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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
.14?U. V V V 1 8 U.. . JA. __ _
"GC Approves
59 J-Hop Budget
Council Passes Plan To Hold Dance
In I-i Building on a Saturday Night
A $6,000 J-Hop budget based on holding thedance at the, I-M
uilding on a Saturday night was approved by Student Government
ouncil last night.
Debate concerned both the financial risk of the budget and the
>ssibility of holding the dance at the League. SGC Treasurer Mort
rise, '60, said, "it is always possible to lose money but this is a good
udget with risk at a minimum."
The tentative budget, as approved last night, varied from the one
ubmitted the week before in a $700 cut in decorations cost and minor
- cuts in all other items except the
r band.
. . . to come here
UAR Charges
BEIRUT, Lebanon () -Leba-
noh's President Camille Chamoun
reiterated charges yesterday that
President Gamal Abdel Nasser's
united Arab Repulic is trying to
destroy him and his pro-Western
He said he would never resign
under such pressure.
Chamoun Quizzed
President Camoun was asked
at a news conference. whether he
would yield to political opposition
demands that he resign. before
they will end a 13-day-old general
strike accompanied by violence
and bloodshed.
President Chamoun said his op-
ponents are under the direction
of the Nasser government.
He said ,a decision will be made
by late today whether Lebanon
will complain to the United Na-
tions Security Council about the
alleged United Arab Republic
Cites 'Interfering'
"The U.AR. has been massively
interfering in our internal affairs
with a view to causing radical al-
terations in- our fundamental na-
tional policy," President Chamoun
charged again.
In Cairo, the U.A.R. informa-
tion director, Saad Afra, reiterat-
eA accusations that the United
States is trying to create a pre-
text . for interfering in Lebanon
under the Eisenhower Doctrine of
aid for Middle East countries
fighting communism.
Gain Controf
Of Morotai
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P)- The
army claimed complete control of
the island of Morotai in East In-
donesia ylesterday and said its
troops will strike next at Menado,
capital of rebel-held North Celebes.
An announcement by an army
spokesman said government forces
were driving toward a key airfield
on nearby Halmahera Island, and
that occupation of the entire
island is only a matter of two or
three days.
Both Morotai and Halmahera
are good jumping off points for an
attack on the last rebel strong-
holds in North Celebes, about 200
miles to the west.
A Navy spokesman said occupa-
tion of Morotai was accomplished
after the initial landing of an
amphibious task force.
The spokesman said the landing
was made by a very small force in
comparison to the full-scale inva-
sion force that hit Padang in the
final thrust that broke the rebel
regimes' grip on Central Sumatra.
'Could Decorate for Less'
J-Hop chairman Murray Fei-
well, '60, explained that the dec-
orator who had worked on last
year's J-Hop had purchased an-
other company which had done
many. college dances. Thus, Fei-
well said, the decorator could of-
fer his committee "adequate, even
good" decorating themes for
Feiwell mentioned the possibili-
ty' of holding a jazz concert, not
included in the dance budget, on
the night before the dance.
Members differed on student
support of J-Hop. League Presi-
dent Bobbie Maier, '59, expressed
Roll Call
Passage of next year's 3-Hop
budget required a roll call vote.
Student Government Council
memers voted a follows: AYE:
Ashton, Belin, Hardee, Kessel,
Marthenke, Merrill, Rockne,
Seasonwein, Tower, Wise and
Wurster. NAY: Chrysler, Getz,
Maier, Shapiro and Taub.
doubt whether students still want-.
ed to spend an entire evening at
a big dance.-
Big Dance Questioned,
"Why not have a big band in a
little plate," she asked, "with stu-
dents coming and going?"
Scott Chrysler, '59BAd., and
Union President Barry Shapiro,
'59, expressed doubt that chang-
ing the dance to the week-end
would provide enough additional'
interest in it. But it was pointed'
out that last year's J-Hop chair-
man, Jim Champion, '59, dis-
Budget Passes
The budget was passed 11-5 on
a roll call vote, and according to
Feiwell's plans submitted with the
budget, the dance will be held
February 7, 1959.
Before the evening's regular
business was transacted the Coun-
cil heard a talk by State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction
Lynn Bartlett.
Bartlett listed for SGC what he
said were the essential problems
facing education: enrollnient in-
creases, facilities incapable of
handling these increases, need for
more and better teachers, need for
financial aid to those who deserve
it, and financial support for edu-
cational institutions in general.
First Lad
Of Formosa
To Visit 'U'
Madame Chiang Kai-shek, wife
of the Chinese Nationalist presi-
dent, will receive an honorary de-
gree from the University, possibly
before June 14 it was disclose4r
The Formosan government an-
nounced Sher departure for her.
first visit to the United States in
four years two hours after the
plane left the ground.
