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February 21, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-21

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Sixty-Seven Years

of Editorial Freedom



Air Force Rocket
Explodes in Air
Atlas Blows Up Just Two Minutes
After Leaving Launching Platform
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (p)-The Air Force fired another two-
million-dollar Atlas Missile yesterday but after a beautiful start it
exploded in a flash of flame.
No reason for the blowup was given.
Blasted Off£
The Atlas, the free world's only intercontinenal ballistic missile-
ICBM-test-flown so far, blasted off its launching pad at 12:47 p.m.
Two minutes and 20 seconds later, high up over the Atlantic
Ocean, it blew to bits.
"The Beast," as the 70-foot monster war weapon is called, had
just completed the powered phase of its flight. Shortly after its rbcket

... a free man

Group Votes.
4For Raise
In Mail Rate
WASHINGTON ()-A five-cent
postal rate for letters mailed out
of town was approved 7-6 Wed-
nesday by the Senate Post Office
It would be effective for three
President Dwight D. Eisenhowe
and Postmaster General Arthu
Summerfield have been pushing
for increases since 1953, but u
to now the Senate Committee has
always blocked the legislation.
In addition to five-cent stamps
for first class intercity mail, the
committee approved:
An eight-cent rate for airmail,
now carried at six cents an ounce;
A 30 per cent increase in the
rate for second-class mail-news-
papers and magazines-applied in
three annual jumps of 10 per cent;
A 60 per cent increase in the
rate for third-class mail-adver-
tising matter -- applied in three
annual jumps of 20 per cent.
These and other increases would
take effect July 1 to add an esti-
mated 750 million dollars a year
to postal revenues.
IHC Approves
'Open Houses'
For Sundays
Inter-House Council unanimous-
ly passed a motion last night ask-
ing for lessened restriction on
women in men's residence halls.
Requested were "open-open
houses" from 2 to 5 p.m. every
Sunday in men's dormitories. The
vote was one of the strongest "yea"
votes of the year. Drake Duane,
'58, IHC president, said the motion
would now have to be referred to
the Residence Hall Board of Gov-
ernors for general approval and to
Senior Resident Director Jack
Hale for implementation.
"Open-open houses" enable resi-
dence hall men to have women in
their rooms during designated
IHC also decided last night to
as the residence hall business
of fce for more exchange dinners.
The current limit has been two,
to be held during the fall semester
The Council approved constitu-
tional and by-law changes result-
ing from December's re-evaluation
The office of operative vice-
president will be eliminated, and
duties will be assumed by the
Larry Curtiss, '58, reported on
IHC Integration committee pro-
gress, saying that the commttee
will present its recommendations
within a few weeks after the re-
sults of the Board of Governors
survey were known.
IHC also passed a motion asking
administration officials in charge
of orientation to. try on a trial
basis to assign men to orientation
groups on a residence hall house
basis instead of randomly as is
presently done.
Deadline Nears
For Insurance

dengines shut off, sending the mis-
sile into its ballistic coasting tra-
jectory. a small wavering stream
of smoke appeared from the tail.
Exploded Brightly
Then it exploded in a bright ball
of fire.
This was the same Atlas that
the Air Force tried to launch last
A mechanical "bug" forced the
test conductor to cut the engines a
split second before it would have
climbed skyward on that occasion.
In seven attempts, the Air Force
has flown an Atlas successfully
The first two were destroyed
soon after leaving the ground
when they wavered off course.
The next two made successful
flights over 600-mile ranges. The
fifth destroyed itself four minutes
after the blastoff.
Lewis Hits
Claims that overcharges in
street assessments were consid-
ered in an "off-handed and super-
ficial" manner were leveled at the
City Council last night by Prof.
Louis Lewis of the anesthesiology
Prof. Lewis at first alleged that
an over-charge of "about $60,000"
was included in the 1957 street
surfacing assessment. Later, un-
der criticism by Councilman
Frank A. C. Davis, he revised his
alleged discrepancy estimate to
Explaining that he and several
other citizens first suspected dis-
crepancies when they found city
figures on the width of Westfield
street used in computing paving
costs, were three feet beyondrthe
actual width of the street. Prof.
Lewis charged that other dis-
crepancies had been found.
He pointed out that while the
minimum specification for bitu-
minous surfacing called for 225
pounds per square yard, much
more than that had actually been
City officials answered the
charges by noting that the 225
pound per square yard figure was
a minimum and could be exceed-
ed if conditions warranted.
Councilman Ronald Hinterman
further pointed out that errors
in meeting specifications may
have arisen due to mechanical
imperfections in the surfacing
Passing the assessment by a 6-4
vote, Council indicated a willing-
ness to discuss the charges at a
working committee meeting.
In other action, Council ac-
cepted the resignation of Coun-
cilman Davis, effective imme-
diately. Davis explained that he
had taken a job in Pennsylvania.

