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May 14, 1958 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-14

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Team Shuts Out


Herrnstein' s Bases-Loaded Home Run
. In Ninth Tunnig Gives Michigan Victory

I . ..

Netmen Breeze To Victory
Showing Increased Depth


h Y

John Herrnstein has had his
share of troubles this season, but
all was forgiven yesterday.
The sturdily-built lefthander
poled a bases-loaded home run
over Ferry Field's right field bar-
rier in the bottom of the ninth
inning to give Michigan an 8-6 win
over Western Michigan.
Herrnstein's poke was the cli-
max of a great dramatic scene.
Ernie Myers singled, and Bob
Kucher and Jim Dickey walked
to occupy all bases.
Two outs were registered and
then Herrnstein, who had gone
hitless in four previous tries, step-
ped to the plate. Michigan,trailed,
Ahead of Batter
Relief pitcher Dick Sosnowski,
4who was to absorb the loss, got
ahead of Herrnstein with a 1-2
cbunt on him. On the next pitch
Herrnstein came dangerously close
to striking out, as he foul-tipped
one which catcher Jerry Watkow-
ski couldn't quite hang on to.
One more ball whizzed by and
tlen came Herrnstein's monumen-
tal swing. The ball soared high
into the sunny sky, coming to
earth a good ten feet on the other
side of the fence.

In addition to getting the all-
important hit, Herrnstein was also
credited with the pitching victory.
The third of three Wolverine
hurlers, he threw the last two inn-
ings, giving up no hits or runs,
although he got in trouble in the
ninth when he walked the bases
The victory was Michigan's sec-
ond straight over the Broncos
this year, and snapped a 27-27
series tie between the two clubs
that dates back to 1915.
Michigan won earlier, 7-2, and
it had been the Mid-American
Conference leader's last previous
loss before yesterday.
The Wolverines' overall record
stands at 16-8, while Western has
now won 13, lost 4 and tied one.
I Koch Excels
Al Koch's excellent pitching dur-
ing the first three innings forced
Coach Ray Fisher to alter. his
plans somewhat. Fisher had origi-
nally planned to use Koch, Bob
Sealby and Herrnstein only three
innings apiece.
However, when Koch gave up
only two scratch singles during
his scheduled stint, Fisher decided
to keep him in there. That proved
to be disastrous, though, as the
Broncos jumped on the sopho-

more righthander for three runs{
in the fourth.
Michigan came back frome the
34 deficit in the following frame
to take a brief 4-3 lead. They par-
layed a hit batsman, a fielder's
choice, an error, a walk and a
double by Bill Roman into three
Western jumped on Sealby in
the sixth for three more counters,


Myers, ss 521
Kucher, 2b 4 2 10
Sealby, rf-p 2 0 0 0
a Stabrylla 1 0 1 6
Coneybeare, If 1 0 0 0
Roman,lb 502
Dickey, c 42 1 0
Herrnstein, cf-p 5 1 1 4
Hutchings, if-cf 4 0 21
Struczewski, 3b 4 0 2 0
Koch, p 10 0 0
McDonald, rf 0 10
Mogk, rf 2 0 0 0
TOTALS 38 8 117
Wingegar, c 2 0 0 0
Randall, cf 3 0 1 I
Grabowski, rf 5 0 2
Morris, ssr5 1 1 0
Buchanan, if 2 1 0 4
.Mason,lb . 2 0 1
Greenwood, 2b 4 2 2
Karwoski, 3b 2 0 0 0
b Gresser 00 0 0
Hock, 3b 1 0 0
Watkowski, c 4 1 1
Topp, p 200
c Rumohr 1 0 1
d Mack 0 1 0
Churches, p 2 0 0 0
Sosnowski, p 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 35 6 91
a Singled for Sealby in seventh.
b Sacrificed for Karwoski in sixth.
c Doubled- for Topp in sixth.
d Ran for Rumohr in sixth.
W. MICHIGAN 000 303 000- 9
MICHIGAN 010 030 004- 11


-Daily-Karl Hok
DETERMINED TO WIN-Wolverine netter Frank Fulton looks
on as teammate Bill Vogt displaying a fierce determination to win
returns a Michigan State volly. The team went on to win their
doubles match, 6-3, 6-2 as Michigan swept past the Spartans in
every match.
IM Playvo ff Games Won.
By DU, Sig Chi, Chi Phi

