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February 14, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-14

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L714rMlrhtan Dall
Sixty-Eighth Year

"A Thousand Apologies, Gentlemen, He's A New Man"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

< S $

)AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1958


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Teen Problems Probed
With Axe and Sabre
WO OF THE MANY problems which plague teen-agers in this age
of gree and hypocrisy are sensitively and brutally explored in a
socially-oriented double feature currently being screened at one of
the local headache mills.
"Eighteen and Anxious" is a shocking story of teen-age lust,
parental weakness, bad music, fast cars and slow women. The charac-
ters are all genuine. They live, they breathe, the step right out of
the chapters on stereotypes in psychology books.
Here we have a sensitive and misunderstood girl. Her mother is
weak. Her step-father is stingy. No feelings. Looking up from it pile

While They're Talking,
They're Not Shooting

HYPNOSIS can effect many "miraculous
cures." It can be lower temperatures, it can
calm, and it can kill pain. Yet the medical
profession does not consider hypnosis to be
a panacea.
Although hypnosis is effective against the
symptoms, it does not attack the underlying
disease. In medical use hypnosis is, in effect,
an opiate. Indiscriminate use of. this opiate is
dangerous, because it tends to produce a false
sense of security which may discourage de-
termined effort to discover a cure for the
basic problem.
Disarmament is a hypnotic idea, but disarm-
ament is not an end in itself. The arms race
between the United States and Russia is un-
comfortable and dangerous, but arms races do
not cause wars. Wars are caused by govern-
ments which feel that war is the most effective
way of solving their problems. To prevent war,
the problems of governments must be solved.
Just as hypnosis can reduce the fever of the
patient, but still let the patient die, disarma-
ment can reduce the heat of 'the arms race,
but there will never be any secure world peace
until the basic problems between Russia and
the West are resolved.
After the first world war there was, as there
is now, great popular sentiment for disarma-
ment. The governments of the world were
skeptical and prqceeded cautiously, but honest
attempts at disarmament were made, particu-
larly by England, Japan and the United States.
From these unsuccessful attempts we learned
that three basic principles apparently govern
disarmament negotiations. No nation will re-
duce its strength absolutely unless it maintains
or increases- its strength relatively. No nation
will relinquish its right to increase its military
efficiency by research and development. And,
no nation will abide by disarmament agree-
ments if it feels that it is in its best interests
not to do so.
I'H E FIRST of these principles is equally
applicable today. Both Washington and
Moscow have made it clear that they will not
agree to any disarmament plan which gives
any military advantage to the other.
The principle that no nation will relinquish
its right to military research and development
is even more pertinent now than it was in the
twenties and thirties. Compared with post-
second world war standards, research in those
days was slow and relatively insignificant-at
least over a relatively short period of time. Now

any nation with better blueprints than another
has a distinct military advantage. Therefore
the'cold war can progress just as heatedly in
the laboratory as in the factory.
If it is generally true that no nation will
abide by disarmament agreements if it is not
in its best interest to do so, Russia, with her
long history of broken agreements, certainlyj
is not likely to be the exception.
Perhaps the major "justification" of disarma-
ment talks is the theory that "while they're
talking, at least they're not shooting." If this
theory were true, it would, of itself, justify dis-
armament talks. But the stratagem ,of the
Japanese in sending a special envoy to Wash-
ington immediately before attacking Pearl
Harbor conclusively proves that this theory is
not true.
Pearl Harbors are caused by practical di-
plomacy being replaced by dreaming. Equally
important, concentration on this type of pan-
acea precludes determined work on the basic
problems with split Russia and the West. To
secure a peace, the political problems must be
settled, not merely the superficialities.
A Psalm
To Our Lawmakers
OH LEGISLATURE, great savior of our souls,
we cry in agony to thee -- save us!
We are wayward men on a globe of hell.
By thy laws may we purge the burden of our
sin. Compel our youth to mouth 10 Bible verses
every day. Leave the indelible truth of the
Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments on our
lips. By the sixth grade may we be made holy.
May we recite the Lord's truth.
Let no Constitution block the way of the
orthodoxy when we seek to make out youth
good. Maketh man - every man - to confront
his Maker in the quiet of the classroom. Lead
state monies to the task of purification. Toler-
ate not dissent from the Law, not from Protes-
tants, Catholics, Jews, others or pagan men.
Alienate from us those who choose the, path
of hell. Let the state dictate the curricula for
the orthodoxy and the state, by right, should
be one, Let us be saved by the wisdom of our
Oh IsrAel, Oh Christ!

