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May 28, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-28

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,QI4r Mdign aily
Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Omiion, &A"re
Trutb wimlPrevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The Thinking Citizen-
Accomplishments and Prospects

"I Forgot To Tell You - The Schedule's Been Changed"

'Sleeping Prince'
Awakes Too Late
T HE BRITISH stage, in the past few generations, has been deserved-
ly famous for its rich repertoire of whimsical satire. With names
like Shaw and Wilde still resounding in the occasionally deprived ears
of American playgoers, one seems to expect from England nowadays the
sort of mannered fantasies of politics and diplomacy that native play-
wrights seldom turn' their hands, their pens or their interests to
The Sleeping Prince, from its title and its program synopsis gave
every indication of being just such a play. Terrence Rattigan, the auth-



JITHIN the next few weeks, this university
and others throughout the nation will
graduate thousands of young men and women
from the ranks of studentship into the ranks
of full-fledged American citizenship. Com-
mencement exercises will dot the countryside
and stock will be taken of past accomplish-
ments and future prospects.
Viewing the past, the graduate should ask
himself why he has gone to the trouble of
being educated, and for what purpose has he
undertaken this educational experience. Ordi-
narily, he will find several reasons. Among them
should be the acquisition of techniques and pro-
cesses of clear thought and an awareness of the
responsibilities and rights of good citizenship.
The graduate may have had numerous other
motivations for coming to college-professional
training, appreciation of culture, interest in a
particular study-but if learning has been con-
fined to mere preparation for earning a living.
or pursuing selfish ambitions, the graduate
has been trained but not educated.
In order to have meaning, formal higher
education must have more to it than attain-
ment of skills whereby social and economic
status can be elevated. College education should
have an underlying principle, that of learning
the techniques of thinking and the responsibili-
ties of citizenship. The product of a university
education should be the thinking citizen.
This does not depreciate the importance of an
individual's particular study. Indeed, thinking
citizenship can be attained best by the disci-
pline of study. But if four years of college has
been limited to memorizing mathematical for-
mulae, reading English novels, or cataloguing
a list of historical events, it has been merely
mental exercise, not an educational experience.
OR THE GRADUATE who has not obtained
the qualities of, thinking citizenship, the
time has not yet passed when he can do so. A
careful review of his four years should indicate
the essence of his purpose in becoming edu-
cated. For the graduate who realizes his capac-
ity for thinking citizenship, a careful considera-
tion of future responsibilities is in order.
Citizenship is more than rights and privileges.
Citizenship is obligation. This is especially true
for those of us who have had the benefit of
higher education. Because we have been more
fortunate in receiving the benefits of education,
our obligations to society are greater than
those who have been less fortunate.
There will be immediate and tangible obli-
gations, and distant and ill-defined obligations.
Young men, for instance, face an immediate
military obligation, one not to be taken lightly
nor regarded as an imposition. Many people for
many years have worked hard, fought bitterly,
and died painfully to make this country what
it is today. Young men, as responsible citizens,
should be Ivilling to give of their time and
talepats to preserve that which others have
sacrificed to produce.
In the long run, the most positive contribu-
tions can be made in the course of everyday life.

In this area, the college graduate will be able
to most profitably utilize his education and his
thinking ability for the commity's welfare.
Problems facing the nation today are immense.
Centralized government is infringing on the
rights of states and individuals. Yet, in our
complex economy, onlythe federal government
has the resources to satisfy the needs of the
people. Where is the line to be drawn between
government control required to accomplish
what is deemed necessary and the individual's
right to determine for himself how he will
arrange his life?
Theoretically, all citizens have equal rights.
In practice, this is not so. A sizeable group of
our citizens are deprived of their inalienable
rights to life, liberty, and particularly the
pursuit of happiness. Legislative and judicial
steps have been taken to rectify the situation
but in doing so, other citizens claim that the
right to choose their own associates and the
right to privacy have been curtailed. How is
this problem to be reconciled?
In foreign affairs, America claims to stand
for the preservation of democratic ideals and
processes. Yet, the United States finds it man-
datory to ally itself with totalitarian non-com-
munists in order to survive the onslaught of
totalitarian Communism. Must we rely on such
expediency to retain our liberty and ideals, or
will this eventually drag us down into the abyss
of slavery?
There are no easy answers, no clear solu-
tions to questions of this nature. Only a
thoughtful, alert citizenry can cope with them.
This is the realm in which the graduate of
today can, by bringing his thinking capacities
to bear, become the thinking citi Ln of tomor-
row and make his contribution, not just to the
local community in which he happens to reside,
but also to the larger national and international
If, on the other hand, today's graduate and
tomorrow's potential thinking citizen succumbs
to the creeping materialism, spiritual deca-
dence, and social complacency which this
country shows signs of falling prey to, if he
becomes so absorbed in providing for his own
welfare that he neglects his responsibilities to
the community, then, rather than carrying his
share of the burden, he will have substantially
detracted from the vitality of the mind and
heart of America. In this internal threat lies a
greater danger than the despots in the Kremlin
can imagine in their most clever schemes.
LITTLE OF WHAT has been written here is
original, profound, or complicated. But be-
cause of its simplicity and human forgetfulness,
it bears repeating. Once away from the Univer-
sity, the graduate becomes his own teacher and
must remind himself of his education and its
consequent responsibilities.
Only this way can any of us fulfill our obli-
gations and take just pride in being thinking
Editorial Director

