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September 22, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-22

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Sixty-Eighth Year
ed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or
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F 1

Of Ye Olde FI ffe
"AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER" combines the acting of two of H1
wood's biggest and best paid stars with Cinemascope, color,
a theme of romance.
These elements are brought together by Director Leo McC
whose stock in trade is the sentimental movie. The plot is not new;
rather, commonplace.
Cary Grant, complete with his Spanish suntan, is a playboy
is about to guarantee the end to his financial worries via a m
million dollar marriage.
Miss Kerr appears as a woman whose own future is abou
become equally solvent. They meet aboard ship; Mr. Grant is i

22, 1957


Colleges Should Provide

r Leader Training

,SURE. of historic irony, the
)mobile Workers recently pur-
er home of Edsel Ford in east
g to convert it into a student
AW also bought another man-
which belonged to the Chrysler
ons are tied in with the mil-
Solidarity House nearby, built
the UAW's international head-
rhole is being fitted -out as a
y of the future," to use Presi-
uther's words. He had more
ery institution of higher learn-
d States of America, manage-
ve available to them schools of
stration in which are being
leaders of the business com-
university makes available to
ment any really comparable
a "really comparable service'
nvestment in the field of edu-
University, the economics de-
4 two-semester course in "La-
ster in Social Security. Gradu-
'Collective Bargaining," "Prob-
nisurance," "Comparative Labor
: a two-semester "Seminar ii
ining to labor offered in the
stration school are necessarily
ented, and overlap those of
tpOSE of training union econo-
ministrators, these courses are
to those 'available to manage-
There is, for example, an ex-
m entitled "Hospital Adminis-
by jpe School of Business Ad-
sity's curriculum is representa-
an hardly be blamed for groom-
ders to the extent of provid-
aining. But it obviously intends
1 a restricted and perhaps
f view. Bias cannot be eradi-

cated when an administrative entity under-
takes its own education.
Union philosophy is still far from being rec-
onciled with management's, even under the
leadership of such able men as Reuther and
John L. Lewis, who have done much to make
unionism palatable.
The' impasse remains even after the social
acceptance of unionism was underscored by
the polite exchange of letters betwen Reuther,
the automotive heads, ,and President Eisen-
hower. The skirmish of letters did not resolve
the problem of whether wages beget prices
or conversely. No separate agency, it seems,
cares to develop a solution.
Reuther suggests that institutions of higher
learning are neglecting a service to the la-
bor movement--a movement now soundly es-
tablished in our economic structure. It should
become the interest and responsibility of lead-
ing universities, particularly those serving
areas of vast labor populations, to include a
definable? curriculum in "Labor Administra-
An adequate program, on the model of the
University's Hospital Administration offering,
might serve at least to stimulate ehtical prac-
ices. 'Adequate' in this sense would mean a
program receiving support and assistance from,
unions, much as industrial groups now bolster
business administration courses.
Historically, labor leaders rose through the
ranks. Some of the consequences of this tra-
dition (through lack of alternative, perhaps)
are now convulsing the labor movements, and
are leaving their stains on our society.
Universities, through their educational influ-"
ences, should therefore take the initiative in
,bringing about wholesomeness in labor, and an
awareness of its economic responsibilities. A
minimum program should include the training
of union-sponsored students.
In his reply to Reuther's letter touching on
aspects of inflation, Henry Ford II spoke -of the
need for "labor statesmanship"-a field which
might well be included in public instruction.'
Certainly in an era of inflation and bald-
faced union corruption, something can and
should be done towards mature and genuine
labor statesmanship.

