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April 25, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-04-25

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Sixty-Eighth Year

"We'll Do All The Judging Around Here"

ns Are Free

'Love's Labor's Lost'
Unique, Entertaining
SHAKESPEARE'S "Love's Labor's Lost" opened last night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, as the last in the current season of speech
department plays. It is indeed a unique and enjoyable production.
The keyword of the evening was undoubtedly color, dazzling color.
Net costumes, rope-ladder trees, letters written on colored cellophane,
and Queen Elizabeth herself (witnessing the play from a box seat) all
combined to give the production an atmosphere not at all unlike a
Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, which may well have offended some
sophisticated Shakespeare lovers.
But actually, "Love's Labor's Lost" was intended to be just that, a

printed ;s The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This aus t be noted in all reprints.



GOP-Dominated Legislature
Lets Higher Education Down

IS A short and simple rule often
to beginning students of political
hich says that any good government
basically, responsive and responsible.
h a rule of the thumb is broad andf
ubject to dozens of interpretations,
ves as a convenient and meaningful
f judging the value of a government's
the rule to Michigan's Republican-
I Legislature, particularly in light of,
tly concluded session, and the results
ling but complimentary. It is always.
id often unfair to flatly label a per.
oup irresponsible; such is true of the
'e. The legislators' task in allocating.
: state agencies this year was a thank-
no group got what it wanted and few
e very happy with what they did get.
lem of financial deprivation is not
> Michigan, although this state. has
e most serious problems in the coun-
e difficulties can be overcome it will
eeting of the finest minds in and out
r, even granting the handicaps the
re had this year, its attitude toward
lucation can hardly be called respon-.
d it. is extremely doubtful if it is re-
to the public's growing interest in
ie University and Michigan State Uni-
ext year will receive approximately a
.ollars less for operations than either
ng this year. Other state colleges and
es also had deep cuts made in their
PARENT effect of the Legislature's
mizing is a crippling of Michigan's
lucation program. Surely the 'legisla-
d see this; if any of them did not
at, for instance, the reduction in the
y's budget would do to operations
Dearborn, at Flint and elsewhere.
he state it is only because they refused
to University administrators or read
spapers. Now the damage has been.
I University officials are studying the
operations to see what can be stopped
d with the least damage.
iagnanimous gesture of the Ford Mo.
>any with its gift of Fairlane Estate for
sity branch in Dearborn will be of no
til at least 196U, a year later than
And if the Legislature is no more
with its educational money in the,
hie Dearborn opening could be delayed
;her. University extension seryices, and
is at the Flint College will also be hurt

by the budget cuts. The slowing of activities
at Dearborn and Flint is particularly damaging
in that branch schools, along with junior col-
leges, appear to be the only realistic hope for
meetings the coming tidal wave of students.
Research projects at -the University will be
cut back. From 175 to 200 fewer instructors
will be at the University next fall, a loss of val-
uable personnel that may be difficult to re-
place in better times. And because the Univer-
sity cannot even hold its educational staff
steady, much less increase. it, capable students
will have to be denied admission if a sensible
student-teacher ratio is to be maintained.
The sizable reductions' this year in the bud-
gets of higher educations institutions might
suggest the Legislature has no real interest
in seeing this area of state service expand
further. This, of course, the legislators deny.
It seems more plausible, however, that Michi-
gan's financial woes were mixed with a great
deal of election year politics in all the budget
battles. With the exception of the Senate,
which can never be anything but Republican-
dominated under the present unrepresentative
districting system, Michigan Republicans face
a rather dismal November. Political observers
expect the Democrats to win all the state ad-
ministrative posts and possibly even the House.
F THE GOP is worried, however, its members
in the Legislature this session did not show
it and certainly did little to correct the party's
declining popularity. The education battle was
probably the low point when the Republican's
austerity spending program barely survived the
attacks of the Democrats and a few independ-
ent Republicans who broke with their associ-
ates. It should be mentioned that the local Re-
publican representative, George Sallade, who
often acts more like a Democrat than a Repub-
lican, led the fight to raise the higher educa-
tion appropriation.
But the essential ifficulty, the lack of, po-
litical statesmansh In the Legislature, was
not to be overcome. This lack of leadership that
cannot see a public interest beyond a balanced
budget, has presented higher education with.
the ticklish problem} of improving, or even
maintaining, educational facilities and oppor-
tunities with less money. And it has done this
on the eve of surging enrollments and a re-.
newed and heightened interest in all of educa-
tion from the ground up. If educators fall to
solve this problem because of insufficient fi-
nancial support from the government, then
only the legislators and other politicians can
answer for the consequences.

