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February 20, 1958 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-20

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.by Pain Borman
Michigan's Intramural standings are reminiscent of those of the
American League in that both have seen one team dominaing first
place year after year.
In the junior circuit it's the New York Yankees while in Ann Arbor
Sigma Phi-Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Gomberg House and the Seldom
Seen Kids fill the bill as leaders in their respective leagues.
Although this season is far from over, it seems as though it will
take quite a fight to dislodge any of these teams from first place.
If it is to be done, however, it had better begin soon. And there will
be no better opportunity than today and Saturday in the I-M indoor
track finals for the challengers to capture valuable points.
The Sig Eps, winner of eight of the last ten titles, continue to
1 dominate the Social Fraternity League with 755 points. They currently
hold a 50-point margin over second place, Lambda Chi Alpha, while
Phi Delta Theta is in third place with 666 points. The Phi Delts
managed to tie for first in last year's -track meet and if they or LCA
can cop a first place finish Saturday over the Sig Eps, it would move
them within striking point of first place.
Definitely Professional.. .
In the Professional Fraternity loop, the job of dethroning Nu
Sigma Nu will be next to impossible. With former Big Ten stars like
Tad Sanford, Harry Allis, Froncie Gutman and Dan Cline in their
lineup, the Nu Sigs would probably give any of Michigan's varsity
teams a good run for its money in almost any sport. Psi Omega is
closest to the Nu Sigs, yet still a long way off, trailing by almost 70
The other two I-M loops seem to boast better chances for an
upset. In the Residence Halls, Cooley has come *up from its seventh
place finish last year and is currently right on the heels of first place
Gomberg. A meager five points separate the two teams and if the men
from East Quad can pull the upset, it will be the first time in five years
that the Big Red have not held the top slot.
Once again the Independent League has a spectacular two-team
fight between the Seldom Seen Kids and the Evans Scholars. Last
year the battle was carried right to the wire with the Kids winning.
They currently lead the Scholars by only 18 points and it looks as
though every point will count in another of their photo finishes.
Student-Faculty Rivalry .. .
When the week of March 3 rolls around, the teams will take time
out from battling each other and steer their vengeance towards the
faculty in the annual student-faculty battle. There will be a total
of 13 different events including volleyball, squash and handball and
if a student should happen to be pitted against one of his former
teachers, watch out! ,
The week of March 3 will also usher in the Intramural all-campus
bowling tournament at the Union which will feature teams competing
withing leagues as well as student-faculty rivalry.
" #
Highly-Rated Trampolinsts
Strengthen 'M' Gym Team

Star Backstrokei
Gains Eligibility
BY CARIM RISEMAN Swim coach Gus Stager was i
Michigan State's powerful swim- formed yesterday that star bac
ming team will face a definitely stroker, John Smith, has been d
improved Michigan squad when clared eligible and will participv
the two teams clash Saturday in the Michigan State meet.
afternoonat the varsity exhibition Smith was considered by Stag
pool as the top freshman prospect l

LCA Beats
In 1-11PlayA
Last night's Social Fraternity
"B" I-M basketball schedule in-
cluded five games in which both
teams were undefeated and in
which the qualifiers for first place
playoffs would be determined.
By far the most interesting con-
test of these saw Lambda Chi Al-
pha defeat Sigma Alpha Mu in
overtime, 27-26. The Sammies
had fought back from a 12-10
halftime'deficit to go ahead, 23-
21, with minutes remaining in
the game. But Lambda Chi took
the lead for the third time before
a free throw tied it up for the
Sammies, 25-25, to send the game
into overtime.
With the score 26-26,, Jack
Winter sank a foul shot to win
the game for Lambda Chi.
Easy Wins
Chi Psi, Sigma Chi and SAE
all had little difficulty In beat-
ing their previously unbeaten op-
ponents. Chi Psi outplayed Kappa
Sigma in both halves to win, 33-
13. Sigma Chi coasted to a 35-17
win over Sigma Nu, and SAE
whipped Alpha Tau Omega, 29-19.
Delta Tau Delta also encount-
ered little. trouble from Beta
Theta Pi, winning 29-20.
A minor upset occurred when
ZBT was dropped from the ranks
of the unbeaten by Chi Phi, 36-12.
Sigma Phi Epsilon remained
undefeated with a victory over
Tau Kappa Epsilon, 33-18, after
leading, 17-8, at the half.
Mike Silber scored 16 points,
best individual effort of the night,
to lead Phi Sigma Delta to a
30-19 victory over Sigma Phi. Joe
Drasler scored 14 for Theta Xi as
his team romped to a 38-14 vic-
tory over Phi Kappa Tau.
In other games last night: Del-
ta Upsilon downed Alpha Epsilon
Pi, 36-16; Theta Chi beat Pi
Lambda Phi, 19-12; Delta Sigma
I-M Ping-Pong
Chicago House defeated
Adams House for the I-M Resi-
dence Halls Ping-Pong Cham-
pionships. Francis Lemery,
Rudy Hernando and Vee Rade-
baugh won for the victors.
Phi defeated Delta Chi, 23-9, and
Alpha Delta Phi dropped Zeta Psi,
Phi Gamma Delta beat Phi
Kappa Psi, Psi U downed Tri-
angle, Tau Delta Phi dropped Phi
Epsilon Pi, and Phi Sigma Kappa
downed Acacia, all on forfeits.
In Faculty basketball, Sweepers
defeated Gamma Delta, 36-30,
and Michigan Co-op forfeited to
Med Sox in a scheduled independ-
ent contest.

