Sixty-Eighth Year r
"Do I Hear Somebody Call 'Emergency'?
hen, Opinions Are Free
Troth will Prevail"
Unpracticed Acting
Spoils 'Janus' Chances,
LIKE MANY MEDIOCRE comedies, "Janus" depends on clever act-
ing, excellent characterization and well-paced delivery of lines for
its success, The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre production which opened
last night, however, offers none of these.
The story of a woman who vacations from her husband two months
of the year in order to live and write novels with another man, "Janus"
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
Y, MARCH 7, 1958
U.S. Pampers France
In North Africa
T' A RECENT DEBATE on the "Algerian
question in" Paris, three members of the
ench Government planned to expound diverse
ints of view. However, when the first speaker
gan by suggesting that Algeria be given
lependent status within the Empire, the
>wd became so riotous the meeting could go
further. Cries of "traitor" could be heard
ove the general uproar, but that was all that
.s understandable. '
Clearly the Algerian situation is a touchy and
otional issue in France. The mercurial
enchmen are not making too many attempts
be rational.
[his has been typical of a governmental
uation which is made tenuous by the intense
Jividualism and hot temper which is sup-
sed to typify tle French.
As long as this attitude' pertained to purely
internal situation, observers could click
eir tongues, shake their heads, and then not
terribly concerned. But when the action has
:h great international ramifications as the
gerlan situation, the problem calls for con-
erably more worry.
Enough has been made of the threat to
stern security and what little there is left
Western policy, brought about by Algeria.
some ways the situation is much like our
n Little Rock problem. It directly concerns
;reat many people we would like to win and
-d on our side.
Most of the peoples of Asia, the Near East,
d Africa come under the former category.
d all these people have either won freedom
m foreign rule recently, or are struggling to
just that now. And they have another com-
n bond because they are dark-skinned.
Algeria certainly provides the Soviet with
mendous propaganda gains through infor-
tion which hardly has to be distorted.
Iowever, the French claim that Algeria is
internal problem, much like our Little Rock
sco, and perhaps they are justified in pro-
iting external intervention or mediation in.
s area.
UT WHEN the problem overflows the bor-
ders of Algeria, it becomes a matter of
international concern, and a matter over which
the French cannot shrug off world interest.
And, of course, this is precisely the situation
in Tunisia. Prime Minister Bourguiba is one
of the few Arab leaders 'in the world who is not
only completely committed to the West, but
who is also committed to the Western way.
Certainly, he has fewer demagogic and auto-
cratic intentions than some of his Eastern
Yet, the French are doing their best to rid
him of these predispositions. If ever any coun-
try could be actually driven into the arms of
extremism, it looks like it might be Tunisia.
And driven is the papropriate word-Bourguiba,
is being flailed.
Further, the countries of the East which are
now uncommitted will not gain very much faith
in the West after eyeing the Tunisian situation.
What makes. the whole problem even more.
complex is that the whole situation looks like
adead end. Bourguiba, who has the national-
istic feeling typical of the area, is not going
to cease helping the Algerians-his brothers--
and the French will continue to view Bourguiba
as a meddler in their own internal affairs.
The French seem really eager to fight this
problem to the very end. And eager, despite'
the fact their ecnoomy which is bankrupt any-
way, and is bolstered by U.S. dollars, is being
further hampered by their problems in Algeria.
IT SEEMS HERE, that in this situation it will
take more than the "good offices" of the
United States to resolve the problem. Good
offices don't usually seem too effective when
both sides are unwilling to relinquish anything.
The United States would look very good,
however, and. contribute strongly to.a solution
to the whole North African problem, by, in this
case, siding with Tunisia, and insisting that
France leave Bourguiba alone.
At this point protection of Bourguiba's sov-
ereign rights are inflinitely more valuable to
United States policy than the continued pam-
pering of an already spoiled and often detri-
mental ally.
01I958 T#t +AsAAJAJT5J por..
yThe Role of the Press
State's' Ostrich Complex'
THE "OSTRICH COMPLE2 " currently afflict-
ing the State Department was allowed to
remain indisturbed when the North Korean
government voluntarily returned the two,
American airmen it was holding captive.
The return of the flyers was, of course,
fortunate. The effect on the State Department,
however, was completely negative. Not only did
It, not force the State Department to pull their
heads out of the ground. and face the world
as it is, but it actually made matters.worse by
convincing state of the effectiveness of tiptoe-
ing around the standard diplomatic channels.
