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March 23, 1958 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-23

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didates Battle
LS&A Offices


Set for

Tue sday,


Map Indicates Location of Polls

Union Board of Directors
Lures Fifteen Candidates


students are competing'
lass officers in the liter-
for next year.
ants are running for the
four students are vying
fice -of vice-president,
its are competing for
and four students are
r treasurer.
didates for president
man: Wolverine Club,
Union Executive Board;
vernor Alumni Associa.-




Board in Review, estab-
s a final check on deci-
SGC, has met five times
the history of the Council,
i upheld SGC action each
Board convenes to consider
tion when it feels that the
has taken steps beyond
fished powers. 'a
feting may be called by
of the seven Board mem-
thin 'four days after SGC
hlas been reported in the
Pfficial Bulletin.
Reviews Actions
3oard may review all SOC
which is concerned with
bion or "requires further
ation in view of the Re-
policy of administrative
ven members include Prof.
aing of the political sci-
partment, chairman; Dean
Walter B. Rea; Dean of
Deborah Bacon;" Dean
oore of the music school;
reient Joe Collins, 58;
rave, Grad.
g its most recent meet-
e Board has removed a
action on the SOC motion
6t faculty for the now de-
ampus Chest; and declared
Glens had been given the
t6 appeal an SGC decision
ig solicitation boundaries
a to abide by, the original
1eulty Expresses View
ftober SGC approved a
to solicit faculty members
pus Chest. Faculty concern
pressed over this decision
Board meeting was called,
ically evoking a stay of
meeting opened up the far
question of whether GC
discuss its plans with some
organization when con-
issues not concerned with
oversy at tie meeting
: from feelings such as
Dean Bacon that since
ion involved faculty inem-
e Faculty Senate or its
' board should, have been
d. Dean Bacon objected
'achtung, achtung" word-
he motion.
Warn SGC
Moore was not as worried
Campus Chest as about
,ction which SGC might
1felt SGC should be warn-
he future.
Council was merely "in-
le faculty to contribute to
y if it wishes," Dean Rea
Board lifted. the stay of
tut sent a modifying state-
the:Council-"Where mat-
fore SOC extend beyond
lent body the properly au-
organizations should be
d in advance of taking
Act on Boundaries .
in October the Board de-
at Galens would have to
the boundaries previously
ied by the Council which
f the Galens drive from
te Street and South Uni-
hopping areas. These areas
ignated for Campus Chest
Laing called the meeting1
he said Galens had not
'en an opportunity to ap-
e decision. He later said
should not have called
rd. After reading over the
of the two SOC eetings
rg Galens he acknowl-I
Is error. It was clear thats
had been given an appeal.
oard realized that it could+
uss the boundary issue
ecause of the time stipula-
verning review by thes
Again the stay of actionj