,,MM ta

Party Discipline Holds the Line

The Summit Stalemate

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the
second of two articles on the Legis-
lature's handling of the University
appropriation for 1958-59. This article
deals with the political considerations
behind the Legislature's action.)
Daily Staff Writer
TIHR©W together a Democratia
governor with five terms be
hind him and a Republican-con-
trolled Legislature which has,
painfully witnessed the decline of
the state GOP.
Add to the governor a touch of
presidential aspiration and coat
the rural legislators with the fear
of losing more, influence to the
big cities.
Season the entire mess with a
strong dose of unemployment and
falling tax revenues. Let it sim-
mer under the capitol dome and
then hope that somehow the
many state-supported agencies
clamoring for financial nourish-
ment will manage to meet their.
growing needs.
THIS YEAR, as traditionally
since state Republicans began to.
realize Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
wraps a growing amount of pub-
lic support in his bow tie, they
tried to hold the line on the Gov-
ernor's attempts to please his con-
Much of the Legislature's posi-
tion is influenced by a sincere
concern over the effects of the
present recession and the unde-
sirability of adding new taxes to
the state's already topsy turvy
tax structure.
They hope that solutions may
be found in the tax study being
conducted by economists from the
three state-supported universities
and coordinated -by Prof. Harvey
Brazer of the University econom-
ics department.
But in the meantime, Republi-
cans held the line. Perhaps be-

cause of the governor's last-
minute statement predicting a de-
ficit, they were more effective.
The appropriation recommenda-
tion from the always-conservative
Senate Appropriations Commit-,
tee, headed by Sen.. Elmer Porter
(R-Blissfield), managed to sur-
vive the Senate floor vote, the
House Waysand Means Commit-
tee, and finally, two conference
committee reports which reject-
ed the Sallade amendment added
during the House floor fight.
One vote decided the Univer-
sity's appropriation for the 1958-
59 fiscal year, but Republican
leaders in the House had to wait
a long time for it.
Fifty-six is the magic number
needed to pass measures in the
House. Saturday, after three days
of overtime sessions, leaders fi-
nally rounded up enough Rlepub-
licans to approve the 30 million
dollar appropriation for the Uni-
Patience may not be the most
rewarding of virtues, but it does
allow time for applying political
pressures. With 61 Republicans
and 49 Democrats in the House,
the Republican position should
have ready access to a majority.
* * *
BUT 12 REBELS, led by Rep.
George W: Sallade (R-Ann Arbor)
succesfully added an amendment
boosting the total Senate appro-
priation, for higher education,,
$87,762,000 to last year's figure of
$90,144,000. Five Detroit Demo-
crats did not vote for the amend-
ment, but supporters of higher,
education still managed to gain
the necessary tally of 56.
The bill then went to a con-
ference committee to find a com-
promise between the Senate ver-
sion of $30,000,000 for the Uni-
versity and the House measure
approving $30,929,000.

By some strange coincidence,
two of the members representing
the House, Rep. Arnell Engstrom
(R-Traverse City) and Rep. Har-
old Phillips (R-Port Huron),
were among those opposed to
more money for higher education,
and the' report supported the Sen-
ate position.
Friday, the group of Republi-
cans remained firmly attached to
the amendment and the House re-
jected the conference committee
But Saturday, after a GOP cau-
cus, ,Speaker of the House,George
M. Van Peursem emerged confi-
dent that the session would soon.
end. He was right, for the Repub-
licans returned to the fold and
gave him the bare minimum of 56
If the bill failed to pass, Gov.
Williams would have been prac-
tically forced to call a special
session. The possibility of the
Governor yelling to the state that
the Republicans failed to provide
for higher education seemed to
bother eight of the rebel repre-
lanti), who voted against the Sal-
lade amendment, abstained from
the first conference committee re-
port vote and supported the sec-
and report, said, "We either had
to accept it or not have an appro-
A member of the House Ways
and Means Committee, Rep. War-
ner, said he had tried to convince
the majority of the committee
that the ' Senate appropriation
should be increased.
Failing to do this, he had to
support the committee's stand or
"jeopardize my position," Rep.
Warner said.
And so, party discipline holds
the line firm..

