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February 19, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-19

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Georgia Game
Approach Constructive
See Page 4

S ir 43gau

Da it~g

Latest Deadline in the State




Calendar Study
Plan Announced
Twelve-man Committee To Include
Faculty, Students, Administration
Prof John C. Kohl, of the engineering college and the Senate
Advisory Committee, will chair a new 12-member committee for an
"exhaustive study" of the University calendar.
Announced yesterday by University President Harlan Hatcher,
the committee is being organized and will include faculty, student
and administration representatives.
Prof. Kohl has stressed that the work of the committee will not
be "a mere shuffling around of dates."
Group To Study All Areas




He indicated the study
endar-considering whether
Israel May
Offer New

the f


Cuts Vacation
Meet Advisors

By The Associated Press
Events were moving fast yester-
day in the effort led by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower to bring
about an Israeli exodus from Egypt
and Gaza..
Israel, insisting on security from
future attack, was reported offer-
ing new proposals in reply to
Eisenhower's latest appeal to pull
Eisenhower is interrupting his
Georgia vacation to fly back to
Washington today for new talks
with advisers and a meeting to-
morrow with Democratic and Re-
publican leaders of Congress.
Situation Serious
Senators in Washington said
they were told the President and
Secretary of State' John Foster
Dulles regard the situation in the
Middle East as very serious.
Some said they believe the -ues-
tion of United States support for
possible United Nations sanctions
penalties againset Israel will be
discussed at the bipartisan meet-
But Sen. William F. Knowland
(R-Calif.), Senate Republican
leader, was said to have informed
the State Department he will not
go along with any punishment of
Israel not matched by sanctions
against Russia, Egypt and India
for disregarding UN recommenda-
tions affecting them.
Knowland UN Delegate
Knowland is a member of the1
United. States delegation to the
United Nations General Assembly
by appointment of Eisenhower.
He said he would make known
whether he would continue that
assignment after he finds out what
the administration plans to do.
The African-Asian group at the
UN which has a heavy percentage
of Arab country membership, de-
layed a move to ask Assembly
punishment for Israel.
The group has penalty resolu-
tions almost ready for Assembly
Israel's Ambassador Abba Eban
has been called back to Jerusalem
for consultations and will not be,
able to return with new instruc-
tions by then, the spokesman said.
New Points
Eban was called back by Israeli
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
who conferred in Jerusalem with
United States Ambassador Edward
Lawson and presented what were
described as several new points for
Israel has made it clear it wants
some guarantees for shipping in
the Gulf of Aqaba and for sup-1
pressing raiders based in the Gaza
Strip before pulling invasion forces
out of either area.
Missouri Fire
Brings State
moval of the bodies of 70 victims
from the steaming rubble of an
old folks home moved slowly yes-
terday in sharp contrast to the
speed of the flames which turned
it into a fiery death chamber.
The inferno Sunday at the Katie
Jane Memorial Home brought
quick demands for tighter state

will dig into all phases of the cal-
inal examination period might be
Oshortened or eliminated, whether
mechanical improvements might
allow a shorter time for registra-
tion and classification, and whetl-
er the yearly filling out of the
"railroad ticket" might be elimi-
"Complaints have been far
spread and persistent enough that
the Dean's Conference feltthere
should be an immediate evalua-
tion," Prof. Kohl explained.
Student Government Council
called for Jan. 16, "an immediate
evaluation of the calendar" to take
place and recommended it include
"students, teaching faculty, regis-
trar's office, faculty counselors,
and athletic department."
SGC Heeded
Composition of the committee
closely follows SGC's recent rec-
At least two students and two
faculty members, Director of Reg-
istration and Records Edward
Groesbeck, a literary college facul-
ty counselor, an engineering col-
lege counselor, a Board in Control
of Inter-collegiate Athletics rep-
resentative, James D. Shortt of
the University Relations Office,
Prof. Paul S. Dwyer of the mathe-
matics department, a statistical
expert on calendaring, and a Daily
representative will comprise the
Members Unnamed
SGC will appoint the student
representatives and the Senate Ad-
vistory Committee will name the
faculty members to the committee.
"We want to make this an in-
clusive study," Prof. Kohl said
yesterday. "We want to bring every
area into consideration."
He stressed that the committee
is "not operating on an acceler-
ated time schedule. We are going
to try to come up with sound rec-
ommendations and sound reasons
for them."
Rains Relieve
Texas Drought
DALLAS (A')-What weather ob-
servers called probably the best
general rains since last spring fell
over drought-hit Texas during the
weekend and continuedri in m f S

