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March 11, 1958 - Image 1

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'YI rL

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXVII, No. 114,




Indonesian Government Lands Troops on

Is n

Students Appoint Committee
To Seek Facts on Integration

(f' _ __ _

Memnbers of eight student groupi
and "just students" - as one
girl put it - met last night: and
appointed three people to colec
facts concerning residence hal
roommate policy and other as
4- pects of University "Integration
The students, Bruce Hoffman
'59, Judith Anderson, '59 and Oi
Council Vote
Alters Bike
4 Ordinances
City Council last night ap
proved at first reading changes in
city bicycle ordinances.
Two amendments, one concern-
ing a change in the period fo
which licenses will be issued and
the other dealing with a chang
in fees, were approved by vote
of 11-0.
.rFinal reading of the, amend
x ments will take place later in the
Under the amended ordinances
bicycles would be licensed for two
year periods beginning Oct. I and
ending Sept. 30. Cost of the new
licenses would be one dollar com-
pared with the previous, 50-cen
Dates Changed
In the past, licensing was on a
yearly basis with an April 1 renew-
al date. City Administrator Guy
C. Larcom told Council the Apri
date was "inconvenierit for college
kudeif" who had to renew 1i-
ens two months before leaving
.. town .for the Summer.
The Council also heard a repor
on progress of city zoning consult
ants. David A. Geer, headnof the
consulting firm, said one area
under consideration is the prob-
lem of. zoning University-owned
land and University-allied prop-
erties such as fraternities.
Geer said his group is trying to
arrange more formalized coopera-
tion with the University.
Fraternities 'Special'
He pointed out that fraterni-
ties, while somewhat allied to
rooming houses for zoning pur-
poses, are "sociologically" in a
special category.
In his report, Geer told Council
It would take from nine months
to a year to effect desirable
changes in zoning ordinances. He
said "pretty extensive revisions"
may be called for in the ordi
In other action Council author-
.ized Ann Arbor participation in
an Inter-Governmental Commit-
tee o the Huron River Watershed
by an 11-0 vote.
Also approved was provision
that three cents per capita be ap-
propriated as the city share of the
committee's initial operating cost.
Larcom told Council the com-
mittee's initial budget would be
$9,056 if all contacted units par-
Aaialard Plan
For Defense
Wins Approval
PARIS (P)-The French cabinet
last night unanimously approved
Premier Felix Gaillard's plan for
a Mediterranean-defense pact and
for an economic community to
develop Sahara resources.
Information Minister Emile Clams
parede announced the endorse-
ment after a three-hour cabinet

meeting with President Rene Coty.
The plan is subject to scrutin& by
Presumably France, Britain,
Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Italy and
Spain would be eligible for mem-
bership in the defense and eco-
nomic development pact. The pro-
posal, originally suggested by the
United States, makes no provision

ver Moles, Grad., will compile and
s check information gathered by the
approximately 40 other people
present at the meeting.
t The Congregational Student's
1 Disciples Guild petition commit-
- tee will use this information, to-
n gether with information that
Brenda Ackermann, '58p., is now
, collecting for the committee, in
- documenting charges of a lack of
dormitory "integration."
The group outlined a roommate
policy that it wanted the Resi-
dence Hall Board of Governors to
They unanimously agreed that
the University "should not mani-
fest" any policy that might lead
to discrimination, or "elicit infor-
mation in any form," in the areas
of race, religion, nationality, and
language spoken in the home.
A meeting set for Monday, will
attempt to formulate specific rec-
ommendations to the Board of
The meeting came as an out-
r growth of the committee's petition
to the Board of Governors and as
e a desire to formulate specific
s plans and principles. At least six
members of the petition commit-
WASHINGTON (' - Top ad-
ministration officials have become
convinced Russia is so desperate-
ly anxious for a summit meeting
the Soviets soon will agree on a
formula for one.
Although they profess not to
know quite why the Russians are
so anxious for talks at the high-
est level, American officials now
feel the Soviets will not continue
to Insist on conditions which the
United States has rejected.'
These officials, who decline to
be quoted by name, said this
country remains firm.in the posi-
tion that there must be adequate
preparation for discussion by the
heads of state and will not yield
on that issue.
No Concessions Made
Premier Nikolai Bulganin's lat-
est letter to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower made no concessions
on his previous proposals for a
foreign ministers conference that
would be limited to discussion of
only the technical arrangements
for a'summit meeting.
The United States has held that
the foreign ministers must work
out at least tentative agreements7
in some of the major issues caus-
ing East-West tension and Ameri-
can officials now believe there is
a growing disposition on the part
of the Russians to accept such
eR m Session Expected
Ong high official, who asked not
to be quoted by name, said he per-
sonally is convinced that there
will be a summit session.
United States allies have been
prodding this country for an ear-
ly conference, by July at the lat-
est. The question of timing ob-
viously is proving a difficult one.
If a meeting is held - possibly
in this country - administration
officials fear that they would not
get the kind of bipartisan cooper-
ation they believe is necessary if
it were staged in the middle of
the campaign for control of Con-
Deadline Near