Gives Parole
To Leopold
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (P)-Nathan
Leopold received a parole yester-
day and he vowed to go out into
the world and "justify the faith
shown in me."
The Illinois Parole and Pardon
Board decided to free one of the
nation's most widely known con-
But officials estimated it would
be three or four weeks before the
prison gates open-time needed to
check and approve Leopold's ar-
rangements for a home and job.
The five-man board was split in
its decision in Leopold's case but
agreed unanimously on a parole
for Roger Touhy, former Chicago
beer hustler who is doing a long
stretch for kidnaping and a prison
Leopld and Touhy sat, tense and
nervous, in an office at the State-
ville Penitentiary near Joliet when
Warden Joseph Ragen broke the
good news.
Their faces lit up like Christmas
trees," the warden reported, "and
they cried, 'Thank the ,Lord-it's

Son Fined;
Must Return
Union Mone
Beck, Sr. Awaits
Tax Evasion Trial
SEATTLE UP)-- Dave Beck Sr.,
wealthy and once powerful labor
leader, was told yesterday he must
go to prison for up to 15 years for
stealing $1,900 from the Teamsters
His son, Dave Beck Jr., con-
victed of stealing $4,650 from the
Teamsters, was fined $2,000 and
further sentencing deferred for
three years on condition he re-
turn the money.
Superior Court Judge George H.
Revelle, who pronounced sentence,
and Prosecutor Charles O. Carroll
said they would recommend that
the senior Beck, 63, serve three
The actual time is set by the
State Board of Prison Terms and
The decisions were handed down
in a dramatic two-hour courtroom
scene in which the 37-year-old son
first heard of his fate while his
father nervously fidgeted on a
spectators bench.
Glum and completely lacking his
usual jaunty appearance when it
was all over, Beck said he had only
to live with "my conscience and I
am no more guilty than anyone in
this courthouse."
Still hanging over the elder
Beck's head is his scheduled trial
in May on federal charges of
evading $240,000 in income taxes.
Beck Jr. was convicted Nov. 23
on two counts of pocketing the
proceeds from the sale of two
union-owned Cadillacs.
His father was convicted Dec. 14
on another count of grand larceny.










Tunisian Police Oust




Senators Vote To Raise Limit
Of National Debt by $5 Billion
WASHINGTON OP)-Overriding Chairman Harry Byrd (D-Va.)
the Senate Finance Committee yesterday voted ?to give the Eisenhower
administration the full five-billion-dollar increase it sought in the
national debt limit.
Sen. Byrd, who is retiring from the Senate after this year, tried
to hold the increase to three billion, contending this would give the
Treasury ample leeway in its financial operations. The Virginian said

Anti-B atista
Forces Grow
More Violent
HAVANA (P)-Enemies of Presi-
dent Fulgencio Batista spread
violence through all six provinces
of Cuba yesterday.
There were reports that rebels
of Fidel Castro will sponsor a
general strike next week in an
effort to topple-Batista.
Some Cuban leaders predicted
that June 1 national elections will
never be held.
Killing Breaks Out
A record wave of killing, bomb-
ing and sabotage broke out despite
the government's deployment of
thousands of troops, coast guards-
men and police.
Bati ta announced that the gov-
ernmet will use whatever force is
necessary to restore order.
And the government declared
that nothing will prevent the
presidential election from being
Joined Forces
Civic and professional organiza-
tions in Santiago de Cuba and
elsewhere joined those of Havana
in expressing alarm over the vio-
lence and chaos.
These groups condemned the
anti-Batista disorders, but also
asserted that there has been fraud
in preparations for the elections.
Civic leaders demanded that
opponents of Batista be given a
chance to defeat his presidential
candidate, Prime Minister Andres
Rivero Aguero.
The rebel stronghold of Oriente
Province on the eastern end of the
island was the focal point of new
violence. ,
A crowd of 3,000 at Guanta-
namo, aroused by the shooting of
a bus line administrator, marched
to his burial.
Police fired shots over their
heads, but they moved on and
raised Castro's red and black fiag
over the cemetery.
Outside Guantanamo, the bodies
of four young men were found
hanging from trees.
Rebels derailed a sugar-laden
train in Guantanamo and sent
another crashing into a line of
railway cars. In Santiago de Cuba
rebels wrecked a gas bottling
plant. r
'Shot Clini'
Treats 1,162
Health Service inoculated 1,162
students in its polio shot clinic
yesterday, director Dr. Morley
Beckett said.
This was the largest turnout so
far for the monthly clinic. Stu-
dents descended the stairs to the
basement clinic room in a steady
stream all day, and waited with
rolled up sleeves, lining the hall.
its purchasing power in the past
Polio shots will be offered again
next month for any students who
wish to take advantage of the
clinic, Dr. Beckett said.