The Summer Goof-off

WHAT HAPPENS to the college
student in the summer, cul-
turally speaking? This burning
question has obsessed me all week,
so that I am now a shadow cdf my
former self. If you've seen my for-
mer self, which was pretty horrible
to begin with, you can perhaps
imagine what a ghastly sight I
am today. I wish I could go and
lie down somewhere; but no -
harsh journalistic pressures force
me to continue.
I recently took a cross-sectional
poll (two buddies of mine, one
from the midwest, one from the
east) concerning summer cultural
activities. Both these fellows live
in or nearby teeming metropolises,
as they used to say on the radio.
The midwest guy said that he
spent most of his vacation eve-
nings watching quiz shows and old
movies on television. The eastern
fellow confessed that an occasional
trip to the drive-in movie sufficed
for him. Even then, he did not
attend solely for the purpose of
broadening his cultural life. I'll
say no more about that, so get the
gleam out of your eyes.
first to grant that these two guys
are not paragons of worldliness,
their lack of cultural interest once
off-campus is notable. How come?
Because while on campus these
two jokers regularly attend con-
certs, plays, lectures and such.
They profess a great interest in
them. But once away from the
college milieu and its accompany-
ing pressures, they become cultural
Are they the exceptions, or is
their attitude common? If it's
common, then it's pretty scary to
those of us who scare easily. For
two semesters, students may en-
gage in all sorts of cultural pur-
suits up here, flaunting their im-
pressive collection of ticket stubs
to sheepish roommates. Then they

go home to a chosen vacuum of
television and drive-ins. A
From this pattern of behavior,
we are led to believe that many
students, upon graduation, will
sink back into their quagmires,
never to set foot in a theatre or
concert hall again. Imagine - a
lifetime of "What's My Line?" It
is depressing, no?
All of which leads me to cast a
jaundiced eye on the value of cul-
tural exposure in Ann Arbor. The
idea up here is to enrich the
students life and prepare him for
a future of new, artistic interests.
But, often, it just ain't so.
This leads to the question of
sincerity. Do we really enjoy this
artistic business, or do we pretend
to because it is expected of us as
college people? I'm not going to
attempt to answer this, because
there are people on both sides of
the fence.
But in many cases, it becomes
all too clear that Joe College and
Betty Co-ed (false names) are
faking it. They don't really dig
that pianist who played here last
night, but they don't intend to let
anyone know their little secret.
THE PRESSURE to be arty is
more peculiar to a college com-
munity than any other kind. Once
out of school, slapping business-
men's backs and raising kiddies,
other pressures move in. Your next
door neighbor is probably a Law-
rence Welk worshipper and cares
not a whit for your artistic pref-
erences. If these preferences are
not honest ones, deeply felt, they
are dropped pretty quickly.
In spite of appearances, it is not
this column's intention to ram cul-
ture down the throats of those
with no appetite for it. Rather,
this column merely acquaints, and,
if I'm lucky, illuminates. So I
offer summer suggestions for those
so inclined.
You don't have to be a city