Discussion Scheduled
It is expected that the Board
of Regents will discuss the degree
presentation at their monthly
meeting tomorrow at Hidden Val-
ley Lodge in Gaylord.
No official announcement of
Madame Chiang's expected arri-
val has been made by University
officials. Both University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher and Erich
A. Walter, assistant to the presi-
dent, are out of town and could
not be contacted for comment.
Madame Chiang is also expect-
ed to receive a medical check-up
while in the country. Before leay-
ing Formosa, she had a medical
check-up in Okinawa.
Invited Last Year
Madame Chiang was invitgd to
the University last year but, as
far as is known, no official an-
nouncement of her acceptance of
the invitation was made, a Uni-
versity spokesman said yesterday,
Educated in the United States,
Madame Chiang is known for ef-
fecting the release of her husband
from rebel war lords in 1936. Also
under her direction about 20,000,
neglected children were placed
in Chinese orphanages during
World War II.
Senior Notes
Ready Today,
Today will be the last day for
seniors to pick up graduation an-
nouncements, according to Mi-
chael Jackson, '58, president of
the Senior Board.
The announcements are being
distributed on the lower level of
the Student Activities Building.
A pproves
Aid Plan
ate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee tentatively approved yester-
day the full amount President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is asking
for military assistance and de-
fense support in his new foreign/
aid .program.
It runs to $2,635,000,000.
The committee also wrote into
the big mutual security bill a
declaration of policy supporting
continued aid to India to help
that neutral nation complete its
economic development plan.
Sen. William F. Knowland, of
California, a committee member
and the Senate's Republican lead-
er, told reporters after the closed-r
door session thatthe actions were1
tentative and still subject to re-
President Eisenhower is seeking1
$3,942,092,500 to continue the for-
eign aid program through the fis-I
cal year starting July 1.<
The House has authorized only
Military assistance also of $1,-
800,000,000 to Allied nations, was
approved by the Senate commit-1
tee, including planes, tanks, am-
munition and other military hard-
Senate Votes
Big Increase
In Mail Rate
providing for the biggest postal
rate increase in United States his-
tory was passed by the Senate yes-
terday 'and sent to the House.
It would raise the first class let-
ter rate to four cents and add a
penny to the cost of air mail let-
ters and ordinary postcards, now
delivered for six and two. cents.
Revenue Increased
When these and other proposed
increases become effective, Post
Office revenue would be increased
by an estimated 575 million dol-
lars a year.
About 265 million of this extra
revenue would be spent annually
on increased pay for the 520,000
postal employes. The bill carries
a 10 per cent pay raise for most
of the employes, retroactive to
Jan. 1.
Sets New High
Dr. Irving I. Raines, director of
the Postal Rates Division in the
Post Office Department,said Con-
gress has never passed a bigger,
rate hike than that contained in
the 1958 bill.
It covers practically every rate
in every class of mail under con-
gressional jurisdiction, he added.
Senate passage was on an 88-0
rollcall vote. The House is expect-
ed to pass the bill, possibly today.
Rates Still Low _
While the rates are lower than
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
recommended-and the pay raise
is higher - it was predicted the
President would sign it.
Postmaster General Arthur H.
Summerfield was reported to have
given the bill a strong endorse-
ment at the White House Monday.
If President Eisenhower signs
the bill before the end of May, the
higher first class mail rates would
become effective Aug. 1.
Rate increases for other types
of mail would be stretched out
over a four-year period.
Leaders Set
To Modify
PARIS (A) - Premier Pierre
Pflimiin moved yesterday to re-x
assert his authority over ther
rightist hotbed in Algeria.
He sent Gen. Henri Lorillot, his3
newly appointed chief of the com-
bined French forces, to Algiers.e
Propose Agreement
On the home front, Pflimlin andt
leaders of political parties in his
coalitio nhammered out agree-
ment on a four-point proposal fort
amendment of the constitution to
give more power and more stabili-
ty to the executive branch. The
Cabinet will take up the proposal
A key provision was reported
to be that the parliamentary op- ;
position must agree on an alter-i
native premier and program be-
fore it can overthrow a Cabinet.
Subject to Approval
The-whole proposal is subject to
Parliament's approval.
Lorillot's job is to confer with
Gen. Raoul Salan, the French
commander in Algeria who likes
Gen. Charles de Gaulle. New de-
fiance rolled up in Algeria as Lor-
illot's mission was announced.
"We will accept no one but Gen.
de Gaulle," declared Alain de
Serigny, influential member of
junta there. "He is the only one
capable of maintain the unity of
the nation.."
Lorillot held the Algeria com-
mand before Salan took over.
One of Salan's top aides was re-
turning to report to his chief aft-
er two days of talks in Paris with'
Defense Minister Pierre de Che-
The obvious aim was to
strengthen the bridges between
Paris and Algiers.
