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March 20, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-20

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(Pr :Mt-rot ar Daily
Sixty-Eighth Year


"I Think I'll Obhit Over To The Army-Navy Club"

en Opinions Are Free
rUth Will Prevail"

. A.

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Brothers' Fights
Film Adaptation
T HE DEMANDS of the screen and the demands of a novel upon a
story are entirely distinct from each other. Each form of creative
communication has its own special conventions and advantages; differ-
ent media often convey similar impressions to an audience most
successfully when they use dissimilar means.
Thus, it has been widely argued that in order to review fairly, a
critic must apply to books and movies entirely separate standards of

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

.Y, MARCH 20, 1958


Deferred Rush Evaluation
Should Wait Upon Facts

INDIVIDUAL OPINIONS and evaluations re-
garding deferred sorority rushing have only
one factor in common--they are biased and
uninformed to a large degree. Students on this
campus seem to be unwilling to reserve judge-
ment on spring rushing until substantial, con-
crete statistics and evidence can be presented
either for or against the renewed rushing
Reasonably good guesses as to the effects of
spring rush have been made by both indepen-
dent and affiliated women. However, definite
decisions should wait until both the Panhellenic
study committee and the SGC evaluation group
come up with opinions based primarily on their
Comments on spring rush-from both soror-
ity house presidents and housemothers on the
lack of unity within the houses the first
semester preceding rush seem to be campus-
wide. Rushing, it is claimed, is one of the
most unifying experiences the sorority goes
through, and once this ordeal is delayed the
house begins to lack unity and spirit. The
newly-activated classes living in the sorority
house for the first semester often maintain
friendships merely within their own class and
grow apart from the rest of the members.
Emotional adjustment of sorority girls is
believed to have produced several hazards to
deferred rushing. Affiliated women had met
freshmen girls in both social and academic
situations and had built up certain attachments
to some while others were lost in the shuffle.
As a result tension began to build within the
houses before rushing began.
severely criticized by affiliated women. Pan-
hellenic maintains that due to "flexible quotas"
every sorority filled its quota - apparently
meaning that the basis for determining quota
was changed this year allowing most houses to
take a larger pledge class than in the past.
Individual sorority women have complained
that their houses had difficulty filling -the de-
sired pledge class, but until definite figures on
this problem are released it should not be the
basis of an evaluation.
On the independent womens' side of the
story, several dormitory presidents and house
directors noticed a definite increase in partici-

pation in dorm activities. The spirit accom-
panying these efforts seemed greatly acceler-
Emotional adjustment of the freshmen, the
primary argument favoring spring rush last
year, was considered better this year by both
the presidents and house directors. The fresh-
man woman was able to adjust better first to
the Increased school work and also to living
in a dorm with a strange roommate (in most
cases) before facing rushing and the emotional
problems which accompany it.
One dorm president criticized spring rush on
the basis that some girls dropped courses for
fear of not making the necessary 2.0 grade
average for rushing.
The University administration has also of-
fered an opinion on the matter. Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon reported In the 1955-56 Presi-
dent's Report "It is the considered opinion of
this office that given the tidal wave of college
enrollment, the shift back to Michigan's cus-
tomary deferred rushing will not damage the
economic foundations of the sorority system in
Ann Arbor. Academically it removes entirely
the element of risk from sororities, since no
one may rush who has not already established
her 2.0 average."
ated every day and each day they grow in
their finality. The consensus among Indepen-
dents seems to tend towards favoring springj
rush; the consensus of sorority women defi-1
nitely favors fall rushing.
However, both these opinions ignore the fact
that SGC re-installed deferred rushing on an
experimental basis for two years and hence
changes in the present plan are unlikely for
another year.
One thing is definite. Spring rush will never
succeed unless everyone involved in the pro-
gram gives it a chance to work out its inherent
obstacles and tries to approach the plan with
an open mind.
A fair evaluation will come about only after
all the necessary statistics are tabulated and
only' after all bias towards the program is for-
gotten. Then and only then will it be time to
consider all the arguments-pro and con-and
to decide objectively on sorority deferred rush-

