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May 26, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-26

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University Enrollment
And The Future
See Page 4

Yl r e

Sir. 43a

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Latest Deadline in the State




























Also Approves. $7,159,000
For Capital Outlay Program

Mobs Riot As Civil War
Follows Feud in Haiti
PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (A') - Apparent civil war flared yester-
day from Haiti's bitter and tumultuous political feuding.
Mobs raged through the streets of Port au Prince, looting, burn-
ing and stoning buildings.
Small arms fire crackled throughout the capital as two rival
chiefs of staff battled for control of the army and Haiti. Coast

Special to The Daily
LANSING-A $30,250,000 oper-
ating budget and a $7,159,000
capital-outlay program for the
University were approved last
night by the legislature.
Final passage in the House came
after a heated partisan floor bat-
tle. The bill passed the Senate on
the first vote, 33-1.
The' operating budget was a
compromise between the $30,315,-
000 originally approved by the
House and the $29.1 million fav-
ored by the Senate.
House Opposition
Stiffest opposition to the bill
came from the House where two
legislative conferences were called
before final passage, 60-46.
The Rouse unanimously passed
the University's capital-outlay
program 100-0.
A oitter House fight came on a
$20,800,000 operating budget ap-
propriation for Michigan State
University. A 1;compromise gave
MSU $21,000,000 for operation and
$251,000 for capital outlay.
Rep. Chester Wocniak (D-Ham-
Tu ssle Wong
-gBy Stassen
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower settled an
argument in his official family
yesterday and directed Harold
Stassen to negotiate with Russia
for a disarmament treaty designed
to bring the atomic arms race to
an early end.
After a dramatic White House
meeting of the President and high
aides, it was announced that is-
sues had been "resolved." Stassen
is speeding back to London today
to :resume the arms control talks
Stassen, th e administration's
disarmament specialist, apparently
*won the basic instructions he had
been seeking in a 10-day .behind-
the - scenes tussle with Admiral
Arthur W. Radfora.
The United States p o s i t i o n
finally approved by the President
will aim at restricting possession
of atomic weapons to the United
States, Britain and France, ending
their manufacture of any more
such weapons and, with full safe-
guards will seek to limit and later
stop atomic tests.
To Compile
Fallout Data
WASHINGTON (P)-A congres-
sional subcommittee sets out to-
morrow to gather into one pack-
age the nation's best scientific
data on the dangers of fallout
from nuclear explosions.
A worldwide debate as to wheth-
er these dangers are great enough
to call for an end to H-bomb tests
has been growing hotter and hot-
ter for months.
It has apparently increased pres-
sure on United States and Russian
An interpretive article on
radiation dangers appears on
page 4.

tramck) said "The University got
more money than it*deserved. If It
wants money it should raise stu-
dent tuitidn."
Carey Heads Opposition
Rep. Edward Carey of Detroit,
Democratic floor leader, spear-
headed his party's opposition to
both bills.
"MSU has expanded more rapid-
ly than the University in recent
years. It is not fair to" cut the
MSU budget by such a large
amount and not the University's,"
Carey said.
The conference committee's ap-
propriation bills reduced MSU's
operating budget by $1 million.
The committee also deleted the
Senate's amendment that would
have enabled the universities to
begin immediate construction by
financing bonds with up to 40 per
cent of student fees.
The University could have ob-
tained $13,331,000 and MSU $12,-
365,000 under the amendment.
University President Harlan
Hatcher said the dropping of the
bonding amendment "doesn't sur-
prise me. It has a great many in-
herent problems."
University officials indicated
they were prepared to go ahead
with the prop'osal if it was passed.
The Republicans opposed the
bonding amendment because it
was of no benefit to smaller
schools, would result in increased
tuition and would have given a
X21 million interest rate for 14
House Defeats Proposal
The House defeated the appro-
priation proposal of the first con-
ference commnittee, 48-45, after
several Republican voted with the
After the vote a Republican
caucus and a second conference
committee was called.
An hour later the bill was pa'ssed
with MSU getting a $220,000 ap-
propriation increase.
With the capital outlay funds

