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February 20, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-20

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Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

"Briefly, It Says, 'Have You Ever Thought
Of Trying Non-Fiction?"




'Stragers on a Train'
Exercise in Suspense
"HITCHCOCK THRLER" is familiar to the American suspense
seeker because it bears the consistent marks of clever diabolism,
the time element biting into the necks of the heroes, and the psycho-
logical twists, on the heavy side, that leave audiences squirming in
delighted agonies.
In "Strangers On A Train," we are given two distinct personalities.
Guy Haines, tennis champion and all-American boy, played appealingly,
if not fully, by Farley Granger of the touseled hair: and Brunc Anthony
(Robert Walker), young, sadistic, and sufficiently wealthy to employi
his hours in planning murders.
The men meet, and Anthony makes an unwilling confidant of
Haines by revealing his intense hatred for his money-glutted dad, who
has made him the no-good parasite he is.
It seems that Anthony knows a good deal about Haines, including
the fact that he wishes to divorce his wife. Haines Is just going to see

AY, FEBRUARY 20, 1958


Board of Governors



- l

- I_

Can Provide Discussion Basis

T HE ACTION of the Residence Hall Board of
Governors Tuesday in requesting a thorough
look into roommate placement policies can only
be applauded.
It represents the first time that the Board of
Governors-or anyone else for that matter-has
made or planned a public survey which will
provide everyone interested with enough facts
to come to an intelligent conclusion about the
state of dorm roommate integration.
The intent of the Board of Governors is to
provide the Board with figures of how many
students live with a student of a different race
or religion, and how they feel about the subject.
Although details have not yet been worked
out, birector of Housing Peter A. Ostafin, Mrs.
Elsie Fuller, assistant Dean of Women and
Senior Resident Director Jack Hale will be in
charge of naking the survey. Mrs. Fuller would
like to see a survey of only freshmen applica-
tions, because she says that, after the first
year, students choose their own roommates.
No matter whether the survey is confined to
the freshman level or not, it should be instru-
mental in clearing up the mass of charges and
counter-charges, the scraps of information and
misinformation that are all those interested
in roommate placement policy have had to go
W JEWS live with Jews by choice or by
assignment? Are Negroes placed with whites
when neither object to living together? These
are some of the more controversial questions
which the survey will have to answer in order
to carry out the Boards request for a thorough
But even more basic, although less contro-
versial, the questions of how many students of
the varying religions and races actually live in
residence halls will have to be determined. For
if it is found that all but a handful of students

are of the "white" race, surveys which say thatj
97 per cent of residence hall students live with
someone of the same race-as one did last
spring-will not have any significance in deter-
mining whether there isroommate integration
or not.
The Board of Governors is to be congratu-
lated for getting down to brass tacks, and
seeking to provide a basis from which intelli-
gent discussion and action can be launched.
Hitler's Ghost
Seen in Georgia
THEY SAY that Hitler killed himself but
every now and then something pops up to
make us wonder.
Take, for example, a bill which unanimously
passed the Georgia State Senate last week. It
requires racial labeling of blood taken in Geor-
gia for transfusion purposes.
Said Senator Quill Sammon, author the
measure, "This is not a prejudice bill. (Oh?)
It is a precaution to preserve the dignity and
identity of each race (a bit more subtle than
the Nazi terminology) and prevent the mixing
of the races."
Usually politicians attempt to conceal their
ignorance but in Georgia we have an example
of an entire Senate proclaiming it. Science has
proven that skin color has no influence on blood
type or vice versa. Type "A" is still type "A"
whether it be contained within white or black
The action of Georgia's legislators moves us
to wonder how much longer men will continue
to be dwarfed by the dark shadow of their own

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Religious Instruction
Should Stay in Home, Church