dweller to get professional theatre
these days. All across th'e country,
summer stock theatres flourish in
every out of way village. Find a
barn and you often find a theatre
in it. Most productions are of the
recent Broadway vintage which is
sometimes fortunate and some-
times not. In any case, stock shows
are not amateur shows.
THE MUSICALLY inclined cat
finds himself with more and more
festivals every summer. The most
famous is the Tanglewood clam-
bake in the Berkshire Mountains.
Starting in July, the Tanglewood
festival spotlights the Boston Sym-
phony plus many soloists, and
new works. Right here in.
what's the name of this state
again . . oh yeah, right here in
Michigan, close by, is the National
Music Camp at Interlochen. Run
under the auspices of the Univer-
sity, the NMC features opera, op-
eretta and drama as well as con-
The jazz afficianado can look to
the new Newport Jazz Festival in
Rhode Island. This summer, the
bash takes place the first week
of July, extending four days. Prac-
tically every living jazzman willj
will be on the scene for playing
purposes and discussions. There
may even be a few dead ones this
year if things keep up. Jazz festi-
vals beneath the stars are also
found in Connecticut and New
York City, to my knowledge.
So don't fall prey to TV myopia
this summer. And don't get carried
away with drive-in movies. Get
out and drink in great gulps of
Kulchur this summer. You just
might find yourself having fun,
Barring the possibility that its
author flunks out, The Culture Bit
will be back in the fall, same time,
same station.

or, has been hailed as foremost
stage writer in England.
The plot, the period, the actors
all promised to be entertaining, to
be a nostalgic and funny dip into
the super-real. Unfortunately,
however, nromses aren't always
THE YEAR is 1911; the scene,
the Royal Carpathian embassy;
the acting, dreadful. Young Miss
Mary Morgan (Joan McCracken),
known on the stage as laine Dag-
enham, is caught up in an affair
with the Grand Duke Charles of
Carpathia (Charles Lederer) and
is, to begin with, quite unhappy
about the whole affair.
In an effort to resist his amor-
ous advances, Miss Dagenham
gets drunk, passes out and is
forced to spend the night in the
gentleman's suite.
The next morning she awakes,
finds to her amazement that she
loves the Grand Duke and pro-
ceeds to declare the state of her
affections. He rejects her ad-
vances, but the girl, now deeply
involved with his elegant wife and
lonely young son, refuses to leave
and threatens to become a per-
manent attachment to the house-
After some simple attempts at
political intrigue, she soon regains
his affections and departs alone in
martyred glory.
FOR A COMEDY, the material
is surprisingly unproductive of hu-
mor. Perhaps one or two lines are
funny per scene but very seldom
do even these get the treatment
they deserve.
The second act is much better
than the first, but the total ef-
feet is disappointing. One cannot
help wondering what Shaw, J.M.
Barrie, or even Noel Coward might
have done with a similar situation.
If Rattigan is truly the foremost
English dramatist, it is kind to
hope, as is probably true, that this
is not one of his better plays.
The script is the sort that en-
courages over-acting but both
Miss McCracken and Mr. Lederer
seem to realize this a little too
fully. They posture and gesture
and try very hard, but their ef-
forts are just spasmodically con-
Only Tamara Geva, the Grand
Duchess, is dramatically impres-
sive. Her talent adds interest to
an otherwise uninspired evening.
-Jean Willoughby
Comet Game
WATCHERS of the sky no longer
expect to find new planets
swimming into their ken but they
continue to find many new comets.
It is a kind of game.
Amateur and professional as-
tronomers search the skies for
these strange wanderers in space.
Amateurs used to do somewhat
better as their telescopes could
sweep more of theskies than the
photographic apparatus of the
Each new comet is reported to
Copenhagen Observatory if seen
in Europe or Asia or to the Har-
vard Observatory if seen in the
western hemisphere. It is given a
name and a number.
When it has been spotted.two or
three times on different nights the
mathematical sharks go to work
and figure out its probable orbit.
-The New York Times

