i45 loer
Trost Benefits. from Student Offices
"There's a point where you won-
der if you've had enough of stu-
dent government," Rob Trost, '58,
former president of Interfraterni-
ty Council, remarked.
"At times you question what
this business is all about and if
you couldn't have used your time
in some better way," he continued.
"Nevertheless, I think I have
benefitted very much from my
contacts with students and mem-
bers of the faculty and adminis-
"A-lot of people don't seem to
realize those people in the admin-
istration -building and in the
dean's offices have been here a
- long' time and have probably for-
gotten more than 'campus leaders''
ever knew about student activities
and what is best for the Univer-
sity community."
Announces f or Band
In addition to his work on IFC,
Trost has been active in -other
campus and fraternity areas. Dur-
ing the 1955 and 1956 football sea-
sons he announced for the Michi-
gan Marching Band with John
*Both he and Schubeck audi-
tioned and received their jobs in
the spring of 1955. "I dropped out
this last fall because of other re-
sponsibilities," Trost said, "but I
announced the last two games
when John had taken a job with
"It was a very interesting ex-
perience," he recalled, "I had a
chance to travel with the band,
and I even gained some television
Ends IFO Term,
Trost's one-year term as IFC
president enaed just after spring
vacation. Next fall he plans to re-
turn for a master's degree in poli-
tical science, then go into some
radio and television broadcasting,
government work or public rela-
"The wisdom I have gained
from working with older people
here at the University will be
very valuable," he said, comment-
ing on the! benefits of working for
the IFC.
Trost has worked for his meals
since he was a sophomore."Being
one of five boys who went through
college at pretty, much the same
time, you might say it was a mat-
ter of necessity," he commented.
His brother, Fred Trost, was a
vice-president of the Union and is
currently at the 'Yale Divinity
School. Another brother, Jon
Trost, '61, is president of Junior
Interfraternity Council. Trost's
-Daily-Paul Nida
RETIRING IFC PRESIDENT-Rob Trost, former ex-officio
member of SGC, believes University students are fortunate to
have an administration which allows them to set up a student
government such as SGC.
father is a clergyman and librar-
ian for the Colgate-Rochester Di-
vinity School.
Despite his campus activities,
Rob finds time to relax in the at-
mosphere of the Sigma Chi house,
a former roommate said.
Amateur Comedian
"At times; when he isn't in his
official capacity, he's quite a
comedian," he elaborated.
One of Trost's duties was to sit
on the Student Government
Council as- an ex-officio member.
"I think we are extremely for-'
tunate as students here to have an
administration which allows us to
set up an SGC such as ours," he
said leaning back in his chair in
the small IFC president's office
in the Student Activities Building.
"We have privileges here;" he
said, "which many other univer-
sity students do not enjoy.'We also
have certain obligations which
SGC has tried to fulfill - some-
times succeeding, other times not.
Doesn't Depend on 'Issues'
"I like to think a governing
body such as SGC does not have
to depend on 'issues' to exist but I
think sometimes, whether or not,
we want to admit it, we do just
"I don't mean to condemn the
Council because it is an organi-
zation which should represent the
interests of the students, but un-
less the students take an interest
in SGC, it is often difficult for
SGC to determine what student
interests really are.
"I get a kick out of students
that you only hear from when
they have complaints - and you
seldom hear from them until aft-
er the action has been taken by
the Council," he said.
SGC Needs Respect
One of SGC's problems, he con-
tinued, is that of gaining student
"Unless theI Council can gain
the respect of a majority of the
students, its operations will be
seriously handicapped."
The backbone of the Council, he
said, depends on good, qualified
representatives. However, "wheth-
er the students want to accept
this responsibility or not, or
whether they just don't care, I
don't know."
SGC's biggest problem will be
in getting this personnel, he con-
tinued. "Frankly I don't feel we've
had the qualified elected person-
nel that the Council had when it
was instituted.
All New Council
".After this year, those who have
been with the Council since its in-
ception will be graduating."
In SGC's beginning, elected
members served as committee
chairmen, he-explained. All com-
mittees had to have an elected
member on them but later it was
decided, he added, that Council
members should be released from
committee chairmen status and
concentratae more on co-ordinat-
ing and gathering student opinion.
"Recently," he continued, "the
Council voted to revert to its ori-
ginal arrangement because of an
inadequate number of experienced
Reports Seem Superficial
"Many committee. reports still
seem to be superficial - they only
skim the surface of problems, oft-
en overlooking facts and, in part,
disregarding the future ramifica-
tions of the report's recommenda-
One solution to this situation,
Trost said, might be in the area
of committee work. Committee
people should be doing more of the
Council's work by preparing more
complete reports with the neces-
sary information upon which the
elected members can base rational
The Council should also seek
more advice from members of the
University's administration and
faculty, he said. "While Council
members gather a great deal of
information during their stay at
the University," he explained,
"the administration staff has been
here longer and knows a good deal
The Council also has a problem
in interesting non-elected person-
nel, he said. "I wonder sometimes
if students are coming to the Uni-
versity strictly for academic pur-
poses now and are less interested
in activities.
