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May 03, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-03

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riiiii Irw. ir

mandy Praises Collegiate Audiences

feel very close to the mind of
, because at heart I am
i," Eugene Ormandy the
conductor of the Philadel-
Orchestra said yesterday.
e man who has conducted at
evious May Festivals was ex-
ing why he enjoyed playing
e college audiences.
>llege audiences are sensitive,
nsive and enthusiastic. They
what they are hearing, and
they like. They are honest;
ey like something they ap-
, but if they don't'you always


"They are as close to European
udiences as you'll find."
College Towns Vibrant
"College towns are vibrant
>laces," he continued. "As for Ann
krbor, I feel that when we play
t the Festival our name changes-
o the Ann Arbor - Philadelphia
Questioned as to what he liked
n music, he replied "Good music."
I like to play the music I happen
o be playing at the time," he said.
This musical genius, who was
ittle more than an infant when he
ucked a violin under his chin,
eas invited to make a concert tour
f the United States in 1921.
However, the tour turned out to'
e somewhat of a failure and Or-
landy found himself alone in a
trange country without funds.
Nickel Meant 'Difference
"Then," Ormandy recalled, "a
icikel meant the difference be-
ween a subway ride home and a
up of coffee. I usually took the
up of coffee, and that, indirect-
y was how I was discovered."
"In a cafeteria eating coffee and
ake I met a famous Hungarian
pera star, who had connections.
'hese connections got me a job
laying in a movie house orches-
ra," he continued.
"Luckily, the people above me
ecognized my 'talent.' I never use
:ie word myself," he said.
In a short period of time, Or-
Of ._y
fM Reading
ui ken Rate
Learning the mechanical tech-
.iques of reading will keep your
ind from getting ahead of your
yes and will make your newspa-
er much easier to understand,
ccording to the latest findings of
he New York Reading Labora-
In a series of articles aimed at
ncreasing the efficiency of Amer-
can newspaper readers, the
,eading Laboratory said increased
eading speed must be accompa-
ied by a corresponding increase
n comprehension.
One expert compared readers
'ith one reading speed to auto-
iobiles with one gear. 8ince they
ead everything with the same
peed and degree of attention,
hey waste both time and mental

formance with the Philadelphia
Orchestra, was taken ill.
Ormandy was invited as a re-
placement and. proved an over-
night sensation. In the audience
was a representative from the
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
looking for a successor to the ail-
" ing Henri Verbruggen.
Takes Permanent Post
Ormandy was engaged as a guest
conductor and the post became
- : permanent until 1936, when Or-
mandy returned to the Philadel-
phia. Orchestra as music director,
the position he holds today..
"I feel myself very lucky," Or-
- frmandy admitted. "For me, America
proved to be exactly as I had
Contrasting American society
with that of Europe, Ormandy
candidly said that classical music
Daiy-Robert Kanner here doesn't hold the place it
... praises audiences Need Less Jazz
-"A little less jazz, and consider-
mandy became one of radio's first ably more classical music, would
important conductors. Finally in do young people a great deal of
1930, he directed his first concerts good," he maintained.
with the Philadelphia Orchestra "The young people in Europe
wanh the PhwladelPhilharmonic, go without meals in order to have
and the New York Pthe money to see -famous artists.
But the turning poirt in his This does not happen here," he
career came in 1930 when Tos- noted. "We have not yet reached
canini, scheduled for a guest per- 'cultural maturity.'"