Postmaster Learns Lesson


judgment. "The Brothers Kara-
mazov" was a profound and ex-
cellent book. To watch the film
version objectively, one must at-
tempt to pretend for three hours
that the novel does not exist.
As purely a movie, then, "The
Brothers Karamazov" is powerful,
colorful, and atmospheric. Al-
though the action is too fast and
overly episodic, the film is united
by a uniformly high standard of
acting and photography. The color
effects are marvelous.
The story as it is presented,
however, is dramatically shaky.
The violently passionate relati6n-
ships between four brothers, their
father, and their women are stir-
red together and briefly exposed to
the audience before an explosion,
resulting in the death of the father
and the salvation of two of the
sons, takes place.
The note of sensuality appar-
ently characteristic of the Kara-
mazov family is struck at the
beginning and played upon furi-
ously throughout the entire film,
but without the philosophical and
psychological probing characteris-
tic of the novel, the motivations
often seem insufficient and the
actions too quick, too unexplained.
* * *
THERE ARE'many characters
in "The Brothers Karamazov,",
and many situations. All of them
are presented as equally important.
Unfortunately, the result is not a
dramatically dynamic film; rather,
an amalgamation of interesting,
static, essentially detached pic-
tures. In this respect, it is similar
to the much-touted, ill-fated "War
and Peace" of several years ago.
The audience is never given the
opportunity to see one character
long enough to really understand
him. Dimitri, played by Yul Bryn-
ner, and Katrina Ivanovna, his
overbearing betrothed (Claire
Bloom) are the only characters
the screenwriter seems to have
devoted any care or time to pre-
DESPITE the reviewer's state-
ments about critical judgments, it
is only fair to warn the reader that
anyone who has read and even
partially understood Dostoyevsky's
novel may be made very sad by
the film. The acting, especially on
the part of- Maria Schell, is fine
and sensitive; the story, although
episodic, is interesting. Any level
but the superficial, however, the
movie either botches up or com-
pletely ignores.
Alyosha, Ivan, and Father Zos-
sima have hardly more than walk-
on parts and these are innocuous
enough to be ridiculous. Occasion-
ally, someone seems to have re-
membered that "The Brothers
Karamazov" is essentially a novel
of ideas. These moments, since
they are incongruous with the
film's general tone, are almost
always unfortunate. Chartacters
are made to mouth philosophic
platitudes and slogans with no
apparent understanding or convic-
tion at surprising and inappropri-
ate moments.
-Jean Willoughby

Let's Get Down to Cases

WASHINGTON -Cabinet mem-
bers should know better than
to try to influence Speaker Sam
Rayburn by any means other than
what's good for the U.S.A. Cer-
tainly Postmaster General Sum-
merfield should know this - now.
He made Sam a political offer the
other day and was almost kicked
out of the Speaker's office.
"You know," Sam told friends
afterward, "that little . . . came in
here and tried to buy my vote.
"He wanted me to go for the
five-cent stamp. And when I said
no, he turned on a chessy cat
smile and said: 'Mr. Sam, you
could use a few nice post offices
in your district, couldn't you?' "
MR. SAM didn't detail what
happened after that, but his aides
say the Postmaster General left
Note - During the Senate de-
bate on the five-cent stamp, the
Potmaster General moved into
Vice-President Nixon's office while
a stream of Republicans, plus
some Democrats, filed in to get
promises of new post offices.
Summerfield had a map on the
desk. Under the new post office
construction bill, a lot of new post
offices will be built, and a lot of
them were pledged just before
that Senate vote.
To get an idea how the U.S.
Senate has been shirking respon-
sibility for checking on the quali-
fications of public officials, here

is the record of the Senate Com-
merce Committee showing how
senators virtually kissed Richard
Mack on both cheeks when they
first confirmed him as a com-
missioner to the FCC in 1955.
Sen. George Smathers of Miami
welcomed: "We are most pleased
that the President has seen fit
to send over his (Mack's) name
as a nominee. It has been my
pleasure to have known Richy
Mack for about 20 or 25 years and
I have always known him to be a
very wonderful young man, con-
scientious in the things he has
done and very able in the jobs
which he has undertaken, and it
is my own belief that he will make
an excellent member of the com-
4,* *
THIS WAS not what Sen.
Smathers said three years later,
after Mack got in hot water. On
March 5, 1958, Sen. Smathers
stated: "I have never had any
close personal association with
The glowing endorsement
Smathers had given Mack three
years earlier was on June 16, 1955.
If he had read the Washington
Merry-Go-Round, as Smathers
always does when Florida is men-
tioned, he would have noted on
May 27, 1955 that Mack was de-
scribed as "a Florida Utilities
Commissioner reported to be a
friend of the telephone company."
Smathers had three weeks to