tion; Sphnix Honorary; Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity.
Arthur Wible: Delta Upsilon
fraternity president, vice - presi-
dent social chairman, athletic
chairman, head of House Execu-
tive Council; freshman baseball
team; freshman basketball team;
varsity baseball team; JIFC; Fra-
ternity Presidents' Assembly.
Earl Duryea: Soph Show cen-
tral committee; IFC social com-
mittee; counselor for Freshman
Rendevous; Delta Tau Delta fra-
ternity rush chairman, corres-
ponding secretary, Michigras
chairman. 1,
heral4 Poticha: Phi Sigma Del-
ta fraternity president, pledge
trainer, rush chairman.
Dennis Roy: "Musket;" Union
Staff; J-Hop; Intramural sports;
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.
Chet Skinner: Union Senate;
Phi Eta Sigma honorary; Sigma
Chi fraternity rush chairman;
Michiganensian associate sales
manager. -
The candidates for vice-presi-
dent are:
Gilbert Berger: local advertising
chairman for "Musket;" Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity.
Sheldon Glass: freshman swim-
ming team; FO publicity chair-
man for rushing; IFC rushing
chairman and counselor co-ordi-
nator; IFC booklet committee,
SGC; Phi Sigma Delta fraternity
rushing chairman, athletic chair-
man, public relations chairman,
co-social chairman.
Arvin Philippart: Spinx honor-
ary; advertising manager of Mich-
iganensian; fraternity officer;
Student Speakers Bureau; base-
ball team; Phi Eta Sigma honor-
James Smith: JIFC vice-presi-
dent; Soph Show sub-committee
chairman; SGC office committee;
Air, Force ROTC; Lambda Chi
Alpha fraternity representative to
National-Training Seminar, iush-
ing chairman.
The candidates for secretary
Cynthia Cross: Women's Judi-
ciary Council; Greek Week Book-
let co-chairman; Panhellenic as-
sistant rushing chairman; Junior
Girls' Play; Wyvern honorary.
Robert Van Gelder: member of
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.
Candidates for treasurer are:
Barbara Cole: transferred from
DePauw University; DePauw Stu-
dent Union Activities Board; treas-
urer DePauw WestminsterFellow-
Daniel Goldsmith: freshman
swimming team; Sigma Alpha Mu
fraternity social and athletic
chairman; "Musket" program
committee; J-Hop special events
committee; American Foreign
Brother program; orientation
Barbara Sutliff: treasurer Jun-
ior Girls' Play; Panhellenic public
relations chairman; Jr. Panhel-
lenic treasurer; Alpha Chi Omega
sorority treasurer; Assembly Dorm
Council; Michigras Poster com-
James Wells: Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity officer; Union Opera;
Phi Eta Sigma honorary; frater-
nity by-laws committee, scholar-
ship committee chairman, public
relations committee, social com-
mittee, rushing committee.

Candidates Campaign for Senior Class Positions

Fifteen candidates are cmpet-
ing for the four positions avail-
able on the Union Board of Stu-
dent Directors.
Candidates for positions as
members at large are:
Phil Allmeninger '60: SGC
Count Night director; Delta Up-
silon fraternity social chairman;
Hatcher Open House host.
Les Benet, '59Ph.: Michigan Un-
ion, Spring Weekend central com-
mittee; Michigras central commit-
Mike Camras, '59 BAd.: Union
Information manager, social com-
mittee; Union Senate; Homecom-
Double Role
Of Ad Wing
aids Council'
The Administrative Wing plays
what appears to be a conflicting
role in Student Government Coun-
cil action-it often recommends
policy, then helps carry out what-
ever decisions the Council makes.
According to Personnel Director
Irwin Gage, '60, the, two Qurposes
may sometimes conflict; however,
resulting friction is. "negligible."
"The two units (Council and
Administrative Wing) usually
function smoothly," he said.
150 Students Serv
About 150 non-elected students
serve on one of the five major
committees of the wing, under the
direction of Administrative vice-
president Maynard Goldman, '59.
Gage pointed out that the Wing
is not a "minor league" or a "step-
ping stone" towards petitioning
for an actual seaot n the Council.
However, 'he adc1pd, theCouncil
itself "feels that the people who
can do the most service for SOC
are often those who have served
on the Administrative Wing, and
are familiar with basic' proce-
Requires Time
Gage stressed the fact that the
Wing's goals are more often than
not "achievable only after a great
deal of time and work."
This leads to the Wing's biggest
weakness, he said. "Some very
good people get apathetic and quit
when they don't realize their goals
right away."
"We stress this 'far-off goal'
concept to new persons as much
as possible,"' Gage: said.; Twelve
persons attended the first tryout
-. II
Board Opens
Three Posts
Five candidates are up for elec-
tion to the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Candidates are:
Herman Besselink, Spec.: Euro-
pean Club resident adviser, Kelsey
House; honorary member, South
Quad Quadrants.
Gerald H. Lakritz, '60.
Emil E. Sattler, '59: experience
in publishing field-printing, ad-
vertising, photography, and edit-
ing; Joint Judiciary Council.
Robert J. Trost, '58: president
Interfraternity Council.
Robert Ward, '58E.: Michigan
Daily business manager; president,
'58 engineering class; Delta Up-
silon fraternity.