Translations Increase
Nation's ',Opera Interest,

"Increased interest in opera
throughout the nation can be at-
tributed greatly to English trans-
lations," Prof. Josef Blatt of the
music school recently commented.
Blatt, who will direct "Opera
Scenes" for Upper Peninsula
audiences from May 11 to the 15th
and at Ferris Institute on May 16,
says, "If opera is to be appreci-
ated fully it must be sung in lan-
guage understandable to those
attending. In Germany, opera is
sung German whether is is an
Italian or French opera. The same.
applies for other European coun-
"There is a growing interest in
opera, but facilities for presenting
them are still limited." This, he
maintains, is the biggest drawback
to opera in the United States to-
day. \
"Opera Scenes," requested by
Upper Peninsula audiences to ap-
pear again after their tour last
year, uses the abstract approach.
Prof. Blatt, assistant conductor
of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany for two years and well-known
for his English translations of 14
famous operas, will be accompan-
ied on the tour by Janet M. Ast,
'58SM; Jean M. Austin, Grad;
Muriel S. Greenspan, '59SM; Irene
E. Kunst, '58SM; Jerry R. Lang-
enkamp, Grad; Jerry L. Lawrence,
'59SM; Charles Sims, Grad, SM;,
John J. Zei, Jr., Grad; David Ef-
fron, '60Mu, is accompanist.
Petitions Out
Petitions for Homecoming Cen-
tral Committee will be, available
Saturday at the Union desk and in
the League Undergraduate Office.
Positions available are for chair-
man of decorations, band, public-
ity, displays, building and grounds,
programs and patrons, booklet,
secretary, tickets and alumnae re-
Petition are due at 5 p.m. Thurs-
day at the Union student office.
At this time the applicants may
sign for an interview. These will
be held Friday and Saturday with
the central committee being an-
nounced Saturday night.
Teacher's IQ
Called Lowest

This year's selecton for the four-
scene program will be Nicolai's
"The Merry Wives of Windsor,"
Act I, Scene 1; Saint-Saens'
"Samson and Delilah," Act II;
"Don Giovanni," scenes from Act
I; and Verdi's "A Masked Ball,"
Act III, Scene 1.
U' Receives
Large Grant
For Research
The University has been given
a grant of $11,734.77 by the Mich-
igan United Fund for research in,
crippling disabilities.
Prof. Donald C. Smith of the
School of Public Health will direct
the research project to be carried
on by the Maternal and Child
Health Unit of the School of
Public Health.
The United Cerebral Palsy As-
sociation of Michigan originated
the research.
Research Includes
The research will include a pi-
lot study for the development of'
accurate ways to determine the
incidence and prevalence of cere-
bral palsy and related disabling
conditions such as epilepsy and
multiple sclerosis. It will also con-
cern the necessity for program
The research will be included
in the public health school's Com-
munity Health Study in Tecum-
seh, which is concerned with dis-
eases, physical environment, hab-
its, occupations, diet, .social 'con-
tacts and status, and their rela-
tion to chronic. disease.
Use Statistics
The Maternal and Child Health
Unit will be able to use statistics
compiled by this project as back-
"Methods of determining how
widespread the crippling disabili-
ties are in a particular commu-
nity will be of tremendous value
to professional workers every-
where," Prof. Smith said.
"If successfully developed," he
added, "it is hoped that these
same methods may be used in a
state-wide study of handicapping
conditions in childhood."
Dr. Carleton Dean, medical di-
rector of the Michigan Crippled
Children Commission and Dr.
Goldie Corneliuson, Director of
the Division of Maternal and
Child Health in the Michigan De-
partment of Health are nembers
of a special advisory committee
established to work with the fac-
ulty members who will be carry-
ing out the project.
Dr. Bradley Harris, Prof. Harry
A. Townsley of the School of Med-
icine and Prof. Kathryn Robeson
of the School of Public Health are
also members.