Michigan's once-mighty net
squad showed signs that they are
ready to climb back to their former
lofty position in the tennis world
as they manhandled Michigan;
State, 9-0, yesterday.
Showing depth and class, the
team breezed past their arch-rivals
from East Lansing losing only one
set in the day's matches. In the
top singles event of the day, Jon
Erickson swept past Bill Bisard in
straight sets, 6-4, 6-1.
Blazing Serve
Coach Bill Murphy said "Erick-
son looked better than he has in
many meets." Erickson's serve was
blazing, and he did not lose a game
on his service; throughout the
match he scored an amazing num-
ber of aces. Erickson broke Bisard's
service in the final game of the
first set, and this seemed to be
the turning point of the match.
Captain John Harris also played
well in turning back sophomore
Bill Hotchkiss, 6-0, -6-1. Murphy
stated after the match, "John ex-
hibited his usual top game today.
He kept up the form that he dis-
played against Illinois."
Sassone Back
In the third seeded match, Bob
Sassone, back in the lineup after
missing the Wisconsin meet, de-
feated Foster Hoffman, 6-2, 6-4.
The number four man, George
Korol whipped Doug Smith by
identical scores of 6-2, 6-2.
Frank Fulton kept up his win-
ning ways as he whipped Bob Sas-
sack in three sets, 6-1, 3-6, 6-2.
Fulton had looked good over the
weekend in wins against Illinois
and Wisconsin. Wayne Peacock
beat Jeff Green in the final singles
duel, 6-2, 6-3.

In the doubles, the top Wolver-
ine team of Harris and Erickson
proved too much for the Spartans'
Bisard and Hoffman, winning over
them easily, 6-4, 6-2. Erickson's
service again was an important
factor in keeping the opponenta
off balance, and Harris volleyed
around the net excellently.
Bisard, who at 32 is slowing
down, was hard pressed to catch
up with many of the finely placed
shots while Hoffman looked inex-
perienced and missed many easy
setups. The "M" men broke
through the Spartans' service early
in the first set gnd maintained
their lead throughout.
In the other doubles matches,
Fulton and Vogt were victorious
over Hotchkiss and Smith, 6-3,
6-2, and John Wiley and Korol
beat Sassack and Green, 6-1, 6-4.
Erickson (M) def. Bisard (MSU), 6-4,
Harris (M) def. Hotchkiss (MSU), 6-0,
Sassone (M) def. Hoffman (MSU),
.6-2, 6-4.
Korol (M) def. Smith (MSU), 6-2, 6-2.
Fulton (M) def. Sassack, (MSU), 6-1,
. 3-6, 6-2.
Peacock (M) def. Green (MSU), 6-2,
Harris-Erickson (M) def. Bisard-Hoff-
man (MSU), 6-4, 6-2.
Fulton-Vogt (M) def. Hotchkiss-
Smith (MSU), 6-3, 6-2.
Wiley-Korol (M) de. Sassack-green
(MSU), 6-1, 6-4.

... 3,000th hit


2b -- Hutchings, Kucher, Roman,
Struczewski, Rumohr; HR - Herrn-
stein; WP - Herrnstein; LP - Sos-
of their own. From this point the
score remained 6-4 until the ninth
A relatively new face, in the
lineup, and in there only by acci-
dent, might have revealed greater
depth in the infield. This was Gene
Struczewski, subbing - for Dave
Brown at third base. Brown sus-
tained a separated shoulder last
weekend at Northwestern and has
been ordered to rest at least a
Struczewski came through well
by getting two hits in four at-
tempts, including one double.

-Daily-Karl Hok
STARTS IT OFF--Ernie Myers, standing at the plate in the ninth
Inning of yesterday's game with Western Michigan, has Just
watched one of pitcher Dick Churchs' offerings go by. He picked
one off, though, for a single, and started the inning which ended
with John Herrnstein's grand-slam homer. Michigan won, 8-6.

'Golfers Rated Low in Big Ten Race'

Musial Hits
3,000 Mark
On Pinch Hit'
Doubles Against Cubs
For Historic Marker
CHICAGO (R)-"Well, I'm glad
that's over with," said Stan Mu-
sial shortly after cracking out his
3,000th major league hit yesterday
in the unfamiliar role of a pinch,
"For the last three days so many
people were giving it so much at-
tention that . .."
Just then another wave of pho-
tographers came up the lane which,
leads from the dugout to the club-
house. Musial, ever the gentle-
man, fulfilled all posing requests
and answered all questions.
"It isn't every day a man gets;
his 3,000th hit," said The Man.
"I knew it was in there and I'm
sure glad it was a good, clean
When Musial drove his double
into left field in the sixth inning
of the game, play was suspended.
The ball was retrieved and given
to Musial and photographers dash-
ed on the field.
St. Louis Manager Fred Hutch-
inson also walked out and con-
gratulated Musial. Hutchinson
then sent in a pinch runner for
The Man. What did he say out
"Hutch said he also wished I
had gotten the hit in St. Louis,"
said Musial.
Hutchinson had benched the
man in hopes Musial would get
the hit at St. Louis where the Car-
dinals play tonight. Musial also
had hoped to get the big hit at
of the Twenties
Try us for the latest.
No appointments needed
Today ! !
near Michigan Theater