check further on Mack. Instead,
he eulogized him.
Sen. Holland of Florida did the
same. He said Mack would do "a
splendid job,"' had a "wealth of
experience which should highly
qualify him," etc.
The only senator who bothered
to ask critical questions was Mike
Monroney of Oklahoma, a form-
er newspaperman. Other' senators
buoyantly, joyously embraced the
Florida commissioner who later
was to be fired from the FCC.
* *
MOST interesting inside devel-
opment at the recent SEATO con-
ference -- aside from intimations
by our Asiatic allies that they
wanted to pull out of SEATO -
was a visit of Indonesian rebels to
Manila. They hoped to see John
Foster Dulles to urge aid for the
revolt against President Sukarno
and his allegedly Red-infiltrated
Dulles.refused to see them on
the ground that he couldn't be in
the position of encouraging re-
bellion against President Sukarno,
but the rebels did see other Asi-
atic representatives of the Free
World, including the Philippines,
and arrangements were made to
give them undercover aid.
The Indonesian revolt was one
of the most important questions
discussed at the meeting. Optim-
ism prevailed that the rebels
would win.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

GENERATION is an exception-
ally good college magazine. The
layout and art work in the winter
issue are excellent and the literary
content of a high standard.
Nancy Willard's "The Birthday
House," an insert which is a chil-
dren's book of sorts, exemplifies
the flexibility of the college liter-
ary magazine. Both drawing and
text are unbroken pleasure.
The three stories have their
separate achievements and fail-
ures. "Old Folk's Hone," by Louis
Magyesi is awkward in exposition,
wooden in description, and some-
times crudely obvious;,yet it suc-
ceeds, like many American short
stories, by its accumulation of
the detail of immigrant life.
Translate it from Hungarian
farmers in Louisiana to Yankee
farmers in New Hampshire, and
I suspect that the story becomes
A hard subject for Americans
to write about with honesty is
jazz. So many phony novels and
poems have celebrated the jazz
musician as the romantic outcast.
Al Young's "Another Hairdo" is
not about jazz, which may be what
saves it, but it includes jazz and
talks about it without becoming
The story is about a marvelous
phony girl named Mirah who
writes poems, and a jazz musician
friend who, in a moment of inci-
sive literary criticism, compares
her work to the music of Guy Lom-
THERE IS always the problem
of depicting the revolting with-
out making the reader revolt. Al-
though Mirah would doubtless say,
"Sometimes I feel like a little child
who's trying to play grown-up." I
could wish the author had spared
us. The last sections, denouement
and climax, are unsatisfying in
the details of motive; one suspects
that the author is bored with the
story and is trying to write his
way out as quickly as he can.
Eight poems, one a translation,
complete the magazine. Peter Zi-
mel's "One, Beautiful'is the long-
est and most interesting. I think it
is bad-taken seriously as it should
be taken-but its badness intrigues
me. The poem is made of adjec-
tives, which is like saying that the
structure of a building is its paint.
The nouns are apt to be weak and
vague, the verbs transparent.
Add adjectives to a prettified
Eliot and you have the scheme of
this poem. You don't make beauti-
ful poems out of beautiful objects,
yet all words here partake of the
Yes, the diction is soft, the poem
sentimental. What, then, is in-
triguing? In the first place, Zimels
has an ear which is using the line
structure of free verse to create
good rhythms. In the second place,
for all the bad emphasis in his
diction, the best words in Zimel's
poem move in a crazy way that
sounds like the poetry of someone
obsessed with words, a good obses-
sion for a young poet. If there
were bone to this flesh, it would
be worth a cartload of beautiful
-Donald Hall
The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-

torialresponsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
March 21, 1958: Alpha Omicron Pi,
Pledge Party, 800 Oxford. Chi Phi,
Party, 1530 Washtenaw. Phi Delta Theta,
Open House, 1437 Washtenaw. Phi Kap-
pa Psi, Open House, 1550 Washtenaw.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Record Dance,
1408 Washtenaw. Sigma Kappa, Pledge
Formal, Pine Lodge Inn, Brighton. The-
ta Chi, Record Dance, 1351 Washtenaw.
Theta Xi, Party, 1345 Washtenaw. Zeta
Beta Tau, House Party, 2006 Washtenaw.
Wenley, Party.
March 22, 1958: Alpha Chi Sigma,
Bowling Party, Ann Arbor Rec., 1319

[N THE SPRING the birds fly North, the grass
starts growing and someone sets the ma-
chinery in motion for a summit meeting of the
heads of the world's major powers. Just as the
spring .always comes, there is again a move-
ment to gather these government heads in
some cozy nook for "top level talks," only this
time the Soviet Union apparently wants a
summit meeting, almost desperately. However,
whether the Soviets want it or not there seems
little point in having any meeting of this kind
unless it is held on a different basis than those
in the past.
The major fault of summit conferences is
that little of significance is accomplished as a
result of them. During the last such meeting,
it was the resolve of the heads of government
to "reduce international tensions." Aside from
this being a rather vague description of the
discussion matter, the last meeting was fol-
lowed by intensified propaganda barrages by
all parties concerned, the Mideastern situation,
the Formosan tensions, the Hungarian revolu-
tion, the trouble in Indonesia, the appearance
of the space satellite and an increase in arms
expenditures on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
Thus it can be seen that what "tension re-
ducing" there was has a lasting effect of per-
haps one or two days at the most.
In light of this, it seems worthless for the
United States to participate in any future meet-
ing aimed at "reducing tensions" or at any
such broad subject. The past has shown these
to be doomed to failure. It is time, then, to try
a different approach to summit meetings; it is

time to limit and designate the scope and num-
ber of topics discussed.
For example, a meeting on arms would be
limited to specific plans for disarmament or
limitation of atomic and hydrogen bomb tests
instead of a vague topic covering not only the
military but social and political aspects of the
subject. An even better idea would be to discuss
the opening of a new front to the cold war-
namely the economic front. Perhaps the United
States should unofficially challenge Russia to
another race, a race to see who can supply the
most non-political economic aid to under-
developed countries of the world. Certainly
in the Soviet Union's attempt to convert the
neutral countries to the Russian doctrine they
could not allow themselves to be exceeded by
the Americans in such a propaganda-loaded
Nevertheless, the topic discussed is not totally
important-what is important is that it should
be very limited and very specific. We have seen
that nothing has been accomplished by mere
discussion of broad philosophical topics and it
is now time to limit the scope of the talks until
something concrete can be accomplished.
There is a possibility that something can be
accomplished at a summit meeting, if an
agenda which provides the opportunity for dis-
cussion of specific topics can be agreed upon.
If such an agenda, however, cannot be drawn
up, President Eisenhower would be better ad-
vised to stay in the United States, devote him-
self to national affairs and pour the costs of
a summit trip into this year's already short
government revenues.


Distribution of Socialist Literature Defended

Speaking the Big Stick

Distressed ...
To the Editor:
by the acquiescence of The
Daily in the intimidation of some
Young Socialists last Thursday. I
am even more alarmed by the sat-
isfaction of Edward Geruldsen
with the fundamental "Rightness"
of our capitalist democracy, which
has made us the "greatest nation
in the world," as attested by "a
standard of living unmatched
anywhere in the world." Success
is equated with right. Our system
is the consummation of history.
We must not tolerate destructive
criticism of such a system.
Maybe it's true that the Young
Socialists, or Trotskyites, are a
splinter group of screwballs. May-
be we don't agree with them, per-
haps we think their views are de-
structive. But Civil Rights may
not be arbitrarily qualified or they
cease to be rights.
Editor Geruldsen says:".. - the
socialists should be prevented
from continuing their propagan-
da efforts simply because there
are laws against their present
methods." I wonder if Mr. Ger-
uldsen's conscience has ever come
into conflict with some of the
amazing rules of conduct laid
down by our various legislative
What is a man to do when faced
with A. n17Pgs innohbaloPi9law? 'af..fr