Five students are vying for four
class offices open in the business
administration school.
The candidate for president is:
Bert Getz: Sigma Chi fraternity
treasurer, pledge ,trainer, rush
chairman; IFC secretary; IFC
president; SGC; Sphinx honorary
The candidate for vice-president
John Grettenberger: Michigan
Daily business staff; Delta Upsilon
fraternity, Spring Weekend chair-
man, rush chairman, secretary.
The candidates for secretary
Beverly Negri: Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority treasurer, Spring
Weekend chairman; Frosh Week-
Pamela Dexter: Chi Omega so-
rority president; secretarial man-
ager Panhellenic Executive Coun-
cil; Student Activities Building
Board; Frosh Weekend; Soph
The candidate for treasurer is:
Michael Adell: J-Hop '59 cen-
tral committee chairman; "Mus-
ket" program committee; Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity rushing

NSA Seeks To Adviseo
Student Governments

Eleven candidates are running
for class offices in the Engineering
Four Juniors are competing for
president. Five students are run-
ning for vice-president and three
are running for the combined of-
fice of secretary-treasurer.
Candidates for president are:
J. C. Boehringer: vice-president
of Engineering Student Council;
president of Executive Board of
the engineering class of 1959; edi-
tor of the Arch; Triangles honor-
ary; Sigma Rho Tau honor so-
ciety; publicity chairman Slide
Rule Ball; Engineering Honor
Council; chairman of new Stu-
dent-Faculty lounge.
Jon Erickson: president of junior
class board; varsity tennis team;
Engineering Council; Triangles;
sophomore class board; Speakers
Bureau; M-Club; 'publicity chair-
man Playboys Prance; Engineer-
ing open house.
Don Reeves: business manager
FBA; vice - president Triangles;
treasurer Vulcans; Hectorians;,
Phi Eta Sigma honorary; vice-
president Delta Upsilon fraternity.
Bob Stahl: J-Hop central com-
mittee; Delta Tau Delta frater-
nity; ticket sales chairman\Greek
Week ball'.
Candidates for vice - president
Bernie Bogdon: Scabbard and
Blade honorary; NROTC; vice-
president Alpha Tau Omega fra-
Arthur Friedman: Musket pro-
gram chairman, Michigan Daily
classified advertising manager;
Soph Show publicity; Sigma Alpha
Mu fraternity; J - Hop special
events committee; Homecoming
committee; Foreign brother com-
Hank La Brun: IFC publicity
committee; Alpha Sigma-Phi fra-
ternity athletic chairman, home-
coming chairman, rushing chair-
man, Michigras chairman.
David Schultz: vice - president
Phi Eta Sigma honorary; secretary
Engineering Honor Council; Ex-
ecutive Board class of 1959; Delta
Tau Delta fraternity, fraternity
rushing chairman.
James Stevens: Executive Board
class of 1959; features editor
Michigan Technic; editor of the
Arch; vice-president-Evans Schol-
ars, Engineering Council member.
Candidates for secretary-treas-
urer are:
Ascher Eckerlipg: Alpha Epsilon
Pi fraternity rushing chairman,
alumni chairman; Phi Eta Sigma
honorary; Soph Show; staff mem-
ber Michigan Union; JIFC; Mich-
igan Technic staff.
John Hoos: Delta Tau Delta

Six candidates are running for1
election to four positions open as
class officers of the school of edu-
Two juniors are vying for the
position of president of the senior
class. The offices of vice-president,
and treasurer are uncontested.
There are two competing for the'
position of secretary.
Candidates for president are:
Sue Christiansen: Frosh Week-
end floor show; Dorm Michigras
floor show; SOC Administrative
wing; SGC elections committee;
Delta Delta Delta sorority social;
chairman, judiciary chairman,
sponsor's chairman.
,Students Run,
For Athletics
Control .Board
Three students are running for
the one position open on the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
Candidates are:
Terry Miller, '60: Phi Delta The-
ta fraternity; varsity basketball.
Stan Noskin, '60: Phi Sigma Del-
ta fraternity; varsity football..
Edward Pongracz, '61 A&D: Del-
ta, Upsilon fraternity; varsity
swimming team, captain of fresh-
man swimming team.

