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February 12, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-12

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4

-- -era e e e e r rr i e ar i e

VOL. LXVII, No. 91





Still Drops
In January
1,120,000 Added
To Jobless Figure
ernment reported yesterday that
1,120,000 Americans were added to
the unemployment rolls in Jan-.
It was the biggest monthly in-
crease since the end of World9
War II.
Total unemployment reached
4,494,000 last month,ntheCom-
merce and Labor Departments re-
They said the increase, reflect-
ing a sharp drop in factory em-
ployment, was about twice the
normal seasonal rise in unem-
ployment which occurs, in the
post-holiday slump.
Claims Further Unemployment
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.) con-
tended the government's figures
did not give thq real picture of
total unemployment.
Taking into consideration those
whose working hours and pay-
checks have been reduced, the
senator said, you would get the
equivalent of at least another mil-
Slion unemployed.
Sen Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.)
agreed with Douglas.
Senators Hubert H. Humphrey
(D-Minn.), Patrick McNamara
(D-Mich.) and Allen J. Ellender
1 (D-La.) called for a program of
tax cuts, public works and other
steps to strengthen the economy.
More Statistics Released
Some other recession statistics
were released by the government.
Total employment, dropped off'
2,158,000 in January to a level of
The average work week declined
to 38.7 hours, 90 minutes less than
It was in January, 1957.
Average weekly earnings of fac-
e tory workers dropped by $1.47
from December to January. Last
month's average was $81.27. This
. was $1.14 lower than the same
month of 1957.
Ikse Urges
Post Of fice,
Aid Pro gram
billion-dollar program to modern-
ize the physical plant of the postal
service was announced by Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yester-
The White House described it as
a' move to bolster the national
"The program," a White House
statement said, "will involve re-
habilitating, enlarging or replac-
ing 2,500 government-owned post
office buildings, replacing or re-
modeling 12,000 leased buildings,
and providing mail-handling
equipment for all postal facilities."
James C. Hagerty, the Presi-
dent's press secretary, was asked
whether the post office moderni-
zatio program could fairly be
called part of the administration's
program to combat Ithe business
;Hagerty announced the Presi-
dent will issue a statement on the
economic situation today.
Fifth Deputy

Leaves Post,
Sheriff Says
The resignation of the fifth
! deputy to leave his post in the past
two months was announced by
Washtenaw County Sheriff Erwin
L. Klager yesterday.
Detective Sgt. Harry B. Hogan,
40 years old, of 5925 Nollar Rd.,
Northfield Township, was resign-
ing because of "personality con-
flicts" the sheriff said. Hogan had
served on the staff since Jan. 1,
1955 as fingerprint identification
officer and head of the Youth
Last week Klager announced a
general reorganization of his de-
partment and the plans for regu-
lar meetings, of his department
Kager emphasized that Hogan's
. varn at+inn ha Ana nan+onnfan

Cutler Criticizes
Dorm Adjustin
Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology department last night re-
jected expediency and "well-rationalized beliefs" as a basis for resi-
dence hall policy.
Prof. Cutler criticized the policy of "adjustment" he said was
practiced in residence halls. He asked instead for a policy that would
expose students to different cultural values and then, if necessary,
adjust them.
Cutler, Student Agree
He said "the residence hall system is part of the total educa-
tional experience" and should have the same goals as other Univer-
_tsitY areas. He and Alan Krebs,

-Daily-Robert Kanner
favors integration
Rocket Test
Flight Sent
Over Ocean
Redstone ballistic missile - the
workhorse of the American space
weapon arsenal-blasted off its
firing pad yesterday.
The Redstone, first-stage back-
bone of the Jupiter-C rocket which
hurled the first United States
satellite into orbit around the
earth Jan. 31, roared up into a
black, overcast Florida sky at 7:52
p.m. EST.
Its test flight out over the At-
lantic ocean may yield much in--
formation vital to America in her
effort to beat Russia to a solu-
tion of the secrets of outer space.
Announces Immediately
A few minutes after 7 p.m., the
Redstone service gantry was
wheeled away and the missile be-
gan to, shine through the black-
ness of the night like a huge, bul-.
let-shaped icicle.
It had frosted over as liquid
oxygen was pumped into its fuel
tanks at 300 degrees below zero,
The Army' announced minutes
after the firing that it had made
a routine test firing of the Red-
The missile was in sight only 25
seconds after it blasted off. Then
it vanished into a black cloud
Predicts Use Soon
Basically, the Redstone is a 200-
mile ballistic missile - a simple,
dependable, long-range artillery
weapon that culd be set up,
aimed and fired by GI Joes in the
It is so far advanced, the Army
claims, that it can be placed in
the hands of troops by, mid-sum-
The furious public demand for
an American earth satellite to
match the Russian Sputniks cast
the Redstone in a more exotic role
and made it the free world's most
famous space rocket.
It was thrust into duty as the
first stage of the makeshift Jupi-
ter-C which performed so bril-
liantly in launching the Explorer
satellite now circling the world.
VU'To offer
Flu Vaccme
Student Health Insurance is still
on sale in the Student Activities
Bldg., Student Government Coun-
cil Treasurer Scott Chrysler,
'59BAd, said yesterday.
Insurance applications may be
picked up in the SGC office, on
the first floor of the SAB. Insur-
ann trilmp n f Af a infilm onf