_.>: .

ot9Yg 4 ArS-1Nntvo.I P ST .

'Mia Mine' Competent, Entertaining

Jacob's Report Excerpts

. play seems to be a rare phe-
nomenon these days; one that is
suitable for production as well
must then be still more unusual.
Therefore, it is especially grati-
fying to see the Ann Arbor Civic
Theatre's production of "Mia
Mine," a play which is both com-
petently written and reasonably
The Civic Theatre group is to
be congratulated for giving Ann
Arbor people the opportunity to
see and evaluate an example of
significant student writing.
The theme of "Mia Mine" is not
a new or original one. The author
attempts to show in three acts
the effects of high-pressure liv-
ing upon the men and women at
the top of an extensive corpora-
tion hierarchy.
* * *
HER EMPHASIS, however, dif-
fers slightly from the usual, since
it concerns frustration of "organi-
zation wives," rather than the de-
terioration of their equally frus-
trated husbands. ,
The heroine of the play, Mia
Kertman, becomes increasingly
aware of the destruction of her
husband Kip's will and integrity
as he is forced to jump at the
slightest crack of the presiden-
tial whip.
Receiving little security from
her hurried, harried husband, she
turns in desperation to an artist
who has the time to love her, and
attempts' to carry on a half-
hearted illicit affair.
Mia cannot flee the Company.
Her attempt is no more success-
ful than are the attempts of her
female friends to drown similar
frustrations in assininity or drink.
A reconciliation with her husband
is attempted.
For a moment, social pressures

are ignored. But Kip cannot fight
his job. In the end, the Company
wins, and Mia is promised, for the
future, only more loneliness and
Mrs. Hamme seems at ease in
dramatic writing, and although
the play is more exuberant than
powerful, more interesting than
craftsmanlike, she nevertheless
handles her medium far better
than' have many past Hopwood
* * *
THERE is unfortunately, a cer-
tain lack of care in building up
motivation for the over-violent
explosions of temper that seem to
come from every character upon
the slightest provocation. The
suddenness of these outbursts
seems to indicate intensity, but
it makes for a rather jerky play.
The women are characterized in
tie play more skillfully than the
men. Mia, especially, seems to be
the only really three dimensional
character; the others appear to
have been observed by the author
rather than understood.
Kip, for instance, is a stereo-
typed picture of the young, am-
bitious executive rather than a
Adlai .Leads
IFTErEN months after his sec-
ond defeat for the presidency,
Democratic Adlai Stevenson still
runs slightly ahead of the strong-
est Republican possibility for 1960,
Vice-President Richard Nixon, the
Gallup poll has reported. Prefer-
ences among the voters of both
Stevenson ............. 46%
Nixon ................. 42%

real person, while Lui, the artist,
is hardly more than a paper doll.
Mia becomes a more sympathe-
tic character in proportion to the
shallowness of the people sur-
rounding her, but the contrast is
at the expense of the play's final
The author made several
changes in the award-winning
manuscript, most of them for the
better. A contrived ending was
fortunately removed, and much
was made implicit that had been
awkwardly explicit before.
As is usual in Civic Theater pro-
ductions, the writing in the play
was far better than the acting.
The only real star was Mary Lee
Merriman, who brought to the role
of Mia a vitality which made the
character warmly living and en-
tirely believable. Robert Eshelman
and Peggy Hayward, in minor
parts, did the only other really
commendable jobs.
DAVE PRINGLE, as Kip Kert-
man, controlled his voice level too
spasmodically and seemed to self-
conscious to make his rather hol-
low part very convincing.
Tom Edwards in the role of Lui
almost destroyed his part by com-
plete lack of modulation in tone
and color. The character was not
too real to begin with, and an
apathetic interpretation by the
actor was hardly the way to in-
crease credulity.
The most serious casting error,
however, was made when the po-
tentially powerful role of Dr. Hel-
wig, the corporation psychiatrist,
was entrusted to Gary Johnson.
His misdirected energies succeed-
ed in making the doctor only
amusing where he should have
been sinister.
-Jean Willoughby