Dave Mart4nson: Reeves house
treasurer; Michiganensian copy
editor; policy board of CSRO;
planning and policy board of
Freshman Rendezvous; orientation
Candidate for vice-president is:
Sally Christiansen: Frosh Week-
end floor show; Soph show; Spring-
Weekend; judiciary committee and
corresponding secretary of Delta
Delta Delta sorority.
Candidates for secretary are:
Sara Baker: Frosh Weekend
floor show; Homecoming; Jr. Pan-
hellenic Ball; Spring Weekend;
SGC Student Affairs committee;
secretary of Kappa Alpha Theta
sorority; Michigras; Junior Girls'
Play. A
Sandra Skye: Frosh Weekend;
Bach ,Choir; Alpha Xi Delta cor-
respon'ding secretary; Junior Girls'
Candidate for treasurer is:
Joan Logan: Alpha Phi sorority
corresponding secretary, home-
coming chairman, activities chair-
man; Michigras central commit-
tee; Frosh Weekend; Junior Girls'
Play, League librarian.
These pages are a paid
advertisement of Student
Government Council. The
Daily staff compiles the in-
formation and the Council
pays the student .rate for
the pages.

ing central committee; WCBN;
West Quad Council; Spring Week-
end prizes committee; Phi Epsilon
Pi fraternity house manager, ath-
letic chairman, social chairman,
Tom Corbett, '60: Delta Upsilon
fraternity historian.
Sidney Jackson, '60: Union per-
sonnel and University Affairs com-
mittee; coordinator of Michigan
Day, coordinator Campus Student
Guide service; American Brother
program, Student Speaker and
Talent Bureau; Orientation com-
mittee; office manager Union Stu-
dent Offices.
Barry Keyfetz, '59: Union UIni-
versity Affairs committee; Union
information manager; SOC Hu-
man Relations Board.
John Moore, Grad.: Engineering
Steering committee, IWC public
relations committee chairman; En-
gineering Honor Council secretary;
Kappa Sigma fraternity secretary;
"Musket" general chairman; Phi,
Eta Sigma honorary; Tau Beta P
honorary; Triangles honorary,,
Mimes honorary; Vulcans honor-
ary; Oreon E. Scott senior award.
Jules Otten, '61: office chair-
man FBA.
William Raisch, '59: Union Ex-
ecutive Council; 'JIFC; Chi PsiĀ„.
Glen Reavis, '60: IFC services
committee, Delta Upsilop frater-
nity corresponding secretary; pub-
lic relations cohmittee chairman.
Peter Van Haften, '59: Union
Executive Cou'ncil, chairman Un-
ion campus relations committee;
student relations committee of
Development Council, Theta Delta
Chi fraternity student activities
Two candidates have been no'm-
inated to run for the one position
open to a /nember "of the Law
school and two candidates were
nominated to fill the one position
open to a representative from the
Medical school and the school o
The candidates are:
Donald B. Medalie, '1L: "Mus-
ket" general chairman; Union
Opera programs chairman; Union-
League show; Tau Epsilon. Rho
law fraternity; Sigma Alpha Mu
social fraternity.
Bruce M. Stiglitz, '61L.
David L. Koth, '59D.
Robert L. Card, '60D: president
of- sophomore class in dental
school; Delta Sigma Delta dental
SGC Begins
Of Procedure
SOC today is in a phase of re-
evaluation and concern for pro-
cedures, according to Joe Collins,
'58, retiring president of the Coun-
"There will be a resurgence of
student interest in SGC" he'said,,
"when the economic services like
a University bookstore become
more definite."
The questions of sorority de-
ferred rushingand Sigma Kapph
have, dominated the scene this"
year, Collins said.
Votes on Rushing
The sorority rushing question
was important because of the di-
rect application to students, he
commented. It offered the first
opportunity for the Council to ex-
ercise its authority.
Much time and discussion was
spent on Sigma Kappa, Collins
said. The authority of SOC to
reprimand in this situation was
decisive action.
Perhaps, Collins continued, the
Student Health "Insurance Pro-
gram is the greatest creative ac-
tion of the year. It offers the

lowest premiums for the most
number of benefits than any oth-
er program considered, he said.
Interest has been quite strong for
this, he added.
Brings Speakers
The students have also been
given the opportunity to bring in
the speakers they especially want.
Collins noted that Eleanor Roose-
velt has been one of the few lec-
turers to fill Hill Auditorium this
At the present time the Coun-
cil is working on a self-evaluation
study aimed at probing into sev-
eral aspects of SGC.
Due to the experiences of the /
old Student Legislature, Collins
said, he was opposed to an in-
crease of Council members. Twen-
ty-five should be the maximum
and the present 18 maintains a
personal direct student concern on
the Council, lie said.
S ,.Personal Motives

