latfield Stars in 'The Second Man
'U' Journalism Students
Receive Awards, Honors,
d Hatfield, co-starring with
Cummings in the University;
a, Season's presentation of
Second Man," is a deter-,
young actor.
field, whose father was once
sistant district attorney of
'ork City defied a "very con-
ve" family tradition with'
erest in the theatre. Major-
i drama- and starring in
>eline" in Bard College, he
dreamed" of going on I;
eatre as a career.
biggest "break" in the ac-
areer was ascholarship en-
him to study in England
° ,: , .
Almost leaving the office when
he saw his competitors, "huge,
Adonis-like blonde gods lining the
walls, Hatfield won the part by
improvising scenes from the novel
for the director.
"'Overnight the role gave me
an international reputation. Some-
one even wrote a book about the
movie. But a classic role can be
sort of crippling. From then on I
was typed as a rich, young Eng-
lishman," he added.
After several movies, Hatfield
left Hollywood and "ate humble
pie" to begin again in New York
City. There he appeared in several
versatile parts. From his role as
an embittered matador in "Bull-
fight," he was included in a list of
the fop 10 best performances of
the year,
Hatfield, who has also appeared
on "most of the major television
shows," including seven premieres
and four spectaculars, will shortly
be seen in the soon-to-be-released
movie "The Left-Handed Gun-
man" with Paul Newman.
Outstanding journalism stu-
dents received honors at a jour-
nalism department convocation
Honors for high scholastic
achievement, scholarships, and
membership in Kappa Tau Alpha,
professional fraternity, were
awarded to 21 students.
Awards included the McNaught
Awards, established through a
contribution of the McNaught
Syndicate, Inc. head, V. V. Mc-
Nitt. They were given to students
excelling in graduate studies, gen-
eral studies in journalism, edi-
torial writing and reporting.
Top Male Graduate Honored !
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
fraternity, supplied Recognition
Awards and an award to the out-
standing male graduate in journ-
The James O'Donnell Bennett
scholarships were recently estab-
lished in memory of a Chicago
Tribune reporter.
The Ralph N., Byers Memorial
a year under Michael Chekhov,
issian actor and former direc-'
:f the Russian Arts Theater.
Met Great Influence
When I stepped off the boat
net the little man who was to
he greatest influence in my
I was completely thrown off.
st; couldn't believe that. this
could be one of Russia's.
test actors," Hatfield com-
. .. determined actor
morbid and dark looking thing in
the world and I was so green that
I didn't even know what an agent
was," he smiled.
e year in Europe turned out
the "most magical period" in
eld's life. The students of all
including ceramics, painting,
and drama, lived in an an-
country estate. Classes were
in a stone castle that once
ged to King Richard I n.
he work was fascinating, but
hiov believed in arduous bal-
rpe of training," according to
eld, explaining that -classes
i at nine and continued until
n the evening, with several
s around 3 or 4 p.m. for Rus-
Traveled to States
en the school formed a rep-
compay, Hatfield traveled
ie United States with the
where he* found American'
"haphazard and discour-
because of lack of places
in and hardly any ensemble
er the ,acting company dis-
L, Hatfield weit to Hollywood
vacation where he captured
acting plum of the year for
ung actor"-the title role in
cture Dorian Gray.
ering the casting office, he
ome trepidation about play-
le tall, blonde man who was
sed - to be the handsomest
in London. "I'm the most
of $160,000 has been given to the,
Midwestern Universities Research
Association by the National' Sci-
ence Foundation. The grant, the
seventh awarded to the MURA by
the Foundation, will be supple-
+mented by funds from the United
States Atomic Energy Commis-
This new aid will enable the
MURA to continue its- studies of
new ways to produce high-energy
colfisions with beams of protons.
Alan 'T. Waterman, National
Science Foundation director, said
in announcing the award, "The
spectacular, c o n t r i b u t i o n the
MURA studies are making to mod-
ern nuclear science fully justifies
their support."
The MURA, an association of
15 educational institutions, have
pooled their scientific' know-how
to build the world's largest atom
.The site of the $100 million pro-'
jected MURA atom smasher has
not been determined. The MURA
officials would rather have it near
Madison, Wisconsin, where they
"have their offices, but the Atomic
Energy Commission, who is fi-'
nancing the project, wants to have
it established near the Argone
National Laboratory at Lemont,
s . .* ,
4ibrary Asks
3ook Return
3y June 2
All two-week circulating books
lust be returned to the Under-
aduate Library by Monday,
ne 2, to enable staff members
bring the library records up to
ate, 'according to head librarian,
,rs. Roberta Keniston.
Following the policy of the
eneral Library, students must
turn their books by June 2, but
gy receive An extension on them
itil Tuesday, June 10. Overnight
oks, however, will circulate as
ual during the examination
rid, Mrs. Keniston said.
By placing the due date at the
inning of the exam period, the
orary will be able to trace lost
oks while most of thestudents
e still on campus and before
e majority of the staff leaves
r vacation.
