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March 28, 1958 - Image 1

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXVIII, No. 129


U.S. To Launch

Rocket to


Eisenhower, McElroy Not Certain
On Date for First Lunar Shooting
WASHINGTON P)-The United States is going to send rocket
scouts to take a close look at the moon.
Orders for the "lunar probes" by unmanned space vehicles were
issued yesterday by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary
of Defense Neil McElroy.
Neither the White House nor Defense Department would speculate
on when the first moon shoot would be made. Some important parts
of the equipment needed already exist.
Follows Outline
The decision to press forward, with what only a little while ago

would have seemed a fantastic
Russia, U.S.
Needs Same
Russia and the United States
have more important, points of
common interest than. conflict,
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department said last
The two countries have strong
common interests in avoiding war,
not letting other countries have
the H-bomb and not getting in-
volved in the: disputes of smaller
countries, Prof. Boulding said.
Mistake Possible
Avoiding war can only mean
disarmament, his - remarks indi-
cated, because of the increasingly
probable chance that some mili-
tary man will make a mistake
that will cause atomic war.
He said that the United States
or Russia could neither afford to
let their allies have H-bombs be-
cause H-bombs are "the great
equalizer" or afford to get involved
in the disputes of small countries
because of the chance of atomic
Russians 'Use' Talks
It has become evident, he said,
that the Russians want to use any

project, followed by one day the
President's publication ofirmoffi-
cial "Introduction to Outer Space."
This was an outline by his
science advisory' committee of the-
reasons for space exploration and
its possibilities and problems.
In this first long step, the gov-
ernment authorized the Air Force
and Army to proceed with pro-
grams for launching four and per-
haps five unmanned vehicles to
explore "in the vicinity of the
Navy To Instrument
The Navy is directed to begin
p reparing. equipment for the ye-
hicles ''which will send back an
account of what is on the moon-
probably including the still un-
known far side.
The army was told to launch
two and possibly three more Ex-
plorer-satellites in a continuation
of the program which has put two
of the three U.S. earth satellites
into orbit.
An initial allocation of about
eight million dollars was ordered
to start work on the over-all pro-
SOC To.Hear
Report Today
A report from the membership
restrictions committee and a mo-
tion asking for a city law prohibit-
ing housing discrimination will be
presented to Student Government
Council at 3:30 p.m. today.
The Council meeting today will
take the place of the regular
Wednesday night meeting this
week, due to count night Wednes-
The membership restrictions
committee was set up in February
to investigate progress inremoving
fraternity and sorority bias
The housing discrimination law
motion was tabled last week when
SOC members raised questions
concerning the 'legality of such
a law.I
Ron Gregg, '60, chairman'of the
education and student welfare
committee, will present a motion
authorizing his committee to gath-
er examinations for possible use'
in a library examination file.

Says U.S.
In Peril'
WASHINGTON (I?) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said last
night America faces ""deadly per-
il" from communism abroad and
possible loss of jobs at home un-
less Congress extends the admin-
istration's foreign trade program.
The President sounded those
cautionary notes in a speech pre-
pared for a dinner to rally bi-
partisan support for the program.
President Eisenhower, w h o s e
talk was carried nationwide on
television and radio, hammered
hard at both the international
and domestic aspects of foreign
He has asked Congress for a
five-year extension of the Recip-
rocal Trade Act and for authority
to cut tariffs gradually up to 25
per cent under present levels.
Economic Defense Needed
"We should make everyone
aware," the President said, "of the
deadly peril impending if -
through blindness - America and
the free world are robbed of ade-
quate economic defense against
As for the picture at home in
'relation to trade, President Eisen-
hower said: "World trade makes
jobs for at least four and one-half
million American workers.
At a time of slack in the econo-
my like the present, these jobs
should not be placed in jeopardy
by-crippling our trade program."
The President's speech climaxed
a daylong rally at which Demo-
cratic as well as Republican Ad-
minisfration leaders plugged for
enactment of the trade program.
Dulles Speaks
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles, who also addressed the ral-
ly attended by more than a thous-
and, said Congress would "en-
danger our republic" if it failed
to pass President Eisenhower's
foreign trade bill.
It was the second time in a
month that. top Democratic lead-
ers-had joined the administration
in appeals to Congress. The first
was in behalf of President Eisen-
hower's foreign aid program.
The theme of President Eisen-
hower's talk was thta "trade is
good for all America for its
workers, its businessmen and its
Trade Need Cited
"The issue before the Congress
and the American people in this
spring of 1958," President Eisen-
hower said, "is a momentous one:
will we through apathy or ignor-
ance see our trade program killed
outright or gutted by amend-
Will we weaken ourselves by re-
turning to the law of the jungle
in trade relations between na-
President Eisenhower said that
with many free world nations
"trade is truly their economic life