Two first place "A" playoff
games highlighted the I-M social
fraternity softball action yester-
day at Ferry Field.
In a game limited to six innings
because of time, Delta Upsilon de-
feated Tau Delta Phi, 18-9.
Delta Upsilon broke the game
wide open with a ten run third
inning. Included in this barrage
was a grand slam home run by
Rich Meyer who batted in a total
of seven runs with two homers.
The Tau Delts came back to
narrow the gap to 11-9, with a
spirited rally in the late innings.
They scored three times in their
half of the fifth inning on key hits
by Steve Salzman and Harry
Led by Meyer's second homer
with two men on, Delta Upsilon
iced the game with seven runs in
the top of the sixth.
In the other first place playoff,
Sigma Chi won a squeaker over
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 5-3. The Sig
Eps scored all their runs in the
first inning and then were held
to only three hits by Steve Steller
of Sigma Chi.
Sigma Chi's Jack Jenks homered
in the fifth inning with Roger
Netzer on base to break a 3-3 tie,
and account for the victor's win-
ning runs.

Chi Phi took advantage of six
unearned runs to defeat Sigma
Nu, 9-4, in a second place playoff.
The winning pitcher was Steve
Paced by Bob Jensen's triple
with the bases loaded, Theta Delta
Chi broke a 5-5 tie in the fifth
inning, and went on to defeat Phi
Epsilon Pi, 11-5. George Schuur
was the winning pitcher in this
third place playoff, with Paul
Jakubiak, , Emery Griffin, and
Harry Bardsley turning in out-
standing defensive play.
In another third place playoff,
Phi Sigma Delta went 'down to de-
feat at the hands of Phi Kappa
Sigma, 9-6.
Grad Student
Wins Crown,
Frank Bitoni won the sabre title
at the Midwest Fencing Cham-
pionship last weekend to help the
State of Michigan win the overall
Bitonti, a grad in engineering
school, came to Michigan from
Wayne State University where he
was fencing captain for two years
and won four letters in his favorite

(By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys! "and,
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")
Today in this age of technology when engineering graduates are
wooed and courted by all of America's great industries, how do
you account for the fact that Rimbaud Sigafoos, who finished
at the very top of his class at M.I.T., turned down hundreds of
attractive job offers to accept employment as a machinery
wiper at the Acme Ice Company at a salary of $20 a week with
a twelve-hour day, a seven-day week, and only fifteen minutes
for lunch?



On the basis of the Michigan
golf team's performance so far this
season, Coach Bert Katzenmeyer
rates his team out of contention
for honors at the Big Ten meet
May 24.
In compiling a 2-71 competitive
record, the Wolverines have not
defeated any. Big Ten opposition.
They have defeated Detroit and
Western Illinois, and have lost to
Ohio State and Purdue three times
each and once to Indiana.
Picks Purdue or OSU
Katzenmeyer rates Michigan low
in the Big Ten even though he
considers Purdue and Ohio State,
the bulk of Michigan's season op-
position, mong the favorites for
the Conference title. He also con-
siders Michigan State and defend-
ing champion Wisconsin to be in
the running.

One characteristic each of the
contending squads possesses that
Michigan does not is team balance.
Wisconsin and MSU have experi-
enced, well-balanced teams. Pur-
due, besides being led by an out-
standing golfer, Jon Konsek, has
several good sophomore players.
OSU's team is slightly weaker
than Purdue, but may take advan-
tage of playing on their home
course during the Big Ten meet
and sneak off with the title.
Michigan Lacks Balance
The Wolverines this season have'
not displayed much balance. In a
given meet, only two to three play-
ers have displayed acceptable form,'
and the rest have been mediocre.
In last Saturday's meet with
Ohio State and Purdue here, the
result was the same, but the score
somewhat closer.

Michigan was tied with Purdue
at the end of 18 holes, 12-12, but
the Boilermakers ran up a com-
manding lead on the next eight
holes and won, 31-17. Ohio State
was pressed all the way to beat
the Wolverines, 21-15.
Katzenmeyer said he was "very
pleased" with the play of Ray
Lovell, Chuck Blackett, and Dave
Britigan. Lovell, elevated to the
number one position in Saturday's
meet, carded a commendable 156
for 36 holes.
Pleased with Blackett
Blackett's 153 was especially
good, considering he is playing
regularly for the first time in three
years, said Katzenmeyer. Sopho-
more Britigan managed a respect-
able 157 total.
The coach believed that Captain
Stan Kwasiborski, Larry Markman,
Larry Leach, and Pat Keefe did
not play well. An honor society
initiation Thursday and Friday
partially explains Keefe's poor 175
score on Saturday, Katzenmeyer
said. "On Saturday morning he
was stiff, sore and tired."