RECENhLY, the State Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee tabled a motion requiring Michigan's
public school children to read the Bible.
This motion introduced by a school board
member from Battle Creek would have made
the school children read ten Bible verses daily
and memorize the Ten Commandments and
the Lord's Prayer by the sixth grade. The only
error of the committee was that they did not
dismiss the motion entirely.
Religion in the public school must never come.
about. First of all, as the various religious
leaders said when they opposed the bill, this
would be a direct infringement on the separa-
tion of church and state. This idea of.separation
was so important to the Founding Fathers that
it had to be made an inherent part of the
Constitution before the Constitution was rati-
Another argument expressed by the clergy-
men was the choice of Bibles to be used. There
are at least seven main editions of the Bible in
circulation. These go from The King James.
Revised Standard Version to The Holy Scrip-
tures of the Jewish Publication Society. Each
text contains many important variations, often
causing one to interpret a passage in a way
that might go against the teaching of religions
other than the one which approved the partic-
ular edition.
. Also, prayers such as the Lord's Prayer are
not accepted by every religion. By forcing a
child to learn something he does not accept,
one could ruin that child's outlook on other
matters as well.
A QUESTION would also be raised as to the
sense of having children learn something
by rote, especially if the child was told by his
parents, who should be regarded as the utmost
authority at a child's formative age, that he
should not believe it. Would not the child soon
begin to disregard anything the teacher said?
Also, a necessary insight and. understanding
to passages like the Lord's Prayer would have
to be instilled in an individual for him to
appreciate and profit from the passage. Con-
sidering the fact that public school teachers
are not theologians, and that there are children
of various religions in a public school class-
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON ................ Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS ................... Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY ................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor
JAMES BAAD ............Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT........... Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLY~ER........... Associate Sports Editor
DIANE FRASER ..............Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMAS BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director

room, this insight could not be presented in a
schoolroom as it could and should be presented
and fostered rightfully in the home and the
The choice of teachers would be another
problem. Most teachers of religion, although
they may try to be as objective as they can,
will still find it hard to avoid prejudicet-In
favor of their own religion.
Elementary school children are at the age
where they will accept almost anything they
hear. Therefore it is. important that a good
basis in religion be established at this time.
This basis carn only be fostered in an atmos-
phere which leads to complete attention on
the part of the instructor and the instructed.
In a public school this attention could not be
complete. Because children of several religions
are found in a classroom and each religion
varies enough, this attention could not be given.
Also there could be terrific confusion on the
part of the school child. Confusion at this
age leads to instability which is very harmful
at this age.
GOOD EXAMPLE would be the discussion
A of hell. Some religions believe in a hell
as a definite place; others, as a certain condi-
tion of the mind; and there are some who
refute the idea of hell entirely. After a teacher
would conclude a discourse of that nature,
children most certainly would want to know
what is to be believed. So, we see that this
would be more harmful than beneficial.
One of the clergymen said that "best results
are to be obtained through voluntary effort
than compulsion," and that therefore religion
should not be taught in the school, but in the
church and home. He has a point about school
instruction as unfortunately not only would
the right instruction be unavailable, but there
are some atheistic families which would not
want their children exposed to any religious
There is still one more factor which must
be mentioned. Since religion would be madej
part of the school curriculum, and since some-
probably many-families would not permit their
children to participate in this "course," what
will these children do during that time. They
must not be made to feel alienated from their
fellow students.
Thus, we should leave the teaching of reli-
gion where it has been taught, in the home
and church. There religion would be com-
petently taught, and the children would have
a much better chance to absorb and learn the
word of God.
New Books at the Library
Lamb, Harold - Constantinople: Birth of
an Empire; NY, Knopf, 1957.
Peterson, Roger T. - The Bird Watcher's
Anthology; NY, Harcourt Brace, 1957.
Rau, Santha Rama - View to the Southeast;
NY. Harner. 1957.