ested, Miss Kerr is merely amused.
But being a resourceful playboy,
Mr. Grant resorts to the tried and
true device of taking the girl to
meet "grand mama." From there
on it is all downhill. Love, pro-
mises and complications ensue in
that order.
When the principals are on
camera, the dialogue tends to be
whimsical and occasionally spiced
with the kind of remarkts that
sharp guys like to make mental
notes of for future usd.
Unlike most of the recent Cine-
mascope offerings "Affair" does
not go out of its way to treat the
viewer to large splashes of scenery.
Rather, the rose-colored lens sees
heavy fluty. There are a few shots
of New York, however, which are
bound to make refugees from the
City nostalgic.
* * *
emotional moviegoer, this pic-
ture is a must. For people in love
the picture is bound to have a re-
inforcing effect. For the young"
man who is about to pop the ques-
tion this picture is geared to put
the girl in the proper frame of
But for members of the Ernest
Hemingway set who demand real-
ism in their selections, who have
no use for princes and princesses,
who like to see 'the actor's per-
spire a little if the occasion seems
to demand it, this picture is de-
finitely not their cup of tea.,
Accompanying the main feature
is a. short subJect entitled "A Foot-
ball Weekend in Ann Arbor" done
by the University of Michigan
Television Center. Film clips of
many of the campus buildings,
homecoming signs, and shots of
the gaines from last year are
The whole thing is nicely put
together and is certain to give
the freshmen some insights into
our Saturday ritual. The clip
showing the Michigan Marching
Band doing their famous arrange-
ment of "The St. Louis Blues" will
cause many a senior to fondle his
section 23 ticket book with under-
standable anticipation. j
* * *
IN CASE YOU do not call the
theatre to find out what time
the movie starts, this reviewer sug-
gests you, do so anyway. You will
be greeted by 'an imitation of
T.V.'s Miss Monitor done by a
University speech student. Dulcet
and suggestive tones will greet
you and inform you of the running
times in addition to some other
elementary facts of life.
This technological development
is a great improvement over the
wheezing, asthmatic voice which
has been used on other occasions
and it may well be the funniest
thing you will associate with the
Michigan Theatre this weekend.
--Paul Mott

to the


(Editor's Note: Letters to
for must be signed, in good t
not .more than 300 words ii
The Daily reserves the righ
or withhold letters from pub


U Aids Turkish Eco ho0my

Civic Theatre
To The Editor:
HE ANN ARBOR Civic Theat
is, flattered by its descriptic
by Miss Jean aWilloughby as Ar
Arbor's only "professional" actit
We assume that she is referrit
to the quality of our productio:
which have attracted ever-increa
ing audiences in the last few year
reaching an average attendan
of 1200 last season when we hi
four sellouts.
' We would like to correct one in
pression. Only our director, T
Heusel, is a professional. The re
of us are-townspeople and studer
who participate for fun and educ
As in the past, Civic Theat
welcomes interested students
membership, both as actors at
as backstage hands.
--Clan Crawford, Jr.
Treasurer, Ann Arbor
Civic Theatre
To the Editor:
A6 A student starting my fin
consecutive semester here
the University, I figured §eniori
would entitle ne 'to a footb
ticket for a seat a little beti
than section 28, row two.
--Fred C. Gielow, Jr., '58E
The Daily Official Bulletin is ar
official publication of the Univer
sity of Michigan for which th
Michigan Daily assumes no edi,
torial responsibility. Notices shoulc
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form V
Room 3519 Administration Build
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunda
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.

anpower Reductions May

n Military Preparedness

THE BEGINNING of the year, orders
come from Secretary of Defense
E. Wilson's. office to pare 200,000 men
e armed services. Plans to cut another
from the services were recently an-
uts have been accompanied with as-
from the secretary, that these man-
eductions will not affect our national
At the same time he made it equally
e need for personnel cuts has been
xted by lack of funds to pay for them.
oint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary Wilson
are "equally dissatisfied." The Army,
Force have been particularly hard
Army. losing a division and the Air
out ten wings.
the cuts are completed the Air Force
e around 123 wings, the Army 15 divi-
ie Marines 180,000 men and the Navy
REASED efficiency in the armed forces.
ant these cuts, there is no question that
uld be made. If not, we are placing our
defense in what mayx be a critically
d position.
sent, long range plans call for the Air,
o replace at least part of their long
trategic bombers with one or more of
istics missiles under development. Ind
maintain the strength of the Strategic