appropriated, the University will
be able to complete only those
buildings now under construction.
Those include: the Undergrad-
uate Library, the Social Science
and Language Building, and one
unit oof the Fluids, Engineering
Building on North Campus.
Pleven Sees
Long Crisis
In France,
PARIS (A') - Rene Pleven
plunged into the French political
whirlpool yesterday and sent out
word that a solution for thena-
tion's Cabinet crisis will be a tough
job and takes a long time.
This surprised no one.
The tall ex-prenier, leader of a
middle-road splinter group, set
up temporary headquarters in an
annex of, the Foreign Ministery to
begin a series of talks with leaders
of other parties and with promi-
nent officials.
Spokesmen for Pleven's own
party, the Socialist and Demo-
cratic Union of the Resistance,
UDSR, emphasized that Pleven
does not intend to form a Cabinet
They stressed that he is simply
acting as agent for President Rene
Coty, in sounding out political
opinion on who and what can put
a new Cabinet together.
This position could, however, be
only a maneuver to set the stage
for a "draft" of Pleven to succeed
Premier Guy Mollet as chief of
Mollet resigned Tuesday when
Parliament rejected his tax pro-
posals to pay for France's cam-
paign against the rebels in Algeria.

Guard artillery began firing into
the city in midafternoon,
Communication Cut
Soon after 'this dispatch was
sent all cable communication be-
tween Haiti and New York was
An attendant at the radio sta-
tion eight miles outside Port au
Prince - the last point in Haiti
that could be reached bytelephone
-said he was closing down "be-
cause the situation is going from
bad to worse."
The attendant said there was
no telephone communication be-
tween his station and the city and
that strikes had halted all trans-
"It's Getting Dangerous"
"There are many rioters and it's
getting very dangerous," he said.
"I must get back to my home."
Police Chief Col, Pierre Armand
attempted a coup by seizing army
He was trying to replace Briga-
dier General Leon Cantave, the
army chief of staff who overthrew
the Negro republic's civilian Exec-
utive Council last Tuesday.
But Cantave refused to submit,
and the army split wide open. The
coast guard appeared to be back-
ing Armand.
Storms Lash
Midwest rea,
Cause Floods
By The Associated Press
Tornadoes, torrential rains and
hailstorms lashed sections of Tex-
as, Oklahoma and Arkansas again
The downpour, accompanied by
winds ranging up to 75 miles an
hour in gusts, sent already swollen
streams and rivers swirling out-
of. their banks to flood highways,
streets, underpasses and low-lying
residential sections in dozens of
More than 400 families fled their
homes in Fort Worth, Tex., where
flood damage was said to be the
worst since a similar disaster in
An early morning tornado de-
stroyed a house and several-barns
and damaged other buildings at
Kibler, near Fort Smith, Ark.
Yesterday's violent weather fol-
lowed in the wake of tornadoes
that swept across Texas and Okla-
homa Friday.

Martial Law
Calms Riot
In. Formosa
TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)-Martial
law backed by 33,000 Chinese Na-
tionalist soldiers enforced com-
plete calm in Taipei yesterday put-
ting a swift end to anti-American
rioting that wrecked the United
States Embassy and other centers.
As the tension eased, United
States authorities relaxed their
warnings for Americans to stay out
of sight.
Americans were advised they
could move out of door§ again
without undue risk, but were told
to hold their excursions to a mini-
mum for the time being.
Smoldering Resentment
Smoldering resentment s t111
could be sensed and most Ameri-
cans sat tight. United States mili-
tary personnel donned civilian
garb when venturing out.
Overcast skies and intermittent
downpours emphasized the dismal
situation in Taipei and there was
little Saturday night gaiety after
night fell. There seemed to be a
feeling that it would be a long
time before things were as they
used to be on this island.
President C h i a n g Kai-shek's
government held a special two-
hour meeting to discuss Friday's
fierce outburst in which the United
States Embassy, Consulate and In-
formation Office were wrecked,
more than a dozen cars smashed
and 13 Americans beaten or man-
Aquittal Triggered Riot
Resentment at theacquittal by
a United States court-martial of
an American soldier, Master Sgt.
Robert R. Reynolds of Cobora, Md.,
on a charge of voluntary man-
slaughter, triggered the rampage.
The sergeant shot and killed a
Chinese laborer he charged with
peeping at his wife in her shower
March 20. The sergeant said the
Chinese attempted to attack him.
The six men and two girls in-
side the embassy who bore the
brunt of the violent demonstration
told how seven waves of rioters
surged through the two - story
brick building smashing furniture
and typewriters and hurling docu-
ments and wreckages out the win-

