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March 21, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-21

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Sixty-Sevin Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4

LXVIII, No. 123 e



The fourth i The Daily's
series of five articles discussing
athletics at the University will
appear in tomorrow's paper.
The one-day delay was made
to give interested parties a
chance to study and comment
upon material contained in the

SGC Candidates
Disc uss -Rushing
A(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles describing com-
ments of Student Government Council candidates at the pre-election open
houses. The candidates' views on deferred rushing are covered in today's
Student Government Council decreed spring rush for women two
years ago; this spring, candidates for SGC find themselves faced with
the issue again.
University women went through their first "spring-only" spring
rush last month. SGC has been conducting a survey among the women
to determine reactions to the policy. Candidates have expressed diverse
views on the subject, and on the possibility of spring rush for men also.
Steve Bailie, '60, told Delta Gamma sorority, "Panhellenic Associa-
tion should be able\to run its own business." If women want deferred

May Halt

U' Operations 'Efficier




Special to The Daily
LANSING - University
struction is liable to grind

to a


Farm Parity
yesterday voted a one-year freeze
on farm price supports and plant-
ing allowances which advocates
called an anti-recession check on
the decline in the farm economy.
Republicans and a handful of
city Democrats waged an unsuc-
cessful fight to kill the bill or limit
it to dairy products. They were
outvoted 210-17 by Democrats
and dissatisfied corn belt Republi-
The bill now goes back to the
Senate to compromise differences
overthe time period,
pemocratic leaders in the Sen-
ate said they planned to try to
accept the House measure and
speed it to the Whie'House. Sen.
William Knowland of California,
the Senate Republican leader, said
ino such plan had been discussed
with him.
There is a wide expectation that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
will veto the bill.
The House version would stay
pending price support cuts for
1958, holding the supports at last
year's levels. Planting allowances
for 1959 would be held at no less
than this year's acreage allot-
Deker Wins
Study Grant
The Lederle Medical Faculty
award of $26,293.50 has been given
to Eugene E. Dekker, of the medi-
cal school's biochemistry depart-
The -grant, announced yesterday
by Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, dean of
the medical school1 is to support
Dekkert's salary for a three-year
period and includes a stipend of
$500 per year for travel to pro-
fessional meetings.
The Lederle Awards are given
on the basis of a national com-
petition. It Ii jud ed by medical
educators from di erent parts of
the United States.
Dekker was chosen for the
award, according to Dr. Halvor
Christensen of the biochemistry
department 'as a result of his
outstanding contributions to the
field of biological chem#isty so far
in his career, and for the excep-
tional promise he shows for the
Dean Turner
Sees Changes
For Affiliates
raternties can be the source
of indivduality in the coming
largedUniversities, Frederick Tur-
ner, dean of students at the ni-
versity of Ilinois, said,yesterday.
Speaking at the' Fraternity
President's dinner, Dean Turner
said that fraternities must, be pre-
pared t face a rossroads in light
of. the trends toward larger
schools with more graduate and
married students.
"These growing instituions,"
he continued, "tend to make the
individual into an IBM card and
nothing more."
One of the big problems of edu-
cators and administrators today,
he said, is to break down these
large impersonal groups so the in-
dividual can express his person-
ality. Fraternities are one way to
do this, he said.
"I think, generally speaking,
fraternities elsewhere were dis-
tnayed by the Sigma Kappa deci-
sion. here," he added. "They think
of the University as a place where
fraternities can operate as theyj

see fit. When this kind of thing
happens they wonder if the na-
tional organizations are starting

rushing they should have it, he said.L
0 ' th
JudicLets Ba
, for
iesselIUn to
" on
foe C vell in 4

David Kessel, Grad., will be
allowed to run for Student Gov-
ernment Council.
Joint Judiciary Council "extend-
ed eligibility to Kessel" Mike
Jacobson, '58, Joint Judic Chair-
man, said last night.
Kessel told Joint Judic there was
a great difference between an in-
structor and a teaching fellow.
He pointed out that often grad-
uate students who were teaching
fellows or working in deans' offices
sat on the Board in Control of
Student Publications as student
He said that he/would represent
student, and not' faculty, opinion
if he is elected to SGC.
Rolin Thompson, Grad., presi-
dent of the Graduate Student
Council, also spoke to Joint Judic
at the meeting last night.
Thgmpson told The Daily Wed-
nesda, "the Graduate Student
Coun il is very interested in hav-
ing a graduate student on SGC to
represent the views of the gradu-
ate students."
Kessel's eligibility was question-
ed on the grounds that he was a
teaching fellow, and also was not
a full-time student in the graduate
Formal Red,
Pledge Asked
For Summit
States called yesterday for formal
assurances that Russia wants a
carefully prepared, decision-mak-
ing summit conference and not
just a "spectacle."
In doing so the State Depart-
ment hinted Presidents Dwight D.
Eisenhower would delay a reply to
Soviet Premier Nikoli Bulganin's
March 3 letter until Moscow an-
swers his question:
"What is the purpose for which
a summit meeting would be held'
This blunt question was posed in
a detailed United States note on
summit problems delivered to the
Soviet Foreign Office two weeks
"We are now therefore awaiting
a reply to our aide memoire of
March 6," the State Department
pointedly noted.