On Petitioning
Petitioning for all-campus sub-
sidiary elections closes at 6 p.m.
tomorrow, according to election
director Roger Mahey, '61.
Petitions should be turned in to
the elections desk on the first floor
of the Student Activities Bldg.
Positions are open on the Union

tee were present, In a group that
included representatives of the
Congregational Students Disciples
Guild, together with Congrega-
tional minister Rev. Edward Ed-
wardson, International Students
Association, Inter - Cooperative
Council, the Inter-House Council
Integration Committee, the Young
Democrats, the Human Relation
Board, the Political Issues Club
and the Student Association for
Inter-Cultural Living.
Batista Sets
Cuban Poll
HAVANA, Cuba (OP) - Guarded
by thousands of troops, President
Fugencio Batista told the nation
last night Cuban rebels would not
block the June 1 presidential
He said the electorate would be
protected by Cuban armed forces.
Batista spoke on a nationwide
radio-TV hookup from an army
garrison near Havana in observ-
ance of the fifth anniversary of
his seizure of power from Presi-
dent Carlos Prio Socarras.
The usual national holiday was
called off by Batista after rumors
spread that rebel leader Fidel
Castro might call a general strike
In an effort to topple the regime.
With heavily armed government
forces on guard through the na-
tion, Cuba's commerce and indus-
try operated normally. Some reb-
el informants said Castro may
wait until the end of the month to
call the strike.
Rebel sources said there is "con-
siderable work yet to be done in
sabotaging business, industrial
and. transport enterprises to as-
sure a firm groundwork for a suc-
cessful strike."
Ask Boost
For Defense.
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Defense Neil McElroy said last
night he is preparing to ask'Con-
gress for nearly 11/2 billion dollars
extra during the next fiscal year.
That will boost 1959 defense
appropriations for the 12 months
starting July 1 well over the 40
billion dollar mark.
Returning from a nine-day va-
cation-business trip, M4cElroy said
he would be surprised if the addi-
tional money he will ask does not
include orders for more B52 stra-
tegic bombers.
The defense boss told reporters
at National Airport he expects to
find on his desk a study by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend-
ing priority projects calling for
more than has been provided in
the $39,100,000,000 military bud-
get now being considered by the
Congress for the next fiscal year.

Use Ships, Planes
In Padang "Showdown
BUKITIINGGI, Central Sumat-
ra M)-Indonesian warships and
planes lightly shelled and bombed
Padang yesterday after landing
troops on the east coast of Sumatra
in a showdown with the rebel
regime based in this mountain
The revolutionary regime said
300 government troops landed Fri-
day on the east coast island of
Bengkalis, plugging one of Caltex'
coastal oil terminals.
A rebel platoon on the island,
an old-time Chinese smugglers'
base, clashed with the troops and
then withdrew to the jungle.
Attack Launched
Strict military censorship was
reported in force in Jakarta, the
Indonesian capital. But the Ja-
karta correspondent of the Dutch'
newspaper Vrije Volk in Amster-,
dam, said 8,500 Indonesian troops
launched a three-pronged attack
against the rebels early yesterday.
He said the 10 battalions1
launched air and sea-born opera-
tions from Tandjong Pinang off,
Central Sumatra's east coast, Me-
dan in. North Sumatra, and the;
Mentawai Islands off Padang on7
the west coast. He said they hoped1
to take the major rebel towns by
March 23, the start of the long
Moslem observance of Ramadan.
Landing Expected
Attacks yesterday by planes and
warships on Padang, chief rebel.
center, raised expectations of a
government attempt to land troops
on the west coast to support the
east coast landing.s
Rebel leaders said they expected
landing attempts would be made
in the neighborhood of Painan
and Pariaman, 50 miles on either
side of Padang.
They reported 4,000 troops al-
ready were crammed aboard trans-
ports for a- landing at Dumal, an-
other Caltex oil terminal on thej
east coast about 40 miles north-
west of Bengkalis.
The destroyer Gadja Mada, In-I
donesia's biggest warship, and two
corvettes cruised close to Padang
and hurled two shells into the city.
The warships still lurked in the
rainy darkness off Padang last,
Set SGC Wing







