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May 03, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-03

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YI r L

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





Junta Nips,
Army Revolt
In Colombia
Uprising Hits Country
" As Election Nears
BOGOTA, Colombia (P) - A
presidential candidate and four
members of Colombia's ruling five-
man military junta were kidnaped
h. yesterday in a vain effort to seize
the government.
The bold move, led by an army
colonel, began at 4 a.m. Seven
hours later all those kidnaped had
been released . and the rebellion
The uprising came two days be-
fore Colombia is scheduled to elect
its first constitutional president
in a decade. Those seized included
ex-President Alberto Lleras Ca-
margo, the, front running candi-
Y date.
Forero Leads Revolt
Authorities said Col. Hernando
forero led the revolt. Taking part
were soldiers of the military police
and some national police and reg-
ular troops.
The rebels seized their victims
at their homes. They dynamited
houses after carrying away the
The junta members -abducted
and held in the Caldas Battalion
barracks were Maj. Gen. Gabriel
Paris, junta president, Maj. Gen.
Deogracias Fonseca, Brig. Gen.
Rafael Navas Pardo . and Brig.
Gen. Luis Ordonez.
RerManages Escape
Rear 'Adm. Ruben Piedrahita,
the fifth member of the junta,
managed to escape from his home.
He rushed to the presidential pal-
ace and alerted loyal officers.
Lleras escaped in the confusion
that resulted when his captors ran
into a loyal army patrol near the
presidential palace.
Peidrahita sent an ultimatum
to Forero, telling him to release
the junta members immediately.
This lead to the breaking of the
FWork Period
Kills Student
Lloyd Weiler, a student at
Michigan State University, died
early' yesterday morning after a
practice session i for the 1958
Pushmobile Junior 500 race, ac-
cording to the Lansing State
Weiler had started the practice
session at 12:30 a.m. yesterday
ith four of his Delta Tau Delta
fraternity brothers, according to
East Lansing police, and the ses-
sion continued until 1:50 a.m.
when the five students'decided to
sit down and rest, the State Jour-
nal said.
At this time, the police report
stated, Weiler began to feel dizzy
and lapsed into unconsciousness,
the State Journal reported. His
brothers then carried him across
the street into the Sigma Chi fra-
ternity house, when the East Lan-
sing police and fire department
inhalator squad were called in.
Owen Hospital Called
According to the State Journal,
police said that Owen Memorial
Hospital was then called, and the
nurse on duty said that it was "ir-

regular" to call a doctor at that
time. Owen Memorial Hospital
fills the same function as Univer-
sity Hospital on this campus.
The nurse suggested the State
Journal said that the stdents try
to bring the patient into the hos-
pital, although she would try to
get a staff physician police said.
The nurse then reported' that no
physician could be sent.
Then an east Lansing physi-
cian was contacted, police told the
State Journal, but he couldn't
The East Lansing police then
contacted another doctor through
the East Lansing Physician's Bu-
reau, and he arrived at 20 a.m.,
closely followed by the coroner,
the State Journal said.
Dr. Clifford J. Menzies, direc-
tor of the Owen Memorial Hospi-
tal, told The Daily last night that
he had a rheumatic heart. He was
excluded from all inter-collegiate

Sonne Asks Tax Cut,
Expenditure Increase
WASHINGTON (R)-Calling for bold action to meet the recession,
Christian Sonne, the head of the National Planning Association,
yesterday urged a four-billion-dollar increase in government spending
and a tax reduction of seven to eight billion dollars.
"In this situation I think it is more prudent to err on the side
of acing too boldly than too timidly," Sonne said.
He advanced his proposals at a hearing of the House Banking
Committee, which is considering legislation to relieve unemployment.
Senate Republican Leader William Knowland of California predicted


eject I

Prop osal



White Backs
Miitary Plan.
Thomas D. White, Air Force chief
of staff, went down the line for
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's