... Brandon's successor

Regents Pick.
Of Relations
The Regents yesterday approved
the appointment of Lyle M. Nelson
to succeed Arthur L. Brandon as
Director of University Relations.
Brandon resigned his post to
become vice-president of New York
University next fall.
Nelson's duties will include
supervising the University Rela-
tion services: Information and
News, Special Publications, Non-
Educational Conferences and Stu-
dent Organization Toul s.
He will also chair the Broad-
casting (Radio-Television) Com-
mittee and act as general co-ordi-
nator of internal and external
public relations functions.
At the present time, Nelson is
the President of San Francisco
State College in San Francisco.
Before then he was the assistant
to the president of the Educational
Television and Radio Center in
Ann Arbor.
Regents Give
SGC Approval
Special to The Daily
GAYLORD -- Student Govern-
ment Council's two-year trial
ended yesterday as the Regents
unanimously granted official ap-
proval to the organization.
The Regents received the eval-
uation report submitted by dice-
President for Student Affairs
James A Lewis. A motion by
Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel of Ann
Arbor congratulated "the students
and faculty members who have
given their time and thought to
establishing SGC."

Announce Raise
Of 25 Per Cent
In-state Fees Upped to $250 A Year;
Outstate Students Will Pay $600
Special to The Daily
GAYLORD - Increases in tuition were announced yes-
terday as the University yielded to what President Harlan
Hatcher called "outright pressure from the Legislature."
Fee boosts of 25 per cent and higher were approved by the
Regents during their annual spring meeting at Hidden Valley,
near Gaylord.
Beginning next fall, udergraduate Michigan residents
will pay an additional $25 a semester ahd outstate students
will pay an increase of $65*
per semester. U
The 25 per cent increase in resi -C u Reveals
dent fees raises the tuition from
$200 to $250 a year. The increase
in non-resident tuition from $470 New Medical
to $600 per year represents a hike
of slightly more than 27 per cent.
After making the announce-
ment, President Hatcher said the
Legislature' pressure s t e m m e d special to The'baily
from "its view that those who at-
tend institutions of higher edu- GAYLORD - The University's
cation should pay a higher share plans to establish a medical school
of its costs." at Grand Rapids leaked out from
'Outpricing Students' an "off the record" Regents meet-
President Hatcher and various ing yesterday arousing charges of
Regents had expressed opposition "dishonorable conduct."
to fee increases because of the President Harlan Hatcher called
danger of "pricing students out of the Detroit Free Press stories of
the educational market." the meeting's discussion "the most
Members of both the House. and flagrant violation of newspaper
Senate had demanded fee in- ethics I've ever encountered with
creases as cuts were made in the any newspaperman."
University's requested operating The discussion of tentative
appropriation of $34,121,458. plans to purchase Calvin college
After the Senate originally in Grand Rapids as the State's
slashed the University appropria- third medical school and an in-
tion to $29.1 million, Senate Ap- vitation to a meeting called by
propriations Committee chairman Governor G. Mennen Williams
Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield) de- took place at a regular business
clared that, "the trouble with the meeting held Friday night.
University is that it believes in Newsmen covering the, formal
giving everyone a free education. meeting yesterday morning were
We should keep pace with our invited to Friday's meeting for
neighboring institutions like Ohio background purposes. It was the
who- charge- $600 per year. first time a regular business meet-
On March 21, President Hatcher ing was opened to the press Both
told legislators that the Univer- University officials and the Re-
sity would agree to a $1,100,000 gents made it clear that proceed
cut and make up the difference ings of the meeting were not to
with a tuition increase of about be publi-ized.
15 per cent. At the meeting, the Regents
The agreement was offered in authorized President Hatcher to
an attempt to standardize student begin .steps toward establishing
fees at 20 per- cent of the educa- the school.
tional costs. It would take seven years for
"We're trying to get some kind the proposed school to begin op-
of base to prevent reoccurances of erations and would cost four mil
attempts to raise fees without re- lion dollars, President Hatcher
lation to anything," President said.
Hatcher said yesterday.
The increase announced yes-
terday, was authorized after the Beck Decides
individual houses approved deep-
er cuts in the University's appro-
priation. Sil Not To Seek
Enrollment Still Rising
It was an attempt to reach the
desired operating budget of about
40 million dollars.
Coupled with the expected en- WASHINGTON ()-Teamsters
rollmefit rise of 2,100 over the union president Dave Beck an-
present enrollment of 22,000, the nounced last night through his
tuition boost will bring the Uni- secretary, Ann Watkins, that he
versity an additional 1.8 or a total will not stand for re-election to a
of 9.4 million dollars, Wilbur K. new term as head of the teamsters
Pierpont, vice president in charge union.
of business and finance said. Miss Watkins said Beck had also
Other approved tuition raises authorized her to day that he is
brought yearly fees in Music calling a meeting of the union's
School to $410 foi'r Michigan resi- international executive board for
dents and $700 for non-residents. about mid-June. She said she was
Public Health was raised to $410 not sure of the exact date.
and $840, - Medical ,and Dentis- Beck until now had insisted that.
try Schools to $550 and $980 and he would run for re-election at the
Law School to $350 and $700. union's -convention, due to con-
vene in late September in Miami.
His reversal of intent evidence
Labor M akes recognized the growing move with-
in the teamsters union to oust

