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February 13, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-13

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 a t t4p


VOL. LXVHI , No. 92





SGC May Publish
Class Evaluation
Analysis-ased Student Appraisal
Termed ]beneficial by Committee
Student Government Council last night decided to examine in
detail the feasibility of publishing an evaluation of freshman and
sophomore courses at the University.
The evaluation would consist of condensations and summaries
of analyses by students now taking these courses.
The Council heard a report from a special committee headed by
SGC Administrative Vice-President Maynard Goldman, '59, that such
an evaluation could be beneficial and that the Education and So-




cial Welfare committee should look
Jordan, Iraq 1
Unite; Keep c
Both Rulers in
AMMAN, Jordan (o') - Kings to
Hussein of Jordan and Faisal II v(
or Iraq will retain their thrones
under a single flag and foreign de
policy within the next 24 hours,. ti
authoritative sources said last se
night. m
An official communique said re
after a day of discussions between
the kings and their ministers: "To,5
our satisfaction the discussions v
took place. in a spirit of brotherly ,5
understanding and c o m p 1 e t e 0
agreement on national objectives o
which the, two' parties seek to,5
reach." .
Hussein and Faisal, 22-year-oldd
Hashemite cousins, plan to sign ti
the proclamation today.
The two Arab kingdoms report-
edly will share single-foreign, de- R
fense and economic ministries, as D
well as one army. s
There will be one parliament'5
for the two countries, but each SJ
also will have its own legislature.
Hussein, who wields large au- S
thority in Jordan, and Faisal, who g
has much less in Iraq, will con- s
tinue to be kings. There had been ar
reports that Hussein might step b
down to become crown prince of c
the union. cE
One result of the Jordan-Iraq ti
merger may be to take Iraq out
of the anti-Communist Baghdad
Fact. In

into the matter and report to
GC as soon as possible with a'
efinite plan.V
No Finan.ial Problems Jnvolved
Ron Gregg, '60, chairman of the
ducation and Social Welfare
"oromittee and a member of
loldman's committee, said that
o financial difficulties were in-
,lved. Goldman added that vary-
g opinions had been. given by
aculty members who were con-
acted, with the majority in fa-
or of the evaluation.
SGC also appointed seven stu-
ents to the membership restric-
ons committee established last
emester to study progress in re-
noving fraternity and sorority
The students are Kent Vana,
9, and Inter-Fraternity Council
ice-President Mal Cumming,
8BAd., from IFC, and Nancy
'Tool, '58BAd., Kappa Delta sor-
rity president and Amy Wellman,
8Ed. Alpha Phi sorority presi-
ent, from Panhellenic Associa-
Shorr Named Chairman
SGC Executive Vice-President
on Shorr, '58, Union President
on Young, '58, and Assembly As-
ciation President Marg Brage,
8, will also be on the committee.
lorr will serve as chairman.
At its last meeting last semester,
,GC tabled appointments to this
roup because of a misunder-
anding over whether SGC or IFC
nd Panhel would appoint mem-
ers from the latter groups to the
ommittee. Last night SGC ac-
epted the original recommenda-
ons of IFC and Panhel.
Three Replies Received
Jean Scruggs, '58, National and
nternational Affairs Committee
hairman, recommended to SGC
hat possibilities for an exchange
rogram with a South American
niversity be- investigated.
She pointed out that only three
eplies had been received so far
> 16 letters written .to European
nd Asian universities concerning
he possibility of exchange pro-
rams, while the University of
ienos Aires in Argentina has
ritten the University suggesting
ach a program.,
In other action, Roger Mahey,
1 was appointed Elections Direc-
>r for the spring election, which
ill be held March 25 and 26.

-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
... rivalry 'healthy'
General Sees
No Reduction
Of Rivalry
No organizational change,
whether on the Joint Chiefs of
Staff level or lower, would reduce
interservice rivalry, Major General
Theodore S. Riggs said yesterday.
"However," the Sixth Corps'
commanding general continued,
"competition can be healthy."
Gen. Riggs visited the University
ROTC detachment, which is under
his command.
During the Second World War,
Gen. Riggs said, he served over
a year in Egypt. Emphasizing that
his information wasn't new, the
general continued that "the Egyp-
tion people do not like military
Eyes Poked
He recounted a story he had
heard to the effect that Egypt's
mothers formerly poked out an
eye of many male babies so they
wouldn't have to serve in the army.
Prior to becoming Sixth Corps
commander General Riggs served.
as advisor to the Commanding
general of the Republic of Korea's
First Army. He explained each
American advisor had a Korean
counterpart, with whom he work-
"Korea's standing army is larg-
est for the size of the nation in the
world," Gen. Riggs said, "and her
people are dedicatedly pro-Ameri-
Tours Command
Gen. Riggs counterpart is now
chief of staff of the ROK Army
while the First Army continues to
guard three-fourths of the line
along the demilitarized zone to the
Gen. Riggs dined with ROTC
officers and cadets in West Quad
yesterday and reviewed the cadets
and a Pershing Rifles honor guard.
Asked to comment on Universal
Military Training, the general de-
clined, saying our present system
is "adequate."