Until the SGC report appeared,
did not want toitake a stand on
e issue.
At Phi Gamma Delta fraternity,
,ille opposed deferred rushing
r men because men shouldn't be
d when they can rush. Also,
.l rush jeopardizes the small fra-
rnities, which sometimes depend
first-semester initiates to stay
existence, he said.
Favor Deferred Rush
SGC Treasurer Scott Chrysler,
BAd., definitely opposed spring
sh, as a "whole year of wasted
Justment. Students should start
t the way they're going to live
r the next three and one-half
ars," he told Delta Gamma. It's
ifair to penalize the women who
ow what they want to do be-1
use others do not, he said.
Ron Gregg, '60, spoke against
ferred fraternity rushing at Beta
.eta Pi fraternity. He claimed
ere was no indication men need
ferred rush. Men now can rush
en they want to; besides, rush-
g doesn't affect men as much as
does women, he said, He favored
Interfraternity Council rushing

halt next year unless Michigan
legislators find an answer to the
state's financial chaos.
.A $5,458,500 capital-outlay rec-
ommendation was made yesterday
to the legislature to continue work
on projects a 1r e a d y started
throughout the state.
But Sen. Robert E. Faulkner
(R-Colona), chairman of the
House-Senate subcommittee on
capital outlay, said "We hopet to
have $15 million for new projects
next year but the state is in even
worse financial condition than
last year."
Include Remodeling Funds
Included in the recommenda-
tions are $1,175,000 for the Uni-
versity to continue construction of
an $8,500,000 medical science.
building and $390,000 for a re-
modeling project at University
University Vice-President Wil-
liam E. Stirton noted the figures
are only for current projects and
include nothing for planning or
new construction.
Major hope for an extensive
state-wide building program next
year lies with several suggested
bonding programs under consid-
eration by the legislature.
Would Replace Faulkner's Outlays
If any one of them is approved,
it would replace Sen. Faulkner's
recommended outlays. Three
bonding plans have been intro-
duced here.
One, sponsored by Rep. George
Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) provides
for $60 million over a five years
period for construction of educa-
tional buildings. It would pledge
the. faith and credit of the state
and be subject to approval by a
vote of the people.
A revenue bond issue is pro-
posed by Sen. Faulkner that would
exchange educational bonds for
bonds, held in several state trust
funds:. It would be valued rough-
ly at $45 million but be subject
only to legislative approval.
Also Needs Legislative Approval
The third proposal is Gov. G.
Mennen Williams' $114 million
revenue bonding proposal. It also
would need only legislative ap-
Twelve University projects to-
taling $25,254,000 in outlay are
included in the ,governor's plan.
Seven of the proposed projects
are general University buildings
and five o fthem are part of Uni-
versity Hospital.

MSU Plans
To Postpone
gan State University decided yes-
terday to suspend the acceptance,
of students for at least four weeks
until it is determined how much
money the Legislature will pro-
vide for operations during the
next fiscal year.
Dr. John A. Hannah, MSU pres-
ident, said the action was agreed
upon by the Michigan Council of
State College Presidents.
All the state-supported colleges
and universities, with the possible
exception of Wayne State Univer-
sity, have agreed on similar ac-
tion, he said.
No University Increase
(University officials have said
it will be impossible to increase
enrollment next fall if the rec-
ommended slashes in its opera-
tional budget are approved.)
The State Board of Agriculture,
MSU governing body, was the
first to take the step.
"It wouldn't be fair to accept
applications from the students
and then tell them they can't en-
roll because we haven't got enough
money to take care of them," D.
B. Varner, MSU vice president
said. "We won't know how many
students we can admit until we
know how much money we have
to work with."
Expects Same Enrollment
Hannah said the suspension of
acceptances would be for a four-
week period. He said, however, he
expected about the same enroll-
ment as last fall's 19,700 students
could be accepted.
Hannah, Varner and board
members expressed extreme con-
cern over the decision of the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee to
trim the MSU budget $1,011,000
from last year.
House To Vote
On Military
WASHINGTON (1P)-A bill rais-,
ing military pay scales was ap-
proved by the House Armed Serv-
ices Committee yesterday and
routed toward the floor.
Under Rules Committee clear-
ance, the bill will be considered by
the House Monday. A vote is ex-
pected Monday or Tuesday.
A companion measure, also, de-
signed to keep more good men jn
the service, is pending in the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee.

