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March 22, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-22

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Sixty-Eighth Year,

Are Free

Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
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22, 1958


The Determined Course'
Of Events in Cuba

['UATION in Cuba is," as former
resident GuilIerno Pujol puts it,
it it is going to get a lot more tragic
ets better, for the regime of Ful-
sta is like a Ferrari in last month's,
to race in Havana: the driving Is
.e reckless and Fidel Castro's men
i on all the curves. Sooner or later
it is going to crack up "his car, but
bans, many innocent, some not so
e going to die.
)p other than the violent .overthrow
eems possible; he is resorting to ever
:rial methods and as a result oppo-
. Only two things are keeping his.
me inA power: the unity of the ex-
th his country's small army and-
- of those who oppose him.
sition consists of two extremes and
h lie between. Most obvious are the
nb-planting forces of Castro, which
teen months ago and haye harassed
since. Castro is young, as are most
and he has' been accused of leftist
. Yet among the lower class of Cuba, -
. backbone of Batista's support at
Is becoming' more and more popu-

MONDAY THE OTHER extreme, businessmen
and clergy who could generally be expected
to be sharply conservative, called on Batista to
resign now and avoid bloodshed. Much of the
blood, however, is shed by Castro, who also
burns sugarcane and two groups seem to share
only dislike for the president.
Between the two are the rival political fac-
tions of former presidents Carlos Prio Socarras
and Ramon Grau San Martin, neithe- of whom
would, be gxpected to concede to the other if a
free election were to be held.
But not a day goes by when Cuba is not in
the news, whether Castro men rob a bank and,
burn all checks, or Batista suspends civil liber-
ties. There seems nothing the calmer heads in
Cuba can'! do to check the bloodbath which
becomes more and more a reality, nor does
any course of action present itself to interested
outsiders. U.S. capital invested in Cuba, this
country is interested in Cuba as a neighbor
and ally, and many Americans are concerned
with the rights and lives of the Cuban people.
But we can only watch while the car careens
ever more wildly.

"You Know, Lewis, I Think I Do Detect Some Blasts"
i a
$,.,M 4
Limiting Freedom To Preserve It


Mark of the Hawk'.-
Study in Race Relations
E'MAIK OF THE HAWK," now holding forth at the Campus Theatre,
is rather a unique film. It is basically a story of racial conflict,
but one that Is made palatable by its objectivity and by the fact that it
incorporates some good drama in the course of providing a close and
realistic look at race relations in an unnamed African colony.
Sidney Poitier offers a convincing portrayal of Ombu, a Negro labor
leader, who is torn between apparently fruitless peaceful efforts 'to win
some measure of economic, political, and social equality for his people,
and more direct and violent means to the same end.
In his struggle with himself, Ombu(The Hawk) is being pulled
from both sides. Allied against him onone side is a segment of his own
union, including his brother, which is bent on driving out the white man
by terrorism and violence. On the other side stand most of Ombu's
white friends and associates on the governing council, and the cooler
heads among the natives, led by an African Christian minister (Juana
Standing by through it all are his devoted wife (Eartha Kitt) and
a newly-arrived American minister, who ultimately leads Ombu to his
decision for peaceful evolution rather than revolution.
The symbol of Ombu's union is a hawk (hence the title). Complica-
tions arise, however, because the terrorists have chosen to adopt the
hawk 'as the symbol of their movement as well, and this puts Ombu
under a cloud of suspicion on the part of the whites.
The movie is novel in it's approach to the problem of race relations
and the conflict between a white minority dominating a colored
majority in that it does not take sides.
There are heroes and heels on both sides. The native terrorists
find their counterparts among the whites in a group of violent white
supremists, led by a man named Gregory who sees force as the only
means of rectifying the "mistake" his race has made in educating their
"inferiors," and proceeds to take the law into his own hands td beat
down the insurgents.
Very prominent--indeed, the unifying factor-in the struggle to
bring a peaceful end to the conflict is the Christian church. The Church
has been the leader in bringing the natives out of their tribal supersti-
tions into the light of civilization, and a good part of the film is devoted
to the efforts of the Church, in the persons of Craig, the American
minister, and a wise and devout native minister, to perpetuate the
good already wrought and stave off the threatening revolution.
Though Craig is killed during a terrorist attack on a fortified
European estate, his efforts are finally rewarded when Ombu comes
to realize that "we are not alone," that he and his people are "brothers
under the skin" with all Christians everywhere, by virtue of their com-
mon faith in Christ.
--Edward Geruldsen