Texan Asks
Fast Action
On Projects
Pentagon Orders'Aid
For Needy Areas
don Johnson (D --Texas) argued
urgently before the Senate Public
Works Committee for a speedup on
four billion dollars worth of civil
construction projects already ap-
propriated for.
Pentagon action against unem-
ployment was announced by Dep-
uty Secretary- Donald Quarles.
Quarles ordered inclusion of a
clause in future defense contracts
calling on big contractors to give
preference to subcontractors in
unemployment areas, provided
those subcontractors can do the
work properly and as cheaply as
firms in areas less hit by unem-
Preferences Assigned
Also, Quarles ordered a priority
lineup for the military services
and for big contractors in sublet-
ting. He assigned first preference
to small firms in unemployment
areas, then to other businesses in
those areas, and thirdly to small
businesses located outside areas of
Vice President Richard Nixon
said yesterday that he favors a
"substantial" across-the-board tax
cut if the economy fails to show
an upturn in the next few weeks.
Although he saidhe retains con-
fidence that employment and busi-
ness generally will show gains in
the near, future, Nixon said that if
the recession continues he prefers
to "go down the tax cutting road
rather than the spending road."
Payments Expanded
Nixon said he believes President
Eisenhower's program to speed up
spending on various public works
projects will go a long way toward
lifting the economy.
The Eisenhower administration's
plan to finance an extension of
state unemployment compensation
benefits was reported to call for
an additional 13 weeks of pay-







Expect Garcia To Callj
For Aid to Asia Nations
MANILA (-) - President Carlos P. Garcia is expected to open the
SEATO foreign ministers' conference today with a call for more
economic help for Asian members of the pact.
Jose W. Cruz, spokesman for the Philippine delegation, told news-
men Garcia will emphasize the need of solving pressing economic
problems in the treaty area.
The Philippines indicated previously it would press for more aid

Men Sugges
Cut in Taxe
Construction Proje
Don't Go Far Enoul
Prof. Boulding Sa)

from the pact's wealthier nations.
Philippines, Thailand and Pakis-H
tan. The other members are the
United States, Britain, France,
Australia and New Zealand.
The economic question and a
linkup of SEATO with NATO in
Europe and the Baghdad Pact in
the Middle East are expected to
be, major questions.
IInformed sources said the
United States has nothing new to
propose in the field of economic
aid for the Asian members but is
willing to receive economic pro-
British Foreign Secretary Sel-
wyn Lloyd already has expressed
opposition to aformal linkup with
NATO and the Baghdad Pact.
Britain, he says, provides a liai-
son now because, it is a member of
all three pacts.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles went into talks with Lloyd'
shortly after arriving. What they
talked about was not disclosed.,
Lloyd said ,Sunday he would
meet Dulles outside the SEATO
conferences for discussions on a
summit conference, the Indone-
sian revolt, and, other problems.
Dulles is expected to meet French
Foreign Minister Christian Pineau
for similar discussions.
Fixer' Fails
To See Group
WASHINGTON (A') - Thurman
A. Whiteside, alleged "fixer" in a
Miami TV case, broke a date to
testify before House investigators
yesterday but sent word he'd be
there tomorrow.
The word came from .White-
side's lawyer to chairman Orin
Harris (D - Ark.) of the House
Committee on Legislative Over-
Rep. Harris angrily had gavelled
an open hearing to a close before
it started when Whiteside did not
appear on schedule this morning.
Whiteside is under investigation
by the FBI and a federal grand
jury over his relations with Rich-
ard A. Mack, who has resigned
from the Federal Communications'
Commission under fire after ac-
knowledging he accepted financial
favors from Whiteside.

for the three Asian. members, the

.to play tonight
To Perform
Orchestra Leader Mantovani will.
present his "new music" at 8:30
tonight in Hill Auditorium.
The concert is the last in the'
Extra Concert Series, presented by
the University Musical Society..
His selections will range from
classical and semi-classical works
to modern pieces and show tunes.
He will open hisprogram with
"Broadway Panorama," by Ma-
nilla, and "True Love," from Cole
Porter's "High Society."
Among the other numbers he
will play are "All the Things You
Are," by Jerome Kern; "The Em-
porer Waltz," by Strauss; "Claire
de Lune," by Debussy; "Love is a
Many - Splendored Thing," by
Fain; "I Could Have Danced All
Night," from the Lerner - Loewe
Broadway hit, "My Fair Lady;"
the waltz from "Swan Lake," by
Tchaikovsky; and "Around the
World," by Young.
Included in the program will be
one of his own compositions, "Toy-
shop Ballet."
Mantovani, who is known for
his emphasis on strings, was born
in Venice, but raised in London.
His father was a violinist under