Khrushc hev

For Faculty
A report in the spring Bulletin
of the American Association of
University Professors charges Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher and the
Regents of the University with
violating "generally accepted prin-
ciples of academic freedom and
Prepared by an investigating
committee of the association, the
report criticized dismissal of Prof.
Mark Nickerson, formerly of the
pharmacology department, and H.
Chandler Davis, formerly of the
mathematics department, in 1954.
Refused to Answer
Dismissal of both men came
after they refused to answer ques-
tions put by a sub-committee of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee concerning present or
past identification with the Com-
munist Party and other political
Two committees were set up to
consider the cases. The Faculty
Senate Advisory Committee or-
ganized a committee outside the
bylaws procedure of the University
to directly advise President Hatch-
er. A committee provided for in
University bylaws on academic
tenure also considered the sus-
Called "Unfair"'
The chairman of the advisory
committee, to President Hatcher.
Prof. Russell Smith of the law
school, called the AAUP criticism
"We went to #lengths to provide
a fair trial. The fact that Presi-
dent HMatcher wouldn't take any
action until our group had advised
him was certainly an attempt to
be fair," he added.
Prof. David ennison, physics
department chairman and another
member of the committee, con-
sidered the AAUP action "unfor-
tunate for the University," sug-
gesting that it "could lead to ac-
tion of censure" at the annual
meeting of AAUP in April.
Gave Best Attention
"At the time, the members of
the committee gave the very best
of attention to all angles of the
case they could discover.
Prof. Amos Hawley, chairman of
the sociology department, called
attention to the fact that AAUP
took four years to criticize the
The AAUP report condemns the
University administration for "pro-
cedural inadequaciesgfor basing
the dismissals on grounds iM-
proper in themselves or unsup-
ported by substantial evidence,"
and for "refusal to grant 'sever-
ance pay."
AAUP investigators also con-
demned President Hatcher for "ar-
bitrarily suspending the two men
as soon as their refusal totestify
became known."
Failed To State Grounds
The report charged the adminis-
tration failed to state "withrea-
sonable particularity"' the grounds
for dismissal.
Other deficiencies listed were
failure to permit the accused to
appear when witnesses testified
before a University Senate faculty
committee that heard the cases
and failure of this committee to
keep complete records of its hear-

Move Shows Historic Pattern-alis

Nikita Khrushchev's assump-
tion of direct government control
reflects the Soviet pattern of one
man -dictatorship which dates
back to the Czars, Prof. William
Ballis of the political science de-
partment said last night.
"The pattern is continuing even
though Khrushchev condemned
Stalin for being a dictator."
However, the new prime min-
ister attempts to appear as a
member of the "collective lead-
ership" and does not refer to him-
self as the "vozhd," or leader. He
reigns through the illusion of
being the "primus inter pares,"
first among equals, Prof. Ballis
Behind Red Name Law
The specialist in Soviet politics
said Khrushchev was behind pas-
sage of a law last summer which
prohibited the naming of cities or
prizes after living communist
leaders. "It will be interesting to
see if the law wil be changed and
whether there will be a glorifica-
tion of Khrushchev."
Prof. Ballis called the former
Ukrainian miner "bold and ruth-
less" and said "the wearing of two
hats is a further indication of
Khrushchev's personal suprema-
cy over the party and state."
Attempt to Gain Prestige
He speculated that the assump-
tion of official control was an at-
tempt to get more prestige abroad,
enabling him to negotiat formally
with other heads of state. Khrush-
chev's election yesterday to the
post of prime minister gave him
his first formal office in the So-
viet ,government.
The replacement of Marshal
Bulganin was the third major
shift in Soviet government lead-
ership since Stalin died five years
ago, Prof. Ballis said this also
shows that the Soviet Union oper-
ates according to what ih called
a "permanent revolution" in
which there has to be continual
changes in the top government
leadership to keep the system go-
It is uncertain how long Khrush-
chev will remain in power but he
has disposed of all his immediate-
ly potential rivals, Ballis pointed
Reuther Says
Kohler Strike
Actions Unfair
WASHINGTON () - Walter
Reuther conceded yesterday mass
picketing and violence in the four-
year Kohler Co. strike were im-
proper and should not have hap-
Reuther, president of the United
Auto Workers Union, told the
Senate Rackets Committee the'
UAW learned a great deal in the
strike and would, in the future,
guard against such practices.
The UAW president told the
Senate Rackets Committee he
thought the President should ap-
point a fact-finding board to ex-
plore "the inhuman working con-
ditions" in Kohler's plumbing fix-
tures plant at Kohler, Wis., and
then "deal with the issues."



