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April 25, 1958 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-25

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Students Cite
In Fashions
International student opinion
of - American fashions for males
varies from "quite different" from
that in their homeland to "almost
the same."
Europeans and Asians empha-
size the differenceA while Africans
stressed the similarities.
"My first impression was that.
everyone here dressed the same,"
British law student David Bunker,
Grad., declared, "but this is not
exactly fair.;
Similar Dress
"I suppose," Bunker continued,
"someone coming to England
might think e v e r y o n e there
dressed the same."
But there is a certain uniformi-
ty in this country, he indicated.{
Eccentric dress and outlook are
both more common at a European
university, Bunker said.
Liberian Edward Rogers, Spec.,
took another view,
"The difference between Ameri-
can clothes and those in my coun-
try isn't much, except- in the in-
terior," Rogers said. "Liberians in
the hinterlands wear "long, flow-
ing gowns," he explained.
Follow English Trends
Men's styles in India follow
English trends, Indian engineer
Jitendra Kusumgar said, .so his
Clothes were somewhat out of
place when he came to this coun-
Norwegian Anton Poulsson
'58E, called American styles in
general "unusual from. my point
of view." And men's clothing is
the "most dull point of all," he
Poulsson added that he had no
special criticism of American Ivy
League suits but "would think
twice before getting one for my-
Ivy League 'Typical
"I wear Ivy League clothes my-
self so they must be good," Kola-
wole An, -'59M, of Nigeria said.
"They are a typical aspectof
American life - changing all the
time," he continued.
But Korean student Joon Min
Kim, '58, voiced two complaints.
First, he said, Ivy League cloth-
ing is generally styled to fit Amer-
ican physiques, the tight coats
and pants suiting American long
legs. Even a student from Europe
does. not fit the clothes too well,
he declared.
Kim's second criticism was of
Ivy League colors, which he char-
acterized as "dead."

Popular Sportswear Stresses Casualness, Comfort

The three C's-casualness, cool-
ness and comfort-are emphasized
in college men's warm weather
For tennis, classes, or just relax-
ing, short sleeved knit shirts are
favorites. These shirts which come
in all colors are practical because
they don't wrinkle and look fresh
even in the hottest weather.
Tabbed sport shirts are also
gaining in popularity. They are
slipovers that button part way
down but look no different than
regular sport shirts. College men
seem to prefer these in moderately'
wide, cool stripes.
Bermudas Reign
' During the warm weather, Ber-
mudas are common on campus.
The set with matching 'shirts and
contrasting belts give a well-dress-
ed look.
Stripes are preferred in these
outfits as well as in all fields of
men's fashions this year. How-

ever, plaids and solids are also
Knee socks are no longer as
fashionable as in previous years.
The trend this season is to wear
wool socks and either white sneak-
ers or black loafers.
Pockets in Swim Suits
Balboa surf shorts for beach-
wear are popular on 'the West
Coast. They are tighter than walk-
ing shorts such as Bermudas and
always have stripes' down both
sides. They have one back pocket
instead of the conventional side
pockets: on Bermudas.
Balboas are popular for surfing
because of the added protection
from their length. They fall four
inches above the knees. With a
knit shirt, they make a perfect
combination for beach parties or
volley ball games.
College men seem to favor plaid
swim suits. Trunks come with
"either identical shirts or contrast-
ing terrycloth shirts. Bermudas
which match the swim suits and
shirts are also available.
For the beach, a novel innova-
tion is the swim suit which folds
up into its own compact bundle
and fits in a pocket. Other suits
come equipped with pockets for
combs and change.
For the twin look, couples can
wear swim suits of identical plaids
or stripes.
White Remains Popular
For warm weather, white is a
popular color again this year.
College men are wearing white.
ducks this year, as well as white
bermudas. They also like the white
poplin jackets. Greys, blues, and
tans are also fashionable for jack-
For cooler days and evenings,
the three button cardigan and
slipover sweaters are seen fre-
quently. Blazers with bermudas
are still very popular this spring.
Poplin jackets in white, tan or
blue are also favorites with slacks
or bermudas for cool weather
During the spring as well as all
year long, casualness, reigns on
campus. Accordingly, men's cloth-
ing styles stress coolness and com-
fort. The more practical the out-
fit, the more popular it is.