On Israel1
The United States yesterday ob-
tained delay of United Nation As-
sembly debate on the Middle East
to give more time for Israel to con-
sider American proposals to break
the Israeli-Egyptian stalemate.
The UN announced an Assembly
session scheduled for today had
been postponed to Thursday at re-
quest of the United States.
This was done, informed sources
said, so Israeli Ambassador Abba
Eban could fly to Jerusalem for
consultations with Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion on the Ameri-
can proposals for Israel to with-
draw completely from Egypt.
Not Enough Time
Israeli sources said Thursday
might not be sufficient time for
the consultations and suggested
the Assembly might not meet until
With the cancellation of today's
Assembly session, the 27-nation
Asian-African group called off a
meeting for last night at which
it planned to consider growing de-
mands from Arab countries for
sanctionsagainst Israel.
A leading Arab spokesman, Fad-
hel Jamali of Iraq, sounded a
strong call for sanctions in a
speech to the Assembly's special
Political Committee on the prob-
lem of Arab refugees from Pales-
Advocates Sanctions
Jamali said if the UN is to serve
the cause of peace it must force
Israel "even by the application of
sanctions" to respect the right of
Arab refugees in Palestine. He
said the problem of the refugees
affected the peace and stability of
the whole Middle East.
The United States, unsuccessful
so far in direct consultations with
Israel to persuade the Israelis to
leave Egypt, was reported survey-
ing the situation with other dele-
gates but not taking a direct hand
in shaping up a resolution for the
Canadian Plan
Some other countries, however,
were consulting on a resolution
with the hope of arriving at a text
which would achieve results with-
out imposing economic, financial
or military restrictions on Israel.
It was reported that Canada was
one of these countries.
Canada was said to be consider-
ing a revival of a Canadian pro-
posal for the Assembly to give
specific instruction for the UN
Emergency Force to take positions
behind the Israelis as the Israelis
withdrew from the Sharm el
Sheikh area of the Gulf of Aqaba
and the Gaza Strip.
The Canadian idea was dropped
earlier this month in favor or a
more vague formula favored by
the United States and India. The
vague resolution has not worked
and the Canadians are considering
another turn at their plan.

Army Seeks
To Eliminate
Guard: Walsh
WASHINGTON ()-The presi-
dent of the National Guard As-
sociation testified yesterday that
the Army is trying to drive the
guard down "the road to extinc-
Maj. Gen. Ellard A. Walsh also
took another swipe at Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson for
having said that during the Kor-
ean War the Guard was a sort of
No evidence has been produced
or can be, Walsh said, to back up
"the extremely serious, slander-
our, and irresponsible charges
which have been levelled against
the National Guard"
Walsh spoke out in strong terms
before a House Armed Forces sub-
Chairman Overton Brooks (D-
La) said Wilson has been invited
to appear before the subcommittee
any day this week and "we hope he
will avail himself of this invita-
The subcommittee is taking a
look at the Army's six months re-
serve training program and the
plan to apply it after April 1 to
all National Guard recruits who
have had no military training.
If that is done, Walsh said, "we
are going to lose 100,000 men in
two years, and with that, we are
on the road to extinction."
"If our alleged friends in the
Pentagon are permitted to have
their way," Walsh said, "then in
truth we shall have had the kiss
of death placed upon us. ."
Senate Bill
T alk Slows
ate got tied up on a big money bill
yesterday, causing postponement
of its scheduled debate on Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's
Middle East resolution.
Majority Leader Lyndon John-
son (D-Tex), announced the
Middle East debate, expected to
continue for about two weeks,
will start tomorrow instead.
The delaying factor was an ur-
gently needed deficiency appro-
priations bill carrying 357 million
dollars for various government
Sen. Theodore Green (D-RI),
chairman of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, will spea'k first
on the- Eisenhower resolution, a
measure aimed at checkmating
any aggressive expansion moves
by the Communists in the Middle
Sen. Knowland (R-Calif), the
Republican leader, predicted pas-
sage by better than a 2-1 margin
while Johnson said:
"We are going to have full and
thorough debate this time but I
have the belief and hope the reso-
lution can be passed substantially
in its present form."
As revised by the Senate For-