President Dwight D. Eisenhow
is not moving fast or far enoug
in his attempts to combat t
recession, several faculty membe:
said yesterday.
They supported tax cuts as
means to boost the economy.
The President's proposals to e
tend unemployment benefits we
compared to "locking the do
after the horse has been stolen
by Prof. Thomas Gies of the bus
ness administration school.
Compensation 'Last Resort'
"Unemployment compensation
a last resort program. We shou
take advantage of the numbers
unemployed and use them to me
the tremendous existing needs t
all kinds of public works," he sai
A tax cut should be given "vel
careful cormsideraton," he added
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of t
economics department called tl'
proposals to speed constructic
projects "fine as far as they g.
butI'm not altogether sure the
go far enough.
Suggests Tax Cut
"This is prgbably the time for
tax cut, and increasing exemptior
is probably thee best way of dor
Prof. Boulding said all exci:
taxes should be taken off consum
durables to promote the salesb
automobiles and other manufsa
tured goods.
"We might even give dire
subsidies to buyers of new autc
mobiles." Proposals by Walte
Reuther, United Auto Worke
president, to force car manufac
turers to cut $100 from their prc
duct's price are "good," but a
not sufficient, Prof. Boulding sail
Government Might Aid Sales
He suggested that the feder
government pay to each new ce
buyer $100 or "whatever Is needed
to stimulate sales.
Prof. George Katona of the ecc
nomics and psychology depari
ments said President Eisenhower
steps are "too little and too late
Either tax cuts or more spendin
are needed, he said.
Discussing the President's pre
dictions that an upsurge will coi
this month, Prof. Katona sal
"President Eisenhower hasn't dot
anything to make the predictior
come true. If he started earlier, t
might have done more to mak
the recession shorter."
'No Cause for Alarm'
Prof.Albert steigerwalt of ti
business administrationschool e.
phasized that "there are no re
causes for alarm in the curre
business picture.
"If consumers decide not I
buy, I don't know of any wayi
force them to buy. The prese,
situation, if anything, seems to t
a temporary low In business acth
ity while a number of adjustmeni
are being made."
Pointing out that the $400 M
lion that would be paid in unem-
ployment benefits would not be
large as the tax cuts, Prof. Steige
walt said, "The real economic co
of the move is not being co
sidered, for at a later time, suc
expenditures will have to be cove
ed by increased borrowing o
Prof. Gies suggested a substar
tial tax cut followed by an Increaa
when economic conditions in-
prove. "It is possible that decisi
action taken promptly could r
sult in a smaller deficit during ti

Mass meeting of Administrative ments to people out of work. Most
Wing tryouts for Student Govern- states now pay for 26 weeks or
ment Council will be held at 4:15 less.
p.m. today in Rm. 3B of the Union, Official figures due today are
according to Irwin Gage, '60, per- expected to show 5,100,000 or more
sonnel director of the wing, persons are out of work.
The SGC committee system will A little more than 3,000,000 of'
be explained at the meeting, and these are receiving unemployment
tryouts will be given an oppor- compensation benefits. Sen. John
tunity to sign up for committees Kennedy (D-Mass.) proposed yes-
which interest them, Gage said. terday that Congress consider ex-
Other administrative wing posi- tending the benefits to the other
tions will also be discussed. 2,000,000.

'U' Art Museum Premiers New Additions, Larger Collections

An appreciative teaching fellow marvelled that a few months',
work could have produced such a wonder, and an aesthetic old lady
said, "Such a beautiful museum, and they put this (a wave of the
hand indicated new additions) in front of the pillars!"
University Museum of Art Director Charles H. Sawyer said: "We
have attempted to create a happy marriage between the old and the'
new - and also create a useful building in the process."
The occasion was the premiere at 7 p.m. yesterday of the newly'
remodeled Museum of Art in Alumni MemorialHall. "It is the begin-
ning of a new, and we hope very important, era for art in the Uni-'
versity community," Sawyer said.
Steel Framework Fills Rotunda
Most evident change is the addition of a steel framework con-
struction which fills the rotunda.
It consists of a staircase which provides easy access between the
upper and lower floors, and a platform with movable panels for ex-
hibition purposes. Whenever desired, the entire framework may be

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