-Daily--Norman Jacobs
CASUAL COMFORT-White ducks are again popular for campus
sportswear with a gaily striped or plaid sports shirt. A matching
belt adds the well-dressed look. For beachwear, the matching shirts
and swim suit combinations head the fashion list.

-Daily-Ueorge Keefer
GHT OF FASHION--Standard attire for campus males includes unpressed khakis, rumpled
tshirts and a "Michigan" Jacket. Dirty tennis shoes and white- sweat socks complete the costume.
that Ivy Look, khakis with the buckle in the back and shirts with button-down\ collars are
m US War for Men InCluds
desCribable Coats, Shirts, Pants

You can have the
comfort of studying
LIBRARY in your own
with these
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Available in a

What men wear on college
campuses is not easy to describe
if you are limited to socially-
acceptable words.
Somehow; the conformists have
gotten hold of the non-descript
line, and they are playing it for
what it is worth.
But,' fortunately for' clothing
salesmen and the national econo-
Cotton Goves
For Spring
Gloves add the mark of distinp-
tion for any well-dressed man all
year around.
French-imported gloves for
spring and summer wear vary from
unlined leather for formal affairs
to the cool, cotton string glove for
New this year is the diamond
stitched glove. Made of calf-
leather, this imported glove ,is
easily washed and guaranteed to
hold its shape.
A pigskin glove with brown
palms has a white back for the
summer wear. Other varieties have
capeskin palms.
For the jaunty cuff effect, light
brass buckles tighten a small belt
at the cuff. This type is popular
in light toned calfskin with con-
trasting bets.
F'or convenience and novelty, a
zippered pocket has been added in
the left palm for easy access to
keys and coins. This all leather
glove is entirely hand-stitched;
These loose, slips-ons, of pigskin,
buckskin and goat are comfortable
as well as long-wearing.
Comfort and style are the rea-
sons for the increasing popularity
of the string-gloves. 'These are
available' with leather palms and
string back as well as the all-
string gloves.

my, the non-conformists have al-
ready started switching to the
"Continental look."
The Continental. look is, what
happens to the Ivy look if you
stretch it.- and then add some
fancy pockets and cuffs. Still, the
Ivy look has not yet disappeared
from the college scene. The class-
rooms are full of people uncom-
fortably sitting on little belts stuck
on" the back of their trousers, by
village half-wits 'tirned tailor.
Adds Safety Factor
However f this particular mark
of distinction got, started has yet
to be revealed, but best guess is
that one night in 1950 some fat
Princeton man found his pants
falling apart at the seam. Think-
ing fast, he ripped the belt off a
skinny friend and stitched it on
his seat to hold things together
for a while,
Eager young classmates copied
the style, because the fat boy
just happened to be head of one
of the despicable eating clubs they
have at Princeton. And now every-
body does it'.
Campus wear for men on this
campus can be described in three
words: coat, shirt, pants. The coat
is generally light, but can be dark,
or some intermediate shade, and
can be mail-ordered, express col-
Indescribable Shirts
The shirt does not, necessarily
resemble any other shirt in exis-
tence, having suffered much at
the hands of local laundrys or,
worse yet, dormitory washing ap-
The pants may match the Jack-
et, but this is accidental.
occasionally, groups of men
are found wearing matching cos-
tumes. Blue blazers with brass
buttons have appeared in frater-
nity circles. The uniform of the
Daily sports staff is brightly col-
ored shirts of anything. but linen,
worn wrinkled and half 'buttoned.'
Other groups have their outfits
too, but not so easily recognized.
Aside from these" specialties,

one mostly sees hereabouts an un-
pressed collection of khaki pants
in assorted stains, faded rain-
coats, scuffed shoes, ragged scarfs,
and moldy handkerchiefs. This is
the student costume.
Add to this an occasional bat-
tered umbrella, torn brief-case,
and mildewed hat, and you have"
the faculty costune.
Caps continue steady,, with
brighter colors definitely otf, and
greys, holding their own.
Most promising trend in the re-
gion is knickers. Although the
mass of buyers have so far ig-
nored this practicai and comfort-
able outfit, it is hoped that dur-
ing the next few years, the luna-
tic fringe of campus style-setters'
will continue to "push" knickers
so that our streets will someday
see thousands of them, together
with knee socks in pastel shades,
grey and black.

We also have a complete CATALOGUE AVAILABLE.


-Daily--George Keefer
... for Surf, Beach Wear

314 South State

NOrmandy 3-2481

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