of bills he tells her to get on the
stick and stop spending money on
clothes and sodas. Mother sits
tearfully by.
Father's advice is not entirely
ignored, for daughter promptly
has a baby, courtesy of a recently-
killed hot rod man.
No one will believe that the
couple were secretly married.
Abandoned by family and friends,
the girl decides that she's got to
"be somebody." She hangs around
an Elvis Presley type musician
who is strictly no good. But what
a lip.
AFTER still more orgies, jam
sessions, all-night binges, and
crack-ups, she is rescued from this
life by a kindly disc jockey who
takes her home.
Meanwhile, the missing mar-
riage licenseturns up, so the wo-
man from the Dean's Office who
has been waiting up in the pro-
jection booth with a blackjack can
relax. It's all strictly legal, and
they live happily ever after.
"Girl in the Woods" sticks a
cinematographic probe into this
strange teen-age world from yet
another direction.
In the little lumbering village
of See Saw there lived a beauti-
ful young girl who was really sad.
Her father, "Big Jim," kept her
away from the coarse lumberjacks
and she never got, late per.
She tries her best; gets 'some-
one killed, provokes a couple of
men into an axe fight, spreads
ugly rumors, but finishes up worse
off than she started.
IT IS HOPED that no one gets
lured into this theatre under the
illusion that this film, is filled
with "Giant Men," "Reckless
Love," "Primitive Conflict," "Vir-
gin Forests," or anything of the
kind. This is merely another of the
long procession of films which
promise much but deliver little.
The female lead offers nothing
but an ample bosom, and you can
find better in the League base-
ment any afternoon.
Only comic relief is the appear-
ance of Jim Backus in "Eighteen
and Anxious." He looks as well as
sounds like Mr. Magoo with his
heavy glasses.
-David Kessel
TOASTS were drunk and con-
gratulations exchanged at a
launching celebration recently ... .
Vice-Admiral Stig Ericsson ex-
plained that the new Swedish sub-
marine Bavern not only was a
beauty but had "many hitherto
But meanwhile, back at the ship-
yard, strange gurgling noises were
issuing unheard from the Bavern's
sister sub, the Illern.
When Navy men returned, they
found that the Illern had sunk to
the bottom of the harbor. Some-
one had forgotten to' close a vul-
nerable hatch.

The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
School of Business Administration.
There will be a faculty meeting on Fri.,
Feb. 14, at 3 p.m., in B.A. 164.
Women's Hours: Women students
have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat., Feb.
Required seminar for Southeast Asia
applicants. Sat., Feb., 15 at 2:00 pm.
in the Student Activities Building. Di-
cusslon will follow an introductory lec-
ture by Professor Crane.
Summary, action taken at Student
Government Council meeting of Feb.
12, 1958.
Approved: Minutes of meeting o
January 15.
Accepted: Resignation of Linda Rain.
Appointed: To the committee which
Is to study and compile information
concerning progress made in the area
of fraternity and sorority membership
restrictions: Kent Van, Mal Cum-
ming, Nancy O'Toole, Amy Welman,
Don Young, Marg Brake, Ron Shorr,
Elections Director: Roger Mahey.
To serve with the Executive Committee
as an Interviewing Board to fill the
Council vacancy: Marilyn Houck, Ron
Approved: Transfer of $216.50 from
Central Pep Rally Fund to the Wolver-
ine Club to reimburse the Wolverine
Club for pep rally expenses incurred for
the Michigan State and Ohio State
games in the fall of 1957.
On recommendation of the Course
Evaluation Committee, further consid-
eration of publication of a student
evaluation of courses was referred to
the Education and Social Welfare Com-
mittee. which is to report its recom-
mendations for implementation to the
Calendared: April 19, Israeli program;
Oct. 25, Homecoming for fall, 1958, Min-
nesota game.
Activities approved: March.15, Michi-
gan Union, Campus United Nations,
Rackham, 9-6.
March 25, Christian Science Organ-
zation, lecture, Arch. Aud., 8 pm.
Tabled to next week: Motion *o
change name of Education and Social
Welfare Committee to Educational Af-
Petitioning open: For Council va-
cancy, to close Tues., Feb. 18, 12 noon.
For Student Activities Scholarship
Board, 3 positions, to close Feb., 26,
6 p.m.
For Student Activities Building Admin.
Board, 3 positions, to close Feb. 26, 6
Administrative Wing Tryout -meeting,
March 4, Union, 3:15 p.m.
Reviewed: App'ts to Joint Judiciary
Council: Norman Miller, Stevan 'Sim-
ich, Emil E. Sattler, H. Roger Netzer,
Susan Price.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. James J.
Gibson, Cornell University, will speak
on "The Laws of Motion: Physicl and
visual Considerations." Fri., Feb. 14,
4:15 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Feb.
14 415 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. W.
Unno will speak on "The Convection
and Pulsation in the Stellar Atmos-
Faculty Concert: Gustave Rosseel ,
Lecturer in Violin and Chamber Mu-
sic, and Second violinist of the Stan-
ley Quartet, and Benning Dexter, As-,
soc. Prof. of Piano in the School of
Music, will appear in a joint recital
at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Feb. 16, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. The program will
include Bach's Sonata in A major,
Hindemith's Sonata in D major, Op. 11,
No. 2, and Franck's Sonata in A major.
Sponsored by the School of Music. Open
to the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Interdepartmental Sem4 on Ap-

