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February 13, 1958 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-02-13

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MSU Officials Reverse
IFC; ATO Suspended
Michigan State University Ad- U
ministration officials reversed an Usig this list, the IFC board
Inter-Fraternity Council decision concluded that the action occur-
this weekend, and placed the local ring in the ATO house did not
Alpha Tau Omega chapter on pro- constitute a group function and
bation for an "indefinite period of ruled "no action."
time," reported the "Michigan However, the Dean of Students'
State News." Office felt that "the severity of
Previously, the IFC executive the deviant behavior which has
board had decided that party, been occurring in the ATO house
Jan. 11 in the ATO house, at which was such that it was obvious that
eight members and three 15-year- appropriate action must be taken
old girls were present and alco- even though the criteria for a
holic beverages were served, was group function did not include
not a group function. breaches of regulations within a
Confusion as to whether or not chapter house."
the occasion was a fraternity re- The MSU chapter was also noti-
sponsibility resulted from an in- fied by an executive secretary of
complete list of criteria, previously the ATO national headquarters
designed by IFC, for "adjudicating that it would lose its 18-year-old
parties other than those in a chap- charter and have its house closed
ter house." if "any further breach of the fra-
ternity or university regulations"
AluMni i Fjuund During probation the men may
not engage in any fraternity or
university activities as a group.
However, rushing, pledging and
Tr initiation ceremonies may be con-
tinued, and the group will retain
The University's Development its representation on IFC.
Council reports sharply increased
alumni support for the year 1957.
Donations to the Annual Invest-
ment of the Michigan Alumni
Fund total more than $270,500, an
increase of nearly 40 per cent from
1956. p 1 t d e
The fund is designed to satisfy
urgent needs of the University on
an annual basis. It supports schol- Twenty-six new research pro-
arships and fellowships, recogni- jects have been recommended to
tion of distinguished teaching, the United States Commissioner
student aid, research and research of Education by Dean Willard C.
equipment. Olson of the educational school.
James K. Miller, assistant direc- The purpose of.the programs are
tor of the Council and manager of to solve such problems in educa-
the Alumni Fund commented, "We tion as: 1) How can our gifted
feel this is indicative of a growing children be identified, and helped
awareness of the need to support to become the scientists, writers
higher education among , our and engineers of tomorrow? 2)
alumni and the public generally." How can children be prevented
The University Council's capital from becoming juvenile delin-
gifts program recently began its quents?
fifth year on' campus. This pro- 3) How can good teachers be
gram received nearly $252,000, an kept in our schools and colleges?
increase of about $10,000 over 1956. and 4) How can handicapped
The major portion of these children be taught to learn more
funds, about $163,000, came from easily and become self-supporting
corporations. The remainder was citizens?
contributed by foundations, trusts, One hundred twenty such pro-
individuals, associations and soci- jects have been started already by
eties, and bequests to the Univer= the Office of Education in colleges
sity. or universities and in state depart-
Gilbert E. Burnley became man- ments of education where special
ager of the capital gifts program facilities and some of the services
Nov. 1 and serves as an assistant needed are provided.
director of the Council. Cost of the new projects recom-
mended would be approximately
$300,000 and the total cost of all
26 projects would amount to $750,-
000 reports Dean Olson, chairman
of the Research Advisory Com-
o r Festival. mittee of the Office of Education.
The information gained from
these projects will be passed on to
M us ictShOW
local school systems to help them
Prof. Edythe M. Albert, a direc- operate better.
tor and radio teacher for WUOM. .

Social Incongruity, Love
Produce Poets-Graves
Popular journalism is equ
Leaning forward on the podium, unsuitable, he said, because
gray-haired Robert Graves exam- writer is expected "(in Englans
ined the problems of students, least) to immerse his persona
poetry and poems before a near- in that of, the newspaper,"
capacity audience in Rackham which he writes.
Auditorium yesterday. At the same time "higher-gi
The "almost unlimited freedom" journalism is just as dangers
of students, Graves explained, because the poet may be "bent
makes them aware of the "grotes- his pen overmuch to the prescri
que contrast between the smooth editorial slant."
outward flow of social order and Teaching Hinders Poets
the dirty muddle it conceals."
The revelation of the true world,Tsahe eshr p rothe"msn d
"iftie ofeinae thesoet ous of all professions for the pC
time, often makes them poets. Atahrmstdsiln
Students Lac kl A teacher must discipline
oststudents h kill students know all the ansv
Most students, however, akte dns and leadi a moral life free fi
technical skill and the ability to abeind.edamrl iefe
face the strict self-discipline and objection.
criticism which poetry writing de- The perfect life for a poet
mands, he continued. outlined, is one where he is fre
This happening they often turn, choose his own friends and
they take shortcuts by imitating vironment, to adapt his per


-Daily-Fred Shippey
...on poets and poetry
popular styles and run out of cash
because they can't sell their poems.
Eventually, except for a few, they
"cease to write altogether."
Most occupations have, he said,
"unpoetic strings" attached.
To be personally rich does not
seem to be the answer because
"the biographies of poets show
how few have been rich."
'Rich Aren't Called'
A rich man has no call "to feel
either despair or anger and is less
apt than the poor man to fall
hopelessly in love."
Neither is work as a laborer
likely tobe conducive to the writ-
ing of poetry, he continued, be-
cause "he is most successful when
he never thinks at all."


UNION WEEK is coming
March 3rd through the 7th

w 0
Large Assortment of
Showers Housewear Gifts
C t {! Ct O Y{. t CL tC'Q




IAA 1 s ~f

NO 2-3136

Parents may be shocked but...YOUTH WILL UNDERSTAND!
SdiegIOU"m m US
and Mary WEBSTER >s



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