Grad., agreed the basic function
of a University could be expressed
as "fostering constructive con-
flict" and the dormitories were
not integrated as well as' they
could be.
They differed on the solution
to residence hall integration;
Krebs advocated a "first come,
first served" basis for placing en-
tering freshmen. Prof. Cutler fa-
vored allowing students with vio-
lent objections to rooming with
someone of a different race or
nationality to room with someone
of the same race and nationality.
Criticizes Application
They spoke last night at an
open meeting of the Young Demo-
crats '
Prof. Cutler criticized the pres-
ent residence hall application
question "Are you interested in a
roommate of a different race or
nationality other than your own."
"It's hard to say yes to such a
question," Prof. Cutler said. He
suggested a question similar to
"Would you strongly object to a
roommate of a race or nationality
other than your own."
He said the expedient view, a
view he said administrators "seem
to hold," is that integration cre-
ates more problems than it solves.
A "go-slow" policy is advocated
until students are ready for an-
other step in integration. But due
to this policy, Prof. Cutler said,
students are never ready for the
next step.
Cites Question of Responsibility
He said refusing to integrate
further because parents might oby.
ject would raise the question,
"Who is responsible for the total
educational process of the Uni-
Krebs also advocated "exposing
students to more ideas that might
cause them to discuss or think."
He read from a statement of the
aims of the University from the
literary college catalogue. He ex-
plained the resulting laughter as
caused by the difference between
the catalogue description and
what the University actually of-

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. A)) -- The
AFL-CIO yesterday ordered its
unions to include clauses barring
racial discrimination in hiring,
wages or promotions in all labor
The directive, aimed at dis-
crimination on race, color or
creed, was one of a number of ac-
tions voted by the AFL-CIO ex-
ecutive Council at final winter
The civil rights resolution di-
rected all unions to establish com-
mittees and procedures to insure
"a meaningful civil rights pro-
gram" in the ranks of all affiliated
labor organizations.
Non-Discrimination Clauses Urged
It said all unions should nego-
tiate non-discrimination clauses
in collective bargaining contracts
and see that employers live up to
In other actions, the AFL-CIO
1) Deplored the news from
Washington that by latest govern-
ment count unemployment topped
four and one-half million in Jan-
George Meany, AFL-CIO presi-
dent, said labor was worried over
the economic situation and doubt-
ful of a midyear recovery as an-
ticipated by President Dwight D.
Boycott Ordered
2) Ordered an alleged boycott
by the Sheet Metal Workers Union
against products made by mem-
bers of rival steelworkers and ma-
chinists unions submitted to an
3) Chartered a new Laundry
Workers International U n i on,
made up of locals which seceded
from a laundry workers union ex-
pelled from the AFL-CIO two
months ago on corruption charges.
4) Pledged renewed effort to
persuade rival textile workers un-
ions to merge, and to get the feud-
ing Air Line Pilots Assn. and flight
engineers unions also to combine.
Group To Meet
Inter-House Council's Integra-
tion Committee will meet for the
first time this year at 7 p.m. today
in the East Lounge of South Quad-
It will be an organizational

U.S. Asked
To Denounce
French Raid
WASHINGTON () -- Secretary;
of State John Foster Dulles re-
ported yesterday that Tunisia has
requested American support in a
move to denounce France before
the United Nations -for bombing a
Tunisian border village last Sat-
Sec. Dulles said it would be
premature to decide whether to
back any such complaint because
Tunisia was vague about what
the United Nations might do.
He appealed to both sides to
minimize the impact of the bomb-
ing and seek to develop close and
friendly relations of the kind he
believes necessary between North
Africa and Western Europe.
Sec. Dulles talked about the
French-Tunisian crisis at a news
conference where he carefully
sought to steer a middle'-course,
in keeping with past policy.