Air Command until it can be replaced with mis-
siles, the Air Force will deactivate tactical
wings rather than strategic wings.
In the event of an attack, SAC would deliver
the United States retaliatory blows. However,
the tactical air wings provide ground troops
with air support. If troops were to go into bat--
tle, a weakened Tactical Air Comand might
find itself unable to provide soldiers -on the
ground enough support.
The Army will have lost four of 19 divisions
they had at beginning of the year. The De-
fense Department has said overseas bases will
be maintained, and cuts will come mostly
from forces in rthe United States.
THESE DIVISIONS are in the United States
for training and to serve as reserve units.
Overseas forces are to'defend and retaliate in
event of attack on our allies or ourselves. How-
ever, a prolonged offensive would require addi-
tional troops from the United States. In an
atomic war, the few months necessary to re-ac-
tivate units could be fatal.
The armed forces receive 60 per cent of the
budget now, If the military can be reduced, it
should be reduced.
The President and Wilson have both ap-
proved this cut. If they are wrong, or if their
hands have been forced by budget cuts, the
United States has been placed in a more dan-
gerous position.

Editor's Note: Drew Pearson is
traveling through the Near Fast
reporting on the,,explosive situation
thereand what the United States
is doing about it.)
East-You would hardly expect
to find a man who spent most of
his life running a department
store in Kansas City traveling
through the small towns of Turkey,
trying to reconstruct the Turkish
economy, but that is what Louis"
Rothschild, now Undersecretary of
Commerce, has been doing for the
past month.
Along with a group of other
American businessmen, Rothschild
has been sleeping in ancient hotels,
traveling over dusty roads and
spending long hours with Turkish
'businessmen and officials.
Turkey is a country which badly
needs his advice. If it weren't for
American aid, its economy would
collapse overnight. American aid
has been paying for all its oil, all
its military upkeep, most of its
wheat and other essentials.,
* * * :
TODAY Turkey is so hard up
that you can't get a cup of, im-
ported coffee 'anyplace in the na-
tion. Coffee imports are not per-
mitted. It eats up the foreign ex-
change. Neither is the importation
of tires. As a result, you see trucks
,on the highways, propped up on
jacks, while the driver has walked
or hitch-hiked to the next town
to patch his inner tube. He can't.
get a spare tire.
When businessmen asked Roths-
child for a solution, he told them:
"No one thing is going to cure.
the Turkish economy. It will take
a lot of different things. One of
the first things you should develop
is coal. You have plenty of coal,
but you don't mine it because your
laws restrict private enterprise.
Coal is a government monopoly.
Let ,businessmen mine your coal,
and you can develop some excel-

lent markets around the Mediter-
"I've also noticed these embroid-=
ered slippers worn by the Turkish
women," Rothschild advised. "If
you manufactured them for export
-you'd find that a lot of American
women would'love to buy them.
"Then I've noticed that you
raise some fine peaches and make
peach juice," suggested Roths-
child. "I've never tasted peach'
juice. before. Why don't you de-
velop it and export it? You might
find just as'profitable a market
as our cola drinks."
' Rothschild"is confident Turkey-
will begin pulling up its economy.
So are some of the other Ameri-
cans who accompanied him.
If the Russians could win over
Turkey, thanks to internal eco-
nomic collapse, tt would be a big-
ger triumph than any event since
the Czars tried to take Constanti-
* * *
JOHN L. LEWIS, the Mine
Workers chief, came through
Greece with the Fairless mission,
studying American aid. He made a
hit. Greeks didn't find his bushy
eyebrows as forboding as the ad-
vance billing and they got a
chuckle out of his courtly Eliza-
bethan English.
At one private party, Queen
Frederika challenged him.
"Mr. Lewis," she said, "during
the guerilla fighting, orphaned,
children were being picked up lit-
erally on the side of the road.
We had to find homes for them
and organize orphanages. To pay,
for those orphanages, the work-
men of Greece worked an extra
day and donated all their pay.
Would your union do that in the
United States?"
"Your; Majesty," replied Lewis,
looking at the beautiful Queen of
Greece, "For you the United Mine
Workers would work eight days a