'the Senate will pass an adminis-
tration-backed bill td extend the
duration of unemployment relief
payments by 50 per cent. The
legislation sailed through the
House Thursday after a broader-
scaled Democratic measure was
voted down.
Sen. Knowland, after a White
House conference with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, told news-
men the President was very
pleased by the House action.
StartMay 12
The Senate Finance Committee
is scheduled to start hearings on
the legislation May 12.
Sonne told the House committee
tat NPA's program of tax reduc-
tion and government spending may
be premature, but he said greater
harm may result from action
which may turn out to be inade-
iuate, and he added: "Further
action during this session of Con-
gress cannot long be delayed."
Calls Move 'Defeatist'
It may be true that the problems
of inflation have not yet been mas-
tered, he said, but: "It would,
however, be defeatist if because of
our fear that we will be unable to
master the problems of possible
future 'price rise, we decide to run
the risk of prolonging mass unem-
ployment and leaving productive
capacity unutilized."
"Taking this risk is unjustified
in any event," he said.
Gains ITrial
After Return
styled "depression Communist,"
whose deportation case has been
in the courts for 11 years, yester-
day was granted the new day in
court he demanded after his con-
troversial deportation April 18.
The Finnish-born alien, William
Heikkila, was returned from Fin-
land by the United States govern-
ment after his abrupt removal
from this cpuntry brought criticism
of the immigration service.
Through his lawyer, he moved
1) Cancel his deportation order
on grounds that a Communist or
former Communist is not deport-
able unless he has actively advo-
cated the violent overthrow of the
2) Have two immigration offi-
cials held in contempt for the
manner in which he was deported,
claimning it was done -An violation
of a. restraining order.

0 p -ose


Co pro rise

:, .

Arctic Plan
Veto Called

. ,?

- .- .. .
,,likes Ike's plan
defense reorganization plan yes-
He said separate ground, sea,
and air warfare is "gone forever."
Unlike some other military lead-
ers, Gen. White gave 100 per cent
endorsement to the reorganization
bill at hearings before the House
Armed Services Committee.
No Suggestions ,
Asked whether he had any sug-
gestions on a substitute bill, the.
Air Force leader said no.
"I completely agree with the
President's concept that separate
ground, sea, and air warfare are
gone forever and that peacetime
preparation and organization must
conform to this fact," White told
the congressmen.
"It is essential that our combat
forces be organized into . .. uni-
fied commands and that our stra-
tegic and tactical planning be
completely unified."
Hears Criticism
Critical comments from some
members of the House committee
punctuated the hearing.
Rep. F. E. Hebert (D-La.) said
President Eisenhower in 1953 was
certain that secretaries of the
armed services and chiefs of staff
should be part of the chain of.
command of combined combat
forces but now wants to take them
out of the chain.
Rep. P. J. Kilday (D-Tex.) re-
marked that in ;.953 President
Eisenhower had issued orders plac-
ing the secretaries in the line of
"Things have changed," said
Rep. L. H. Gavin (R-Pa.). "We
were thinking in terms of artillery
then, missiles now.
Nixon Hinted
Seeking More,
Aid for Latins
ident Richard Nixon's emphasis on
a new era of United States-Latin-
American relations may mean he
is seeking to force the administra-
tion's hand for more aid to this
Sources close to him say Nixon
holds thatthe United States has
not been doing 'enough in Latin
America - a view that Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles and
other administration leaders might
1 A 11 .Y -Q

Dulles Says Russia
Keeps Fears Alive
DURHAM, N.H. () - Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
said last night Russia's veto of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
arctic inspection plan is frighten-
ing and tragic.
Dulles departed from the pre-
pared text of a foreign policy
speech to deplore the Soviet Un-
ion's veto of the plan in the
United Nations Security Council.
Soviet Responsibility
' "At the choice of the Soviet
Union," Dulles said, "the fears
and risk continue. They continue
for one reason alone, and that is
because the Soviet Union rejects
international inspection against
surprise attack.
"The result is tragic. It means
that at the will and choice of the
Soviet Union we shall have to go
on living on the edge of an awful
abyss from which we could so
viet Union did not insist upon re-
readily be rescued if only the So-
taining for itself the possibility of
massive surprise attack."
Set Five Goals
He said rulers in the Kremlin
have set five main goals in their
drive for world domination.
In a far-ranging foreign policy
speech, Dulles urged free peoples
everywhere to make "a sustained
sacrificial effort" to keep Moscow
1) Permanent domination of
Eastern European nations.
2) Continuing the partition of
3) Dismantling A me r i c a n-
backed defense alliances such as
the 15-nation Atlantic Pact.
4) Achieving diplomatic recog-
nition of Red China by the United
States or its admittance into the
United Nations, while winning ac-
ceptance of Peiping's claim to
5) Wiping out Western trade
controls that limit strategic war
goods shipments to the Commu-
nist bloc.

