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May 25, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-05-25

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er o e l Go g By DONNA HANSON
Daily Personnel Director

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-Daily-David Arnold
PEACE, IT'S WONDERFUL-Responsibility behind him, the signatory of Michigan Daily critic
sheets tilts back his chair, rest his feet on the desk, and luxuriates instead of infuriates. With the
passing of Daily City Editor VGN, Vern Nahrgang can contemplate red pencils, typographical errors
and misquoted professors with an amused grin, and the simple comment, "Curious!"

Little pieces of obscure inf or-
mation such as this are stored in
VGN's brain, to be used at appro-
priate times-and even inappro-
priate times.j
As city editor, VGN is extremelyl
efficient. His is the only neat desk'
in the Senior Editorial office. Four'
tacks are used to put up all the
notices to the staff and his mar-
gins are always precise.
Even his books are arranged
between book-ends according to
size and shape. Because of his
fanaticism for neatness, VGN has
been given the title of "this year's
oddball" on The Daily staff.
But inspite of these idiosyncra-
sies, or perhaps because of them,
VGN has earned the respect of his
"He might shout at a tryout one
day," a fellow Senior Editor re-
marked, "but the next day he
renews the berated fellow's confi-
There's an old saw held by the
Student Publications people that
city editors are intensely disliked
by one and all-that is, until they,
leave office in the spring.

And here VGN is no exception.
He was duly warned about this by
last year's city editor, "Little
Caesar" Lee Marks, so VGN made
it a point to be intensely disliked
by the lower staff during his


System Beaten

"After all," he would says, lift-
ing his right eyebrow, "that's the
only way they'll do any work for
you. Indiscriminate ise of the
eyebrow trick earned VGN his
name in Michigamua, senior men's
honorary, of which he was a mem-
VGN sarcastically wended his
way through an entire year, bark-
ing, giving orders and lifting eye-
brows. Now the inevitable has
happened. VGN has become a
proverbial "has-been" and The
Daily staff members have actually
proferred affection toward him.
Reciprocal Friendliness
VGN doesn't quite know how to
take it, but he grudgingly accepts
it, and as soon as their backs are
turned, shoots them with his squirt
gun. This is his way of returning

David Kessel, Grad., a member
of Student Government Council
and friend of VGN, once remarked
in passing, "If this country ever
turns to a monocratic form of
government, VGN will rise to the
Though VGN is popularly known
as somewhat of a miser, he s al-
ways ready to buy cokes for a
select group of friends-when he's
in a good mood.
Janet Neary, '58. retired SGC
officer, once commented, "VGN is.
one of my better friends-he buys
me cokes." She would then shake
her coke a little, take a gulp andj
add quickly, "But I'd like him any-
way-even if he didn't buy me
But then, Daily cokes are cam-
pus phenomenon; they only cost
a nickel.
Lately VGN has been practicing
his British accent. Come next
September, he will be attending
the University of London on the
Alumni Student Leader Exchange
Fellowship and he has been pre-
paring himself to rise to the occa-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1958
General Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June graduates
from the College of Lit., Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Educ. for
departmental honors (or high honors
in the College of L.S.&A., should rec-
ommend such students in a letter de-
livered to the Office of Registration
and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., by
noon, Mon., June 9, 1958.
Attention June Graduates: College of
Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of
Educ., School of Music, School of Pub.
Health and School of Bus. Admin. Stu-
dents are advised not. to request grades
of I or X in June. When such grades
are absolutely imperative, the work
must be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up grade
not later than noon, Mon., June 9, 1958.
Grades received' after that time may
defer the student's graduation until a
later date.
Faculty Members and University Em-
ployees: The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics of the University
of Michigan extends to the Faculty and
to full-time University employees the
privilege of purchasig Athletic Cards.
Those Eligible to purchase: 1. Univer-
sity Faculty and Administrative Offi-
cers. 2. Faculty members who have re-
tired, but still retain faculty privileges.
3. Employees on the University payroll
who have appointments or contracts on
a full-time yearly basis; or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employees
and have been employed by the Univer-
sity for a period of not less than twelve
months prior to the date of applica-
tion for the purchase of an Athletic
Card. The date shown on the Employee's
University Identification Card shall be
considered a-s the date of employment.
4. For spouses and dependent children
between the ages of 10 and 18 of the
above groups.
above groups. Cost of Athletic Card.-
Purchase Date: 1) At Ferry Field Ticket
Office beginning June 2; 2) Preference
Faculty members and employees who
purchase Athletic Cards will receive a
reserved seat at each home football
game and general admission to basket-
ball, track, wrestling, and baseball, as
tong as seats are available.
The General Library will be open 8
a.m. to 10 p.m. on Memorial Day, Fri.,
May 30. Divisional libraries will ob-
serve regular schedules on May 30, ex-
cept the Astronomy, Bureau of Gov-
ernment, and Museums Libraries which
will be closed.
On Sat. evening, May 31, the tnder-
graduate Library will remain open un-
til 12 p.m. On June 1, regular Sun.
hours of 2-6 p.m. will be observed in
the General Library, and 2-12 p.m. in
the Undergraduate Library. The Un-
dergraduate Library will maintain this
customary schedule on Sun., June 8,
but the General Library will be closed
on this date. The Medical Library will
observe regular hours throughout June,
including the Sun.,schedule of 2-6 p.m.
Graduate Reading Rooms in the Gen-
eral Library will be open additional
hours Fri., May 30, from 7-10 p.m., and
Sat., May 31, from 1-5 p.m.
Hours in the Music Listening Room
(417 Mason Hall) have been extended
to cover 1-6 p.m. and 7-10 p.m., Thurs.
and Fri. May 29 and May 30, and Man.
through Thurs., June 2-June 5. Sat.,
May 31, the hours will be 9 a.m.-12 m.,
1-6 p.m., and Sun., May 25 and June 1,
hours of opening are 7-10 p.m. The
Listening Room will be closed beginning