Feb. 14, 3:30 pm., Room 5500, East En-
gineering Bldg. Donald C. Winner wil
speak on "Relationships between Point
and Areal Precipitation"-- Chairman:
Prof. Ernest F. Brater.
Political Science 163, MW? at 1:00,
will meet in Room 229 Angell Hall In-
stead of Room 209 Angell Hall.
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test on Feb. 15 are requested to report
to Room 130 Business Administration
Bldg. at 8:45 a.m. Saturday.
The National Teacher Examinations:
Candidates taking the National Teach-
er Examinations on Feb. 15 are request.
ed to report to Room 140 Business Ad-
ministration Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Satur-
The Logic Seminar will continue its
program on the Logic of Algebra and
Decision Problems during the spring
semester. The meeting time will be Fri.,,
at 3 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall. (Note the
change from the old meeting time ot
4 p.m.) The first meeting will be on



(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are selected
excerpts from Prof. Philip E. Jacob's recent book, -
"Changing Values in College," published by Harper /
and Bros.
A merican college students today tend to
think alike, feel alike and believe alike.
To an extraordinary degree, their values are
the same wherever they may be studying and
whatever the stage of the college careers. The
,great majority seem turned out of a common
mold, so far as outlook on life and standards
of conduct are concerned.'
'A dominant characteristic of students in
the current generation is that they are glori-
ously contented both in regard to their present
day-to-day activity and their outlook for the
future. Few of them are worried-about their
health, their prospective careers, their family
relations, the state of national or international
society or the likelihood of their enjoying secure
and happy lives. They are supremely confident
that their destinies lie within their own control"
rather than in the grip of external circum-
"Social harmony with an easy tolerance of
diversity pervades the student environment.
Conformists themselves, the American. students
see lIte need to insist that each and every
person be and behave just like themselves.
They are for, the mrost part (with some allow-
ance for sectional difference) ready to live in
a mobile society, without racial, ethnic or in-
come barriers. But they do not intend to cru-
sade for non-discrimination, merely to accept
it as it comes, a necessary convention in a
homogenized culture.
"Students normally express a need for reli-
gion as a part of their lives and make time on
most weekends for an hour in church. But there
is a 'ghostly quality' about the beliefs and
practices of many of them, to quote a sensitive
observer. Their religion does not carry over to
Editgrial Staff _
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON............... Personnel Directo'
CAROL PRINS ..... .........Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY.................Features Editor
o.M ~V %T. D.C - --O - --. A ,.+4.,4+4 R ifn