Having successfully skirted the issue of recog-
nition in this case, the net result is that this
country is farther than ever from making one
of the most necessary changes facing American;
foreign policy today-the recognition of Com-
munist China, also not accredited by the
United States.
For yes, Virginia, there is a Red China. And
there will be a Red China even though the
United States government refuses to see it.
theory that what is not perceived does not
exist must be grimly amusing to the American
GI's who "policed' Korea. These men, above
all, have good reason to recognize the failure
of this theory, for it was applied with disastrous
results during' the conflict in Korea. When
Communist Chinese troops crossed the Yalu
River in November of 1950, smashing Gen.
Douglas MacArthur's bland assurance that "our
boys will be home by Christmas," their actions
.aught everyone in America completely off
guard. Granted, Gen. MacArthur should have
letected their.presence from the intelligence
reports he was receiving daily. On the other
hand, MacArthur had simply fallen prey to
ais own conviction the Chinese would never
enter the war, and he interpreted the reports
accordingly. Moving hundreds of thousands of
nen with their necessary supplies across a
country the size of China is not an easy task. It
Is, in fact, nearly impossible for this to be
accomplished in complete secrecy under the
yes of even a casual observer.
China's entry into the Korean War came as
a complete surprise simply because there was
not a single American observer in the entire
:ountry at' that time. The general's refusal to
'ace reality cost this country two years of war
ind thousands of American lives.
This intolerable situation continues to exist.
State Department reasons for continued res
usal to recognize the Red Chinese regime grow
weaker as time passes. One purported reason,
hat the Communists, having gained control'
f the country by force, are therefore not
egally entitled to govern, is ludicrous on the
ace of it, particularly to a government giving
substantial aid to the dictatorships of Spain
and Yugoslavia.
Further, the government we hope to put in
its place would be every bit as illegal,, since
each group represents merely a warring faction,
not a popular government.
The basic factor in America's continued
withholding of recognition is our alliance with
Nationalist leader Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Chek. And this alliance grows daily more and
more useless, to the point where it has become
a burden rather than additional strength.
THAT CHIANG will return to the mainland in
the near future is a futile hope, the more so
since permitting him to try might bring on the
very World War III we so dread..
That his troops might in some eventuality
be of aid to us has become a foolish notion.
Ill-fed, undermanned, equipped, if at all, with
American weapons, badly trained and generally
lacking the incentive to fight, Chiang's army is
hardly worth the cost.
Further, the very fact that we fear recog-
nizinig the Communists would lose us the
Nationalists is a perfect case of the tail wag-
ging the dog.
A return to realism in this matter would
do much to help this country properly assess
the nature of world currents and undercurrents.
Our blind spot in international politics takes
in 650 million people and the largest country
in what is at present the most vital area of the
Until we can view each individual pact, our
View of the whole will remain completely dis-
An Opportunity
For the Faculty
ON JANUARY 13, 1956, The Daily carried a
front page Senior Editorial criticizing the
University faculty for not fulfilling its role "as,
the leader of intellectual thought and discus-
sion in the University community."
The editorial continued: ". ..there is ques-
tion whether they (the faculty) are providing
leadership and stimulation in the areas of con-
troversial thinking . . . the vast majority has
refused to express opinion publicly onthe vital
issues of the present day."
Most of the faculty agreed they. had it
One suspects these criticisms are not a valid
today. Rather, we think a larger problem is
that faculty members have little means to
convey to the community their opinions on the
crucial issues of the day and of all times,
especially since the restricted nature of class-
room learning is what it is.
Thus. The Daily will begin soon to interview
THE EXIT of Commissioner
Richard Mack from the Federal
Communications Commission
brings up the question of why
congressional committees fre-
quently don't want to investigate
until prodded into it by the press.
In the case of Mack and the
FCC, the Harris committee simply
did not want to investigate, was
planning to hold a phony, punch-
pulling philosophical investigation,
and even voted to fire it counsel--
until public opinion, aroused by
the press, became too potent..
This question of' congressional
hesitation is deep-rooted and basic.
It goes to the issue of why an
alert press is important. In case
after case, congressional com-
mittees have not acted until goad-
ed by the press. It was Charley
Bartlett of the Chattanooga Times
who forced the McClellan com-
mittee to bring out the Harold
Talbott conflict of interest after
he exposed the fact that the Sen-
ate committee was sitting on it.
* * *
IT WAS Eddie Folliard of the
Washington Post who dug up the
Jack Porter Letter on the Texas
natural gas lobby fund.