Asks French
To Pull Out
Firing at Patrol Boat
Emphasizes Demand
TUNIS (') - Tunisia demanded
yesterday the evacuation of all
French forces as the price of re-
storing French - Tunisian friend-
The government underscored
its demand with a display of in-
creased hostility, Including.firing
on a French patrol boat at
In retailiation for France's air
attack on the border village of
Sakiet Sidi Youssef Saturday, Tu-
nisian President Habib Bourguiba
told France to pull out her 15,000
troops and give up her strategic
naval base at Bizerte.
But the French showed no signs
of bowing to Tunisian .demands.
In Paris, the French were reli-
ably reported ready to seek to
have all French bases in Tunisia
brought directly under command
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization. Then Bourguiba would
have to deal with the 15-nation
military force of the NATO Alli-
Although Tunisia is not a mem-
ber of the alliance, she is friendly
to the West. She has received both
financial and military aid from
NATO's biggest member - the
United States.
Bourguiba's demand for the re-
moval of French garrisons came
after he talked with a string of
foreign d i p 1o m a t s, including
United States Ambassador G.
Lewis Jones. As they conferred, an
angry crowd of Tunisians outside
'the presidential palace clamored
for action.
"Out with the French," they
cried. "Give us arms."
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower has signed
an emergency bill providing
$1,410,000,000 to speed up the mis-
sile and air defense programs.
The bill appropriates $1,260,000,-
000 in cash and authorizes the
Defense Department to use $150,-
000,000 additional from previously
appropriated money.
* * *
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indo
nesia's politio-military crisis hard-
ened yesterday.
Commercial flights to rebellious
Central Sumatra were canceled.
ROCHDALE, England-Tlie rul-
ing Conservative Party suffered a
crushing defeat this morning in
returns from an election to fill a
House of Commons vacancy. They
not only lost the seat, last held by
a Conservative, but ran last in a
field of three.
* * *
Teamsters Union yesterday night
was reported facing a half-mil-
lion-dollar legal bill resulting from
the compromise court suit which
tried to block James R. Hoffa
from becoming the union's presi-








r Foresee


0> +

Ike' peech
Draws Local
Immediate Action,
Public Works Urged
"What is needed is action which
would be effective at once rath-
er than a two or three year pro-
gram to renew economic pros-
perity," Prof. Richard A. Mus-
grave of the economics depart-
ment said yesterday.
Referring to the stock market
decline following President Eisen-
hower's economic predictions yes-
terday, Prof. Musgrave said that
Wall Street might have been an-
ticipating "a more vigorous state-
ment and program."
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
the economics department placed
the blame for the market dip on
"the psychological reaction result-
ing from forced cheerfulness. No-
body really knows what the status
will be a month from now," he
said, although "a program of posi-
tive policies is definitely in order."
Gies Comments
"The President is correct in the
sense that this is the period of
maximum unemployment" due to
the perennial March recovery, said
Prof. Thomas G. Gies of the Busi-
ness Administration School. The
question is, however, the magni-
tude of recovery, he said.
"Inventory spending and the
number of government orders"
are the factors to be considered
when an estimate of a recovery is
being made," he continued. To
date the placement of government
orders has risen greatly in recent
months as compared with the last
half of 1957, he said.
Recent developments cause
Prof. Gies to believe that the Ad-
ministration considers the reces-
sion to be of a "modest" and pass-
ing nature.
To revive the national economy,
Prof. Musgrave said, "a tax re-
duction is better than a three
year expansion program."
Public Works in Order
If the recession does not demon-
strate evidence of a turnabout by
the second quarter of this year,
an "expansion of public works is
definitely in order," Prof. Gies
said. The cost of a prolonged re-
cession must be measured from
the social viewpoint in the loss of
output from unemployed re-
Commenting on President
Eisenhower's prediction that
March will be the turning point,
Prof. Musgrave said, "He is being
quite optimistic." He said the
President acted somewhat un-
wisely in pinpointing the date of
the upswing.