The Philadelphia Orchestra is
the leading symphony orchestra
in the United States today, accord-
ing to a recent poll of 200 critics.
They gave it this honor for the
third consecutive season.
Ormandy, who guided the or-
chestra to this high position, had
this advice to give to potential
musicians. "Success is a combina-
tion of talent, an endless amount
of work and a great deal of luck.
You must have all three if you
wish to achieve your goal."
Old Testament
Speech Series
To Open Here
The first annual Zwerdling Lec-
tures in Old Testament Studies
will be held in Ann Arbor next
Made possible by an endowment
from the sons of Hannah and
Osias Zwerdling of Ann Arbor,
the first lectures will be presented
by Prof. George Ernest Wright of
McCormick Theological Seminary
of Chicago.
Prof. Wright will speak on
"Archaeological Aspects of Bibli-
cal Study." His first lecture,
"Palestine in Archaeology Today"
is scheduled for 4:15 p.m. Tuesday
in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
At 8:15 p.m. Tuesday' he will
deliver the second lecture, "Exca-
vations at Biblical Schechem -
1957," at B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun-
Wednesday the McCormick lec-
turer, who has accepted a post at
Harvard University, will complete
the first series of lectures. His third
talk, to be given at 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. A, Angell Hall, is entitled
"Old Testament Studies Today in
an Archaeological Perspective.
The Zwerdlings, in whose name
the endowment was made, are ob-
serving their 50th wedding anni-
versary and their 50th year in Ann
Sctt Named
Essay Winner
Michael Scott, '58L, associate
editor of The Michigan Law Re-
view, has been named winner of
the Braniff Essay Award in Avia-
tion Law by the Southwestern
Legal Foundation of Dallas.
As winner of this contest, Scott
has been awarded $100 first prize.
In addition, he has recently re-
ceived a Ford Foundation fellow-
ship to study law next year in
His paper, "Liens in Aircraft
Priorities" was judged best in the
annual contest established in the
memory of the late Thomas Bran-
iff, airline pioneer.
The contest was open to all
students of accredited law schools
in the United States.
Scott's entry will be published in
the Journal of Air Law and Com-
merce, whose editorial board
served as judges for this contest.
Sorority Holds
Bazaar T oday'
Delta Gamma Sorority will pre-
sent a bazaar at 1 p.m today on
the front lawn of their house at
1405 Hill St.
Knitted and sewn articles and
jewelry made by the members will
be sold. Local merchants and
alumnae have also donated items
which will be on sale.

Bird Declares Psychiatry,
Religion Have Mutual Goals

Hear Talks
Several University language pro-
fessors are participating in the
Central States Modern Language
Teachers Association meeting now
being held in Detroit.
The meeting, which started yes-
terday and will end today, is the
largest regional modern language
association in the country. Prof.
Robert Lado of the English depart-
ment and director of the English
Language Institute is the main
speaker of today's morning ses-
sion. His topic is "Linguistics and
the Modern Language Teacher:
The Two Can Get Together."
University Regent Roscoe Boni-
steel will talk on "The West and
the Far East," at the luncheon
Other University faculty mem-
bers participating in the 41st an-
nual meeting are Frank S. Lam-
bass, of the German and Serbo-
Croatio departments, and Prof.
Otto Graf of the German depart-
ment, Albert Marckwardt of the
English department, and Prof.
Robert Politzer of the French de-
Prof. Julio del Toro of the Span-
ish department is executive secre-
tary of the CSMLTA.
"Iceland is really a musician's


Johnson Pra
"Iceland is really a musician's
paradise," conductor Thor Johnson
"The audiences," the musician
continued, "are like audiences in
the Orient, particularly in Japan,
in their intensity in listening and
the way they take part in the
Johnson is currently conducting
the University Choral Union in the
May Festival. After his appearance
in last year's Festival, he went to
Iceland for two months to conduct
its symphony orchestra.
"It's an extremely cultured com-
munity," he explained. "There's
no illiteracy, and more books are
read per person than in any other
place in the world. It has a reper-
toire theater, a symphony and a
radio orchestra, two concert series,
and a beautiful opera house.
"Icelanders usually say they
never had it so good. Besides their
own performers, Russia and the
United States are sending their
ablest musicians to Iceland. The
United States comes ene week,
then there's a week vacant, and
then the Russians come. Because
of its value as an air base, both
countries are trying to win ap-
Approval, Johnson indicated,
may come largely with approval
of the United States' and Russia's
artistic contributions.

rises Audiences of Iceland

"Basically there is only one class
in Iceland, and they're able to live
on an amazingly high scale. They