Frank Grismer is a Cleveland,
Ohio, automobile man who says
quite frankly that he never be-
lieved in American aid to foreign
countries. Now he finds himself
in charge of American aid to
"I met Bob. Taft one day in
Ohio in the summer of 1953," re-
calls Grismer. "He was on crutch-
es, but nobody had any idea he
might not be with us long."
"Bob asked me, 'How would you
like to go into the* government?'
I told'him I wasn't built to be a
bureaucrat, but he said they
needed businessmen in govern-
ment, so here I am.
S* * *
"WHEN I first took this job,"
continued Grismer, "I was dead
opposed to foreign aid-thought it
was a waste of money, just boon-
doggling. But you . have to see to
believe. I am now sold on foreign
aid as the best and cheapest way
to fight Communism.
"I wish more congressmen, es-
pecially those from the farm belt,
would come over here and see how
the farm surpluses were being
"We are now shipping tanks and
new modern weapons to the Greek
Army, but at the same time we are.
cutting down the foreign aid 'ne-
cessary to operate these weapons.
That's what the cuts voted by
Congress are going to do.
"American farm surpluses, con-
verted into Greek drachmas, are
what have helped meet the Greek
military budget. I don't know how
much the cut will be as a result of
the last Congress. But, if it's too
low, the new weapons we're send-
ing to Greece may not be operated.
"I don't believe Congress real-
izes what a hard time Benson
would have with' his surpluses if
it wasn't for foreign aid, nor how
much good both have done in the
battle against Communism."
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)


REORTS from several Euro-
pean sources with channels
into the SeViet Union claim that
the chief political basis of the
struggle between Khrushchev and
his party opponents has been a
question of external, not domes-
tic, policy.
The Khrushchev faction is said
to stand .in particular for "dy-
namic" as against cautious moves
in the Middle East. The defeat of
the Molotov-Kaganovich-Shepilov
combine . . . was the necessary
political prelude to the stepped-up
Soviet push into Syria and Ye-
-National Revie1'

Western Optimism Over Syria

Colleges Face Tidal Wave of New Students

Lecture, auspices of the Departr
of Fisheries. "Hormones in Fish
Dr. Allen Matty, lecturer in zool4
University of Nottignham, Fngl
4:15 p.n., Mon., Sept. 23, Natural
ence Auditorium.
Academic Notic(
Women Students - Sports and D
Instruction: Women students who
completeA the physical education
quirement may enroll in classes
Fri., Sept. 20 and Mon., Sept. 23 T
8:00 a.m. to 12 noon, in Barbour 0
nasium. Instruction is available in
nis, swimming; diving, social and r
ern dance, ballet and field hockey
The Extension Service announces
following 'classes to be held in
Arbor beginning Mon., Sept. 23:
Electric Welding, 7:00 p.m., 3313
Engineering Building. Sixteen w
$50.00 plus $5.00 laboratory fee.
Leslie E. Wagner, instructor.
Motion and Time Study, 7:30
229 West Engineering Bldg. Sb1
weeks. $37.00 Prof. Richard W. Be
ley, instructor. ,
Painter's Clinic, ':30 p.m. 415 A
tecture Bldg: Sixteen weeks.$2
Prof. Albert P. Mullen, Instructor.
The Bible and The Rejuvenatig
Current Religion, 7:30 p.m. 131'S
of Business Administration. E.
weeks. $13.0. Prof. Emeritus I
Waterman,' Instructor.
The Recorder and Its Music. Bi
ping course. 7:30 p.m. 435 MasonI
ISixteen weeks. $28.00. Prof. Williair
Stubbins, instructor.
The Extension Service announce
following classes to be held in
Arbor beginning Tues., Sept. 24:
Elementary Genery Psychology,
p.m. (P'sychology 31E, two hours
undergraduate credit) 171 Schoo
r Business Administration, sixteen w
$27.09. Lecturer Merton Krause,
Elements of Nuclear Engineering
p.m., 176 School of Business Admi
tration, sixteen weeks. $27, Prof. 0e
L. West, Jr., instructor.
Investment Fundamentals, 7:30,
131 School of Business Administrat
eight weekis, $13.50. Prof. Wilfor
Flteman, instructor.
Metal Processing '7:00 p.m. (Chen
and Metallurgical Engineering 1
chanical Engineering 2, two hou
undergraduate credit.) 3072 East
gineering Bldg., sixteen weeks, $2
Kenneth C. Ludema, instructor.
The Makin gof Modern Europe
p.m. (History 13x, two hours of
dergraduate credit) 170 School of i
ness Administration, sixteen w
$27.00. John 'W. Baldwin, instruct
deiiigute cridt) 170 School of B