Cre Summit: lysi

Associatog Press Foreign News Analyst
LIMMIT CON1i'ERENCE is both a risk and
Aecessity for the Kremlin There are
tps 'now for significant Western gains in
r meeting of government chiefs-but not
a neeting on Soviet terms. It would have
a no-holds-barred meeting, free from the
I restrictions Moscow has tried to impose.
erican gains would depend upon the skill,
nation, and daring of Western statesmen
i In on the Olympian poker game against
ponent noted for his ability to bluff. But
ssins exposed their hand. By laying
patently impossible terms for a prelimi-
aoreign ministers' meeting, they un-
Lgly strengthened the American position.
let Foreign Minister Andrei' Gromyko
i the Soviet position: a foreign ministers'
rwtory mneeting could be called only when
imit date already had been agreed upon.
uld consi er a summit agenda limited to
,ts both ides wanted to discuss. Thus,
em incould veto any subject it didn't
t WOULb MEAN the summit meeting
uld be restricted even more than the last
'CGeneva in 1955. Those limitations had
y hampered the We't. The agenda then
down to four points: German reunifica-
European security, 'Disarmament, and
ttment of East-West trade and cultural
Russiazis refused to discuss the status of
satellite countries or the role of inter-
al communism in world tensions. For
irt, the West refused to discuss Red
's claims or the Western ban on strategic
for communist states.
s time the Russians indicate refusal to
rs even the German question. The con-
e thus would be limited to the main
ganda planks of Moscow's world political
&Ve: an immediate ban on nuclear weap-
ithout regard or safeguards against vio-
; an atom-free zone in Europe, tied in
he smanting' of bases and withdrawal
ops, and extension of trade relations.
cow appears to need both peace and the
of war: the former for continued eco-
development, the latter to excuse in-
reasures insuring the authority of a
ruigclique. A growing disease in world
unism seems responsible.
axed international tensions would be more
to hurt than help the Communist cause.
>hiosophy thrives on turmoil. The more
ul the atmosphere, the more danger of
fing the movement. Why, then, the Mos-'.
lamor for a summit meeting?
OF THE NOST important fpctors seems
"a Communist thirst for expanded trade,
alarly in strategic goods now under ban.
er is an eagerness to weaken the West's
nilitant posture against Red imperialism.
with the "Geneva spirit" conference three
ago, the Russians seek to build popular
res against allied bases: If communism is
ve in any direction, the deterrent bases
to go. Extension to Europe of oriental
Editorial Staff
ditorial Director City Editor