Bingley Sees
Flaw in Rule
On Drinking
Student Government Council
doesn't seem to have "considered
fully" the problem of enforcement
in recommending a change in
drinking regulations, A s s is t a n t
Dean of Men John Bingley said
SGC voted unanimously to rec-
ommend that drinking be per-
mitted in private rooms, apart-
ments and homes of students 21
years old and older. A second vote
selected Joint Judiciary Council
as the group to whom to make
the recommendation.
University Security Officer
Harold Swoverland said it is
"easy" to enforce drinking regula-
tions now and it wouldn't neces-
sarily- be any harder to enforce
them if the recommended change
took place.
Dean Bingley pointed out that
in 1951 Joint Judic decided on a
similar plan, varying only on
minor points. At the time the
Administration felt the problem
of enforcing such a rule chahge
made it impracticable, he indi-
SGC was right in directing the
recommendation to Joint Judic
rather than to the Faculty Com-
mittee on Student Conduct, Dean
Bingley said,

"An inked swastika, a sign
saying - that 'we're on the
Kremlin's side' and another
saying we're organized' ap-
peared on the front window of
a local drug store," according
to Robert Robertson, a part
time employee in a nearby ice
cream parlor.
The signs were discovered at
12:45 a.m. today by Robertson
as he and his wife left work.
He said that there was a group
of people standing around
looking at the sign.
A policeman noticed the
group standing there and told
them to move on, but he did
not see the signs, Robertson

Michigan Errors Allow
OSU Nine o , 8-5
Starting pitcher John Herrnstein was victimized by shoddy sup-
port yesterday, resulting in Michigan's 8-5 loss to Ohio Staten at
Ferry Field.
The Wolverines host Indiana this afternoon in a twin bill, giving
them two chances to improve on their 2-2 Conference record and
fifth-place standing in the league.
Five Runs Unearned
Herrnstein's 11 strikeouts, the most he's thrown in a college game,
went for naught when three errors in strategic places brought in
five unearned runs for the Buck-*
Michigan started in the hole
from the very beginning when the
opposition's 28 - yr.t old captain,
Vern Barkstall, belted a two-run
home run in the first inning.
Those two, plus one more in the
second, were the only counters for
which Herrnstein can be given
full blame
Tide Turns in Eighth
The turning point came in the
eighth, after Michigan had battled}
to a 5-4 deficit. With a runner on>
first and one out, Gary Haverkamp
hit a grounder to Dave. Brown that
had double play written all, over
However, shortstop Ernie Myers
delayed in getting to second to
take the throw. By the time he
did get there, the throw was al-
ready past him, sailing into right
field. One run scored, with Haver-
kamp going all the way to third. ERNIE MYERS
Dave Holland kept the inning .. hits three singles
going by getting his second double
of the day. A base on balls, double
by Dale Hampshire and one more
run spelled the end for Herrnstein. Coty'Asks
Ron Jernigan was brought in.and
struck out Barkstall to end the p d

Wisconsin Student Orator Wains Prize

First Loss
The loss was Herrnstein's first
of the entire season, after he had
posted three wins, including one
in league play.
' Not nearly as effective as usual,
See DIAMONDMEN, page 3
SWorld News
By The Associated Press
Dwight D. Eisenhower is expected
to call on Russia and 10 other na-
tions today to get together and
agree on the future status of Ant-
The White House announce-
ment reportedly,, would urge that
the South Pole area be devoted
entirely to peaceful uses and sci-
entific cooperation.
The announcement will be an
outgrowth of consultations which
have beern going on among the 12
nations interested in Antarctica.
These consultations started in
Washington after they 'were pro-
'posed March 24 by the United
* .* *
BANDUNG, Indonesia - Presi-
dent Sukarno for the first time
yesterday. accused the United
States of intervening on the reb-
els' side in the Indonesian rebel-
He starply warned the United
States "not to play with fire in
Indonesia. Let not a lack of under-
standing by America leda to a
third world war," he appealed.
Sukarno flew here from Jakarta
to speak at a Constitution Day
rally in this West Java capital.
ALGIERS - French authorities
claimed yesterday 536 Algerian
rebels were put out of action in a
h...-rav h am. 4lan ,. Ca nsk-Ah,