Regents Grant Leaves of A bsence

University Regents granted 17
leaves of absence, a p p r o v e d
changes in three already granted,
extended two and approved one
off-campus assignment at their
meeting Friday.
'he sabbatical leave for Prof.
Robert F. Haugh of the English
department has been postponed to
the second semester of 1958-59.
The ,sabbatical granted Prof.
Clarence K. Pott of the German
depaitment has been postponed to
the first semester of 1959-60.

The third change affected theE
sabbatical granted to Prof. Don-
ald A. Darling of the mathematics
department, which is now for the
1958-59 year.
The leaves for Profs. Robert L.
Hess of the engineering mechan-
ics department and Rune L.
Evaldson of the mechanical engi-
neering department, were extend-
ed through July 1, 1959.
Other leaves granted were:
John F. Muehl, lecturer in Eng-
Ilish, was granted leave for the
1958-59 year at half salary.
Mellon Granted Leave
Stanley I. Mellon, instructor in
history, was granted leave for the
1958-59 University year.
Prof. Ruel V. Churchill of the
mathematics department, was
granted leave for the second se-
mester, 1958-59.
Prof. Frederick W. Gehring of
the mathematics department, was
given leave for the 1958-59 year.
Prof. Wayne E. Hazen of the
physics department, was given
leave for the 1958-59 year.
Leave Given Denkinger
Prof. Marc Denkinger of the
French department, was given
leave for the first semester,
Dr. Arthus C. Curtis, chairman
of the Department of Dermatolo-
gy and Syphilology, was granted
leave from Aug. 24 to Sept. 28,
Dr. James V. Neel, chairman of
the Department of Human Ge-
netics, was given leave from Sept.
1 to Feb. 15, 1958.
Dr. Fred M. Davenport, profes-
sor of internal medicine and asso-
ciate professor of epidemiology,
was given an off-campus assign-
ment for Aug. 1 to Ian. 31, 1959:
Dr. Marion S. DeWeese, associ-
ate professor of surgery, was given
leave from Aug. 1-31, 1958.
Dr. William R. Mann, associate
director of the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation Institute, was given a
one-half time leave from June 1,
1958 to May 31, 1959.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
Law School was given leave from
June 16 to July 29 and from Aug.
30 to Sept. 18.

Prof. Alfred F. Conard of the
Law School, was given leave for
the 1958-59 year.
Prof. Alex Berman of the phar-
macy department, pharmacist at
Health Service, was given leave
from Sept. 1, 1958 to June 30,
Prof. Helen Louise Johnson of
the Public Health school was
given leave from July 24, 1958 to
Sept. 8, 1958.
Mrs. Betty B. Lubitz, associate
research chemist, was granted
leave from July 7 to Sept. 30, 1958.
Craige E. Schensted, associate
research engineer, was given leave
from July 14 to Oct. 7, 1958.
Prof. Anna S. Elonen of the
medical school was granted leave
for the 1958-59 year.



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