es Thrown Out in Three Contests; Stuffed Balloting Ch
Mahey said later that no ballot
boxes could be opened until count
night, and he told this person that
ballots would be judged then.
Fifteen to 30 votes of Student
Government Council candidate
Fred Merrill, '59, were declared
invalid by the elections board last
night. The ballots, according to a
count night worker, were marked
with only a 1'for Merrill, folded
together and punched only once.
Recount Suggested
Merrill said he knew nothing
about it, and suggested a recount
of the entire election might be in
Other count night officials said
they even found whole books of
ballots stuck together. These were
Four hundred and twenty bal-
lots for the Board in Control of
Student Publications were also de-
Blared invalid. In one instance
ballots running in fifty consecutive
numbers were found with votes
for the same three candidates.
Presidency Ballots Voided
A percentage of the ballots
for Art Wible, '59, candidate for
the presidency of the literary col-
lege senior board were also ruled
invalid, according to Union Presi-
dent-elect Barry Shapiro, '9.
These ballots were also consecu-
tive, Shapiro said.
He thought Joint Judic action
would be appropriate in this in-
In an anonymous phone call to
The Daily, one individual who had
manned a booth said he was "dis-
gusted" with the whole procedure.
He reported that he was offered
the opportunity to stuff as many
votes for a candidate he wanted
as he wished, if he would do the
same for his fellow pollster.
His fellow pollsters inserted a
great many votes, he said.
Candidates Supported
In another polling abuse, one
person told The Daily that he had
not wanted to vote for the Board
in Control of Inter-Collegiate Ath-
letics, because he did not know any
of the candidates.
After the poll tender had tried
in vain to encourage the person to
vote for this post, he (the poll
tender) voted himself on this per-
son's ballot.
Another individual reported that
he had been most energetically
urged to vote for one particular
candidate by a poll - tender. He
claims the poll-tender kept saying
to every voter "Vote for . . Put a
one right here in this spot."
"" a .. 111,51 valluL Wlililer 4 0 0 raccwu aca;vaaae ...,a.v .. ,,,..,, .... I
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
' i l i
Explorer HI Fired; Set in Orbit
U.S. Reports BombPierpont Defends Reasons
Shaky Path D For Unappropriated Funds
O f M issile Ted Bomb emerged from the University Vice-President in Charge of Business and Finance
Student Government Council Wilbur K. Pierpont yesterday defended the University's unexpended
AaL lai.( ,- election as a write-in candidate balance of $2,273,000 as a "prudent operating practice."
CAPE CANAVERAL, teit with approximately 50 votes. Pierpont explained the $1,605,037 represents funds "earmarked
America fired its third satellite Under the Hare system, he for departmental activities" and termed the balance a "normal busi-
into orbit around the earth yester- uforepr ac te"n
day but the newest man-made would have been dropped, even ness practice."
moon may exist only a few days in H SGC had.not disqualified The remaining $668,820 in unappropriated funds, one and one-
space. h lb was unavailable for half per cent of the total operating budget, was cited as a "minimum
Explorer III, an 80-inch-long om s uor operating reserve. One-half of the $1,605,30' was needed to pay for
+ ,.. .. ... ......comment. His. supporters, the.. ...
May Fall Soon
Four hours later, Maj. Gen.
John B. Medaris, head of the
Army ballistic missile program,
said the satellite probably would,
plunge to Its death in a maximum
of two weeks.
It may come down in two days,
Medaris told a news conference.
He added that that was "only an
Wernher von Braun, the Ger-
man scientist who developed the,
Jupiter-C, said the satellite would
swing as close as 100 miles to the
earth in its orbit.
Closer Approach
This is a much closer approach
than any of the other satellites
have made. It means that Explorer
III soon will be dragged down by
the earth's gravity. r
Despite the wobbly orbit of Ex-
plorer III, its launching was an-
other giant stride forward fdr
America in the space contest with
Soviet Russia,
For more than two tei,1 -hours
after the rocket streaked sky ,.rd
with a thunderous roar, the worlu
waited to hear if it had hung its!
third moon in the skies.
Not until 3 p.m. did Dr. Richard
Porter, chairman of the technical
panel of the United States earth
satellite program, report in Wash-
ington that the satellite was orbit-
ing and had completed' its first
trip around the earth in 121 min-
Foreign Study
Now Available
Alumni-Student Leader Fellow-
ship applications will be available
tomorrow afternoon in 2011 Stu-
dent Activities Building, according'
to Assistant Dean of Men Ivan W.
The fellowship includes all ex-
penses, except travel, for a year's
study at University College, Uni-
versity of London.
.Qcarbin ant aA ?r.aanhin amr '
Club Plans,
Nearing Tall
Political Issues Club last night d-
cided to invite Socialist Scott
Nearing to discuss his trip through
Russia and Communist China.
Nearing is expected to comment
on the workings of the Commu-
nist systems in these two coun-
tries at the club's April 24 meet-
Early in February, Political Is-
sues Club sponsored a discussion
by Socialist Norman Thomas.
prepared statement.
"The other one-half arose from
planned accumulations for several
years to cover large items of,
equipment which are most ffec-
tively purchased once in a period
of several years on the basis of
large orders,' he said.
Pierpont added the money- in'
no way represents acash balance
available to meet next year's ex-
The $668,820 in unappropriated
funds was not accumulated in one
year but has been built up from
year to year as an operating re-,
serve, he explained.