tan shee r traimet To
some, the play is a bit of a puzzle
piece. It abounds' with topical
jokes and allusions that are dif-
ficult to catch, and once caught,
more difficult to understand. 'But
asidesfrom these problems, the
play is rich in .humor, both subtle
and brash, rapid pace, and most
important, a great variety of col-
orful poetry.
Like any good farce, the plot
grows rather complicated, but it
might be summed up as the 'story
of the King of Navarre and his
three companions, who vow to
forsake love and devote them-
selves to scholarly endeavor. They
do not; of course, succeed.
The acting was generally good,
with neither any exceptionally
fine nor disappointingly poor per-
formances (an unusual occur-
rence in speech department pro-
Brendan O'Reilly as the King,
and Lorraine Small as the Prin-
cess of France, both showed com-
petent but not outstanding ability.
A FINE sense of comic expres-
sion and timing were seen in
several minor roles, especially Joe
Brown as Constable Dull, L. Beck
as Moth, the Page, and Howard
Green as Don Adriano.
Bea Minkus once 'again has
shown her near-professional mas-
tery of facial expression and voice
control in the role of Rosalne.
Her male counterpart for best act-
ing is Howard Poyourow, as
But top laurels for the produc-
tion must be given to four people
behind the scenes: scene designer
Ralph Duckwal for his imagina-
tive use of a propless multi-level
stage with effective lighting and
a contour curtain; Marjorie Smith
for her colorful array of costumes;
and composers Bob James and
Donald Young for their interest-
ing background music.
Their efforts, together with con-
tinuous action, except for one
intermission after the fourth act,
combined to maintain the spirit
of the play on a high and rapidly
moving dynamic level, funny from
beginning to end."
All in all, the production is an
interestingly new treatment of
Shakespeare, and quite an enter-
taining one at that.
-Dale McGhee
to the -
(Editor's Note Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good aste, and
not more than 300 words in length.,
The Daily reserves the right to edit°
or withhold letters from publication.)
Sacred Court . .
To the Editor:
NOT FAR from the rude Engine's
Mysterious with strange tales of
lovers' tryst -
And beside the ancient halls,
Where slim Slide Rule holds her
Was reared A castle all bright and
Hallowed for Knowledge to hold
- her somber court,.
This castle vaunted of every, aid,
To serve her votaries with the ut-
most comfort;
Every art that she unfurled,
Was used to serve her pleasure
To ease the eye, its stately halls
were bathed,
In a light rich and w h i t e as
Hellos' lamp;

And hues of every sort - yellow,
pink, blue and red -
Were subtly wrought by conscious,
Art, -
To soothe tired heart and eye.
Across the halls, here, there and
One could see the rich oblations
At. Knowledge's altar strewn,
In ages past and times present-
The rich offerings of books, old
and new. x
But, alas! to p r o f a n e chaste
Knowledge's somber court,
In stealthy steps and whispers
Comes mocking in and lurks in
corners lone,'
Giddy and dewy-eyed Aphrodite
Pandemos --