Churchill Improv
Starts Correspon





TIN, France (A) -Stout-hearted
Sir Winston Churchill made slow
but steady progress last night
in his battle against pneumonia
and pleurisy.
Britain's great wartime leader
propped himself up in bed and in-
sisted on writing a stack of bus-
iness letters.
A yesterday afternoon medical
bulletin said: "Sir Winston's con-
dition is not greatly changed since
Maintained Strength
"He is comfortable, his strength
is maintained, and the fever is a
little lower."
The 83-year-old Churchill is an
undisciplined medical patient and
a source close to him said: "He's
a tough man to keep in bed --
even in his present condition."
Churchill got comfort from tele-
grams and letters of good wishes
from all over the world.
Piled High
His bed was piled high with
Some spilled off his blankets
and onto the floor of his room in
the Villa La Pausa where Churchill
has been vacationing since Jan. 15.
Keeping him constant company


.. . feeling better
was Lady Churchill and their
actress ,daughter, Sarah.
In medical attendance were
Churchill's personal-physician and
old friend, Lord Moran; and Dr.
David Roberts, a British physician
living on the Riviera.

Group Named
To Seek New.
Literary Dean
Selection of a six-man commit-
tee on the deanship for the liter-
ary school was announced yester-
day by University Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L.
The committee will advise and
work with the administration on
the selection of a successor for
Dean Charles E. Odegaard who-
was recently named president of
the University of Washington ef-
fective Aug. 1.
Members of the committee in-
clude Prof. Robert C. Angell of
the sociology department, Prof.
David Dennison, chairman of the
physics department, Prof. William
Frankena, chairman of the phil-
osophy department, Prof. Leo
Goldberg, chairman of the as-
tronomy department, Prof. Otto
G. Graf of the German depart-
ment and Prof. Albert H. Marck-
wardt of the English department.

Arab Town
ing; Surrounded
dence By Troops
Violence Endangers
Conciliation Efforts
By U.S., Britain
TUNIS (-) - Tunisian police
last night expelled five French
consuls from their posts in this
Three. of the consuls arrived
last night in Tunis under the
escort of Tunisian police, but were
released when they reached the
capital city.

he will not press his fight when the
bill comes up on the Senate floor,
probably next week.
"I made my fight in the com-
mittee," he said.
The vote against his motion was
The committee then approved
by voice vote a House bill tem-
porarily increasing the debt ceil-
ing to 280 billion dollars from 275.
The increase is good only until
June 30, 1959, when the ceiling
would revert to 275 billion.
In asking for the extra borrow-
ing authority last month, Secre-
tary of the Treasury Robert An-
derson said the government needed
more flexibility in refunding gov-
ernment obligations. '
Sen. Byrd attributed the com-
mittee's action to a belief that the
administration had overestimated
its income for the coming year and
underestimated its spending.
"I deeply regret to see the debt
limit increased because it un-
doubtedly means another era of
huge deficit spending, which will
add greatly to the public debt and
start another inflationary spiral at
a time when the value of our dol-
lar has lost more than one-half of
15 years," Sen. Byrd said.

Little Rock Requests Courts
To Suspend Integration Rule
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. P)-The Little Rock School Board yesterday
asked the federal courts to suspend the six-months-old racial integra-
tion at Central High School.
The requested suspension would be in effect until the "deliberate
speed" in integration ordered by the United States Supreme Court
"can be clearly defined and effective legal procedures can be obtained
which will enable the school district to integrate without impairment
of the quality of education it is ^
capable of providing under normal
conditions." H ealth Se
Gov. Orval Faubus said the
school board's action should have t M uch Busier'
been taken some time ago and h M e
added that the "situation in Cen-
tral High School at present is in- Since the beginning of the se-
tolerable from the standpoint of a mester the entire Health.Service
proper educational atmosphere."
Mrs. L. C. Bates, Arkansas presi- clinic hasbeen much busier than
dent of the National Assn. for the is usual for this time of year, ac-
Advancement of Colored People, cording to Dr. Morley Beckett,
said the filing of the petition Health Service Director.
"must have been a shock to all
decent-thinking people in Little A large number of the students
Rock." reporting to Health yService have
Nine Negro students have been had influenza symptoms or upper
attending the school along with respiratory infection. Dr. Beckett
nearly 2,000 whites under the pro- explained he dislikes calling it
tection of federal troops. Asian Flu, which is quite difficult