Pierpont's statement came after,
his appearance Tuesday before the
Senate Appropriations Committee.
Asks- Funds
The University's social research
institute announced plans yester-
day to seek $l,6 million for a new
No state funds have been re-
quested for the project.
The Regents of the University
have .already approved application
for a $600,000 federal public health
service facilities grant for the
building. The remaining cost would
be raised from private or other
The new building is presently
planned to be located north of the
,central campus in the general
vicinity of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies.
The largest social research or-
ganization on any college or uni-
versity campus, the institute is
now housed in the Old West Hos-
pital built in 1891.
The Institute estimates that 75
per cent of its research concerns
health, medicine, and related fields.
health, medicine, and related
fields. Approximately 20 per cent
of its current research budget is
provided by the United States Pub-
lic Health Service.
The present building is not de-
signed for efficient use and re-
stricts the Institute's capacity to
accept new research projects in
which public 'and private agencies
have expressed interest.
MOSCOW (M - Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin has dropped
from sight at important state oc-
casions, and the Russians appear
to be waiting eagerly to learn if
they are going to have a change
in the government.
The Soviet Union's two-house
Parliament - the Supreme So-
viet - holds its first post-election
session today and there is a possi-
bility it will provide the answer
to Bulganin's future. '
Speculation that Bulganin is on
his way out was given an added
charge by United Nations Secre-
tary General Dag Hammarskjold,
who told a news conference he
had not seen Bulganin during his
current Moscow visit.
Normally Bulganin is on hand
for all such occasions with Com-
munist party boss Nikita Khrush-
Jury Indicts
Local Builder
'For Fraud
A Federal grand jury indicted an
Ann Arbor builder and ,the presi-
-dent of a Detroit savings and loan
firm yesterday for alleged fraud
and misuse of $2,142,900 in funds
of the firm.
The charges state, in part, that
Robert Duncan Hole, owner of sev-
eral mortgage and construction
companies in Ann Arbor area, re-
ceived first mortgage loans from
the Detroit organization on pro-
perty that consisted of vacant lots
or which already held first mort-
The 'transactions . were repre-
sented before the Federal Home
Loan Bank Board as first mort-
gage loans on houses built, it was
Harold J. Belch, loan company
president, was named with Hole in
the indictment.
Under the Hare System, used
in Student Government Council
elections, voters indicate their
preferences in a box beside the
nominee's name on the ballot.
When counted, the ballots are
distributed according to the
first preference indicated.
A "quota" is then established
by dividing the total number of
ballots by a number one great-
er than the number of seats to
be filled.
Any candidate whose votes
on the first ballot equals or ex-
ceeds this number is elected,
Those ballots which indicate
no second preference are then
The lowest candidate at the
conclusion of the ballot is "de-
feated" and 21is votes are re-
distributed if none of the candi-
dates have reached the quota
necessary to be elected.
If all seats area not filled at
the end of the first ballot, the
votes for the candidates elected
which are in excess of the quota
are selected at random and
given to the next preferred can-
If there are no excess votes,
a new quota is. established by
dividing the number of ballots
still in circulation by one great-
er than the number of seats re-
maining to be filled.
Y.R's To Hear
Boulding Talk
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics department will ad-
dress the Young Republicans at
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3-D of
the Michigan Union on the sub-
ject of disarmament.
In his speech entitled, "A Party
Within a Party," he will discuss
the aspects and approaches to dis-
armament and deal with the dif-
ferences between Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles and the
Presidential disarmament advisor,
Harold Stassen on this issue, ac-
cording to YR President Gerald
Lutz, '59.
N CAAwmmn eet
To Begin .Hoe eToday
Two hundred and forty-four of the nation's foremost swimmers
and divers, representing 59 colleges from all parts of the country,
converge on Michigan's Varsity Exhibition Pool today for the, 35th
annual NCAA swimming championship.
Two Finals Tonight
The three-day event begins with the preliminaries in the 1500-
meter freestyle and one-meter diving this afternoon with finals in
the events tonight. Other finals
will be held tomorrow night and
also on Saturday afternoon.
Michigan's powerful swim squad
will defend its title gained at the
1957. meet in Chapel Hill, N. C.,'
but will face some topflight
Yale, the perennial powerhouse
of the east coast, Michigan State,
Iowa, Ohio State;. and Oklahoma
are expected to be the chief oppo-
Not Optimistic
Swim Coach Gus Stager and
Diving Coach Bruce Harlan are
hoping for another championship
but are not overly optimistic.
"We'll have the same opponents
that we had in the Big Ten meet."
Debaters Discuss ustification of Faith
-I"One may have concerns over questions about God and the signi-
ficance of the Universe but one had better get over them, Prof. Paul
H 1i L f then hil J.3' L4nhv i dn mani: rmir lU At Ac ht in st m . , siuim
nene of oe pniosopn y epartmenu saiu ias ign n aSy pvsuu
in East .Quadrangle.
The symposium was sponsored by the East Quad Council on
"Whether it is justifiable to believe in God."
Henle said that this was necessary if one is going to live both
rationally and happily.
Different views were expressed by Prof. James C. O'Neill of the
French Department and Prof. W. P. Alston of the Philosophy De-
Prof. O'Neill took the view that although God cannot be per-
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