PARIS (A') - Rene Pleven told
President Coty today he could not
form a government for France but
Coty insisted he make a new ef-
Pleven went to Elysee Palace at
midnight to confer with Coty. The
efforts of the middle-of-the-road
politician to put together France's
25th postwar government suffered
a severe setback earlier when the
Socialists refused to join his Cab-
"I asked the President to relieve
me of the mission he had given
me," Pleven told reporters. "'Be-
fore taking any decision, the Pres-
ident told me he wanted to con-
sult some political leaders."
Police Action
DETROIT (A') - The National
Association for Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP). said to-
day it had investigated 103 cases
of alleged Detroit police brutali-
ty towards Negroes since Jan. 1,
Edward M. Turner, Detroit
head of the NAACP, said, "The
most significant official attitude
towards the complaints is the re-
luctance to take stern disciplinary
measures in dealing with officers
who have exceeded their authori-,
Police Commissioner Edward S.
Piggins said he would give thor-
ough study and consideration to
the NAACP charges. He said it
always had been the policy of the
department to insist on fairness,
courtesy and diplomacy from
members of the force in their
dealings with the public. Piggins

Reds Claim
Western Plot
Behind Move
Russian Ambassador
Rips Hammarskj old
For Backing U.S.
The Soviet Union brushed aside w
Friday all pleas for compromise
and vetoed President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's proposal for a mil-
tary inspection system in the polar
Before casting the 83rd veto by
the Soviet Union in the Security
Council, Ambassador Arkady A.
Sobolev denounced President,
Eisenhower's plan as a gimmick
intended to enable the West to
spy on Soviet territory. He also
criticized Secretary General ag
Hammarskold for coming out in
favor of the United States plan,
vote 10-1
The vote was 10-1 for the United
States resolution proposing that
technical talks start at once on the
setting up of a system designed to
avert the threat of massive air
attack across the polar regions.
But the one negative vote by the
Soviet Union, under Security
Council procedure, killed the pro-
In an effort to avoid a Soviet
veto the United States accepted a
Swedish amendment saying the
technical talks could prove valu-
able in disarmament talks at a
summit meeting. Sobolev said this
did not change the negative nature
of the United States proposal.
Disregards Assurances
The Soviet Union disregarded
also assurances from Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and re-
iterated by United States Am-
bassador Henry Cabot Lodge that
setting up of an inspection system
might make unnecessary polar
flights of the United States Stra-
tegic Air Force. The Soviet Union
charged that the planes carrying
nuclear weapons in flights toward
its borders could accidently trigger
World War III.
Lodge assailed the veto, saying,
it proved to the entire world that
Moscow "is more interested in in-
creasing tension and anxiety than
in finding ways and means to pre-
vent surprise attack."
Sweden Abstains
The Security Council then voted-
down, 9-1, with Sweden abstain-
ing, a Soviet resolution asking that
the Security Council call on the
United States to end its polar re-
gion flights, and refer inspection
and other measures to a summnit
The United States sought an in-
ternational inspection system in
the region providing for advance
notification of flights and move-
ments of military significance.
May Festival
Will Feature
Youth Chorus
The Ann Arbor Festival Youth
Chorus, with Prof. Marguerite
Hood, conducting, will present a
program of Hungarian folk songs
this afternoon in the third con-
cert of the May Festival.
cGyorgy Sandor, Hungarian pi-
anist, will play "Concerto No. 2
for Piano and Orchestra" by Bar-
tok. William Smith, assistant con-
ductor of the Philadelphia Or-s
chestra, will conduct the players
as accompaniment for the sing-
ers. They will also play "Suite in

ORATORICAL CONTEST-John Voigt, Lou Susman, Charles Remsberg (bottom, left to right),
Joseph Budin, Lee Lynch and Jack French (top, left to right) participated in the Northern Ora-

torical League contest last night
Speaking on "Tolerance Is Not
Enough," Jack French, represent=
-m- v ofn

ing have been booted off the band-
wagon of tolerance."
Calling tolerance a "false ve-
neer" on discrimination, French
conclided "All men are created

Also competing in the original
oratorical contest were Louis Sus-
man, '59, speaking on "For the
Defense," Charles Remsberg of
Northwestern University with

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