guide and govern important decisions in the
secular world. Students expect these to be
socially determined. God has little to do with
the behavior of men in society, if widespread
student judgment be accepted. His place is in
church and perhaps in the home, not in busi-
ness or club or community. He is worshipped,
dutifully and with propriety, but the campus is
not permeated by a live sense of His presence.
"A real hiatus separates religious interest
and social responsibility. Few students seem
to recoginize social or humanitarian implica-
tions in their religious faith. Firm belief in God
does not seem to diminish prejudice toward
people- of other races. Indeed, strong religious
belief tends to be associated with racial and
ethnic prejudice. Students' religion does not
usually increase their willingness to accept
others if it involves some expense to themselves.
Nor does it lead them to become personally
active in the promotion of justice iri human
relations. The devout are no more sympathetic
than others toward public action to advance
human welfare. Actually the less religious tend
to be the more humanitarian, and the more
concerned about social injustices and misery.
'As one moves away from the concept of an
all-powerful and all-wise God one finds greater
acceptance of the practical application of the
concept of the brotherhood of man,' concludes
the major study of the religious beliefs of
"There is more homogeneity and greater
consistency of values among students at the
end of their. four years than when they begin.
Fewer seniors espouse beliefs which deviate
from the going standards than do freshmen.
The student has ironed out serious conflicts of
values or at least achieved a workable compro-
mise. Throughout, no sharp break seems to
occur in the continuity of the main patterns
of value which the students bring with them to
college. Changes are rarely drastic or sudden,
and they tend to emerge on the periphery of
the student's character, affecting his applica-
tion of. values, rather than the core of values
"To call this process a liberalization of stu-
dent values is a misnomer. The impact of the
college experience is rather to socialize the
individual, to refine, polish, or "shape up" his
values so that he can fit comfortably into the
ranks of American college alumni.
"Some students have a set of mind so rigid,
an outlook on human relations so stereotyped

Council's Accomplishments, Plans Listed

Paily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
spent much of the first semes-
ter charting the areas in which it
will act this year; it now remains
for the Council to take action, as
the committees studying these
areas complete their work and
report back to SGC.
The Council has shown a great-
er concern with academic matters
this year than in previous years.
Motions asking that final ex-
aminations be returned to stu-
dents and that students be placed
on educational policy committees
have been approved.
Letters have been sent to the
deans of the colleges and schools
informing them of the final ex-
amination motion; at Wednes-
day's meeting President Joe Col-
lins read a letter from Philip N.
Youtz, dean of the architecture
college, saying the college would
consider the possibility. -
* , , *
A COMMITTEE is studying the
prospects for student representa-
tion on department and college

The matter was then turned
over to the Education and Social
Welfare Committee, headed by
Ron Gregg. He now faces the task
of working out a detailed plan for
a course evaluation booklet, get-
ting SGC approval, and carrying
the project through to completion
-all in time for the booklet to be
available to incoming students
next fall.
If he and his committee can do
this - and Gregg originally sug-
gested the evaluation - SGC will
have provided a tangible answer
to those critics who contend that
"SGC doesn't do anything." In
terms of public relations value and
direct benefit to the student body,
the course evaluation could be
SC's most worthwhile achieve-
ment this year.
* * *
THE COUNCIL has recom-
mended to the University that a
more precise grading system be
established. Action in such a mat-
ter, of course, is solely the right
of the faculty and administration,
but SGC in so asking has fulfilled

stein, are serving on the steering
Further in the academic field,
but not too closely related to
most of the student body, SGC is
seeking a replacement for the
Free University of Berlin ex-
change program. The Council
abolished this program in Decem-
ber, and Jean Scruggs' National
and International Affairs Com-
mittee has been seeking substitute
programs since then.
Wednesday Miss Scruggs sug-
gested to Council that a South
American exchange might be set
up. This initiated a general dis-
cussion of exchange programs,
which showed that the discontinu-
ance of FUB remains a live issue
for the Council.
If the exchange program can be
expanded or improved, SOC will
have an accomplishment to its
credit for this year. This, however,
must be placed in the "doubtful"
category for this semester. Time is
growing short.
* * *
the Membership Restrictions Com-
mittee, after a bad start because

bership restrictions. In the realm
of policy, it is not likely to do
much. This purpose, however, is
Student Book Exchange is
showing a profit this semester,
for which credit goes to Manager,
Phil Zook. The importance of
this is the hoped-for development
of SBX into a student bookstore
in coming years. A profitable SBX,
of course, must be the first step.
The end of Campus Chest,
though a positive action, cannot
be counted as an SGC achieve-
ment. It is merely the reversal of
a previous action, signifying the
admitted failure of an experiment.
Of great importance to SGC,
but only indirectly so to the stu-
dent body, are the Evaluation
Committees, set up to study areas
of the Council which the Council
feels could be improved.
* * * i
EXECUTIVE Vice - President
Ron Shorr, who is responsible for
these and other committees, said
Wednesday they would hold their
first meetings soon.
What these committees accom-
plish, also, will become evident to


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