Ind. He re-
ceived his master's degree at the
University in 1934.
He was a teaching assistant and
teaching fellow in the Dept. of
Zoology from 1934 to 1937 and
joined the Anatomy Dept. in 1937
as instructor. He received his doc-
torate in zoology two years later.



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