It was the old New York World
which broke the Teapot Dome]
scandal that led to the famed
Senate investigation in the Hard-
ing administration. It was the
New York Herald Tribune that
broke the story of the five-per-
centers during the Truman admin-
The life of the digging news-
paperman is not always easy. He
gets called names from both sides
of the political fence. Sometimes
the digging takes days and weeks,
plus plenty of expense. But it is
a vitally important function of
the press, and is one reason why
the press is given a speeial free-
dom under the Constitution.
In the Commissioner Mack case,
most people thought that dis-
gruntled Dr. Beinard Schwartz
was leaking to this column. It
was the other way around. As early
as last August, Jack Anderson, my
alert junior partner, went- to
Miami and interviewed Thurman
Whiteside. This was before Dr.
Schwartz got started in Washing-
Anderson also talked to Com-
missioner Mack and got an admis-
sion from him that he had re-
ceived money from Whiteside. This
was published January 17. When
we tipped off Dr. Schwartz, Mack
was interviewed with a wire re-
corder and gave damaging admis-
sions which have now led to his
* * *
ONE TROUBLE with congres-
sional committees is that too many
congressment are out to protect
their friends. Too many had in-
tervened at the FCC, It's also the
trouble with the Justice Depart-
ment. The Attorney General has
become a political officeholder. The
justice department, despite an
army of G-men, did not move to
convict four kickbacking congress-
men until after exposes in this
column. One reason is that the
-Justice Department has to get
appropriations from congressmen.
It doesn't like to tangle with
The Justice Department has
never moved in on some of the
conflict-of-interest cases turned
up by the press in this administra-
tion, though there was one prose-
cution under the Truman admin-
It should be the job of the
Justice Department to catch these
conflicts, not entirely the job of
the press. It should have been
the job of the FBI to report on the
background of Commissioner Mack
before he was appointed. This
column reported his pro-utility
connections on May 27, 1955, be-
fore he took office. This is a re-
sponsibility of the press, but not
its responsibility alone.
However, the Justice Depart-
ment and the FBI frequently don't
like to go against the choice of the
White House-and this is true of
both the Republicans and the
* , *
ACTUALLY the party in power
has little to do with honesty. Both
Republicans and Democrats claim
to be honest men. Or they claim
the opposite party. is made up of
dishonest men. However, Harry
Truman willknock the daylights
out of you orally if you step on
the toes of his influence-wielding
military aide; and the Republicans
will maneuver and manipulate to
cancel your column if you expose
corruption in high GOP places.
Maybe some of us are too zeal-
ous. But the point to be remem-
bered is that if we want good
government we must have honest
government. And the strength of
our government depends on public
confidence in the moral integrity
of our officials.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.}
offers a few laughs and an evening
a competent all-round job of at-
ing could make "Janus" any more
than it is. P
Where the acting most notice-
ably falls down in the local pro-
duction is in the two character
parts. William Taylor and Bette
De Main are given wonderful per-
sonages in the roles of the per-
snickity Mr. Harper and the old
maid Miss Addy.
Both are dressed carefully for
their parts, given the necessary
and suitable props to carry, and
bestowed with telling lines to read.
But read their lines is all they
do, except for an occasional
Neither actor shows evidence of
having worked over his or her part
in any attempt to create and por-
tray the individual character.
Rather, the audience must
Imagine its own details and' then
be disillusioned when a careless
movement of the Internal Reve-
nue Service agent or the spinster
lady destroys the encouraged
BUT TAYLOR and Miss De
Main are not alone in their sig-
nificant inability to play their
parts well. Russ Aiuto as Denny
Rousseau, the schoolteacher who
spends his vacation months writ-
ing novels with a married woman,
gives the impression of having de-
cided that his own personality in
some way fits that of the person
he portrays, andatherefore that
no matter how he read his lines,
they would be in character.
The result, unfortunately, is
not what was expected. Denny
comes out a short-winded, bumb-
ling fellow who stammers at times
and appears markedly out of place
at others.
As the wayward wife Jessica,
Phyllis Wright adds little more
than a pleasing countenance to
the performance. About her the
jplay centers, however, for the tri-
angular relationship is discovered
by all In the first act and the rest
of the comedy seems to be con-
cerned with income tax problems
raised by the discovery of the
double life and with Jessica's de-
cision on how she will live the
rest of her life.
Jessica manages to resolve both
these problems by play's end, but
only after Mrs. Wright attempts
to resolve the character she por-
ROBERT LOGAN as Gil, Jessi-
ca's well-to-do but previously un-
suspecting husband, proves most
successful at creating his charac-
ter. He alone approaches, not
without flaw, the sorely needed
vitality and delivery which would
at least have made "Janus" fun.