Power Strong
The current for calling de
Gaulle to take over the govern-'
ment still dominates in Algeria
and runs strongly in France. The
armed forces and the war veter-
ans are behind the general.
The Algeria situation - a week
after antigovernment riots led to
the formation of insurrectional
committees of public safety - is
as complex as ever.
Salan holds powers from Paris
but wins hislocal popularity from
backing. de Gaulle.
SOC Approves
To joint Judic
Student Government Council
approved the appointments of 10
students to the Joint Judiciary
Council at last night's meeting.
Appointed for one-year terms
were Cynthia Lister, '60, Allan
Stillwagon, '59, Louis Sussman,
'59, Eric Vetter, Grad., and Marcia
Ward, '60.
Appointed for a one-half year
term was Tony Weiler, '59NR.
Alternates to Joint Judic will
be Steve Marcus, '61L, Ralph Mc-
Cormick, '58E, Dorothy Gartner,
'60, and Sara Rowley, '60.
National Economy Seen
As Both Bright, Dismal
WASHINGTON (AP)-One top government official sees some fairly
rosy prospects ahead for the economy while another said the govern-
ment faces a lot of in-the-red spending.'
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks gave the cheery view
yesterday to the House Banking committee: "I anticipate that the
economic picture will be much brighter later this year and the next,
if we do the right things now. Employment has been rising seasonally,
certain business indicators are a bit better here and there and a spirit
of revived confidence is beginning to appear."
The red-ink discussion came from Budget Director Maurice Stans,
talking to reporters after a call on President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Stans predicted that spending in'a
the current fiscal year, ending next
June 30, will be 73-732 billion
dollars, with a deficit of about
three billion.
For theyear beginning July 1,
Stans said the government may be
expected to go 8-10 billions into,
the red.
Surplus Anticipated
Last January President Eisen-
No Request
For Return
Of De Gaulk
Dictator Expresses
Algeria's Desire
For New Regime
ALGIERS ()-Gen. Raoul Sa
Ian, the Paris-aplointed dictate
of insurgent Algeria, told a wild1
cheering crowd last night in cryp
tic and apparently symbolic lan
"We will all go to the Champs
Elysees." That is the short, slopin
tree-lined avenue and some tim
political echo chamber in the head
of Paris.
Pf I-Ilmlln
Salan Stirs Algeriam
hower estimated spending in this
new year would reach $73,900,000,-
000, with a surplus of 500 million.
The recession, cutting revenue and
increasing spending plans, has
changed all that.
Looking farther ahead, Stans
predicted that federal spending in
the fiscal year beginning July 1,
1959, will increase to about 80'
billion dollars.
Taxes Not Discussed
Stans said he and President
Eisenhower did not discuss the
question of cutting taxes.
He did say his own estimate of
the deficit in the year starting
July 1 did not include the possi-
bility of tax cutting.
Weeks was before the banking
committee in its study of how to
help provide more jobs.
Weeks said he favored increased
tax deductions-up to $50,000 a
year-for new small businesses.
To. GiveTalk
Paul B. Bagwell, candidate for
the Republican nomination for
governor, will continue his cam-
paign in the Ann Arbor area, ac-
cording to his campaign manager.
Bagwell will speak this evening
at a dinner sponsored by the Bag-
well for Governor Committee and
the Young Republicans. The sub-
ject of Bagwell's speech will be
"The Issues of the '58 Campaign."
A professor at Michigan State
University, Bagwell is "vitally in-
terested in education at all levels
and the future growth of the Uni-
versities in Michigan," his man-
ager said.
Bagwell is "very concerned with
the effect of the recent budget
cut. and will give some comments
on the overall situation," his man-
ager continued.
Now on leave from Michigan
State University, Bagwell was the
chairman of the Communications
Arts and Skills department.
During the day, Bagwell will
attend several receptions in his
honor in the Ann Arbor area.
... Hopwood lecturer
Summer joo rrospects
For Students StayDi
"Summer employment for students looks dim this year," Ward
Peterson, summer placement specialist in the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information of the University, said recently.
For the typical student, by far the brightest side of the employ-
ment scene is summer camping and resort work.
"The University has still 200 jobs open for those interested in
resorts," Peterson said. College-trained women with secretarial skills
willing to take part-time jobs cant
Poetf iardi
To, Lecture
Prof. John Ciardi of Rutgers
University will present the Hop-+
wood Lecture at 4:15 p.m. today
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The lecture will be followed by
announcement of this year's Hop-
wood Award winners.
Winner of an Avery Hopwood
award for poetry in 1939, he will;
speak on the "Silence of the
The Avery and Jule Hopwood
Awards, for which Prof. Ciardi is,
guest lecturer, are given each year
to English and journalism students
who produce the best creative writ-
ing 'in the fields of poetry, fiction,
dramatic writing and the essay.