Crawford of Milan
May Oppose Mead
Local Democratic leaders indicated yesterday that a
ney, Robert Crawford, is their leading choice to oppose
Meader (R-Mich.) in his bid this fall for a fifth term.
A member of the Second Congressional District Ca
mittee which has been seeking a candidate since last Jul
Marckwardt, said the 40-year-old lawer would probabl
district organization's support if he decides to run.
Promises Announcement 'Soon'
Crawford said, "I haven't decided yet if I want to coi
The 1949 graduate of the University law school said he
"soon," perhaps within a week, if
he'll make his first bid for public
No opposition is expected to Rep.
Meader's renomination in the Aug.
5 primary, Ann Arbor Republican
Chairman Kenneth McDonald said.
"Rep. Meader is well thought of
in the party and I don't know of
anyone who is considering running
against him," McDonald com-
Possible opposition to the
Democratic District organization's
choice may come from Ypsilanti .,.:
Township Supervisor Franklin J.
Shepherd who defeated their can-
didate, Mrs. Alice Filley, in the
1956 primary but lost to Rep.
Shepherd, who last night won a
special election for his recall, said
"A lot of thinking will have to be
done" before announcing. He ac-
knowledged that he is considering REP. GEORGE
running for a state office "but not opposition t
higher than the Senate."
Peek Considered .u.
Mrs. Marckwardt and Wash- E.4
tenaw County Democratic Chair- X- oL I
man Mrs. Howard Blanckenburg,
of Ypsilanti, said Prof. George Brj
Peek of the political science de-
partment had been urged to run
by some local Democrats but de-
clined. Pai'd to '
"No, I definitely do not plan to
run for Congress," he told The
Daily. Prof. Peek explained he is WASHINGTON (9
going on sabbatical leave next nard Schwartz said
semester and plans to concentrate has evidence of payn
on research. to a federal commur





Bomb Raid
er As Reprisal
Milan attor- Tunisians Reported
Rep. George Blocking Approaches
To Bizerte Sea Base
ndidate Com-
y, Mrs. Albert PARIS()-The French Nation-
y receive the al Assembly gave Premier Felix
Gaillard a solid vote of support
today after hearing him firmly
mmit myself." defend a French air strike against
will announce a Tunisian village.
The vote was 339-179. The Is-
sue was not one of formal confi-
dence, but if it had gone against
Gaillard, his three-month-old
government would have had to
Assembly endorsement of the
government's North African poli-
cies came against a backdrop of
widely ranging protests and,
mounting tension over the bomb-
ing raid.
Claims Reprisal Raid
Tunisia says the attack last Sat-
urday on the frontier village of
Sakiet Sidi Youssef left 68 persons
dead, 84 wounded and 10 missing.
France says the raid was in re-
prisal for Algerian rebel action
against French forces from Tu-
nisian soil.
Gaillard deplored the killing of
civilians "in this most regrettable
MEADER incident," but declared most of
uncertain the victims were Algerian rebels.
He told the Assembly the gov-
ernment had authorized the
armed forces to use "at least its
Ise ht of legitimate defense."
Blames Tunisians
j y ,He sought to put the blame for
the attack on the Tunisians, ay-
Ing they had harbored and aided
FCC the rebels from neighboring Al-
Tunisian national guardsmen
were reported blocking the land
-- Dr. Ber- approaches to the big'French na-
yesterday he val base at Bizerte and threaten-
ment of money ing to fire on any French ships
aications com- entering the port.
sted TV case.
the commis-
e existence of SGC To Vote
known to the- "
e investigating O u ls i g
rehim Mn On Pubsh g
' Class Rating
chwartz said,
alliance be-
and the White A motion that Student Govern-
hitewash. ment Council publish course eval-
hentfolw edh uations will be brought befprre
ent followed SGC at its meeting at 7:15 p.m.
f ReP. Oren today in the Council chambers,
chairman of Student Activities Bldg.
'hich is Inves- The Council set up a committee
ulatory agen- on Dec. 11 to report on possibilities
ed the probe of publishing such evaluations.
This committee, headed by SGC
Administrative Vice-President
Maynard Goldman, '59 will report
to the Council tonight and present
the motion.
A recommendation to SGC on
exchange programs will be pre-
sented by Jean Scruggs, '58, chair-
man of the National and Interna-
\S"MaY6PN I tional Affairs Committee. SGC