ideas of neutralism thus would be a Kremlin
The West might profit from the Geneva
experience. There were gains and losses on both
The 1955 meeting developed from Western
initiative dating to 1953, when Winston
Churchill, then Britain's Prime Minister pro-
posed a top-level parley. Moscow parried. When
the West renewed the bid in 1955, Soviet Pre-
mier Bulganin announced a "positive" attitude.
The meeting was arranged quickly.
The meeting accomplished little tangible for
peace. A few months later, Soviet instrusions
in the Middle East heightened world tension.
R A BRIEF PERIOD the United States
enjoyed the appearance of victory in the
smiles duel. President Eisenhower shook the
Russians with his "open skies" proposal for
mutual aerial inspections as an earnest measure
of peaceful intent. The proposal stole the show.
After the conference, Moscow first rejected
the Eisenhower plan. Then, obviously fearing
bad propaganda, Moscow retreated and said
it was still "'considering" the proposal. Nothing
came of it.
Besides losing a propaganda round, the Rus-
sians found Geneva had stirred new dissension
at high Communist levels, eventually leading
to the purges of Red Boss Nikita Khrushchev's
chief rivals.
All this came from Western initiative in
action. But failure to follow it 'up let the
initiative slip away. Once Khrushchev solved
his internal problems, Moscow turned with
vigor to the uncommitted world.'
Thereafter, American suspicion of all Soviet
advances maneu'ered Washington into a posi-
tion of saying "no" to every proposal. Subse-
quent abrasions of Allied relations -and propa-
ganda defeats elsewhere added up to a net
American loss from Geneva.
Geneva did' nothing to break deadlocks.
The Russians, however, seemed to achieve some
acceptance of their peaceful intentions.
Now, however, the Russians .themselves, by
their proposed restrictions on a new summit
meeting, have raised doubts about their sin-
Western insistence now upon dragging all
issues into the bright glare of world publicity
would place squarely upon the Russians the
burden of accepting or rejecting a 'summit
conference on the only terms offering any real
chance to examine causes of global tension.
The Many Fruits
Of Power Diplomacy
IF WE CAN believe Tunisian President Habib
Bourguiba's recent speech, those of us who
regret that the United States pampers its
NATO allies-especially France-can be heart-
His conciliatory tone was far different than
when he recently gave the United States an
ultimatum of siding with the Tunisians or
losing the loyalty of them in their struggle
against French encroachments of Tunisian
sovereignty. He conceded that French troops
were withdrawing not because of Tunisian
military pressure but because the United States
and the British had applied firm and quiet
pressure on the French.
These were his words: ". . . today I am glad
to express our thanks for the role played
by the Western powers in the crisis we are
passing through," He further remarked that
cooperation with the West ". . . constitutes a
safeguard of our independence and territorial

Dilemma ... *
To the Editor:
-MISSSUSAN Holtzer's editorial
on miy talk, "Democracy's
Dilemma: Freedom to Destroy
Freedom?" given before the Grad-
uate Round Table of Political
Science, February 27th, has just
come to my notice.
As her comments reveal a num-
ber of popular misconceptions
often found in the thinking of
traditional liberals, I should like
to make the following reply.
I argued, among other things,
that a totalitarian party, whether
Communist or Fascist, has no
moral right to exist in a demo-
cratic state, on the ground that
it would use freedom for the pur-
,pose of destroying it; and thus
the problem of Pow to treat it
turns on expediency, depending on
time, place, and circumstance.
* * *
I ALSO argued that in view of
the fact that a totalitarian party
is not primarily a bona fide party
(one committed to peaceful change
and the maintenance of freedom
for the opposition), but is basically
a conspiratorial organization, the
problem is not essentially 'one of
freedom of speech', anymore than
is the problem of a gang of black-
mailers or the Mafia. The problem
is how best to render innocuous a
revolutionary organization bent on
replacing democracy with dictator-
Miss Holtzer took issue with my
position. May I suggest that her
argument involves three basic mis-
conceptions: the nature of a (1)
right, (2) democracy, and (3)
Communist rule.
She maintains that a Com-
munist Party must have the right
of free association, because "a,
right cannot be withheld; it is by
definition innate, automatic, some-
thing taken for granted because
it is always there." But rights are
frequently withheld, and justifiably
so. A man who violates the right
to property of another and goes
to jail has his right to freedom of
movement withheld. A man who
makes an (inflammatory speech,
inciting to riot, is stopped by the
police, and for the time being his
speech is withheld. In a democ-
racy, men enjoy many rights, and
often one comes into conflict with
another, with the result that one
is limited or withheld.
* * *
MISS HOLTZER says that a
right- is "something taken for
granted because it is always
there," but a little later she argues
that if a majority should want a
Communist government, it should
have the right to do so, whatever
the consequences. But this places
Miss Holtzer in contradiction, for
the consequences of a Communist
victory is to establish dictatorship,
and to extinguish democratic
rights which are always there.
I suggest that a right is a condi-
tion essential to the common wel-
fare, and is a twofold idea, in-
volving a claim and a duty. A
man, for example, has a right to
freedom of religious worship, but
only on the ground that he recog-
nizes the same condition for