Charge Administration
'Politically Immoral'
WASHINGTON (M)-House investigators retrieved three heaps of
secret files yesterday from Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.), who said the
documents show that President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administra-
tion is honeycombed with political immorality.
At the same time, the investigating group subpoenaed Dr. Bernard
Schwartz, its ousted chief counsel, to testify today about his charge
that a member of the Federal Communications Commission received
a money payment in connection with the award of a TV license.
Files Given
Schwartz turned what he called his "personal working files" on
a six-month investigation over to Sen. Morse after Schwartz was fired
Monday night by the House sub-



committee on legislative oversight,
which is looking into the FCC and


SGC Vacancy,
Remains Open
For Petitioning
Five students have filed petitior
for the Student Government Coun
'~cil seat vacated by Linda Rain
water, '60, it was announced a
last night's meeting.
Sue Rockne, '60, Bruce McRit
chie, '59, Roger Seasonwain, '61
James Claffey, '60E, and Ph
Zook, '60, are in the race for th
position. Petitioning will continu
through next Tuesday and selec
Lion will be made by a corpmitte
composed of the officers of SG(
and two regular members of th
group. The special appointmen
will expire in March, after th
SGC spring elections.
Petitioning for Student Activi
ties Building Administrative Boar(
and Student Activities scholar
ship Board begins today, Maynar
Goldman, 59, SGC Administrativ
vice-president reported.
Petitioning for SAB Administra.
tive Board is confined to member
of student organizations havin
offices or office space on the sec
ond floor of the building. Th
group is responsible for adminis
trative poliices for the buildini
and this year will study allocation
of office space in SAB. Three posi
tions are open.
Student Activities Scholarshij
Board will select recipients o
scholarships which aid student
active in campus organizations
Petitioning for this group is oper
to all students, Goldman said.
Petitions are available in thi
SWC offices and must be returnee
by Feb. 27. Interviewing will tak
place Feb. 28.
Irwin Gage, '60, SGC personne
drector reported that plans are
being made for Administrative
Wing tryout meetings.

five other regulatory agencies.
In returning the files to the
subcommittee, Sen. Morse called
for a separate Senate investigation
of alleged pressure on the agencies
by White House, and other high
Republican figures. Sen. Morse's
proposal got no immediate support,
however, and the inquiry remained
in the House group's hands.
Thoroughness Wanted
Speaker Samuel Rayburn (D-
Tex.) said he wants the subcom-
mittee to make a "real thorough
investigation" and not just do "a
lot of pin-pricking."
Plainly smarting over charges
by Schwartz and others that pow-
erful interests turned the inquiry
into a whitewash, Rep. Rayburn
said any suggestion he tried to
whittle down the'investigation "is
utterly and viciously false."
Schwartz said Tuesday the sub-
committee fired him even though
it knew he had evidence of a pay-
off in a TV case. Several members
of the group denied having any
such information, and Schwartz
was served with a subpoena in an
effort to make him explain his
Daily T'o Hold
Tryouts Todaiy
If the University ever sends a
rocket to the moon, will you be
on it?
The Daily plans to have a rep-
resentative aboard. If you join
the Daily's editorial staff, it might
be you.
Or, perhaps you'd rather join
the business staff, and solicit ad-
vertising from the Martians.
Even back on Earth, working
on The Daily is a great oppor-
tunity. Tryouts for the editorial
staff (and the sports staff) are at
4:15 this afternoon, and tryouts
for the business staff are at 7:15
tonight. Both meetings will be held
in the Student Publications Build-
ing, 420 Maynard Street.