Pave Way
For Talks
States and Russia squared away
yesterday for diplomatic talks
prior to any summit conference.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles boosted things along with
a news conference display of
United States open-mindedness on
the general subject negotiating
with Russians.
For one thing, he said a foreign
ministers' meeting was not a
necessary preliminary to a sum-
mit conference.
And President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, on the same day U.S.
Ambassador Llewellyn Tommy
Thompson was due back in Mos-
cow, accepted the credentials of
the new Soviet ambassador to
Washington, Mikhail A. Menshi-
kov, and arranged to be his host
at a formal White House dinner
for diplomats.
In presenting his credentials at
the White House, Menshikov ex-
tolled "peaceful coexistence and
He pledged to strengthen U.S.-
Soviet friendship and expressed
hope he would "meet with under-
standing and assistance."
President Eisenhower responded
that he was pleased to hear of
Russia's "sincere friendship" be-
cause the American people have
"only the friendliest feelings" to-
ward the Soviet people.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
AMMAN Jordan - Kings Hussein of Jordan and Faisal II of
Iraq went into a huddle yesterday amid indications they will an-
nounce shortly federation of their countries to meet the challenge of
the new Egyptian-Syrian union.
Informed sources said plans for merger of the two Hashemite
kingdoms, both aligned with the West, already have been largely
worked out.
The big questions seemed to be whether King Saud of Saudi
Arabia would join Husseirn and Faisal, and whether Iraq would with-
draw from the pro-Western Bagh-T

Writes UAW
George Meader (R-Mich.) asked
Walter Reuther yesterday to sup-
port his full employment program
with facts and figures - "if you
expect Congress to take you
In a. letter to the United Auto
Workers president, Meader said it
is obvious that Reuther's recent
proposals to abolish unemploy-
ment would "cost a great deal of

missioner in a conte
He did not name
Schwartz said the
such evidence wasl
majority of a House
committee which fi
day as its chief cou
This majority, S
joined an "unholy
tween big business a
House to obtain a w
Schwartz' statem
the appointment a
Harris (D-Ark.) as
the subcommittee w
tigating federal reg
cies. Harris promis
will continue.

dad Pact.

# * .

JAKARTA, -Indonesia - Pre-
mier Djuanda's Cabinet yesterday
rejected a rebel ultimatum calling
for it to quit.
Parrying the threat, it ordered f
discharge from the army service;
of four young colonels leading the
outer island's revolt.r
At Padang, rebel leaders avow-
edly fighting communism and cor-}
ruption said they were prepared
for possible attack. Security, pre-
cautions tightened at rebel head-'
quarters against any airborne in-
GARY, Ind. - The House sub-
committee on Unamerican Activi-
ties wound up its "distasteful" job
of hunting Communists in the
steel industry yesterday with an
unexpected secret session for three
mill workers, Christopher Malis
and his brother, Walter, both of
Gary, and Joseph Gyurko of Ham-
The Malis brothers were two of
five brothers - lifelong Gary resi-
dents - who had been named as
Communist workers by Joseph La-'
Fleur, who worked undercover in
the mills for the FBI in 1942-52.

Ypsilanti Supervisor Wins Battle Against Recall
-...r. V in.; Crr:c' .,Cyrn. nt "~ ~s v '-cv'

Ypsilanti Township Supervisor Franklin J. Shepherd won hIls
battle against a recall move last night by a vote of 2172-901.
Shepherd termed his victory "a complete vindication of the
people's desire to have honest men and men of integrity in public
The recall movement was launched against Shepherd after
charges were made by the township board of trustees that the super-
visor spent "less than 50 per cent of the required hours in his office."
Criticizes Board Member
Shepherd charged the board made its statement as a result of
several conflicts he had with members of the board.
Later, Shepherd, who is a township trustee, charged the other
members of the board were "unfit to serve the people of the town-
ship." He urged that they be recalled.
Proceedings were then instituted .against Shepherd by several
of the trustees who circulated recall petitions against him.
The Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors, on which Shepherd
sits, recently expressed confidence in Shepherd's work.
Supporters of Shepherd's fight to stay in office crowded the Ypsi-
lanti Township Hall last night as election inspectors worked to com-
plete the tally on precinct six - the final precinct to report.
Thanks Supporters
After the election inspectors reported the sixth precinct vote of
746 against recall to 155 in favor, swelling Shepherd's victory margin
to more than two-to-tne, Shepherd came out into the hall from his

Daily Tryouts,
Introductory meetings for
students interested in joining
The Daily will be held today
and tomorrow at the Student
Publications Building, 420 May-
Editorial and sports staff try-
out meetings are scheduled for
7:15 p.m. today and 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow, while business staff
will hold , theirs at 4:15 today
and 7:15 tomorrow.


abolished the Free University of
Berlin exchange Dec. 4, and has
been studying possibilities of a
substitute program since.
Phil Zook, '60, Student Book Ex-
change manager, will present a
preliminary report on SBX so far
this semester.
Appointments to several com-



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