from Rousseau, is contrary to fact
and self-defeating in theory.
The history of democracy where
it has been maintained over the
years shows that no particular
majority can be' considered final
(apart from the one to maintain
democracy), but must be open to
reconsideration. When the British
Parliament, for example, voted to
nationalize railroads, it reversed a
former stand, just as it did when
it rejected Chamberlain's policy of
appeasement of Hitler and put
Churchill into office. The' Congress
of the United States reversed a
former policy when it voted for a
large military budget during peace
time. .
* * *
THAT THE WILL of the ma-
jority ought always to prevail is
self-defeating in theory, for this
doctrine can be invoked to justify
the destruction of democracy. If
a majority should vote for com-
munism,, as Miss Holtzer suggests,
obviously democracy no longer
exists, and the free society is dead.
It is preposterous to hold that the
decisive principle of democracy is
one that can be used to eliminate
it. It may be appropriate to recall
that John Stuart Mill, in writing
of a man who sells himself into
slavery, held that "the principle
of freedom cannot require that he
should be free not to be free."
The doctrine of absolute ma-
jority rule can also be used to
impede the aspirations of democ-
racy. This may be seen in the
states of the deep South where a
majority of Southerners are veheL
mently opposed to the desegrega-
tion of the schools. On the basis
of the absolute majority doctrine,
the Negroes must accept their
fate, irrespective of consequences.
Surely the goals of democracy are
not realized by denying equal
rights to colored men.
, *' * * i
AS-WALTER Lippmann has put
it, the case for majority rule is
that another majority can follow.
Only by providing for the contin-,
uation of majorities can men hope
to remain free. Democracy is the
form of government in which the
peple are able to choose freely
their rulers not only today, but
also tomorrow.
Miss Holtzer attempts to sup-
port her position by quoting Jef-
ferson out- of context. If she will
read further in the Declaration
of Independence, she will see that
Jefferson justifies the right of the
people to alter or abolish a. form
of government only if it is destruc-
tive of the inalienable rights, as
he puts it, of life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. He justifies
such action only "when a long
train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same ob-
ject evinces a design to reduce
them under absolute Despotism
v . . and he has in mind the
tyranny exercized by Britain over
the colonies, not a democracy
where a government derives "their
just powers from the consent of
the governed."
PERHAPS the most astonishing
passage in Miss Holtzer's editorial
is the one in which she says, given