,D iL

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity 'of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi- .
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p m. the day preceding
publication. Notice :for °Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 pin. Friday.
FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1958
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: May 22, 23 'and 24.
Communications for consideration / a
this meeting must be in the President's
hands by May 13.
The Annie E. Shipman Stevens Schol-
arship: Women students wishing to ap-
ply for the Annie E. Shipman tevenst
scholarship in the Martha Cook Bldg.
for the academic.year 1958-59 may se-
cure application blanks from the Direc-
tor of the Building. The recipient Is
chosen on the basis of personality,
scholastic ability, financial need and
contribution to group living. Applica-
tions must be completed and returned
by May 3.
June Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: All requirements for the teach-
er's certificate should be comgpeted b'
May 16. These requirements include the
teacher's oath, the health statement,
ansd the Bureau of Appointmentsm-Y
terial. The oath can be ,taken in Room
1439 U.E.s. The office is open from S
to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30.
Summary of action taken by Student
Government Council, April 23, 1958. 1
Approved minutes previous meeting.
Approved appointments:
Interviewing and Nominati g Com-
mittee: Donna Wickham, Ron Gregg,
Barbara Maer, Jo Hardee, chairman.
Reading and Discussion Committee,
Roger Seasonwein, Pat Marthenke,
Student Activities Building, Admin.
istrative Board: Mort Wise.
Committee to explore possibilities of
modifying drinking regulations: Da-s
vid Kesse CBarry Shapiro, Sue
R<ockne, Scott Chrysler.
By virtue of office, Maynard Hold-
man to Union Board of Directors and
tothe Board in Review, SGC; Mort
Wise to student Loan Committee
upon invitation.
Received report on recount of ballots
for president andttreasurer, LA u
Susman, .'p}reside;i Daniel odsmit,
treasurer. -.
Received report on election of Benio?
class offices,,'Business Administration
and rducation.
Approved the following activities:
May 3, International Student Assoc4
International Ball 'World of Gar-
dens" =Union.
May 5-9, Help Week, Jr. Panihelleni ,
Jr. IFC.
mayi 8, Engineering Council program
Approved motions 'relating' to calen-
daring of student sponsored activities:
1) Events shall close not later thii'
12 midnight (Friday, Saturday) ex-
cept on' those dates where a later
closing hour is established by /Stu-
dent Government Council.
2) For the school' year 1958-59 the
closing hous is extended to 1" a.m. for
events held on the following dates:
September 27; October 11, 25; Novem-
ber 7; December 6, 13; March 7; April
I25; May 11.
Approved recommendations concern-
ing procedure for calendaring: (a) or-
ganizations shall submit their firt
and second choice of dates to theCal-
endaring Committee by April 30 of
the preceding' school year, otherwies
priority may be lost. () 'Any activity
.n'ay be calendared at the same time
as an activity in a higher priority group
withi the latter's consent. if consent
isudenied, the lower prority group may
appeal to the Calendaring Committee
for mediation.
Defeated .a motion 'providing that s,
standing committee be established by
Student Government Council composed
of the 7 ex-officio members, the presi-
dent of SGC, and chaired by the Exec.
Vice-President of SOC for the expressed
purpose, of affording these organiz-
tions an opportunity to consider pro-
per delegtion of projects directly con-
cerning them and to resolve differences
thta may arise. Thea acmittee'would
meet 'at any time the chairman deem-
necessary or upon the request of any
two members. An ,,organizational meet
ing shall be called within two weeks
of the passing of this motion.
Approved following statement: "It
has come to :the" attention of Student
Government Council that the bicycle
parking regulations are being flagrant-
ly violated particularlyn t areas in
front of the General and ndergradu-
ate Libraries and Mason Hall. The sit-
uation has become progressively more

serious, causing concern among stu-
dents, faculty; and administration.
Therefore be it resolved that students
owning bicycles scrupulously observe
bicycle 'parking regulations. In the
gvent of no immediate improvement in
the situation, students violating these
regulations may anticipate action in-
volving considerable inconvenience and
possible financial loss, Further, that
copies of the above resolution be' im-
mediately distributed to all housing
groups and that every possible effort be
made to publicize both the situation as
it now exists and the resolution con-
cerning bicycle parking regulations.
Unanimously approved f o l o w i n g
statement for transmittal to State Leg-
The recent allocatipn by the State
Legislature to the University of
Michigan failed, by $900,000 to meet
last year's grant and failed by $9,-
000,000 to meet the University's ac-
tual request for funds for -the coming
academic year. The Student Govern-


rRING the past week the Kremlin has been
cting as if it were in no hurry at all to
a meeting at the summit. It is not clear
Mr. Gromyko is taking this line. It is
ible, however, that there has been some
.of decision reached at the highest level.
e may assume, I believe, that the Soviet
y is to maintain the status quo, that is to
d serious negotiation for settlements, and
at the same time to relax the fears and
ions which trouble the Russian people as
'do all the other peoples of the world. The
mlin may have come to the conclusion that
basic Western policy is not to relax the
ion unless and until the Soviet Union makes
essions which amount to a substantial re-
has been made abundantly clear in Wash-
on that this government is opposed 'to a'
ing of which the real and only purpose
reduce tension. President Eisenhower him-
might, if left to follow his own impulses,
nduced to participate in that kind of a
ing. But Mr. Dulles is opposed and he has
able and vehement support of Mr. Truman
Mr. Acheson, acting as spokesmen of the
iocratic Party./
i1s would mean, so the Kremlin may have
luded, that at a summit meeting they
it find themselves on the defensive, subject
mbarrassing questions about a change in
nany, in kastern Europe, and in the Middle