The awards are provided for in
the will of dramatist Avery Hop-
wood, who graduated from the
University in 1905. Hopwood desig-
nated one-fifth, of his estate for
use by the Board of Regents in
encouraging creative writing by
/T' Symphony
Band, To Play
The University Symphony Band,
under the direction of Dr. William
D. Revelli, will present an outdoor
concert tonight on the diagonal.
The program will feature two
student soloists with the band.
Karl Wirt, '60SM, will perform the
"Adagio from Concerto No. 3 in D
Major," composed by Haydn as
transcribed for the trombone.
Warren Jaworski, '60SM, will be
featured as a vocal soloist in a
rendition of "Some Enchanted
Evening" from the musical show
"South Pacific," written by Rod-
gers and Hammerstein.
Another feature of the concert
will be a performance of the'
"Royal Fireworks Music" by Han-
del, which has been aranged as a
Concerto Grosso by Henry Sar-
The "M" Fanfare written by
Bilik, will be the first selection of
the evening. "The Michigan
March." "The Yellow and the
Blue," and 'University-Grand
March" are, also featured on the
In the event of rain, the concert
will be held in Hill Auditorium.
Witholds Pledge
But once again Salan refrained
from an outright call for a return
of Charles de Gaulle to power in
France, as the yelling crowd de-
mands here in its loud daily dem-
Salan's enigmatic words evoked
ringing cheers. He let the few
words stand without elaboration.
Cited as "Symbolical"
An aide said he was being sym-
bolical, that they expressed Al-
gerian desires for a new regime its
Paris to replace Premier Pierre
Pflimlin's government.
Salan on Tuesday got a new
endorsement of faith from thE
Pflimlin government4
It came as he continued to pla
a role that may be either appease-
ment of or collaboration with the
anti-Paris military - colonialis1
regime ruling Algeria.
Publicly Praised
He has publicly 'praised D
Gaulle-a French national hero 61
World War II-but he has stopped
short of political commitments.
As a ,personable veteran Frenb
military careerist and eminen
patriot, Salan has soothed the Al
giers mobs with hiswords.
Yesterday the crowd shouted al
one point,. "The army to power,'
and it was then Salan said si.
"We will all go to the Champs.
The crowd responded in chorus
"Send the army to Paris."
World New Fs
By The Associated Press
dent Richard M. Nixon strongl:
urged yesterday that U n i t e
States diplomats concentrate o
explaining U.S. policies to Lati
American students, labor leader
and press representatives.
He prescribed such grass root
diplomacy as the quickest way t
bolster ties with South America;
countries in the face of the mas
sive communist campaign to dis
credit United States motives.
The Vice-President spoke ou
before a National Press Clu
luncheon in a televised report o
his riot-marked 18-day tour c
South America.
Vice-President Nixon blame
communists in part for the rock
throwing, club-swinging demon
strations against him in Vene
zuela and Peru.
MOSCOW - An attack on Yu
goslavia in Pravda led yesterda
to increased speculation th
President Tito's brand of commu
nism may be a top issue at a meel
ing here Saturday of Communisi
bloc leaders.
LONDON - Moscow radio sal
yesterday the Soviet Union h
offered to sign a non-aggressio
pact with Italy.
used for recovering test nose con<
of two Army Jupiter missiles ma
be adapted to ring man back froi
a Spring .issue
On Sale Today
Generation's Spring Issue will be
on sale today and tomorrow ac-
cording to David Newman, '58,
'Managing Editor.
It will be sold at Mason Hall,
Angell Hall, the Union ,and outside
the Rackham hilding hefore and
still find openings and demand for
those with highly specialized pro-
fessional skills remains strong.
Students with persuasive talents
can still do well in selling. Em-
ployment for door-to-door sales-
men has grown in popularity.
"Last year, the Bureau placed
only 25 in this type of work, de-
spite guarantees in some cases of
minimum earnings of $500," Peter-
son said.
"This year, 50 have already
taken jobs peddling everything
from shirts to dictionaries," he
The number of companies seek-
ing student salesmen has risen
sharply, and many firms are hir-
ing far more sales positions than
last year.
Of 750 firms queried by the Uni-
versity in Decemhr on summnr
Sign Prohibits Feeding uad Animals
"Don't Feed The Animals" re-
quests a new sign in front of South
"It sums up the essence of
'quadism'," a student who stopped
to examine it commented. "It's
apropos, I'll say that for it," an-
other said.
Made of a black painted board
with yellow letters meticulously
s pasted on, the sign was bolted up
in place of the old one reading
"South Quadrangle." It was erect-
>ed so carefully it will have to be
;< taken down with a hacksaw or