World War Communist parties do
not . achieve power as a result of
majority decision, any more than
do Fascist, but as conspiratorial
organizations, which are permitted
to infiltrate social, economic, and
governmental institutions, gaining
key positions; and then engineer-
ing a coup d'etat when historical
conditions are favorable to revolu-
tion, such as in the aftermath of
Committed as they are to the
force theory of the state, Com-
munists interpret the maintenance
of rights as sheer capitalist hypo-
crisy, yet useful to their own revo-
lutionary designs.
May I suggest that Miss Holtzer
is able to dismiss the Communist
threat so easily because she does
not take into account the nature
of its rule. Wherever it has been
instituted, it has been character-
ized by terror and brutality; and
it ever aims to enompass those
outside its control. Surely the
slaughter in Hungary by Soviet
tanks and firing squads was some-
thing more than the culmination
of a threat becoming another pos-
-Benjamin E. Lippincott
Professor of Political Science
University of Minnesota
Critters . .'
To the Editor:
I'M NOT the type that complains
very often, but something
should be done about sanitation
in East Quad.
I'm willing to let pass such mi-
nor inconveniences as our show-
ers, which run hot and cold, but
never at that comfortable point
between freezing . and scalding.
And I didn't complain about oc-
casional encrusted food on the
Quad silverware, or long hairs
mixed in with the spaghetti.
For the second time this year,
however, we have been invaded by
cockroaches. Dampness brings
them out, say the old timers.'Well,
we can't control the weather, and
I admit that one can become used
to the mangy little critters, which
creep out of the drain pipes and
tickle one's feet in the shower.
Trouble is, they crawl under the
bathroom door, into the hall, and
eventually into my room. If the
cockroaches would stay on the
floor, that would be okay, because
they'd eat the dirt that the maids
fail to sweep up on Monday morn-
-Arthur S. Bechhoefer, '58
Books ..
To the Editor:
FROM TIME to time, research
workers at the Clements Li-
brary from other universities have
remarked on the large stocks of
books to be found in our book
stores. Since they came from sim-
ilar university communities, I
have asked them whytheir book
stores were not as fully stocked.
Invariably the answer has been:
"Well, we have a college book
When pressed for an exolana-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Late Permfisslon: Women students
who'attended the Burton Holmes
Travelogue on Thurs., March 20, had
late permission until 11:00 p.m..
Riding Club. Organizational meet-
ing Mon., March 24 in the WAB at 5:10
p.m. Open to all students with or with-
out previous riding experience. Trail
rides, etc.
Gallery Program: The Book Fair for
Children and Young Peoplew- 1958. An
exhibit in observance of National Li-
brary Week. March 21-22, 24-29. Rack-,
harm Building,. Mezzanine floor. Mon.,
March 24, 'Ojibway Drums." Mrs.
Marian Magoon at 4:15 p.m. and "For
Time to Keep" Mr. L. LaMont Okey at
7 :00 p.m.
Senior Board. Undergraduate seniors:
Graduation Announcement orders to
be taken- March 24-April 2, April 14-16;
first floor Admin. Bldg., 12:30-4:30 p.m.
National Percentiles AICPA Achieve-
ment ,Test. Those students who took
the Accounting Achievement Test as
part of BA 12 (Econ. 72) Accounting
last semester may pick up their Na-
tional Percentile grades at the Bus.
Admnin. Office, Room 150 BA Bldg.
Astronomical, C 0110 qau i urm. Mon.,
March 24, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory.,
Mr. "William E. Howard III will speak
on "A 21-cm Study of the OB Associa-
tion I Lacertae."
The Program in Near Eastern Studies
will sponsor a lecture by Mr. William
Yates, M.P. (Conservative) on "The
Algerian 'Crisis" Mon., March 24, 4:15
p.m. E. Conference Rm, Rackham Bldg.
The Aeronautical Engineering Depart-
ment presents Mr. J. E. Densmore,
Chief of Mechanical System, Engineer-
Ing Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology on
Mon., Mardh 24, 8:00 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheater.. Lecture: "The U.S. Sat-
elliteExplorer." Movie: "X Minusg80
Days." (shows 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stages
of rocket' being made.)
Campus Workshop on Religions. 12:45
p.m. Registration in Aud. A, Angell Hall
followed by speakers representing
Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Hin-
duism, and Islam. 3:45 p.m.: Question
and aiswer period with speakers rep-
resenting each religion in separate
roons on the third floor of the Mich-
igan Union. 7:30 p.m.: Inter-religious
seminars with student leaders( to dis-
cuss "Religion - A Guide to Better
Human Relationships?" Union Ball-
Guest Organist: Mr. Andre Merineau
will perform .in a recital at Hill Aud.
on Mon., March 24 at 8:30 p.m. His pro-
gram, will, include compositions by
CouperlA, Bach, Franck and Reger.
Open to the general public without
A cademic Notices
Anatomy Seminar: Dr. John Buett-
ner-'Janusch, Dept. of Anthropology, on
"The Relation of DNA in Spermatozoa,
the Sex Chromatin Body and Human
Fertility." Mon., March 24, 4:00, p.m.,
Room 2501 E. Med. Bldg. Coffee will
be served one-half hour before each
seminar in Room 3502 B. Med. Bldg.
4 e .._ -4M- !''l..tn l4e. a _ . !.Rs.