Spring Is Here

Left Fraternity
He also did not want to express
an opinion on women's rush until
the.Panhellenic-Assembly Associa-
tion report was issued.
Of the seventeen candidates who
expressed opinions on the question
of deferred rushing, seven with-
held final judgments until reports
from the several committees study-
ing the women's situation. Seven
others opposed deferred rush; only
three supported it.
In regard to men's deferred
rushing, only one candidate favor-
ed the once-a-year plan. Other
candidates gave as reasons for op-
posing deferred fraternity rushing
the larger number of fraternities
and men students, and any man
who wishes can wait a semester
under the present system.
Jo Hardee,s'60, saidemotional
problems involved in women's rush
lead her to favor deferred rush for
women. There are factors of se-
curity involved, which don't affect
men, she told Scott House.
In regard to men's deferred rush,
Miss Hardee said she would vote
against it if she had to vote on it
at present.
'Wasted Adjustment'
Bruce Hoffman, '59, told Stock-
well Women's Residence he once
belonged to a fraternity and favor-
ed deferred rushing for frater-
nities. He said he left because of
Carol Holland, '60, told Delta
Gamma she wanted to return to
the fall rush system for women.,
However, she couldn't make a
statement until final reports are
in from SGC and Panhel - As-
sembly; but early reports show
actives prefer fall rush, and
rushees, spring, she told Alpha Xi
Delta sorority.
See COUNCIL, Page 6

--Daily-David Arnold
SPRING HARMONY-An impromptu gathering of ballad singers
yesterday afternoon in the lobby of Angeli Hall marked the birth,
of spring on campus. The singers, who'seemingly gravitated toward
a nucleus of two guitarists, serenaded office workers, professors
and student passers-by and rapidly attracted an almost "captive"
IHC Integration Group
Criticizes 'Interiference'

Regents Plan
Budget Talk
University Board of Regents
will discuss the 1958-59 budget at
its March meeting today.
Appointments, leaves, gifts' and
grants are also on the agenda.
The group will meet at 2 p.m. in
the Regents' Room on the second
floor of the Administrtion build-
The budget discussion comes on
the heels of a recommended mil-
lion dollar slash in the Univer-
sity's operating budget for 1958-
59. The recommendation was
made by a legislative committee.

Drake Duane, '58, Inter-House
Council president was accused by
a representative,of the IHC inte-
gration committee at last night's
IHC meeting ,of interfering with
that committee.
The representative, Boron
Chertkov, '60, presented a written,
criticism of Duane's actions which
claimed that Duane was interfer-
ing with the integration com-
mittee's communication with the
Congregational Disciples Guild and
the Student Association for Inter-
culture Living.
This report gave no specific
complaints.- However, during , a
verbal debate with Duane, Chert-
kov mentioned an article which
appeared in The Daily on March
13, in which, Chertkov claimed,
Duane had told a Daily reporter
that he was opposed to bbth of
these groups because they did not
"go through the proper channels."
Duane denied that he had said
(The article in question quoted
Duane once and this read "IHC
Integration Committee Chairman,
Larry Curtis, '58, was contacted
and attending the, meeting in an
'unofficial' capacity, according to
Drake Duane, '58, IHC president.")
Duane told the Presidium that
his posiiton was that he "en-
couraged the group to get the
opinion of all campus groups, but

In the House committee there
were no votes against the measure
and no adverse criticism. Twenty-
nine committee members voted to
approve the bill as it came from a
subcommittee Wednesday.
If enacted, the measure would
mean a pay raise for practically
all career servicemen with two or
more years of active duty.