Only the sixth actor, Dick Cut-
ting as the secretary of the Navy,
is beyond criticism - he curious-
ly appears only in the curtain call.
Bob Cottingham designed the
set, a pink and blue affair that
a l t e r n a t e s with actual and
painted-on objects, creating an
unusual effect that is little more
than functional.
* * *
BUT IF the play is dull in parts,
the third act picks up a little, if
only to set the audience back
down again. What had been ac-
curate and attractive costuming
turns to the garish with Mrs.
Wright's summer dress, an un-
fortunate letdown.
Yet there is a final, pleasant
touch in a very short scene which .
follows the third act curtain -
for which those who have already
purchased tickets and can't get
out of going today or Saturday
should be cautioned: Save your
"applause" until the third act is
really over.
' -Vernon Nahrgang
(FROM the Congressional Rec-
orJan. 11) Mr. Goldwater
of Arizona: Mr. President,. a few
days ago I received a very inter-
esting letter from a constituent in
Arizona ... I should like to read
it . .
"Dear Mr. Senator: My friend
Bordeaux over in Pima County
received a $1,000 check from the
Government this year for not rais-
ing 50 hogs. So I am going into
the not-raising-hog-business next
What I want to know is, in your
opinion, what is the best kind of.
farm not to raise hogs on and
the best kind of hogs not to raise?
The hardest work in this business
is going to be keeping an inven-
tory of how many hogs I haven't
of second-rate entertainment. Only
(Continued from Page 3)
Fraternity Council, Greek Week Ball,
9-1, League. May 3, Women's Physical
Education Club, "Play Day," 9 a.m.-
4 p.m., WAB, Palmer Field, women's
Appropriated $120 to send delega.
tion to University of Indiana for Mock
United Nations Assembly.
Tabled consideration of Honors ys.
tem until next week.
Amended motion adopted at meeting
of Feb. 26 to provide that the J-Hop
Committee be chosen by an Interview-
ing and Nominating Committee com-
posed of four members of the out-going
J-Hop Committee (to be appointed by
the J-Hop Committee chairman and
the SGC Executive Committee with
the approval of the Council) and the
J-Hop Committee chairman who shall
act as chairman of the Interviewing
and Nominating Committee.
Coffee Hour for all students inter-
ested. 4:15 p.m. Fri., Mar. 7, Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the Office of Religious
June Graduates may now place their
orders for caps and gowns at Moe's
Sport Shop on North University,
Summer Housing Applications for
graduate and undergraduate women's
housing will be accepted from'women
now registered on campus', beginning at
noon, Mon., Mar. 10, at the Office of
the Dean of women on the first floor
of the Student Activities Building. Ap-
plications will be accepted for residence
Late Permission: Women students who
attended the Chicago Symphony con-
cert at Hill Auditorium, Sun. evening,
Mar. 2 had late permission until 11:20
\Thomas M. Cooley Lectures: Philip,
C.' Jessup, Hamilton Fish professor of
International Law and Diplomacy, Co-
lumbia University, will speak on:
"Problems and Prospects." 4:15 p.m,
March 7, Room 100 Hutchins Hall,
Annual Industrial Relations Cner-
ence meeets Mar. 7 in Rakham Bldg.
General topic: "Public Issues and Prac-
tical Problems in Labor and Industrial
Relations," Program sionsa at 9:30
a.m. and 2:30 pam.
Student Recital: Robert Blasch, stu-
dent of organ with Marilyn Mason
Brown, will present a recital at 8:30
Sun., evening, Mar. 9, in Hill Auditor-
ium. The program, which will be pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bacheloi
of Music, will include compositions by
Buxtehude, Pachelbel, Bach, Franck
and Messiaen. Open to the general
Student Recital: Ruth Keraus, stu-
dent of oboe, with Florian Mueller,
will present a recital at 4:15 p.m., Sun.,
Mar. 9 in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, Wind
Instruments. She will be assisted by
Marguerite Long, piano and harpsi-
chord, and by Kay LaDouceur, oboe
and Kenneth Holm, English horn. The
program will include compositions by
Telemann, Haydn, Salowski and Beet-
hoven. Open to the general public,
Academic Notices
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Fri.,
March 7, 3:30 p.m., 5500 E. Engineering
Bldg. Prof. W. H. Wagner, Jr., will
speak on "Atmospheric Pollution by
Aeroallergens: The-Ragweeds and their
Philosophy 31 (Dr. Cartwright's lec-
ture), final examination make-up, at.,
9-12 a.m., Mar. 8, Rm. 2016 Angell Hall.
