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May 21, 1958 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-21

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Big Ten Chances
Slim for Golfers



A Philosophy
IVEN AN ULTIMATUM to vacate my drawer which I have occupied
at The Daily for the past year, I had to start cleaning it out.
Almost everything went into the wastebasket, but I saved one bit
from my collection of athletic department propaganda, as it seemed
most fitting for a departing column.
I have been down to talk with Bennie Oosterbaan many times in
the course of my duties, and on one occasion he .gave me a long yellow
sheet of names. It was a list of the men who had played on the
undefeated team of 1948 and it described what each was doing ten
years after graduation.
It's no use going over the list-every man on it was a success-but
the list itself is symbolic of the man who gave it to me. The man who
runs Michigan's football team is most interested in what his players
have accomplished off the field.
Always when I have come out of his office, I have learned a little
of what happens on the gridiron, and a whole lot concerning the
academic and post-graduation success of the players. I this the way
for a football coach to act, showing such an interest in a field other
than football?
At Michigan it's most certainly the way'for a football coach to
act. Because Oosterbaan hates recruiting and is satisfied completely
with the basis of 'need aid plan which takes the bidding out of'the job,
because he completely adheres to
~' the recommendation of the admis-
sions committee and is unwilling
to take a chance ol a boy's flunk-
- vfing out just because he's a good
football player, because he is in-
terested in the educational oppor-
tunity he can offer to athletes, and
because he is most interested in
seeing his players graduate and
become successful after gradua-
tion, he is the right man in the
right job in the right place.
Michigan needs the coach that
Oosterbaan is. It needs a man with
a philosophy of football which can
k allow him to adapt to the pressures
put ,on him by the academic side
BENNIE OOSTERBAAN of the University and still produce
...Bbuilder of men a winning football team. This is
the important thing. In the face of
stiff entrance reuirements and study schedules, Oosterbaan has
established a Conference record second only to Woody Hayes and
his recently NCAA-probationed Ohio State Buckeyes.
The Daily's Search...
rHIS YEAR The Daily went out to find discrepancies in the Athletic
Department. For five months a good reporter worked on the job,
digging wherever he could. The result was a series of five articles, the
majority of content being an explanation of the Athletic Department.
The minority contained a few instances of minor infractions.
The story worried some of the people in the Athletic Department,
however, their view being that perhaps they weren't lily white in the
face of the letter of the law, but in comparison to the majority of their
Conference competition, they were, and such a story aiming at ideal
pureness could easily distract from the strides now being taken in
that direction.
It's good to aim at the ideal, however, and The Daily ran the
articles. They did no harm, and no one is happier about it than I.
Because of my relationship with Oosterbaan, knowing that he hates
recruiting and the high pressure football that is the college sport
today, and knowing that he is interested in his pyers as students,
I can't help but feel that a man like this couldn't hold a job in a
college not interested in bringing athletes into perspective.
We have talked about Michigan State and the impending threat
on our football tradition. His answer is that he knew it would come
when State entered the Conference. The big difference between the
two schools is the entrance requi'rements. He dwells only for a short
while on the difference in player potential, however, and talks long
on success potential of the boys he can get into this school.
The Saddest Part.. .
A' SAYS the saddest part of his job is turning away the boys whose
grades don't merit entrance to the University. It's just as sad to
him if the boy's a highly-rated All-Stater or a not-so-highly-rated
All-Stater. He wouldn't take a chance on anyone flunking out when
the admissions committee assures him that the chances are high. For
this reason he can feel proud of the 99 per cent graduation average
y .
that his lettermen since 1952 have established.
Because he loses so many players in this way he is severely criti-
cized for sloppy recruiting. Also, because he excuses athletes occa-
sionally who are way behind in their work or who have an unavoidable
class, he is criticized for holding a sloppy practice
I don't think he cares about this criticism, however. He is trying
in the ways he can to approach a situation that is ideal. True, football
is far from deemphasis, but it is more casual here than other places,
and for this Oosterbaan can be proud, especially proud since he's
won three titles, and never had a season below .500 in 10 years of
Big Ten play.


Michigan golf coach Bert Kat-
zenmeyer spoke pessimistically
yesterday about the Wolverines'
chances in the upcoming Big Ten
meet, which will be held in Co-
lumbus Friday and Saturday.
"It'll be a real job for us to
avoid finishing in 10th place," he
said. Katzenmeye tended to dis-
count the linksmen's slight im-
provement against Michigan State
and the University of Detroit in
Michigan's last meet before the
Big Ten affair.
"We can't play like we have so
far this season and expect to do
anything. We'll have to do better
to keep out of the cellar."
Katzenmeyer predicted there
would bena "real dogfight" be-
tween many of the better teams
for the Conference championship.
Ohio State, Purdue, and Michigan
State, all of which took turns at
downing the Wolverines this sea-

son, have experienced and con-
sistent squads.
Indiana, which barely defeat-
ed Michigan early in the season,
has "a young team with a great
deal of potential," according to
Katzenmeyer. Reports on defend-
ing champion Wisconsin indicate
the Badgers have a good chance
to repeat as Conference cham-
Little is known about Iowa, Il-
linois, Minnesota, and Northwest-
ern, but the Michigan coach as-
serted that his team would have
to improve much to beat out any
of these squads.
Conducted Differently
The Big Ten golf meet is con-
ducted somewhat differently from
the regular season matches. Each
Conference member will send a
six-man team, and each man will
play 36 holes of golf on Friday
and 36 more on Saturday.
The 72-hole scores of the five
best men on each team will be
totaled to determine the team
score, with the lowest team score
Michigan's squad of Ray Lovell,
Captain Stan Kwasiborski, Chuck
Blackett, Pat Keefe, Larry Leach,
and Dick Bither is scheduled to
leave this afternoon for Columbus.