?"1 7 T T - T ? s T1-

Debaters Urge K ashmir Plebiscite

To Oppose

The Kashmir dispute should be
settled by a plebiscite was the con-
sensus of opinion at a forum at-
tended by more than 100 people in
the Union last night.
United Nation Emergency Force
occupatioft in Kashmir and the
withdrawal of Indian and Pakis-
tani troops from the disputed ter-
ritory was advocated by Archie
Singham, a Ceylonese student.
"Neither the Indians or the Pak-
istanis have any business in Kash-
mir, only the people of Kashmir
should decide this problem," Sing-
ham said.
George Abi-Saad, an Egyptian,
said the temporary annexation of
Kashmir by India in the 1940's
was necessary becauseof the in-
vasion by Pakistani troops. An-
nexation was not to -be permanent
until the people of Kashmir de-
cided their own fate and this
hasn't come about. "A plebiscite is
the best solution."
Appeal to Law
Every country has the right to
decide its own future, Juan Matus,
a representative from Chile com-
mented. "When two nations think
they are right, as India and Pak-
istan do in this case, they should
appeal to international law. No
nation can make justice by its
own hands," he concluded.
Fritz Reichert, a German, point-
ed to the settlement of the Saar
question as a realistic solution of
the Kashmir question.
He pointed out that the French
held the practical power in the
Saar region, yet submitted the
final decision to the people of the
Saar. This was done in the inter-
ests of European unity, he ex-
plained. India and Pakistan should
do the same in the interests of
Asian unity.
Pakistani viewpoint was stated
by Samin Kahn who explained the
historical background of the dis-
pute. The Indian-Pakistani sub-
continent was divided because the
Hindus of India and Moslems of
Pakistan were unable to exist to-
gether. The large Moslem popula-
tion of Kashmir justifies its an-
nexation by Pakistan, he con-
'Aid Against Tyranny'
"Pakistan tribesmen entered in-
to Kashmir to aid those people
against the tyranny of the Mah-
arajah who was a Hindu," Khan
India has rejected eleven United
Nations resolutions dealing with
the Kashmir question. Khan com-
mented, "This is in line with the
general intransigence of India."
He said "only the people of
Kashmir have the right to decide
their own future."
Indian position was stated by
Suresh Srivastva who said that
See GROUP, Page 2
Dockers Delay
Work Return
Inde finitely

-'a-mun-a m urss
KASHMIR QUESTION-Juan Matus of Chile advocated judicial
means of settling the Kashmir question in a debate on the dispute
last night.
Elliott Reported To Be
In Ann Arbor Vicinity
Associate sports Editor
A highly authoritative source told The Daily last night that
Chalmers "Bump" Elliott, backfield coach of the Iowa football team,
was present in the Ann Arbor area yesterday.
The report shed some light on persistent rumors that Elliott, a
former Michigan backfield star, is being seriously considered as suc-
cessor to Don Robinson, who re-"
signed as Wolverine backfieldT
coach yesterday.
Elliott, the source said, 'is in
the vicinity, but "cannot be L sc d ld
reached." Reschedled
Still another source in Ann Ar-
bor claimed Elliott has been of- Under Secretary of the United
fered the job, plus the position of Nations Ralph Bunche has post-
assistant athletic director. U
Speculation as to Elliott's poned his appearance in the Uni-
elaions t n ar- versity Lecture Course, according
whereabouts grew out of anr- to Lucille W. Upham, ure
ticle in a Detroit newspaper yes- W.,Upam,.Lctur

- i.. .Vinf T ML..