WASHINGTON - Before sub-
mitting his resignation as
disarmament negotiator, Harold
Stassen wrote a confidential fare-
well report wich will probably be
suppressed by John Foster Dulles.
However, it expresses great hope
for the peace of the world.
Stassen informed Eisenhower
that he is certain the Russians are
ready to negotiate a 10-year truce
in the cold war and that this
could be the beginning of a per-
manent peace,
Stassen was blunt and emphatic
in his recommendation that the
United States begin immediate
negotiations, despite the almost
violent opposition of John Foster
Dulles. Unless the United States
acts, Stassen advised, it will be
passing up the greatest opportu-
nity for peace in a decade.
* * *
OTHER American diplomats,
having no ax to grind for or
against Stassen, generally agree.
They and Stassen base their con-
clusion on the fact that Russia
has industrial and farm problems,
needs a respite in competition
with the West. From this respite
could come better understanding
and peace.
Note - In direct contrast to
Stassen's recommendation was
Eisenhower's blunt note to Pre-
mier Bulganin this week, a note
dictated by John Foster Dulles.
Though Ike went out of his way
to write a cordial, friendly letter
to Stassen when he resigned, it's
Diilles' policies he's following in
regard to Russia.
Harry Truman doesn't know it,
but tomorrow (Feb. 21) he is
walking into a breakfast party
given by a former staunch New
Dealer who has become a shaky
New Dealer. He is Clyde T. Ellis,
head of the rural electrification
co-ops, who has received strong
support from labor unions in the

fles vs. Stassen Policies

past, but who is now bucking the
organization bf labor in his own
Ellis, a onetime liberal con-
gressman from Arkansas, resigned
from Congress to head the Na-
tional Rural Electrification As-
sociation, a group of co-ops or-
ganized to fight the big utilities
and promote the New Deal REA.
Somewhat like his friend and fel-
low Arkansan, Orval Faubus, who
was elected with Negro support,
~Ellis has now turned his back on
some of those who supported him.
Ellis has had such a turnover
of office staff that last month 68
per cent of them signed cards sig-
nifying their desire to join the
Office Employees International
Union. Privately some of them re-
ferred to Ellis as Clyde "T for Ty-
rant" Ellis. Ellis has posed as the
great friend of labor, but when
he heard that his own staff want-
ed to unionize, he flipped his lid.
lations Board rules, a vote of 30
per cent qualifies workers to hold
an election, while 60 per cent per-
mits them to organize. Ellis now
claims the 68 per cent who signed
up to unionize didn't understand
what they were doing, and his
board of directors has hired an
Atlanta law firm specializing in
labor relations to negotiate with
the NLRB.
"If the folks want to vote the
union in, they'll have the union,"
Ellis protests.
But meanwhile he's pulling pri-
vate wires to see that they don't
vote the union in. Meanwhile
also, he isn't happy about Harry
Truman's possible reaction to his
'labor problems when Truman
breakfasts as the guest of the
Electrical Consumers Information
Committee, which has strong la-
bor support.
Significantly, President Eisen-

hower is spending his winter va-
cation at the Georgia plantation
of the man whose tight money
policies and drastic budget-cut-
ting started the business toboggan
downward - ex-Secretary of the
Treasury George Humphrey.
Significantly also, it was
Humphrey, now head of National
Steel and long a power in the coal
and steel indlustry, who knocked
industry heads together in the
summer of 1956 to call off a steel
strike which would have affected
the economy just before the 1956
Today, some of Humphrey's
same friends who sit around the
oak-paneled rooms of the Du-
quesne Club in Pittsburgh are re-
ported staging a sit-down strike
on steel. Production is now down
to 54 per cent. If it stays down
for a while, they could well get
a tax cut out of Congress, also
would teach labor a lesson on
wage hikes.
IF THE STEEL operators lose
money this year, they can always
go back to the Treasury on a tax-
loss carry-back and take a good
healthy part of the loss out of
Uncle Sam. Tax benefits are
available to them that the pub-
lic either can't take or can't fig-
ure out in the gobbledygook of
the tax laws.
Meanwhile, if either corporate
or personal income taxes are cut
even five per cent, it means real
keeping money in steel moguls'
pockets in the future.
President Eisenhower's host,
ex-Secretary Humphrey, is the
key man who could probably
break this sit-down strike if he
exerted his influence. Whether
Humphrey's house guest under-
stands this delicate economic
problem and makes the request of
his former Cabinet member re-
mains to be seen.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