... takes over ... "replaced"
Religion in Modern World
Summer Session tneme
"Religion in Contemporary Society" has been chosen as the
summer session theme for this year, Program Director Prof. George
Peek of the political science department said yesterday.
The program is not designed as an explication of the religious
faiths but is mainly interested in the impact of religion on the
modern world, Prof. Peek said.
Plays, lectures, and displays are scheduled for the summer series.
"We hope to cover as many areas of intellectual activity as possible,"
Prof. Peek added. "The Potting Shed" by Graham Green and "The
Flowering Peach" by Clifford Odet
are scheduled to be presented by Ff
the speech department.'IFC ficers
University President Harlan
Hatcher will deliver the first in a
series of 12 lectures and discus-'-1
sions covering religion in present
day society. T PA poa
A former director of the Uni-
versity's Student Religious Affairs Tau Epsilon Phi was given ten-
office, Dr. Frank Littell, will de- tative approval to colonize at the
liver an address on "Religion in University by the Executive Com-
Postwar Europe." mittee of the , Interfraternity
Niebuhr To Lecture Council last night.
Religion in Contemporary -The Executive Committee's rec-
America" will be discussed by Pof ommendation will come before the
Aericha wilecusedy Pof. Fraternity President's Assembly
Richard Niebuhr. Rev. George Tuesday as a motion to permit the
Buttrick,- minister, of Harvard
Memorial Church, will lecture on ruitonne oloize after formal
h udaeo C is there a Dclin The motion also says the com-
f Jmittee must review the decision
America. before Nov. 15, of the University's
New York Times correspondent outstate enrollment before grant-
Harrison' Salisbury is scheduled to ing them finial approval.
explain the problem of "Religion William Cross, assistant dean of
Behind the Iron Curtain." men for fraternities, asked that
Prof. Marilyn Mason, well- the committee review the decision
known organist, will also present at that time.
an organ concert at Hill Auditor- Cross explained he had recently
ium during the summer series, received a letter from University
The Stanley Quartet is expected President Harlan Hatcher say-
to perform in a program entitled ing that it may be necessary to
"Music and Present Day Church." reduce outstate enrollment if the
MDisplays University's present appropria-
Museums To Haveis ms tion is not increased by the state
Tevrot mseu legislature.
and libraries will have displays Since mostof the members of
dealing with religion. Gallery lec- the "predominantly Jewish" fra-
tures are also scheduled to be ternities come from outside of the
presented, state, he said, the addition of an-
Tentative lectures include a dis- other "predominantly Jewish"
cussion of "Modern Church Archi- house might harm those already
tcture" by Profe. Aldon Dow, and on campus.
"Politics and Religion" by Prof. Tau Epsilon Phi was described
Liston Pope. by its executive secretary as "pre-
Panel discussions on "Religion dominantly Jewish."
and Literature" and "Music and Brian Moriarty, '58E, an IFC
Present Day Church" are now be- district representative, argued
ing planned. that the Council should concen-

*, advocates disarmament
disarmament talks for peace as
well as propaganda. Former dis-
armament advisor Harold Stassen
had made considerable progress in
disarmament talks with the Rus-
sians before Stassen was with-
drawn, Prof. Boulding said.
He criticized the stand on dis-
armament of Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles as being "too
rigid." "It's quite clear that Dulles
doesn't believe in disarmament at
all," Prof. Boulding said.
He disagreed with Dulles' policy.
of containment of the Russians.
The pressure that the United
States has exerted around Russia
has provided the justification for
a strong Russian government, be
Reds, U.S. 'Defenseless'
His comments on Dulles and
Stassen were part of his exposition
of a theory of international rela-
tions which says that with the
development of modern arms, the
United States and Russia have be-
come too small to fight any more.
"The better weapons we get, the
more defenseless we are," Prof.
Boulding said.
Army Grant
Awarded to U'
Army has awarded a fonr-millinn

G .
'M'OS U Lead Teams
A fter First Day's Action
Michigan, the NCAA defending swim champion, gained 10 points
last night in the opening round of intercollegiate competition at the
Varsity Exhibition Pool to tie Ohio State for the lead position among
the 59 teams entered.
MSU with 7, Indiana 5, California Polytechnic 4, Illinois and
Southern Methodist 3, and Utah 2, were the' only other point getters.
Only two of the sixteen events, the 1500-meter freestyle and the
one-meter diving, scheduled for the weekend tournament were
programmed last night. Bill Steuart, MSU's powerfully built 5'11"
sophomore, accounted for all six'


of State's points as he placed
first in the 1,500-meter freestyle.
The South African Olympic star
and Big Ten 1,500-meter cham-
pion was closely pressed through-
out the gruelling 65-pool-lengths
race by Indiana's John Parks.
The sparse crowd was on its
feet as Steuart, powerfully strok-
ing the last length, passed under
the wire in 18:45.8, only two-
tenths of a second ahead of Park's
Woolley had matched strokes
with Steuart for the first 220
yards of the race but faded soon.
His finishing time of 19:06.6 was
16.6 seconds slower than the 18:50
eineirin. he +urnedin n. t+e is

Joint Judie To Examine Electi

Tentative returns on the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
yesterday indicated Interfrater-
nity Council President Rob Trost,
'58, Daily Business Manager Bob
Ward, '58E, and Herman Besse-f
link, Spec., have been elected.
Student Government Council
Treasurer Scott Chrysler, '59BAd;
said last night Joint Judiciary
Council has asked to see some of
the ballots to determine possible
election frauds.

ion Fraud
A subsequent re-examination of
all ballots took too long for count-
ers to finish tabulating Wednes-
day night. At 2:30 a.m. yester-
day, totals for only two candi-
dates had been determined.
Tabulating was completed yes-
terday afternoon, Chrysler said.
Chrysler said he expected re-
turns on the election,.to be com-
pleted by Monday.
In the aftermath of Count
Night, Elections Director Roger
Mahey said the master list of polls

receijvedu a owiiifor *iu for aamJ-

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