Nlhim from the union's helm.
0tnThe 62-year-old Beck has been
the main target of Senate rackets
Washtenaw County contractors, investigators who accused him of
carnenters and laborers are still taking more than $320,000 of

Wolverine Netters Win
Third Consecutive Title
Special to The Daily
EVANSTON - Michigan's tennis team turned in a near-perfect
performance under rain-soaked skies at Northwestern's tennis courts
yesterday to insure the squad of its third straight Big Ten title.
Despite a six-hour delay of the tournament because of rain, six
singles finals were played and the powerful Wolverine squad cap-
tured the first five championships.
The tournament resumes today at 1 p.m. with the three doubles
championships and several consolation rounds still to be played. The
Wolverines are in all three doubles finals.
Respectable Lead
Michigan has built up a respectable lead of 57 points and has
already clinched the title. The other teams and their point totals

are as follows: Northwestern 38; "'
Iowa 28/2; Indiana 28; Illinois
Drgaana eason o ]i
16%;OSU8; Minnesota 6; Mich-
igan State 5; Purdue 0.J
Barry MacKay, Mark Jaffe,
Dick Potter, Jon Erickson, and'
John Harris all won their singles By DIANA FRASER
championships with Bob Gray of Romance between the regent of a mythical European monarchy
Indiana being the only non-Mich- and an American chorus girl develops into the plot for the third
igan player to win in the finals. Drama Season production "The Sleeping Prince."
The only sad note of the entire
tournament for the Blue was Francis Lederer, Joan McCracken and Tamara Geva will share
senior Dale Jensen's loss to Grey the spotlight in this romantic comedy opening at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
of Indiana, 6-3, 6-3, in the semi- at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play will run through Satur-
final round of the sixth singles. day, with matinees at 2:30 p.m. Thursday and Saturday.
Grey later went on to defeat Dick Terence Rattigan, hailed as England's foremost, contemporary
Siebert of Northwestern in the playwright, wrote "The Sleeping Prince" in honor of the coronation
finals, 6-3, 6-1. of Queen Elizabeth II. It was originally produced in London with
The fAnrws Flacay played Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh.
brilliantly throughout the meet Francis Lederer Stars
to retain his first singles/title. Go- Starring as the proud ruler will be Francis Lederer, star of the
ing into the finals,-the lanky se- international entertainment world. A prominent figure on stage and in
nior had yet to lose his first set. motion picture, his most recent film assignment was playing opposite
However, he almost met his equal Olivia deHavilland in "The Ambassador's Daughter."
in Iowa's Art Andrews. Andrews.

.ye 'Sleeping P

negotiators now cautiously work-
ing towards a partial disarmament
However, Representative C. Hol-
ifAlt mT_~ai tm rhirs of a



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