her about the divorce, which she
refuses to give him, though she is
pregnant with another man's child.
Now, the double-murder plot
evolves, only Anthony suggests-
the whole plan is his preconceived
idea-that they switch, and kill
one another's hindrance to a good
Haines is horrified, but Anthony,
pushing fate with a mad gleam in
his eye, kills Haines' wife, and
expects him to reciprocate, with-
out any previous afirmation. 2
The frantic noise that follows isI
the result of Haines refusal to
cooperate, and Anthony's efforts
to frame him for the murder.
.* *.
IN USING a cigarette lighter as1
the only real evidence against1
Haines, Hitchcock has a small but
elegant contrivance about whicha-
to manipulate his harried char-f
acters, as Anthony rushes back to
the scene of the crime to plant
the lighter, and Haines must finishi
a tennis match before he can stop
Naturally, the lighter falls into
a sewer, and Anthony is fishing°
for it, while Haines starts pulling
ahead in the match. The parallel-
ism of their progress, one played
against the other, is the central
thread of tension that Hitchcock
employs, beore the two men and'
the police finally meet.
Though obvious in its intent to
increase suspense, using the old
cut from one character to the next
and return, was effective.
PACING IN THlE story was ex-1
cellently handled, with alternation
of extremely tense moments
against the more subtle incidents
of low power.
The basic throb of tension, the
urgent undercurrent that pushed
toward final justie, carried the
film past the usual level of chase
and retribution, onto a plane of
coherent scenes, relevant to the
story line and movement.
Robert Walker overplayed his
psychotic role, but in his more
subtle moments, displayed sensi-
tivity to the nuances of a dis-
turbed mind.
As a vehicle of suspense, the
film succeeded, because of a solid
story line, which helped one over-
look the contrivances leading to a
semi-plausible finish.
-Sandy Edelman
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
'sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ug, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Student Automobile driving permit
holders are reminded of their responsi-
bility to report any change of owner-
ship, address, license number, insur-
ance information, etc. (Section 11 -
Administrative Code), to the Office of
Student Affairs, third floor of the Stu-
dent Activities Building, within 5 days
after occurrence. Office of the Dean of
Engineers: Campus interviewing and
plant visits will be discussed by Prof.
John . Young, Assist, to the Dean
of Engineering, at a meeting open to
all engineering students Wed. and
Thurs., Feb. 19 and 20. at 4:00 p.m. In
Room 311, West Engineering Bldg.
The next "Polo Shot" clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., Feb. 20, only
from 8:00 am, to 11:45 am, and 1:00
a.m. to 4:45 p.m, in the ealth Serv-
ice. All students whose 2nd or 3rd
shots are due around this time are
urged to take advantage of this spe-
cial clinic. Studentsare reminded that
it is not necessary to obtain their

regular clinic cards. Proceed to Room 58
in the basement where forms are avail-
able and cashier's representatives are
present. The fee for injection is $1.00.
Psychology Colloquium: "Perceptual
Conditions of Association." Dr. S. E.
Asch,- Swarthmore College Department
of Psychology. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 21,
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
The following student sponsored -so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on the Tuesday prior to
the event.
Feb. 21: Chicago, Delta Uposilon,