All activities and policies of the
National Student Association are
directed toward the' concept of
the University as a coordinated
whole, Ruth T. Callahan, admin-'
istrative secretary of SGC, related.
The NSA stresses that the stu-
dent g6vernment at any institu-
tion of higher education is a part
of the campus community and has
its own important contribution to
make. In order to realize their full,
potential campus activities must
be directed by faculty, adminis-
tration and students, working to-
"One of NSA's main functions
is to direct student governments
to the problems of higher educa-
tion and to formulate a philoso-
phy from which each university
can work," Mrs. Callahan said.
Student government's ultimate
goals should be to provide oppor-
tunities for student participation
on every level.
Represents Students
The NSA organization itself is
a non - partisan, non - sectarian,
non-profit body representing ap-
proximately 1,000,000 American

binding on any member school,
Mrs. Callahan continued.
The University usually has one
of the , largest delegations, she,
said. It is entitled to seven vot-
ing delegates and alternates for
each delegate.
The University has also con-
tributed to the list of NSA's na-
tional and regional officers. Leon-
ard Wilcox, Grad., was vice-pres-
ident of national affairs in 1952-.
53, followed by Harry H. Lunn,
Jr., '54, who was national presi-
dent of the eighth National Con-
gress in 1954-55.
Janet Neary, '58, was regional
chairman in 1956-57.
Formed in 1946
The association was formed
sometime after World War II in
1946. It was formed by a group of
American students who felt the
need for a -national student or-
ganization after attending an in-
ternationdl student conference.
"The NSA fought the good fight
in its early years as far as left
wing influence was concerned,"
Mrs. Callahan added. "Now there

Committees Facilitate SGC ,Efforts

The Student Government Coun-
cil would have difficulty acting on
campus problems if its intricate
system of committees did not pre-
\pare study reports on the issues.
All committees are categorized
as either standing or special com-
mittees, according to Maynard
Goldman, '59, Administrative vice-
Those which are always neces-
sary for SGC operation are termed
standing committees. Under this
heading come the Elections, -Na-
tional and International, Educa-
tion and Student Welfare, Student
Activities and Public Relations
Responsible for Operation
The administrative vice-presi-
dent is in charge of these five
standing committees and respon-
sible for their operation and effi-
The Elections Committee is in

lems involved in student loan
funds and the student health in-
surance program.
Goldman described the commit-
tee on Student Activities as the
'catch-all" committee. Because of
the large area which the commit-
tee is expected to cover, it has
been divided into three sub-com-
mittees, concerned with student
representation, counseling and co-
ordination and campus affairs.
Currently, studies are being
made by the campus affairs sub-
committee on the advisabiility of
having transferable football tick-
ets and on the dormitory telephone
Informs on Issues
"SGC maintains a Public Rela-
tions committee so that both stu-
dents and faculty can be better
informed of council projects,"
Goldman said.
Council members speak each

with other campus organizations.
It also works in the Foreign Stu-
dent Leadership, Program and
helped to institute the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin exchange pro-
gram which was active this past
year. Next year, the committee
hopes to institute an exchange
program with Russia, according to
This committee also maintains
membership in the Collegiate
Council of the United Nations,
Special Groups Created
4 Under the jurisdiction of the
executive vice-president are the
special committees, created as, a
need for them arises according
to Executive Vice-president Ron
Shorr; '58.
Consequently, the numbers and
kidns of these committees vary
with the times. Presently, there
are 17 special committees under
SGC supervision.
John Gates, former editor of the

t! itd.Y .. 'lf . ............ .1 9


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