cautioned the Integration group
to come to its own conclusions.
After the meeting, representa-
tives of the IHC Integration Group
withdrew the charge that Duane
had publicly discredited the co-j
operation betweensthat group and
the Congregational' Disciples t andj
SAIL, but asserted that he had
discredited committee cooperation
in private conversations.
Dean Accepts
Housing Plan
The dean of women's office has
accepted, in essence,' the housing
recommendation for next fall of
the Assembly Association's Mark-
ley Hall Planning Committee, Elsie
R. Fuller, assistant dean of women,
said yesterday.
According to the recommenda-
tion, each girl, regardless of class
level, will be allowed to Indicate
three choices as to the house in
which she wishes to live next fall.
However, she added, one of the
three must be either a house in
Markley Hall or the house where,
she is living now.
If the girls who now live in
Prescott, Tyler and Frederick wish
to move as a housing unit, she
said, they will have priority in
Markley as to the specific house
in which they may want to live.
Priority in existing houses will go
to girls who already live there.
Any two girls who wish to move
and room together will be allowed
to do so, but no such consideration
can be given to a larger group.
A joint committee of the Plan-
ning Committee and the office of
the, Dean of Women will make the
final decision as to house for those
girls who wish to move, she con-
Selection will be made at ran-
dom from girls at each class level.
Previously, it has been impos-
sible to give girls much choice as
to whether or not they wanted to
move, she said. In the past three
years this has been due primarily
to overcrowding in the houses.
With the addition of Markley
Hall next fall, houses will be able
to cut back to their normal capac-

On Faculi
Calls Cited Savin
Possible Only by
In Vital Researc
The University's operation
commended yesterday ai ge
"efficiently and economical
The praise came 'from an -
ant director of a legislative
committee examining all
education in the state.
At the same time John X
rich criticized some new
stories of the staff report as
leading and unfair" saying
certain statements were ext
and taken out of context.
He referred to statement
more efficient use of fa
would permit $3,000,000 in a
or education of 10,000 more
graduate students at all sta
Quotes Reprt
Actually, Jamrich said, t
port declared:
"Instructional programs 4
state controlled insttutmo:
higher education in Michig
efficiently operated. Relative
situations were found that
be criticized adyersely, and a
all of them can be corrected
institutions themselves wi'
legislative action..m.
A saving of nearly a milllo
lars might be made at the U
sity, the report said. But Je
said the report also declare
savings could be mdae only
expense "ef substantial der
In research activities of f
He said the committee me
believe research activities vi
Institutions such as the Uni
and wo id not recommend
Porter Uses-Report
The report, the sixth in a
was made public Wednesd
Lansing amid a raging battl
proposed cuts in next year's
ational budgets for state c
and universities.
Sen. BEer R. Porter, Cha
of the Senate AppropriTtion
mittee, pointed to the rep
justification for the cuts. Th'
versity's budget was slashed
a million dollars under the c
year's appropriation.
'University officials have st
objected to the proposed Z
tions. They are preparing a
to formally request public he.
in Lansing on the recomm
- Courses Praised
The study committee, heac
John D. Russell, said it we
pressed with "the treme
variety of different courses"
ed in Michigan institutions.
sStudents could take dif
courses at a community colle
a full five years.. A typical p
college has courses enough t
a student busy 20 years or im
"At the University enougj
ferent courses are offered I
cupy the attention of a s
for almost 300 years withou
repeating any course," A
Salary increases are a i
all institutions, the report
Additionally, it said Michig
better than ave~rage in turni
graduates in science, engin
and mathematics.
est Gema-

May Accept,
Atomic Arms
BONN, Germany M)-- ChE
lbr Konrad Adenauer declare
terday that West Germany'
diers -will be armed with a
weapons and missile bases w
built on German soil if the-At
Allies think that necessary.
Adenauer : and his lieute


ti. f.

Young Socialists Return To Distribute Papers

The Wayne Young Socialists Club made a brief return visit
to Ann Arbor yesterday at noon to distribute more than 500 copies
at a newspaper called "The Young Socialist" in front -of the Unic .
At quarter to noon two mpn and a woman came quietly up and
began handing out papers. They were prepated for trouble,'Bob Him-
mel, a member of the club, said. Himmel claimed that last week mem-
bers of the Detroit Police Department's Subversive Squad were in
front of the Union taking pictures of students who accepted the pa-
Himmel Answers Questions
Between passing out papers and asking Robert McCormick, a
Wayne State University student ("I'm just taking the courses I
want to."), to get more copies from the car, Himmel kept up the
answering end of a questioning period.
University students asked him, "How can you think socialism can
work?" and "Are you on the Attorney General's list?" Protesting it
would take a three hour speech for him to answer the first question,


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