His ability as a fluent speaker
has won him respect throughout
the campus, one of his fraternity
brothers commented. "It gives him
self-confidence which is a good
quality- anywhere."
Trost is very highly regarded in
the Sigma Chi house. John Mad-
digan, '58, Sigma Chi's president,
said he has been nominated for
the Balfour award which is given
by - the national fraternity for
scholarship and participation in
campus and fraternity activities.
First Job: President
Trost's first job, as he sees it,
was that of president of the In-
terfraternity Councli and his first
duty was to the fraternities. "The
fraternity system and IFC are ex-
tremely important elements of the
University community," he added.
"The fraternities contribute to
the community through partici-
pating in students affairs; contri-
buting to such activities as the
bucket drives; Help Weeks for
Fresh Air. Camp, the University
IHospital and retarded children;
and other activities."
The IFC itself, he said, serves
mainly to co-ordinate the activi-
ties of 'the individual fraternities
and to represent them on cam-
Future Roles
"One of the chief concerns of
the fraternity system now," Trost
continued, "is the role it will play
in the future in light of the Uni-
versity's projected enrollment of
40,000 by 1970. If the system is to
remain an integral part of the
University community and contri-
bute as it has in the past it
would seem that the system would
have to grow in proportion to the
rest of the University."
This growth, he continued, will
most likely come in the form of
North Campus fraternity houses.
"Expansion near the campus is
very impractical because of the
high costof building here in town.
Campus Expansion Difficult
"It's awfully difficult to expan.
the campus area because zoning
regulations make it hard to build
additions, let alone new houses.
In fact, the newest house was
built in the early '30's."
As important a think an indi-
vdiual fraternity can have, Trost
said, is an active alumni group.
"The alumni of a fraternity are
frequently men with experience in
dealing with property and their
experience helps keep the frater-
nity house running effectively.
"I have enjoyed fraternity life
a great deal," Trost commented.
"The friendships I have formed
will last the rest of my life, and I
can look forward to seeking my
fraternity brothers again many
times in the future."
Suits Need
Ties, Socks
The best way to get the most
out of clothes cents is to apply
color sense.
Style-conscious men .know that
even fashionably-tailored suits lose
their appeal without the proper
"The man in the gray flannel
suit" chooses a white, blue or gray
shirt. Ties lend themselves to
shades of blue, maroon and yel-
Flatter Gray Suits6
Further complimenting the per-
ennially-popular gray suit are
shades of blue, maroon, gray and
black socks. Shoes should be black,
and hats gray.
White, cream, blue and tan
shirts are flattering when worn
with a brown or cordovan suit.
Neckwear favors shades of mar-
oon, green; blue, brown or yellow.
The same hues of maroon, green,
blue, and brown ,are carried
through to the hose. Brown hats
and shoes are safe choices for the
brown suit.
Tie Colors Vary
For a blue suit, choose you shirt
in white, blue or gray. The color
scope for ties is wider. Blue, mar-
oon, yellow, gray, black and white
are all good.
Blue, maroon or black hose;
black shoes; and a gray hat cre-
ate the ensemble in fine style for
the blue-suited college man.
Currency green is the new
springtime shade in men's suits.
Compliment its fresh hue with a
shirt of lighter green; or choose
white, tan or cream.
Both dark and light green, as
well as tan, brown and black are
favorites in necktie wear with the
green suit. Brown, green or black
hose are also in order, while hats
should be brow nand shoes black
or brown.
Wallets Fit
Of owner
Wallets in soft leather are
made to match the personality of
the owner.
For the sportsman .who doesn't
want to weight down his pockets,
a narrow type that takes away
bulk while still leaving room for a
secial inner card pocket for fish
ing and hunting licenses is appro-
priate. There is often a space for
keys to eliminate the need for an
extra key case.
The businessman or conserva-
tive student also likes the narrow
type that prevents bulges in his
suit. Pull-up sections provide easy
access to ID cards and phone
For the'man-about town,' larg-
er wallets have room for at least
25 cards and yet retain the slim
look. This style contains secret
money pockets and key pockets.
Wallets and matching key cases
are popular gifts. Gold initials on
both wallets and key cases add the
personal touch.
Wallets are available in a va-
riety of leathers ranging from
goatskin and cowhide to ostrich
and alligator.
... Adds Color, Style
There's no doubt about it: The
man who chooses his hat with care
hasa "head start" on success.'
Good grooming is a top-to-toe
proposition, and the suit you wear
does no more to make-or break--
an impression than does the hat
that you tip.