The end of the spring semester
11l also bring a change in the
ndergraduate Library hours. On
e last day of exams, June 10,
e library will close at 6 p.m. The
flowing Saturday, June 14, the
encement Day visitors from 9
rary will remain open for Com-
m. to 3:30 p.m., although service
11 be discontinued. On Sunday,
ne 15, as well as the next week-
d, the library will be closed.
During the week of registration
r Summer School, the library
11 be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ze next week it will begin >its.
mmer scheddle, opening week-
ys from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sat-
days, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and
sing on Sundays.
sity after September, 1959, accord-
ing to President Paul V. Sangren.
The new requirement will con-
sist of one major and one minor
except for those in elementary
education where the new rec,uire-
ment will be three minor fields.
"This was done in an effort to
diminish the rigi ity of gradua-
tion requirement~s and to give
students an opportunity for real
election of courses," stated Dr.
Russell H. Seibert, vice-president
for academic affairs.
The primary reason for this
change, according to Dr. Seibert
is that there is ,no longer a need
for teachers in secondary schools
to teach as large a variety of
courses as before.
* . *
mittee on Student Affairs at the
University of Pennsylvania re-
cently approved recommendations
by the Undergraduate Committee
on Chaperonage which alters pre-
vious regulations applying to wo-
men visiting in men's lodgings.
Under the new regulation wo-
men in groups of at least two will
be able to visit men's lodgings
other than fraternities and dormi-
tories between 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Sundays through Thursdays, 12
p.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays 'and 11 a.m.
to 8 p.m. on Saturdays. At all oth-
er times plans to entertain ladies
must be submitted with the name
of a chaperone at least 10 days
before the event.
STANFORD, Calif. -- A men-
tal patient posing as a psychia-
trist on the Stanford University
campus was discovered recently.
The patien't, a parolee from a'
California State Hospital, set up
offices in the English department
building and other offices. From
these ofices he conducted psychi-
atric experiments on students
from the Psychology I class.
Each time the University of fi-
cials would try to check up on the
inmate he would move to another
office and start his experiments
A person of 'similar description
also appeared at the Health Serv-
ice and began examining students
for athlete's foot. Changing his
role again the "psychiatrist" in-
spected the kitchens of several
After being caught he was re-
turned to his parole adviser. .
One student who had been used
in some of the experiments com-
mented that "he really knew a
lot and gave me much help with
my political scieneassignments."
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs at the University of Minne-
sota voted recently to endorse the
drafting of a code of student be-
This would lead to the merger
of the. All-University Judiciary
Council and the All-University
Student Disciplinary Committee.
Up to now, the Council has
handled only cases dealing with
student, organizations or groups
while the Committee has dealt
only with individuals.
,According to an editorial in the
Minnesota Daily, the real problem-
is whether the students and the
administration can agree on a set
of rules.
ITHACA, N.Y. - Plans for the
construction of a fraternity quad-
rangle on the University Golf
Course were announced by 'the
Board of Trustees at Cornell last
At the present time Cornell will
take the entire financial burden
of building the building and mov-
ing the fraternities.
Cornell feels that the fraternity
quadrangle would go a long way
in "clearing the social and edu-
cational atmosphere at the Uni-
versity." It is felt that the social
code would be much easier to en-
force, according to Miss Theresa
Humphreyvill, chairlady of the
committee. '
* s
ITHACA, N.Y. -- Midnight cur-
fews for all women was announced
by the President's Committee on
Student Activities at Cornell last
The four students who were
members of the Committee were
ousted .after their strenuous pro-
testing endangered the harmony
of the meeting.
A Committee spokesman said
that the curfew was necessary be-
cause of "the unbecoming, dan-
gerous and unwarranted behavior
shown by students on past week-
The student members com-
plained that the views of the stu-
dent body were not being taken
into account. The Committee,
stated, however, that the stu-
dent's requests were considered as
far as it was possible. As a con-
cession to the students it was an-
nounced that, conflicts between
opening hours at the women's
dormitories have been resolved.
The Administration stated that
it could regulate all areas of stu-
dent life. "Education is not con-
fined to what may be gleaned
from textbooks. Students must be
taught what is right and wrong
in any society," an administra-
tion spokesman said.
Merit Award, in memory of the
editor of The Ann Arbor News,
was awarded to one student for
excellence of character, engaging
personal address and high schol-
arship, who shows promise of
achievement in newspaper setv-
The Winthrop Burr Chamber-
lain scholarship award is given
in memory of an editor of The
Milwaukee Journal.
Those who received awards are
James F. Walz, '58, Sigma Delta
Chi Scholarship Recognition
Award, McNaught Award for Ex-
cellence in Editorial Writing and
member of' Kappa Tau Alpha;
Barbara A. Myers, Grad., member
of Kappa Tau Alpha; Ronald D.
Willnow, Grad., James O'Donnell
Bennett Scholarship and Member
of Kappa Tau Alpha; David C.
Smith, '58,- Ralph N. Byers Me-
morial Merit Award; Charles W.
Simon, Jr., '59, Winthrop Burr
Chamberlain Scholarship Award;
Penny. Adams, '58, McNaught
Award for General Excellence in
Journalism; Earl C. Gottschalk,
'59, McNaught Award for Excel-
lence inaReporting; Ronald M.