",, DAIL MICHIGAN,"latest
Gargoyle venture into the
field of yellow journalism, is a
more or less curious affair at best.
Ann Arbor and University citi-
zens who have been anticipating
with great lasciviousness this curl
sity since first seeing the current
posters are in for a disappoint-
ment. While there is no doubt that
the issue has its high and low
points, it seldom lives up to the
outrageous claims made in posters
and advertisements spread all over
campus promising "The Gargoyle's
annual satire of The Michigan
Daily on sale Feb. 20."
The theme of the "Daily Michi
gan" follows the famliar patterns
set by other recent satires, Includ-
ing "The Michigan Doily" and
"The Michigan Dilly" The for-
mer was a cheap tabloid of taste
and wit; the latter a cheap full-
size paper of doubtful taste and
wit. "The Daily Michigan" is the
third in the series.
THIS TIME the big attraction
is fat, balding David Kinzel, to
whom most of the copy owes its
curious origin.
He is the estranged nephew of
the manager. of a local "student"
organization and cafeteria who
very early in life learned that ori-
ginal food is an intestinal thing.
He spends the better part of the
Issue exploring the implications of
this thought from one end to
another. All this discussion of
"Onion" food made for a wonder-
fully democratic atmosphere, but
it is perhaps a little hard to swal-
As an American groping for
French words to describe certain
practices which cannot be men-
tioned here, Kinzel's best comio
moments come when someone else
Is writing copy.
Daily Michigan" Is Vernon Nar-
whale. Narwhale, like Kinzel and
other Gargoylers, is faced with
the ticklish 'problem of how to
simultaneously satisfy the Bo-
hemes, the Quaddies, the fat lady
next to me who kept munching,
popcorn as I was trying to glance
over the paper, the Fat Crowd, the
apartment set and the Board rt
Control of Student Publications.
He does rather well,.considering
the caliber of the lines he writes
"I'm gonna get, that Vice-Presi-
dent," he bravely declares, "even if
I have to give up my Quad citizen-
In addition to the curious per-
sonalities of the persons who
wrote and edited "The Daily
Michigan," there are other thing,
about the issue worth mentioning.
Several cartoons, including the one
with the Turkish officer, were cut
by the censor in the Dean's office
although they were definitely
AS FOR the newspaper itself, I
would have enjoyed reading it
more were it not for constant in-
terruptions by the hawker on the
Diagonal who seemed to'envision
obscenity as the magazine's only
People were constantly milling
about, and it was extremely cold
out there, something about which
the Gargoyle people should really
take steps if they expect to keep
their readership contented.
There is much that could be said
concerning headlines, stories, car-
toons, photographs and the like.
But the whole thing seems a little
lukewarm after Brigitte Bardot.
-Peter X. Tine

AT THE Ankara conference of
the Baghdad Pact, Secretary
of State Dulles acted rather like
the skittish young man at the
wedding who couldn't remember
whether he was supposed to be
best man or. bridegroom.
In his relation to the Baghdad
Pact, Mr. Dulles seems . . . to
want all the joys of matrimony
without being willing to give the
poor girl a ring.



Debate Challenge Accepted

Issues .. .
To the Editor:
TCHE YOUNG Republicans note
with satisfaction the Young--
Democrats' recent attempt at
patting themselves on the back;
we regret that we cannot do it for
them."In fact, the YR's would like
to take issue with a few things
that were said in the YD letter
to the Editor of Feb. 16.
First, the YR's would like to
apologize for the poor job that
was done on fee last debate, we
wish there was room to explain
the full circumstances behind our
failure, if such it was.
Second, let it be known that we
will be glad to debate the YD's
again. However, we would prefer
to debate some valid issues, not

we suggest that they get the facts
straight first. They might refer
to that great voice of liberalism,
The Reporter, of Feb. 9, 1958, p.
Perhaps, after reading this ar-
ticle and a few more, they might
have a better idea where responsi-
bility for our missiles dilemma
We were delighted to hear that
the YD's are looking forward to
their own peculiar form of anni-
hillation. It is the sincere belief
of the Young Republican Club of
the University of Michigan that
two strong political voices are
needed on this campus.
If annihilation means the YD's
continued existence on campus,
we are all for the idea.
-Jerry Lutz, '59,

Perhaps someone who knows
something about basketball might
volunteer to work with the team
a few hours a week. I don't think
that he would have to take up too
much of his time. You would be
surprised what a few basic point-
ers could do!
First, he could explain to them
that to break a zone defense, one
does not take jump shots outside
of the circle, that you try to over-
load a zone with the aid :of an in-
side offensive player.
He could then go on to an even
more fundamental idea, that bas-
ketball is a team game built
around pass patterns. Generally,
one is not to remain stationary
and wait for the ball, but is to
move around the court with a
certain degree of speed and



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