MIAY BE presumed Egypt's President Nas-
r is not, at the very least, overjoyed with
ts in the Middle East and in, Syria in par-
ar, events that are showing just how dis-
sd the Arab world really is.
he current charges being hurled between
a and other Middle Eastern countries, prin-
1ly Jordan, have created a situation not
lly unfavorable to the West.
nce the crisis of last year, the Western
nce has been following, with a certain
unt of success, a policy of keeping the So-
out of the area, of stabilizing the area
r to a settlement of Israeli and refugee
lems and of protecting Western oil inter-
hile it is true that Syria has moved, in
nt weeks, much nearer the Soviets than
er the West or Col. Nasser would like,
e are not adequate signs the country has
e completely under Soviet domination. Nor

is there indication Syria's move to the left .is
sufficient to create the atmosphere for renewed
violence in the area.
Washington seems content, and probably
justifiably for the present, to merely keep a
,watchful eye on the situation as it develops in
Syria. It has, however, increased shipments of
arms, already promised, to Jordan and Iraq.
There is considerable doubt the Syrian lead-
ers have any great loyalty to the Soviet Union
beyond their own personal interests; it is re-
pqrted Syria is trying to throw off the Com-
munist label planted on them for fear of be-
ing isolated from 'the rest of the Arab world,
whose leaders claim, at least, great fear of Red
E VEN COL. NASSER must fear being sucked
into the Eastern camp, an event that could
easily push him into some obscure corner of
the international scene.
From all of this the West does not seem to

WASHINGTON (R)-"When he's
ready for college, will college
be ready for him?'
Sound familiar? It ought to,
It's the headline on an adver-
tisement that's been staring at
you for weeks now from the pages
of your newspaper and magazine,
from cards across the aisle of your
bus and streetcar.
Featuring a small boy, the ad
is one of a series sponsored by the
Council for Financial Aid to Edu-
cation (CFAEY and the Advertis-
ing Council. Purpose: to convince
Americans of the importance of
higher education and the necess-
ity of supporting it with cash.
* * *
THE FACT THAT American col-
leges face a tidal wave of eager
young humanity within the next
few years, 'and need money to

Angeles, now about 16,000, expects
24,000 and plans 12,000 parking
spaces to accommodate them.
The year 1970, by estimates that
daily appear more conservative,
will see no fewer than six million
youths in America's 1,900-odd col-
leges-twice as many as today.
Some authorities even see en-
rollments doubled by 1965. Others,
like Clarence Faust, vice president
of the Ford Foundation, and form-
er President Francis H. Horne of
Brooklyn's Pratt Institute, suspect
they may triple by 1970 or 1975.
Less known is what's being done
about the problem.
* * *
BIG AND LITTLE schools every-
where are assessing their needs in
detail, tapping all obvious money
sources, trying to locate new ones.
In five years, says Executive Sec-

had been subscribed in cash or
But the Harvard effort by no
means overshadows those of other
institutions, many of which are
reaching for proportionately much
greater amounts.
Miami, Fla. University, which
set a 10-year goal of $19,250,000
last winter, has received cash and
pledges of over one and one-half
million-a million of it in one
anonymous gift.
* * *
LITTLE REED College, at Port-'
'land, Ore., with 650 students,
quadrupled its 1956 gifts to over
$400,000 this year. Colgate, at
Hamilton, N.Y., has brought in
two million dollars of a three and
one-third million goal. Marquette,
at Milwaukee, has passed the four
million mark in a drive for five

100 million last year. How much
the alumni of non-AAC affiliates,
contributed, says AAC Executive
Director Ernest T. Stewart, is any-
body's guess. '
Stewart's best example centers
on 800-student Wofford College at
Spartanburg, S.C.
A Spartanburg industrialist and
Wofford alumnus, Roger Milliken,
noted that as a rule about 12 per
cent of Wofford alumni' kicked in.
on the annual fund -drive. He of-
fered to contribute $1,000 for ev-
ery additional percentage point.
* * *
settled, 74.4 per cent of Wofford
alumni had made gifts-a high-
er percentage than Dartmouth
and Princeton, long-time leaders.
Milliken wrote a $62,400 check.
Labor unions are starting to give


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