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Mihi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1957
General Notices
Regents Meeting: Fri., June 14: Co
time must be Inthe President's hands
not later than June 5.
Plans for Commencement
Commencement - Sat., June 15, 5:30
Weather Fair
Time of Assembly: 4:30 p.m. (except
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 4:15 p.m.
In the Lobby, first floor, Administra-
tiou Building, where they may robe.
(Transportation to Stadium or Field
House will be provided.)
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 4:15 p.m.
in Administration Building, Room 2549,
where they may robe. (Transportation
to Stadium or Field House will be pro-
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges on paved roadway and grassy
field, East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tun-
nel) to Stadium in four columns of
twos in the following order:
SECTION A.- North side of pavement
-Literature, Science and the Arts.
SECTION B - South side of pavement.
- Education (in front), Engineering
(behind Ed.), Architecture (behind
Eng.), Medicine (behind Arch.)
SECTION C - On grass field in a line
about 300 South of East - Nursing
(in front), Law (behind Nursing),
Pharmacy (behind Law), Dental (be-
hind Pharmacy), Business Admiis-
tration (behind Dental), Natural Re-
sources (behind Business Admin.)
SECTION D .- On grass field in a line
about 450 South of East: Music (in
front), Public Health (behind Music),
Social Work (behind Public Health),
Graduate (behind Social Work with
Doctors in front).
March into Stadium - 5:00 p.m.
In case of rainy weather, the Univer-
sity fire siren will be blown between
4:00 and 4:15 p.m. indicating the exer-
cises in the Stadium wiUl be abandoned.
Members of the Faculties, Regents
Deans, etc., will assembly at the same
places as for the fair weather program.
Graduates will go direct to Yost Field
House at 5:00 p.m. and enter by the
South door.
To all students having library books:
1) Students having in their possessio4
books borrowed from the General i-
brary or its branches are notifid that
such books are due Wed., June 5.
2) Students having special need for
certain books between June 5 and
Tues., June 11, may retain such books
for that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3) The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Fri., June 14, will be sent to
the Cashier's Office and their credits
will be withheld until such time as
said records are cleared in compliance
with the regulations of the Regents.
..The General Library will be open a
a.m.-10 p.m. on Memorial Day, Thurs.,
May 30, 1957.
Divisional libraries will observe regu-
lar schedules on May 30, with the fol-
lowing exceptions: Astronomy, Bureau
of Government, and Phoenix Libraries
will be closed; Architecture and Dentis-
try Libraries will close at 5 p.m.; Muse-
ums Library will open 2-5 p.m. only.
On Saturday evening, June 1, the
General Library will remain open un-
til 10 o'clock. On June 2, regular Sun-
day hours of 2-6 p.m. will be observed
in the General Library. Social Science
and Angell Hall Study Hall will be open
7-10 p.m., Sun., June 2, as study rooms.
These libraries will be closed on Sun,
June 9. The Medical Library, however,
will maintain regular hours, indluding
the Sunday schedule of 2-8 p.m.
throughout June,
Hours in the Music Listening Room
have been extended to cover 1-6 p.m,
and 7-10 p.m., Fri., May 31, and Mon-
day through Friday, June 3-June 7.
Saturday, June 1 the hours will be 9
a.m.-12 in., 1-6 p.m., and Sun., May 26,
and June 2, hours are 7-10 p.m. The
Listening Room will be closed starting
Saturday, June 8, until the beginning
of Summer Session.
Divisional libraries will observe their
regular schedules during the examin.

ation period. Any exceptions to custom-
ary hours of opening will be posted in
each library.
Starting Tues., June 11, and contin-
uIng until the opening of Summer Ses-
sion, the GeneralLibrary will close at
6 p.m. Divisional libraries likewise will
go on reduced schedules at this time.
Recreational Swimming Hours - Wo-
men's Pool:
Starting Thurs, May 30 and continu-
ing through Sun., June 9, the hours
will be as follows:
For women only: Mondays through
Fridays 4:00-6:00 p.m. Mondays, Tues-
days, Thursdays, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Satur-
days, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Co-recreational hours, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Sundays,
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Faculty Family Night: Fridays for
families with children under 8 years,'
6:30-8:00 p.m. For other faculty fami-
lies, 8:00-9:30 p.m.
Michigan Night: Sundays, 7:15-9:15
In addition to the above, the pool
will be open to all eligible swimmers at
the following times:
Fridays, June 14 and 21, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Sat., June 22, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Sundays,
June 16 and 23, 7:15-9:15 p.m.








Tuition Increase

ALTHOUGH the tuition increases approved
yesterday by the Regents should not have
been unexpected, the boosts carry more than
the superficial unpleasant implications.
The possibility of a tuition boost was dis-
cussed at previous Regents' meetings. The
probability was assumed continually through-
out the recently ended legislative session.
When the Legislature's appropriation fails
to reach the financial needs of the University,
something must give.
It could have been pay increases for the fac-
ulty. It might have been the projected rise in
student enrollment. But it is the students' wai.
WITH THE State's income insufficient to
I support the demands of the agencies it
has an obligation to support and with the
Legislature's determination to "hold the line"
against any real tax increases, it became in-
creasingly clear that any giving would not
come from Lansing.
Tax boosts are unpleasant, even more dis-
liked than fee increases because they affect
more people.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN.. ........ Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK. ...Associate Editorial Director
MARY FINN THOMAS........... Features Editor
DAVID GREY...................... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
ARLINE LEWIS........ ... women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MArON G LDATTWTN _.. Asociate Business Manager