... directs Choral Union
have an entirely different approach
to life than ours, which is based on
having time.
Johnson recalled one interview
he had there that lasted about 17
hours. "The concert reviews," the
conductor said, "are published
months after the concert and are
penetrating analyses of. perform-
ance. The reviewer and I spent all
17 hours discussing one of my
performances-the composers, the
compositions, my interpretations,
and the philosophy of the music."
With the completion of this
year's May Festival, Johnson will
spend several months on a govern-
ment assignment in the Orient.
Only Member
As the only musician member
of the government's Advisory
Committee on the Arts, one of his
jobs on the assignment will be to
conduct the Provincial Symphony
Orchestra of Taiwan in a number
of concerts. The proceeds will go
to buy new instruments for the
It is difficult though, he said; to

select the proper music "for foreign
audiences. "Now that we are send-
ing out music, we find that it isn't
a universal language. In our par-
ticular situation right now, we
have to discover what areas are
susceptible to certain types of
musical product."
Johnson traveled in the Far East
as assistant conductor of the NBC
Symphony Orchestra. "The seats
are closer together there," he re-
called. "But because their entire
life is so crowded, the Oriental
peoples have a respect for the re-
pose of others.
Composure in the audience
seems to last forever., In Japan the
NBC orchestra did 21 concerts in
23 days. Needless to say, we were
tired, but hen you get in front
of those audiences they hypnotize
you and you have to do your best."
"Audiences in the United States
are quite different. You're lucky if
you can hold their attention for
five minutes before someone starts
coughing or searching for an um-
U' Graduate
Gets Posiion
A former University forestry
student has accepted a position as
chief of fire control in the eastern
sector of the United States.
Bert E. Holby, who received his
masters in forestry here in 1940,
formerly served as U.S. forestry
service management analyst in the
Pacific Northwest.
His transfer to Heardquarters
in Upper Darby, Pa., will become
effective in early June.
DIAL NO 2-2513
Ends Tonight

Psychiatry and religion have
mutual goals, according to Prof.
Waldo Bird of the medical school.
Speaking at a Lane Hall coffee
hour yesterday, Prof. Bird ex-
plained that historically psychiatry
and religion developed jointly until
the 17th century, then psychiatry
became a part of medicine.
Nevertheless psychiattists and
clergymen maintain the same pri-
mary goal, that of increasing
people's ability to love.
Taught To Love
"Religion has always taught us
to love our neighbor," Prof. Bird
Psychiatrists realize that a per-
son's inability to love others stems
from past traumatic experiences.
Psychiatric techniques help the
.patient to understand these ex-
periences and, ultimately, to love
his neighbor.
"The psychiatrist is not an 'ad-
vice giver' or manipulator," Prof.
Bird stressed. The psychiatrist
merely helps the patient to under-
stand himself. He helps the patient
establish harmony between the
conscious and subconscious facets
of his mind, Prof. Bird said.


Bird said. He is able to under-
stand the effect of his actions on
the people with whom he is work-
officer Cites
UN Problems





Teh secret of more efficient
reading skill is in adjusting speed
and attention to the purpose and
difficulty of the material, accord-
ing to the Laboratory.
"Next to the dog, the waste
paper basket is man's best
friend," is the slogan of most
American readers, the experts
said. After a course in reading
efficiency the average person is
able to cut his reading time in
half and comprehend everything
much more fully.
The most important thing to re-
member for improved reading
techniques is tofirst evaluate the
material. Pre-reading of material
will give you more insight on how
to attack it.t
Readers also need to be able
to recognize "road signs" in read-
ing. Words such as "in brief," "in
short," and "in conclusion" tell
the reader to slow up and get
ready for a forthcoming summary.
By using these reading skills,
you will become more efficient
in your reading by daily practice.
But your eyes can't do all the
work, the Laboratory warns.
In order to get the most out of
your newspaper, as well as every-
thing that you read, you have to
be able to concentrate.


DELAND, Fla: (AW) - School
teachers have the lowest I.Q.
rating of members of any profes-
sion, Hugh McEniry, liberal arts
dean of Stetson University, told
a legislative committee on educa-
tion yesterday.
"That's a reflection on how at-
tractive we make teaching," he

double points slightly higher
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