ALL THIS, I hasten to say, is mere specula-
tion. But it springs from the known realities.
Thus, we know from repeated statements by
Mr. Khrushchev that his terms for a settlement
of the cold war are a recognition of the status
quo in Germany and in Eastern Europe, plus:
open and avowed rivalry in Asia and Africa.
On this basis, he proposess to relax the tension
of the race of armaments and of the military
posture which puts the two great powers in a
state of permanent mobilization.
Our policy, on the other hand, is in its essen-
tials a challenge to the status quo. This means,
and is bound to mean, an acceptance on our
part of an indefinite state of tension. Officially,
we are opposed to a pause in the race of arma-
ments. Unless the President reverses it, our
policy Is not to regulate~the race but to go all
out to win it.
Dr. Teller and Admiral Strauss are offering
the Pentagon a glittering prize. Or is it a
mirage in the desert? They propose to give us
absolute nuclear superiority. It will consist of
offensive nuclear weapons capable of destroying
the adversary and of defensive nuclear weap-
ons, still to be invented, which can defend us
from being destroyed by the adversary. They
are telling us that if we are allowed to go test-
ing and developing; they will reach the utopian
condition of affairs when we can strike abso-
lutely and cannot be struck dangerously..
HERE IS NO USE going to a summit meet-'
ing, there is no use going through the mo-
tions of preparing a summit meeting, as long
as both of the two big powers have positions
that cannot be negotiated. What is likely to
come of this diplomatic stalemate?
It will mean, I believe, that since things' will
not stand still. and that as the new generation,
the post-post-war generation, comes forward
and the Angry Old Men of Diplomacy subside,
the relative importance both of Moscow and of
Washington will decline. We are at least at the
beginning of the end of the post-war era when
political power was polarized around the two
great survivors of World War II.
I do not know this but I believe that this is
the fact inside the Communist orbit. The
4inlnrana rP 1I i Wraw- in Belgraer. in

Council Faces Lawsuit

Editorial St ai
Editorial zirector City Editor
NNA HANSON ............... Personnel Director
ROL PRINS..................Magazine Editor
'WARD GIRLDSEN * Associate Editorial Director
CLLIAM HANEY .......... ....... Features Editor
SE PERLBERG ................... Activities Editor
MES BAAD .........................Sports Editor
,UCE BENNETT.........,.. Associate Sports Editor
HN HILLYER .......... Associate Sports Editor
ANE FRASER ............ Assoc. Activities Editor
OMAS BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
went into executive session for
the third time in its history
Following members' and consti-~
tuents' time, President Maynard,
Goldman brought up the question'
of SGC's lawsuit, whereupon
Treasurer Mort Wise proposed the
executive session.
(The Council and the Student
Book Exchange are being sued by
Andre Barroso, a law student
whose books were held by SBX
when' he did not claim them in
time. The case has been going on
since before vacation; it resumes
again this afternoon in Municipal
C Cs
THE SUIT brings up an inter-
esting constitutional question,
which is whether an agency of the

a suit for $38 is funny enough in
itself, without the Council's show-
ing its fear of enemy "eavesdrop-
ping" by going into the executive
Five students petitioned for the
four standing committee chair-
manships, 'Administrative Vice-
President Jo Hardee announced.
Three of the committees had only
one person seeking the post; only
the National and International
Affairs Committee attracted as
many as two applicants.
only SGC member petitioning,.
and Carol Holland, a former mem-
ber, are seeking this post. Anoth-
er former member, Ron Gregg, pe-
titioned for the Public Relations.
post. Gregg formerly served as
chairman of the Education and-
Student Welfare Committee, in
which he showed industry and
talent. His old post is being sought

ministrative Wing, which goes
largely unnoticed; except when it
fails to do the work it should.
The problem should be given
serious c o n sd e r a t n by the
Council, before it finds itself with
three persons petitioning for four
chairmanships in the future.
The Council's, bicycle violations
resolution, approved Wednesday,
is so vaguely worded as to sug-
gest it is meaningless.
In part, the resolution reads,
"Be it resolved; that students
awning bicycles must scrupulous-
ly observe bicycle parking regula-
tions. In the event of no ime-
diate improvement in, the situa-
tion, students violating these reg-
lations may anticipate action in-
volving cons i d e r a ble incon-
venience and possible financial
THE BICYCLE parking prob-
lem, which has been aggravated

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