- - -I Cit~y Mayor

Improvement Plans
Deemed 'Essential'
For Growing Town
Ann Arbor voters yesterday
nominated incumbent William E.
Brown Jr. as the Republican can-
didate for mayor in the Spring
elections, at the same time sound-
ly defeating the proposed Capital
Improvements Plan.
Unofficial totals show that
Brown defeated his opponent by
a majority of 918 ballots. Approx-/
imately 5,000 of the 23,828 regis-
tered voters ballotted in the pri-
Brown, who ran against Dom-
inick A. DeVarti, will oppose
Democrat Samuel J. Elderveld
University political science pro-
fessor, in a bid for his seventh
term as Ann Arbor's Mayor.
Bond Issues Defeated
Electors refused to support 'any
parts of the city's proposed Capi-
tal Improvements Plan. The six
bond issues, which totaled $3
795,000 dollars would have pro-
vided the city with storm sewers,
park improvements, 'a swimming
pool, a new city hall and fire sta-
tion and improved refuse disposal.
City planners had regarded the
plan as essential to an expanding
community. But the voters ap-
parently didn't see it that way as
each issue failed to get the neces-
sary 60 per cent of the vote
needed for its approval.
No Predictions
City, officials had refused to
predict the outcome of the pro-
posed bond issues though there
was no organized campaign
against the plan. Several city or-
ganizations, including the City
Council were backing it.
Had it passed, the citizens
would have approved an improve-
ment program costing over 12
million dollars of which they
would pay, through taxes, ap-
proximately one third.
In spite of the defeat of the
project, which he had solidly
backed, Brown seemed in high
spirits. He was very happy over
his nomination, he told The Daily
"However, I am unhappy over the
results of the voting on capital
improvements. The people passed
up a great opportunity for expan-
sion that will cost more in the
Other Races
"But," added the veteran cam-
paigner, "we will still get along."
Ward-centered races of yester-
day's balloting for City Council
nominations involved GOP con-
tests in the First and Fourth
wards and a Democratic race i.
the Second ward.
The Democratic nominees are
Ralph C. Fletcher and Robert L,
'Republican nominees are Dr.
David G. Dickenson incumbent
and Robert J. Wollam of the First
ward. Ronald ' Hinterman and
George A. Keebler took the GOP
nominations from the Fourth
City elections for mayor and
Council will take place April 1.
Will Testify
Discussions of fees, utilization
of existing facilities and the case
for faculty salary increases are
expected to highlight hearings on
the University's operating budget
in Lansing today.
Vice-President William Stirton,
who has been active in negotia-
tions with the legislature, pre-
dicted the University's adminis-
trators would benefit in testifying
from the fact that "someone else
has paved the way." Michigan

State's administrators faced the
Senate Finance Committee last

areas yesterday. - --
Farmers said they fell at just I K p
the right time. gK p
The Weather Bureau said occa- PP
sional rains will continue for theOntvdsa Lt )
next five days. On Uias List'
The rains ranged up to five ,
inches, the heaviest in some places Sigma- Kappa's local sorority at
since the drought began some the University of Minnesota has
seven years ago. been placed on the school's "bias
Nine deaths could be blamed on list," according to The Minnesota
the weather. Eight were in traffic Daily.
accidents on rain-slick highways Minnesota's Senate Committee
and streets. The other occurred on Student Affairs, the newspaper
when a Western Union lineman said Friday, approved "the sincere
touched a live wire while repair- effort made by the local chapter
ing lines damaged by high winds, and alumni association to complyl

For details of Robinson's
resignation, See Page 3.
terday, which reported he was of-
fered the job as backfield coach
at Michigan. Head football coach
Bennie Oosterbaan said he had
no knowledge of an offer to El-
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler was in Detroit yesterday,
and could not be reached for com-
Various friends of Elliott denied
having seen him here, and his
wife, contacted at Iowa City, Ia.,
said only that he was "out of
The 31-year-old coach, who was
A tA mnot hA lfbr kn the Wn1-