Kotulak, '59, James .O'Donnell
Bennett Special Award in Re-'
porting; Edson A. Whipple, Grad.,
member Hof Kappa Tau Alpha.
Awards also went to Alvin C.
Reznik, '58, Winthrop Burr Cham-
berlain Scholarship Award; Har-
vey A. Bailey, '58, Sigma Delta Chi
Scholarship Recognition Award
and member of Kappa Tau Alpha;
Charles J. Zobin, Grad., Mc-
Naught Award for Excellence in
Graduate Studies and member of
Kappa Tau Alpha; Bruce G. Ben-
nett, '58, Sigma Delta Chi Award
as Outstanding Male Graduate in
Bennett Scholarship Awarded
Doris V. Johnson, Grad., James
O'Donnell Bennett Scholarship
and member of Kappa Tau Alpha;
Fredda J. Sullivan, '59, member
of Kappa Tau Alpha; Margie H.
Goldowitz, '59, member of Kappa
Tau Alpha; Merrill A. Martin, '58,
member of Kappa Tau Alpha were
also honored.
Among those honored were
Herman Besselink, member of
Kappa Tau Alpha; Karnsten Pra-
ger, '58, Sigma Delta Chi Scholar-
ship Recognition Award and
member of Kappa Tau Alpha;
Padma Hejmadi, Grad., member
of Kappa Tau Alpha; Hugh Ger-
ard Wray McCann, Grad., James
O'Donnell Bennett Scholarship
and member of Kappa Tau Alpha.
Ohio State
Students Sell
Class Notes
A company of students at Ohio
State University is taking notes
in classes, mimeographing them
and selling them to their fellow
Although 88 per cent of the
students are in favor of the prac-
tice, according to the campus
newspaper, the university deans
and some of the student leaders
are rather upset.
Yesterday Executive Dean of
Student Relations William Guth-
rie met with the owners of the
company, Nationwide Note Serv-
ice, to attempt to bring an end to
listening to lectures by proxy.
The practice, Guthrie said,
prevents students from learning
to organize material they pick up
in class for themselves. He also
pointed out that according to
university rules, any person who
uses another's notes is cheating.
The notes, which are taken by
"A" students, are sold for $5 a
quarter for a class meeting five
hours a week.
Some students say that with
someone else taking notes for
them in class they are able to pay
closer attention to the professor's.
words. Others find that the prac-
tice makes it possible to study for
their next class, write a letter
home or just think about last
night's date.
Some university officials mis-
understand the company's pur-
pose, according to Jack Shiffrin
and his wife, who organized the
company last month.
A note-selling service has been
used by medical students for 10
years, Mrs. Shiffrin pointed out.
Guthrie feels that while medical
students are old enough to decide
whether or not to use another's
notes, buying notes would get
freshmen off on the wrong foot.
AMHERST, Mass. - Students
at the' University of Massachu-
setts can now finish a four-year
program in three years, according
to President J. Paul Mather.
The accelerated program will be
easier in' the College of Arts and
Sciences than in the School of
Engineering. To start the new pro-
gram freshmen will be admitted
for the first time in the history of
the university to its summer ses-
sions. Provost S. McCune com-
mented, "It is senseless to build
more buildings which will be used
only for eight months."
The full year attendance plan
will go into effect in mid-June of
1958, although the first full-size
freshman class will not enter un-
til 1959. The system will offer
either the three-semester or the
four-quarter program.
KALAMAZOO-One less minor
will. be required for graduation
from Western Michigan Univer-
Pro. Sherlock
Speak's Today
OWti flI II Ilh t1 lNO 2-3136
at3-6:30-14 P.M.
lane wHoward
at 1:10-4:50-8:20 P.M.
DIAL NO 8-6416
Week Nights
at 7 and 9 PM.
Robert H. Sherlock, professor
emeritus of the civil engineering
department -will speak on Wind
Tunnel Studies - Past and Pres-
ent at 8 p.m. tonight in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.j
Prof. Sherlock is one of the
pioneers in the study of the be-
havior of smoke and gases emitted
by smokestacks. His study in this
field has greatly aided in the
control of air pollution.
Sponsored by the Southeastern
Michigan Branch of the Ameri-
can Meteorological Society, the
lecture tonight is open to the pub-
Those interested in House Blocks
must sign up today.
Better than most undergrad seats.
phenomenal star of
v .. .::.:: .:;: S EX IES T P A C K A G E ,
I-Hop, mass meeting of all enthusias-
[c and ambitious young women, May
2, 7:30 p.m. League.
Alpha Phi Omega, office and ditto
oom will close for the semester on
[ay 23, 1958. No more posters will be
ccepted and no more work will be
one in the ditto room.
Christian Science Organization, week-
y testimonial meeting, May 22, 7:30
.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Alpha Phi Omega, business meeting,
ay 22, 7:313 p.m., S.A.B. All members
lease attend. Next year's registration
> be discussed.
Saturday 9-12
e rite
M mudt
Iroo bealdiful
I nino IkAtr rl 111
a Phi, picnic, May 22, 5 p.m.,