Therefore, during the legislative session just
ended, many legislators expected and de-
manded a fee increase.
Only the Regents have the power to control
the University's tuition rates. Legislators, in
assuming a tuition hike, implied a control over
the actions of the Regents - a board consti-
tutionally established at the same level as
the legislature and the governor's office.
H OLDING the purse strings, the Legislature
has, when viewed realistically, edged into a
position where constitutional power becomes
outweighed by the practical power of financial
As a result, in the flexible compromising
that's part of the legislative process, the prin-
ciple of inexpensive education for the citizens
of this state has been abandoned.
Squeezed by the pressures from Lansing, the
University found it necessary to agree that
20 per cent of its operating costs will be paid
by student fees, which originally were levied
to pay for health service and other incidental
Students undoubtedly recognize the need to
help finance their education, but a limit exists
on their ability.
The load becomes all the heavier and un-
palatable when it appears the Legislature is
not doing what it can to support education.
To do this, more money is needed.
The state's need for more funds will have
to be answered. The needs of a growing state
are pressing now and rising for the future. They
cannot be ignored by any "hold the line policy"
IT IS TIME the Legislature takes a long range
view of education's need for more financial
Until then, increases in tuition can be re-
garded only as the price of short range poli-
tical and practical expediency,
New Books at the Library


Two Unproductive Years-For TV, That Is

Daily Television Writer
JT'S BEEN almost two years now
since I walked into the office of
The Michigan Daily and humbly
suggested that a newspaper as
progressive as The Daily should
keep up with progress and include
a television column among its
other outstanding features. (Flat-
tery does get you somewhere,
At that time I had just con-
vinced my parents that a televi-
sion set is a necessity in a third
year oollege student's apartment
and that it wouldn't interfere
with my studies. And since I had
won that major battle, I had com-
plete confidence in my plight to
convince someone at The Daily
that even though they had little
room on the editorial page for
anything but the Daily Official
Bulletin, Letters to the Editor,
movie reviews and a few other
things that they should include
an unprecedented column deal-
ing exclusively with television.

To point this out, you can just
look at the various ratings of the
Top Ten programs on television.
There isn't a show in that group
that has emerged since Septem-
ber, 1955. And this fact seems
even more depressing when you
consider the great number of pro-
grams which have been born
since that time.
They say that television is the
hardest medium in show business
because the public expects so
much and tires of a program in
such a short period of time. If this
is true, why hasn't the public tak-
en to any of the new programs
that have come on the air since
The newest television program
in the Top Ten is the "$64,000
Question" which came on in the
summer of 1955. It is slowly de-
clining in popularity and should
son drop from the most popular
shows on television. None of its
successors in the big-money quiz
area have ever reached any level
of popularity, except possibly the

I do not want to give the im-
pression that a program has to be
in the Top Ten in order to be
good. There are a few programs
which do not find themselves in
the Top Ten, but which are never-
theless good programs. An ex-
ample of such a show which has
emerged since 1955 is "Playhouse
90." But then even this show does
not present good television every
And even though this show has
been somewhat better than most
of the newer shows, we find that
the old standbys of dramatic tele-
vision ("Studio One", Robert
Montgomery, Kraft and Good-
year) have decreased in popular-
ity because of their decrease in
* * * -
A PROGRAM can be good and
still not be in the Top Ten. The
ratings do not measure quality.
But, although sometimes unfor-
tunately, the ratings decide gen-
erally what shows stay on the air,

Wednesday night show, the cast
of Hit Parade and many of the
newer programs. And surprising-
ly enough, television's highest-
rated show, "I Love Lucy," will
come to a close at the end of this
season. (Lucy and Desi will pro-
bably do eight variety shows in-
It doesn't seem as though next
year will be any more productive
than the last two years. You can
expect to see re-runs of the old
"I Love Lucy" shows, Charles Van
Doren as a performer, Jolly Jack
Lescoulie and quite a few new pro-
NEXT YEAR at this time, the
Top Ten will probably still in-
clude Groucho, Sullivan and the
others. Maybe we have come to
the end of a cycle in television en-
tertainment and will have to start
over again.
We could get Milton Berle to do
a variety show on Tuesday night
and Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca
for Saturday night.


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