t .. ...t. . 'Ii ''t' ~ . , . '{ .k«X a.",,r

PESSIMISTIC-Bert Katzenmeyer, Michigan golf coach, said the
Wolverine linksmen will have to show better golf than they have
displayed so far this season if the team is to finish higher than
10th in the Big Ten championship meet which will be held at
Columbus Friday and Saturday.


e important
pring news


Wolverine Netmen Hope To Annex
Fourth Straight Conference Crown

Tomorrow, Friday and Satur-
day at Evanston, Ill., Michigan's
tennis squad will attempt to be-
come the second team in Big Ten
history to win four straight Con-
ference meets.
Three schools-Chicago, Mich-
igan, and Indiana-have won the
meet three consecutive times, but
Sigma Chi,
TKE Advance
Into Finals
Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma
Chi moved through semifinal play
in the I-M social fraternity "A"
first place playoffs by winning im-
pressively yesterday.
TKE trounced Sigma Alpha Mu,
13-6, and Sigma Chi downed Delta
Upsilon, 15-4. In second-place
semifinals Phi Sigma Kappa edged
Chi Phi, 4-3, and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon shut out Delta Sigma Phi,
Third-place playoff results: Phi
Kappa Sigma 12, Delta Chi 3;
Theta Delta Chi 5, Alpha Delta
Phi 4; and Chi Psi 21, Delta Kappa
Epsilon 10. In a fourth-place play-
off contest Beta Theta Pi downed
Phi Kappa Psi, 12-7.
Stu Smith hit 3 home runs in
Chi Psi's one-sided romp.
Bob Bowen of Delta Tau Delta
won the I-M All-Campus golf title
with a 36-h6le 158. A three-way tie
for second at 160 included Tom
Nicholls of Lambda Chi Alpha, Pat
Coyne of the Has Beens, and Jay
Haller of Sigma Nu.
By The Associated Press
IOWA CITY - Milton (Sharm)
Schuerman, 24-year-old protege of
the late Frank (Bucky) O'Connor,
was appointed TueCqy to succeed
him as head basketball coach at
ST. LOUIS-The sixth-place but
rising St. Louis Cardinals reen-
forced their pitching staff Tuesday
by acquirirg right-handed hurler
Jim Brosnan from the Chicago
Cubs in return for veteran short-
stop Al Dark.

only Northwestern has been able
to take four successive titles.
The Wildcats accomplished the
feat in the years from 1947 to
1950. Chicago won its three titles
between 1937 and 1939, Indiana
took three straight crowns be-
tween 1952 and 1954, and the cur-
rent Michigan team has held the
Conference championship for
three years.
Stars as Player
Michigan's present coach, Bill
Murphy, has played an important
part in two of these streaks, Mich-
igan's and Chicago's. He and his
brother Chet starred in singles
and doubles on all three title-
winning Chicago squads.
The 1938 Chicago team was the
only Big Ten team ever to win
championships in all nine divi-
sions in a Conference meet. The
Wolverines almost swept the tour-
nament last year, losing only in
sixth singles.
It has been even mol'e difficult
for individual players to domin-
ate Conference meets than for
Only one athlete, Frank O'Con-
Maj'or League
S landings
W L Pct. GB
New York 20 5 .800 -
Kansas City 14 12 ,538 6/2
Baltimore 14 13 .519 7
Boston 15 16 .484 8
Cleveland 14 17 .452 9
Washington 13 16 .448 9
Detroit 13 18 .419 10
Chicago 11 17 .393 10%
Kansas City 7, Washington 3
New York 5, Chicago 1
Baltimore 6, Detroit 4
Boston 6, Cleveland 1
Washington at Kansas City
iNew York at Chicago
Baltimore at Detroit
Boston at Cleveland
Wv L Pct. GB
San Francisco 22 11 .667 -
Milwaukee 18 10 .643 1%
Pittsburgh 18 14 .563 32/2
St. Louis 14 16 .467 6 j
Philadelphia 14 17 .452 7
Chicago 15 19 .441 7Y'
Cincinnati 11 16 .407 8
Los Angeles 12 21 .364 10
San Francisco 4,,Cincinnati 2
Los Angeles 6, Milwaukee 3
Pittsburgh 12, Chicago 3
St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 0
San Francisco at Cincinnati (N)
Los Angeles at Milwaukee'
Chicago at Pittsburgh
St. Louis at Philadelphia (N)

nell of Illinois, has, won the first
singles title three years in suc-
cession and only two players have
won it two successive years.
MacKay Also Repeats
O'Connell took his titles in 1926,
1927 and .1928, while the double
winners were Northwestern's Sey-
mour Greenberg, in 1940 and 1941,
and Michigan's Barry MacKay, in
1956 and 1957.
If Michigan can overcome con-
siderable odds and win a fourth
straight title, it will also tie
Northwestern at seven for total
titles won.
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