Of all gymnastics events, the
one which is most appreciated by
spectators is the trampoline.
Thus, spectators at Michigan
gymnastics meets are fortunate in
being able to watch one of the
best trampolinists in the nation,
and six or seven of the best in the
Big Ten.'
Of course, they won't see them
all in one meet, since the limit on
entries in any one event is three.
But regardless of who is entered,
whether he be Ed Cole, last year's
Big Ten Champion, Dick Kimball,
Jack Eckle, Frank Newman, Chuck
Clarkson, or Al Stall, the Michigan
fan is in for a treat.
Exemplary of the skill of Michi-
gan trampolinists are their per-
formances in the team's tvro meets
this season. In the first against
Minnesota, Clarkson, Newman,
and Eckle swept first, second, and
third respectively. Cole and Kim-
ball, the team's top two trampo-
linists, could not compete due to

conflict with a swimming meet In
East Lansing.,
Against Central Michigan last
Saturday] a divided Wolverine
squad combined to take the first
five places.
Cole is undoubtedly an out-
standing performer. A top-flight
diver, he started trampolining
when he was sophomore as \prac-
tice for his diving. In just two
years, Cole developed into a tram-
poline star, now practicing tram-
poline almost five hours a day.
Comparing trampolining to div-
ing, Cole noted that "the tram-
poline takes much more endurance
than people realize. In diving, you
have one dive to perform with a
long time to rest in between dives.
But here you have a long routine
with only 20 seconds rest between
Gymnastics Coach Newt Loken
was somewhat uncertain about
whom he would enter in the Big
Ten meet in March, but was not
unhappy with the task of deciding.


Michigan's Marchello Stays Unbeaten

Michigan's only undefeated
wrestler this year, Jack Marchello,
is described by Coach Cliff Keen
as "The man with the unorthodox
style who stills gets things done."
Marchello, himself, is inclined to
agree with Keen. "I don't really
wrestle," he says. "I just call it
passive resistance."
Regardless of what you call' it,
Marchello has certainly usede it
to great V advantage in the years
he has wrestled.
He first wrestled for Thorton
High School in Midlothaen, Illi-
nois, where he became the 175-1b.
Illinois State Champion. However,
at the time Marchello weighed
S only 160 pounds.
Football Star
Besides being a top wrestler in
high school, Marchello was All-
Chicago area guard in football. In
fact, the reason Marchello came
to the University of Michigan was
that he received a football schol-
"The trouble was that I was too
light for a guard and I got kicked
around too much," says Marchello,
"So I decided to turn to wrestling
up here."
In his sophomore year Marchello
won the ,Big Ten 177-lb. Cham-
pionship and last year he was run-
nerup in the 167-lb. division of the
Big Ten.

m .,_.

Because of a heavy scholastic
load the first semester of this
year, Marchello wasn't sure wheth-
er he would be able to wrestle.
However, he caught up on his
studies during the Christmas re-
cess, and started working out early
in January.
Marchello is in Architecture and
Design, majoring in Product De-
sign. He is a senior as far as eligi-
bility is concerned. However, he
doesn't have enough credit hours
to graduate until next year.

"I would like to go into free
lance produce designing, design-
ing athletic equipment," said Mar-
chello. "But I guess that's the
extent of my sports interest after
I graduate."
Marchello's roommate, assistant
Coach Charlie Anderson, who him-
self wrestled several years for the
Wolverines says of Marchello,
"He's a likable, easy going fellow
who has somewhat of a biting wit,
but he can always cheer everyone








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