C~ourse secretary-.
Since Bunche is being sent to
the Middle East by the United Na-
tions, the date of his discussion,
"What Is Happening in the
Middle East" has been changed
from Monday, Feb. 25 to 4 p.m.
Sunday, March 31 in Hill Aud.
Holders of tickets of the earlier
date are asked to note the change.
Tickets for the postponed lecture
will be placed on sale about the
middle of March.
I"C Symposium
Set for. Tonight
Inter-House Council will hold
the first of a.series of symposiums

Rains, generally lighter than in,
Texas, fell over some of the re-
maining Southwestern drought
territory of New Mexico, Okla-
homa and Arizona.
But the drought hasn't been
Noted Auth

_. UU =w= } wvv=N~ = "Jvu NVL"V AUA-atwimou naoaK o mawosonreiginsof heWesnieon o
with University policy." eign Relations and Armed Serv- NEW YORK P)-Striking dock- verine powerhouses of 1946 and on religions of the West in one of
The local chapter at Minnesota ices Committees, the resolution ers from Maine to Virginia yes- '47, is one of many thought to be the first floor dining rooms of
went on the "bias list" when the would declare the preservation of terday delayed their return to considered for the key Michigan West Quadrangle, 7:30 p.m. today
national sorority withdirew or sus- the independence and integrity of work at least until tomorrow. job according to Drake Duane, '58, ad-
pended charters from its Cornell the Middle Eastern nations "vital Leaders of the International Assistant line coach Bob Hollo- ministrative vice-president.
and Tufts chapters, which had to the national interest and world Longshoremen's Assn. (Ind.) an- way, assistant backfield coach Rev. Henry Kuizing of Ann Ar-
pledged Negro women. peace." nounced a tentative contract Don Dufek, and Ann Arbor High bor's First Presbyterian =Church
agreement with shippers here School football coach Hank Fonde will lead the discussion on Protes-
Sunday night. The pact was sup- have popped up in recent conver- tantism.
posed to send 45,000 longshore- sations as possible choices for the Duane emphasised the sympos-
men streaming back into the job. ium is for members of all faiths,
,' 1 docks to end a six-day walkout. Elliott started his coaching ca- Protestants to gain a deeper
)res ,Lecturer To Sp eak But ILA leaders of 4,500 Hamp- ree' at Michigan in 1948 as assis- understanding of their own relig-
ton Roads, Va., longshoremen said tant backfield coach, later moved ions and others to learn about dif-
Noted authoress, and lecturer In 1939, she became editor of it might be Friday before they on to Oregon State. ferent ones.
Barbara Ward will speak at 8:30 "The Economist", and later was would end their strike. And 6,000
p.m., today, at Hill Aud. in the elected a member of the Council dockers in Philadelphia were
sixth of a series of programs of the Royal Institute of Interna- deadlocked with shippers over lo- I W o1l7wRu d
sponsored by University Oratori- tional Affairs. Ical issues. Fp'orMR L
cal Association. Miss Ward is known to millions In New York, a dissident ILA
An editor of "The London Econ- for her broadcasts on the BBC spokesman said, "We are not go-
omist," a specialist in both econ- "Brain Trust", the British coun- ing back and leave Philadelphia By The Associated Press
omics and foreign affairs, the terpart of "American Forum of on the street." RABAT, Morocco-Reliable sources reported yesterday 20 French
author of thiee books, and ara- the Air" and "Information Baltimore's 7,400 longshoremen Tsoldiers were killed fighti'g Moroccan irregulars last Friday in the
dio commentator in her native Please". also continued idle as shippers w ondependence.
England, Miss Ward is notable for Her first visit to this country balked at accepting a coastwide stiffest fight since Morocco won independence.
the clarity with which she can was in 1942 while attached to the pact. *
make complex issues intelligible to nIritish Ministrv of Tnfrnmation . So. for 211 nrcticaln irnos WASHINGTON-Playwriglt Arthur Miller, 41, was indicted on


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