Seminar on Computer Programming-
"The Inner Structure of the Fortran
Translater," by R.M. Graham, on Fri.,
Mar. 7 at 4 p.m. in room 3010 Angell
Placement Notices
The following school systems have
listed teaching vacancies with the
Bureau of Appointments for the 198-
1959 school year. They will not be here
to interview at this time.
Arlington Heights, Ill. - Elementary;
Elementary vocal Music; Jr. H.S. Eng-
lish/Social Studies; Science; Mathe-
matics; Girls Physical Education; In-
dustrial Arts.
Avon Lake, Ohio (Lorain County) --
Elementary; Elementary Music/Art;
Elementary Music; H.S. Mathematics;
English; Social Science; Science (Gen-
eral); Speech/Hearing; School Librari-
an; Coordinator for elementary physical
Bellevue, Ohio - Elementary;Voca-
tional Home Economics; H.S. English;
Vocal Music; Social Science.
Buffalo, N.Y. -- (Cleveland Hill
Schools) - Jr. H.S. English; Science;
Music; Sr. H.S. English; Mathematics;
Social Studies; Science; Music; Nurse.
Copley, Ohio -- (For April) -- Ele-
mentary English. (For Sept.)- Ele-
mentary; Art; English; Home Econom.-
Hancock, Mich. -- Girls Physical Edu-
cation; Mathematics/Commercial; Eng.
lish/Social Studies; Librarian:
Hartiand, Wis. (Arrowhead H.S.) -
Speech; English/French, Spanish, Ger-
man, or Latin; Girls Physical Educa-
tion; Mathematics/Physics; Industrial
For any additional information, eon-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews: -
Representatives from the following-
will be interviewing at the Bureau of
The Council's Many Committees
Daily Staff Writer
COMMITTEE performance was
pointed up in a routine Student
Government Council meeting
The International Center Study
Committee presented a terse re-
port on the functions of the Cen-
ter, with recommendations to en-
large both the Center and its staff,
and suggesting a further study.
The report, though brief, was
excellent, setting forth facts in
the body from which the recom-
mendations were drawn. However,
the committee spent almost a year
compiling the information.
This over-lengthy time was nec-
essary, as Jean Scruggs pointed
out Wednesday, because the mem-
bers of the committee were almost
completely unfamiliar with the
Center before starting work on the
committee, and had to spend a
great deal of time simply learning
the fundamentals.
*' * *
Ackerman, had any knowledge of
the Center; as Miss Scruggs said
at' the meeting. "Without Brenna.
bers to go around. In addition,
seven of these members, the ex-
officios, also have heavy duties in
their own organizations. Three
others serve as chairmen of stand-
ing committees-Dan Belin for
Student Activities, Miss Scruggs
for National and International Af-
fairs, and Ron Gregg for Educa-
tion and Student Welfare.
Subtracting further the four
officers who have a fairly heavy
load of their own, the Council is
left with four members with most
of their "free" time really free,
and one of those (Carol Holland)
is brand new to SGC, having been
appointed two weeks ago, while
anothler (Bert Getz) is secretary
of Inter-Fraternity Council.
The net result:, only Nelson
Sherbrune and Lois Wurster have
had full opportunity to work on
special committees.
* * * -
THIS PROBLEM might be al-
leviated by channeling more work
through the standing committees,
with members of the Administra-
tive Wing doing some of the work
Council members now try to do.
The trouble here is that the wing
itself ha 0 te nrrmnnn li 4v
But in another three weeks Miss
Scruggs will retire from SGC and
probably a new committee chair-
man will be appointed. If a Coun-
cil member, he will need a few
weeks to get a working knowledge
of the committee; by then, the
semester will be over.
The subcommittees working on
the projects, of course, can keep
working through a change of ad-
ministration; perhaps they will.
Subcommittees also have changes
in personnel, however. A new in-
flux of wing tryouts is expected,
or at least hoped for, at next
week's massy meeting. These try-
outs will need at least as long as
the new SGC members to get
* * *
MISS SCRUGGS has suggested
that individual students working
on highly specific projects replace
the present system of special com-
mittees. This would end the back-
ground problem, but it has draw-
backs of its own.
For one, SGC would tend to lose
touch with what its committees
of one are doing (if anything),
and a more bureaucratic setup
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