The courts of the land have
agreed that the first amendment
is subject to the following limi-
tation: Whatever the opinion,
whosoever expresses it, restric-
tions on freedom of expression
can be applied only when the
statements and circumstances in
which they are uttered involve a
clear and present danger of evils
which the government has a right
to prevent.
We are currently faced with two
dangers: the possibility of war
and the possibility of depression.
The national interests of the
United States stand opposed to
those of Soviet Russia. We should
be exerting our most intelligent
and flexible efforts to reconcile
our conflicts without resorting to
war (a method of decision that
is no longer decisive and that
would probably render unimport-
ant the issues that precipitated
The dreadful alternatives of
peace with possible U.S. submer-
sion vs. a war to preserve our
brand of democracy can no long-
er be simply stated on Patrick
Henry's terms. We are not in need
of unilateral unanimity but most
terribly in need of discussion and
constructive thinking. It is doubt-
ful whether the suppression of
revolutionary propaganda is worth
the suppression of revolutionary

the average man today what his
worries are and he will say (1) his
job and income and (2) hospital
bills. We may have the highest
average standard of living in the
world but while the income of
Oilman Paul Getty may be con-
trasted with that of the college
educated coloured man who
sweeps the university stairs -
why, there's room for improve-
Faced with such problems can
we say we are an unqualified suc-
cess? That there is not a more
urgent need for change than
ever before? We must not retreat
into inflexibility. The government
reflex of status quo maintenance
at all costs is the surest way to
self-destruction. The way must be
left open for change; for sugges-
tion and discussion of change, for
criticism of every kind.
Let's not even attempt to justi-
fy it on moral or legal grounds.
Let's just act according to our own
enlightened self interest toward
peace and a decent life for all
mankind. Our democracy must be
dynamic or perish.
-Mary Meagher
Memories,. .
To the Editor,
READ Mr. Geruldsen's editorial
Sunday with a feeling of in-

by some students at the campus
UN on Saturday? I would further
inquire as to who would deter-
mine whether a deviant view was
'constructive' or not, and how the
'constructivism' of the view would
be determined. Perhaps we could
establish an office of Inquisitor-
General, and supply him with rack,
star-chamber, et al.
I would remind Mr. Geruldsen
that this country was established
by individuals, many of whom held
views widely divergent from those
now generally accepted, e.g. Thom-
as Jefferson and Thomas Paine,
and that the United States at that
time enjoyed an agricultural and
commercial economy, rather than
the present one whose multifarious
blessings we were not privileged
to enjoy until after the Civil War.
I would remind him of the fact
that, in this country, a person has
the right to hold and advocate any
opinion or philosophy that he
wishes, so long as he does not
slander nor advocate the over-
throw of the present system of gov-
ernment by force and violence.
As Mr. Justice Holmes pointed
out in the Gitlow case, " . , . if,
in the long run, the beliefs ex-
pressed in proletarian dictatorship
are destined to be accepted by the
dominant forces in the communi-
ty, the only meaning of free
speech is that they should be given
their chance ...


Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES has not made clear
her position on the relationship between the
various anti-Communist pacts she has spon-
sored, and thereby is subjecting herself to criti-
First European reaction to the just-ended
Southeast Asia Treaty conference has been to
criticize its declaration in favor of closer links
with NATO and the Baghdad Pact, on the
premise that this continues undue emphasis
on the military aspects of the world situation.

The London News Chronicle praised that
part of the SEATO communique which empha-
sized economic, political and cultural coopera-
tion, but asks: "Then why did the conference
have to call for closer linkswith NATO and the
Baghdad Pact? This part of the communique is
a bad psychological mistake. The peoples of
Asia do not as a whole care for loud military
gestures; they suspect them."
THE LONDON TIMES says little would be
gained by linking SEATO with the other
The United States has not envisioned such
a link. Indeed, she is opposed to consolidation



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