Spent Night
Two others, fromh Gafsa and
Gabes in the deep south, were
spending the night at Sf ax and
were expected at the French Em-
bassy this morning.
Tension spread as French sol-
diers surrounded a village on the
Libyan border.
Destruction of a French military
truck by. a land mine, the seizure
of Tunisians by French troops and
the closing of the French consul-
ates cast new shadows over con-
ciliation efforts of the United
States and Britain.
Moved Forcibly
Georges Geara, the French con-
sul at Medjez el-Bab, was the first
to be removed forcibly from his
consulate and brought to Tunis by
President Habib Bourguiba or-
dered the consulates closed 10
days ago but the French refused.
The consuls of Kef and Souk el
Arba were brought after h ving
been told to leave their posts with-
in 24 hours.
The remote village of Remada,
where earlier French troops had
held prisoner the deputy governor,
one Tunisian national guardsman
and a villager, was the scene of
added friction.
The Tunisian ministry of infor-
mation flew in reporters who
found French troops posted 20 feet
apart in a circle around the town
of about 700 persons, next to the
French base.
Tunisian charged French troops
had broken out of the barricaded
base and kidnaped the trio. A
Foreign Ministry note to the
French called the incident aggres-
Chrysler Hits
UAW on Slow
Work Speeds
DErROIT OP)-- Chrysler Corp.,
plagued by labor troubles in recent
weeks, today accused the United
Auto Workers Union of unfair
labor practices.
The company said the union
was guilty of slowdowns, attempt-
ed featherbedding on jobs and
attempted sabotage of work stand-
The charges were aired after
Chrysler sent home some 7,000
workers from its Dodge Main
Plant for the 18th straight day in
a dispute over work standards.
Chrysler said the workers were
sent home because of a failure of
some trim department employes
to perform regular work assign-
The UAW has accused Chrysler
of speedups.
ChryslersVice-President John D.
Leary charged the union with
encouraging slowdowns in produc-
tion. He said the company was
willing to submit to an impartial
engineering firm the question of
whether it has engaged in a speed-
nn Tha TAmmhar n 4,mmneb


Hatcher Calls Free. Education 'State Obligation'

Egypt To Hold
Vote in Sudan
CAIRO, Egypt (A')-Egypt went
ahead last night with plans 'for a
plebiscite today in border territory
claimed by Sudan despite Sudan's
appeals for intervention by the
United Nations Security Council
and the Arab League.
The balloting is on ratification
of the union of Egypt and Syria
in the United Arab Republic and
on election of Egypt's President
.Nasser as chief executive of the
Voting As Citizens
Egyptians and Syrians are vot-
ing as citizens of the new republic
for the first-time.
With the polling only hours
away, there seemed no possibility
of settling the dispute over hold-j
ing the plebiscite in the area where
tha -n-4 a fafa, au . a..anA

to diagnose, but it is treated the
same way,
Despite the large number of
upper respiratory infection cases,
which he emphasized is not an
epidemic, only about 300 students
turned out for the Asian Flu shots
which were offered Feb. 12. Stu-
dents do not seem to be very in-
terested in flu shots any more,
Dr. Beckett said. Such a small
group does not make a clinic
The remarkable fact about the
Health Service situation is that
so many students require hos-
pitalization, he continued.
SGC Petitions
Ready Today,
Petitions for Student Govern-
ment Council elections may be
picked up today in the Office of
Student Affairs of the Student
.l .. .L. _. t

In an article appearing in the
Amherst Student, President Har-
lan Hatcher noted state education
was based on the public obligation
to educate each citizen to the limit
of his ability.
The article, which gave Presi-
rdent H-atcher's viewso n the roie

those who can meet its standards.
Currently, about one of three ap-
plicants is admitted.
This screening does not deny an
unsuccessful applicant the benefit
of a higher education, however,
President Hatcher stressedthe
existence of other public institu-
tions as alternatives to the Uni-

"The business community of
this nation holds that education
is a plain business matter - a
profitable investment to be paid
for by the student," he said.
Proposing a solution to this
problem of student fees,nPresident
Hatcher favored a return to the
financial arrangements which ori-

....... .. .


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