For business wear, narrow brims
and tapered crown, without side
dents are first choice. iAlso smart
is the low, recessed crown style.
Gloves Match Hat
Choose your gloves to match
your hat, rather than to blend
with it. Wear gray with gray;
brown with brown.
The same narrow brim, un-
dented crown hat so popular for
business wear is also good for
campus life. The Tyrolean and
recessed top styles are other types
to choose for complimenting lei-
sure wear.
Perenially a favorite with col-
lege men, the cap is still widely-
worn. It comes in beige to match
trench coats, or in ivy - buckled
A cap is a 'must' for any sports-
car driver. Plain colors to match
car coats afford protection from
the sun as well as style.
Homburg for Semi-Formal
Semi-formal functions, such as
dinners; dances, weddings or
parties, require a homburg or-snap
brim hat. Choose it in black, dark
gray or midnight blue.
A black silk or opera hat is
proper only for formal wear. These
are "white tie" events such as ban-
quets, the opera and cotillions.
Rules for choosing hat color are
simple. Brown is in order for cur-
rency green, brown or cordovan
suits, both blue and gray suits are all creases and turning up the
flattered by gray hats. brim all around; let it dry na-
Country hats of brushed felt turally.
have multicolored flecks and rope When you encounter a rough
bands for the sporting air. A new day and you're really "sweating it
innovation in the casual hat is out," give your hat" protection by
a crushable featherweight model putting Scotch tape inside the
with a colored woven band, sweatband to prevent soiling.
Deserves Top Care A flat surface should be used
A hat is the top of any outfit, when putting the hat away, rather
so give it the tops in care. Use a than ruining its shape on a hook
soft brush or cloth to clean it, or on top of other hats.
brushing with the nap. When it's Remember to keep that fedora
been'victimized by the Ann Arbpr its finest; and it'll be "hats off"
monsoon, sooth it by pushing out to your grooming!
... For Sport Wear
-Daily-Norman Jacobs
... .Campus, Business Wear
Popular Hats For Business, Campus Wear
Exhibit Narrow Brims, Recessed Crowns
75 Beautiful
Tfop Grain Cowhide Brief Cases'
Manufacturers' seconds.
Slight blemish spot or
scratch on leather-not
noticeable. 'd I i y 1
Reg. $25.00
plus tax
549 E. University
Create Good Impressions
Je44e #'toth
What rhymes with Accessory?
Perhaps a poet would shudder
at this imperfect rhyming, but
even he will agree that those "ex-
tra touches" are invaluable for a
well-groomed appearance.
The narrow brim, tapered un-'
dented crown hat, popular for
business wear, is also a good choice
for campus. Also smart are the re-
cessed top and Tyrolean types,
while caps retain their popularity
in sports styles.
Feet Favor Loafers
Feet still favor the loafer shoe.
Brogue and moccasin types also
have the casual comfort so right
for college wear.
Neckties needn't be a "knotty"
problem if you observe rule of con-
trast when choosing them. If your
shirt or jacket is bold, choose a
plain tie. Good choices are repps,
wools, new cottons and knits.
The narrow, conservative tie is
a. campus favorite to match
contrast with spring suits.
Cottons, nylon, wools and ca
meres are fabric choices in h
For campus wear, argyless
bolder plain colors come into' t
own. Pick hose that blend m
the whole ensemble.I
I 4
Gloves Go Knitted
Gloves, too, are "handy" things
to have around. Loose slip-ons of
pogskin, buckskin and goat are
comfortable as well as long-wear-
ing. Knitted styles are also popu-
In shirt styles, button-down col-
lars are the traditional favorites.
Oxford is the perennial favorite,
while orlon and other man-made
fibres are giving new importance
to knitted sport shirts,
English tab collars and French-
cuff shirts require well-chosen
jewelry. Conservative cuff - links
and narrow tie clasps match the
new narrow ties.
W I L D 'S
25% Cotton
* ip ak h
75% Dacron
(Seven Colors)
$ 95
Shorts - Regulars - Longs - X-Longs
TIME ... NOW !
JESSE-No sense landing here, Frank. All the Woolens are in BOX
FRANK-I thought storage was expensive.
Its trim, natural shoulders and
straight body lines are accented
with authentic detailing of lap
seams, hook vent and the proper
expression of three perfectly
placed buttons.
JESSE-It used to be, but now ANYONE can have a GIANT BOX full
of woolens stored for only $4.95 AT TROJAN.
FRANK-Good Grief! Looks like we moths are in for one rough summer.
Just call and have your TROJAN DRIVER drop off a large storage
box. When you have filled it at your convenience, we will pick it up.
It will then be stored in Trojan's safe, air conditioned vault for $4.95
plus, of course, the regular cleaning charge.
Call NA 2.5200 73I to 530. or 1112.3530 any time night or day