.Army Plans
To Orbit Big
Missile Soon
Barrett (D-Wyo.) said yesterday
Army missile experts hope to put
in orbit before April 1 a satellite
weighing several hundred pounds.
"It will be from 10 to 15 times
larger than the Explorer," Sen.
Barrett, a member of the Senate
Army Services Committee, said in
an interview.
The Explorer, now circling the.
world, weighs 30 pounds, 8 ounces.
Second Explorer Expected
There have been previous re-
ports the Army planned to send
up a second Explorer type satellite
before April, and then a 300 pound
TV8 equipped Reconnaissance ve-
hicle and a 700 pound moonlet
later in the year.
Meanwhile, the Air Force plans
to use its Atlas intercontinental
ballistic missile to launch a recon-
naissance satellite.
This bare fact was left in the
transcript, made public yester-
Air Force Plans
The Atlas, designed to carry a
nuclear warhead to a target 5,500
miles away, has twice been test
fired successfully for smaller dis-
tances. The last test ended with
the missile destroying itself after
launching, for reasons not yet
known, at least publicly.
The Air Force also has talked
about placing in orbit a satellite
muehlarger than any yet launch-
ed and equipped with detection
gear, possibly including television,
that would send back to earth
information about the areas it
Nuclear Weapon Dropped
Yesterday the Air Force said
it is searching for part of a nu-
clear weapon which was dropped
by a B47 last week off the Georgia
The Air Force said in a state-
ment released through then Hunter
Air Force Base public information
office: "Following a midair colli-
sion Feb. 5 in the Savannah area,
a B47 bomber jettisoned a por-
tion of a nuclear weapon offshore
in the Tybee Beach area.
"The weapon was in transport-
able configuration and not cap-
able of a nuclear explosion, hence
there is no danger of explosion or
Williams' Bid
Expected Soon
Special to The Daily
LANSING - State Republicans;
caucused recently to discuss. a
candidate to run against Gov. G.

Job Pickup
For March
New Aid Proposed
For Public Works,
Defense, Highways
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day that March should mark the
beginning of ,the end of the down-
President Eisenhower expressed'
concern over joblessness, which
rose to four and one-half million
in January, and over the shorter
work week in effect in some indus-
tries. He said he believed "we have
had most of our bad news on the
unemployment front.'
Pickup Seen
"I am convinced that we are
not facing a prolonged downswing
in activity," be added. "tEvery in-
dication is that March will see the
start of a pickup in job oppor-
The President issued what he
called a fact paper showing what
the government is doing to foster
economic recovery. He listed pub-
lic works projects and highways
programs, new defense contracts,
housing aids and softer credit
"If other measures are needed,
I assure you they will be proposed
and in time," President Eisen-
hower declared.
Plan Unveiled
As one means of improving the
economy, President Eisenhower
unveiled Tuesday a two-billion-
dollar program for modernization
of post office buildings and equip-
ment during the next three to five
Postmaster General Summer-
field outlined the plan yesterday
to the Senate Post Office Com-
mittee where some Democrats
criticized it as inadequate to stim-
ulate the economy.
Private capital would finance
about 75 per cent of the program,
under the administration's plan,
and the government's proposed
contribution of 175 million dollars
a year would be contingent on
congressional approval of a five-
cent rate for intercity first-class
Summerfield told the senators
the program was not designed to
be a public works program as such.
He said it would give the economy
a timely lift.
Set by Byrd

Air Force Officials Optimistic
About Men Withstanding Space
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (A)-Air Force officials yesterday expressed
guarded optimism over man's ability to withstand the rigors of space
travel as Donald G. Farrell neared the halfway mark of his mythi-
cal week-long trip to the moon.
"We are consisfently surprised at Farrell's continual alertness,
lack of fatigue, and especially his lack of boredom." Lt. Col. George
R. Steinkamp, chief of space medicine at Randolph Air Force Base,
said today.
"One experiment cannot be considered final. We may have in
Farrell an unusual subject. But on the basis of this experiment we
are optimistic over man's ability"'
to withstand space travel," he LAUD MUTUAL SECUI
told newsmen.
Farrell, described as still bright
anid chipper, completed his third
day in the 3x5-foot sealed cabin Congressm ei
at 9:35 a.m. yesterday. He passed-
the halfway mark of his seven-day
simulated space flight at 9:35 p.m.,
It was feared that boredom
would be one of the greatest haz-
ards of space flight, officials said.

ni Ask Bipartisan Support for Foreign Aid

Board Hits

Two congressmen from opposing parties agreed last night the
"mutual security," or foreign aid program, must be considered a vital
part of the United States defense system.
Rep. Chester E. Merrow (R-N.H.) and Rep. A. S. J. Carnahan
(D-Mo.), speaking before a meeting of the Ann Arbor League of Wo-
men Voters, asked for bipartisan support of "full appropriations to
carry on themutual security program."
Both men are ranking members of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, and both have been delegates to the United Nations.
Aid Called "Weapon"
Illustrating their talk with charts, Rep. Merrow and Rep. Carna-
han called foreign aid a strong weapon in America's fight against
"Godless Communism seeking to conquer the perth."

The Ann Arbor Board of Educa-
tion last night passed a resolution
nnnnsi s a nrnn i e t nateconsti-

F. lans retirement

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