"O v- s. . sT"


~1. [


Major League Standings


W L Pct. GB
San Francisco 17 9 .654 -
Milwaukee . 15 8 .652 Y2
Pittsburgh 16 9 .640
Chicago 13 14 .481 4
Cincinnati 9 12 .429 5/
Philadelphia 10 15 .400 62
St. Louis 9 14 .391 6Y2
Los Angeles 9 17 .346 8
San Francisco 16, Los Angeles 9
St. ouIs 5, Chicago 3
Philadelphia 5, Milwaukee 2
Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 3
San Francisco at St. Louis (N)
Los Angeles at Chicago
Milwaukee at Philadelphia (N)
I ' Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (N)

W L Pet. GB
New York 14 5 .737 -
Washington 13 10 .565 3
Baltimore 1110 .524 4
Detroit 13 12 .520 4
Kansas City 9 11 .450 5Y2
Cleveland 11 14 .440 6
Boston 11 15 .423 6Y2
Chicago 8 13 .381 7
Chicago 9, Kansas City 2
New York 3, Baltimore 0
Detroit 11, Cleveland 1
Boston 9, Washington 6
Chicago at Kansas City (N)
Ialtimore at New York
Cleveland at Detroit
Boston at Washington (N)

r aiI

for spring

. . 0

While everybody knows that
the soft collar on Van Heusen
Century Shrts won't wrinkle,
ever, a Van Heusen survey
among college students has
revealed that precious few
know why. Here are some of
the responses: '
J. L.-sophomore at the
Psychodynamic Institute for
Arts, Crafts, and NumberPaint-
ing-"Obviously, the collar
won't wrinkle, because it's
afraid to wrinkle. It may have
been threatened by some surly
Van Heuwsen vice-president.
Ergo, it exhibits the Cavandish
anti-wrinkle syndrome."
G. F.-junior at Usury
School of Advertising-"Collar-
wise, there's no demand for
wrinkles. No customer benefit.
Now, this is strictly off the
top of my cranium, but the
statement, 'the soft collar that
won't wrinkle, ever,' is too
negative. Substitute 'never' for
'ever' and you not only have

a positive statement-but--
as demonstrated by that
famous cigarette, this
ungrammatical concept will be
L. V.-senior quarterback at
Miltown College-"I wouldn't
be without a Van Heusen.
Look here ... under my pleat-
less shoulder pads. See? Out
of simple decency, the collar
refrains from wrinkling. It's
this kind of restraint that
recently led to our glorious
victory over Birdbrain U. got
a man was scathed. Huzzah for
the collar-and fight furiously,
Yes, this is the kind of
ignorance we run across.
Actually, while other collars
are made of 3 pieces of mate-
rial, the secret of this soft collar
with its wrinkle-shunning
qualities is one-piece con-
struction. Van Heusen Cen-
tury shirts come in 5 collar
styles. $4 and $5.

I know what you are thinking: "Cherchez la femme!" You are
thinking that Mr. Acme, head of the Acme Ice Company, has
a beautiful daughter with whom Rimbaud is madly in love and
he took the job only to be near her. f
Friends, you are wrong. It is true that Mr. Acme does have
a daughter, a large, torpid lass named Clavdia who spends all
her waking hours scooping marzipan out df a bucket and staring
at a television set which has not worked in some years. Rim-
baud has not the slightest interest in Clavdia; nor, indeed, does
any other man, excepting possibly John Ringling North.
So how come Rimbaud keeps working for the Acme Ice Com-
pany? Can it be that they provide him with free Marlboro
Cigarettes, and, all day long he enjoys that filter, that flavor,
that flip-top box?
No, friends, no. Rimbaud is not allowed to smoke on the job,
and when he finishes his long, miserable day, he has to buy his
own Marlboros, even as you and I, in order to enjoy that
estimable filter, that incomparable flavor, that crazy flip-top box.
Well, friends, you might as well give up because you'll never
in a million years guess why Rimbaud works for the Acme Ice
Company. The reason is simply this; Rimbaud is a seall'
He started as a performing seal in vaudeville. One night on
the way to the Ed Sullivan show, he took the wrong subway.
All night the poor mammal rode the B.M.T., seeking a helping 1
hand. Finally a kindly brakeman named Ernest Thompson
Sigafoos rescued the hapless Rimbaud.
He took Rimbaud home and raised him as his own, and
Rimbaud, to show his appreciation, studied hard and got ex-
cellent marks and finished a distinguished academic career as
valedictorian of M.I.T.
Rimbaud never complained to his kindly foster father, but
through all those years of grammar school and high school and
college, he darn near died of the heat! A seal, you must remem-


lThe f4;&e Gefte."


- Zelan ProCessed

j .Navy-Natural-White-Gold
nroi n ( OR


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