lcan Literature, 1660-1790, Sat., April
19; 1790-1870, Tues., April 22; and 1870-
1950, Sat., April 26. The, exama will be
given 'at, the Bus. Admin. Bldg. in Bin..
268 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Placement Noices'
Personnel Interviews
Representatives from the following
will be interviewing at the Bureau of
Mon., March 24
UARCO, Inc., Chicago, 111. Locatio
of work - Factories: Chicago, Ill.; -a-
land, Calif.; Cleveland, Ohio Deep Ri-
er, Conn.; Watseka,, Il.;. and Pari,
Texas. Sales Districts in principal tities
in the U.S. Men with B.A. in Liberal
Arts or B.B.A. for Sales Representatives.
Triin s through ndcrnationa ta
products, mandsales technique is pro-
vided in primary and advanced schoole
and, seminars, conducted by a full-time
staff. Seminars are supplemen hDi
practice in field selling with the Di-.
trict Manager providing personal coach.
Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., In.
New York, N.Y. Location of work -
New York City, N.Y. Men with B.A. of
M.A. in Liberal Arts. .B.A. or WM3BA.,.
for Training Program leading to po-
sition in Sales, Personnel,, Industrial
Relations, Purchasing, Stores, Adverti-
ing- and Public Relations. A balanced
two year on-the-job training program
to,provide basic experience and knowl-
edge In two or three specific element°#
of the business and in the profession.
of your choice. Actual work assign-
ments of from six months toone year;
each to provide a fuler understandng
of their operation and to test trainees'
U. s. Treasury Department,,Internal
Revenue Service, Detrot, Michigan.-
cation of work - Anywhere in the U;8.
Men with any degree and eligibiity i.
Federal Service Entrance Examination.'
or planning to take theexaination.°!
for Revenue Officers. The work entails
calling on taxpayers from the individu"
al wage earner to the large commer-
cial enterprises and other similar du-
Tues., March 25
Moore Business Forms, Inc., Niagara
Falls,.N.Y. Location of work - Plait.
Toronto, Ontario, Buffalo, NA.; Niag-
ara Falls, N.Y.; Sales offices in all the
principal cities of the U.S. and Canada.
Men with B.A. in Liberal Arts, .B.A.
or ,M.B.A. for Sales. The new salesman
is assigned to a District Office for an
integrated on-the-job training pro-
gram for approximately six months and
then he attends a series of seminareat
the home office location. The trainee
then returns to his district office for
additional training.
Wayne County Bureau of Social Aid,
Detrot, Michigan. Location' of work-
Wayne County. Men and women. with
B.A. in Sociology or social Sciences or
M.A. in Social Work for Social Worker,.
A Michigan' Civil Service Examinatopn:
will be necessary for this postion but
may be taken after the interview.
Preston Laboratories, Inc., Butler,
Pennsylvania. Location of work -But-
ler, Pennsylvania (near Pittsburg).z
Men with B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Solid
State, Classical and Engineering Phys-
les for Research Department of the
Labs. The work involves the elastic
strength properties of glass, including
basic studies of the character of the
strength and the various physical and
chemial factors which determine It.
Fidelity 'Mutual Life Insurance Com- %
pany, Detroit, Mich. Location of work-
Detroit, Mich. Men with B.A. in Liberal
Arts, B.B.A. or L.L.B. for Sales.
Wed., "March 26
General Foods Corporation, White
Plains, N.Y. Location of work-Atlantic
Gelatin -- Massachusetts; Birds Eyel
Divisions -- Arkansas, California, Flo-
rida, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massa-
chusetts, Minnesota, New York,Oregon,
Washington, and New York; Direley's
Division - California Carton & Con-
tainer - Battle Creek, Michigan Elec-
tricooker Divisions - New York and
Virginia; Research Center - Tarry-
town, New York. Jell-o Divisions - Il-
linois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michi-
gan, Nw Jersey, New York, and Ore-
gon. Maxwell House Divisions - Calif-
ornia, Florida, New Jersey and Texas.
Perkins Divisions- Chicago, fllinos;


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