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May 25, 1957 - Image 1

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


OL. LXVII, No. 171




T[ Budget Bills
ait for Action






LANSING-The legislature 1
U nable toge a legisltiv C
bills, the lawmakers found the d
Senatgr Robert Faulkner (I
conference committee said, "It aj
will adopt the House bill giving th
Athletic Aid
RPln elaXed
EVANSTON, Ill. (IP) -Big Te
athletic leaders yesterday acted t
modify the conference's controver
sial new finanicial &id to athlete
program, especially aiming to pro
' vide more scholarships on the basi
of academic ability-.
At their annual spring sessiox
the leagu e' faculty representativ
present recruiting regulation i
athletic staff member to vsi hc
2 iterview a prospective athlete of
'campus after the athlete has ac
cepted a tender of aid.e a
visit or interView with a prospec
tive athlete off campus.
In a separate session, the policy
m a k in g faculty representative
proposed to alter the clause in th
new aid program which allows
tuition grant to an athlete wh
graduates in the upper third of hi
high school class and thereafte
maintains a B average.
v Under the revision, help wouli
be awarded an athlete in th
amount of room, board, books, tui
tion and fees .if an entering stu
dent is in 'the upper Quarter of hi
highr school class and maintains ai
academic average no lower thai
the upper fourth of the men stu
dents in his school division.
This change requires a 60-da:
deliberation period and thus, evei
with final approval, would not be.
come operative until the winte
term of the next school year.
Coud Cu
TRENTON, N.J. (/P) - President
) Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes-
terday he could "easily do some
serious expense cutting" if Con-
gress would give him power to veto
specific items in appropriations
In what amounted to a chal-
lenge to the Democratic-controlled
Congress, he took a slap at a sub-
ject dear to the hearts of many
congressmen -some river and
' harbors projects, which often
mean votes back home.
"This -veto power," he said, in
a telephoned message toa lregion
"would let the President cut out
of appropriation bills some ex-
pensive - and unnecessary pro-
'jects. It would permit the presi-
den to oannew pubi works
of Engineers for Rivers and Har-
And, P r e s i d e n t Eisenhower
radded, "If the item vetoed existed
right now, I could easily do some

serious expense cutting."
He said it would be "one simple
way to save a lot of money."
At present the President must
veto the whole appropriations bill
if he wants to kill one item.
Many rivers and harbors pro-
jects are local in nature but are
backed by local interests and thus
oftengaresimportant to members
SGC Petitions
Total Fourteen
Fourteen nersnnm hnva honrpai

to The Daily
ast night postponed until today final
elay necessary.
R-Khlamazoo) of the appropriations
ppears very likely that the committee
Le University $30,250,000." The Senate
-had originally proposed a bill ap-
Thebigestbae n thMe con
Imittee is whether or not to accept
the entire house appropriations
proposal which would give Michi-
gan State University $20,800,000
and Michigan its funds," accord-
ing to Rep. James Warner (R-
Ypsilanti), a member of the api-
npOprap~ositon I ouse
0 "The Senate will pass a proposal
- but the stiffe'st opposition will
scome from the House," Warner
Ls "It also appears likely that the
Senate amendment to enable state
n, universities to pledge up to 40 per
s cent of studen feesing spprt of
n vwill be reje2te-."
FeSena tor 5'dward Hutcl nson ~R.
f legislative rule that makes it ille-
-gal to put bonding provisions into
yaction the final week of a session,
- Regets Meet
a, University Regents will meet:.-
otomorrow to discuss a tuition
sincrease and give final approv-
r al of the Student Government
Council tryout period at their
dN Hidden Valley, Mich., annual
e spring informal meeting.
- accept the House proposal deleting
s the capital outlay amendment and,
n instead, have the Legislature ap-
n propniate the funds.'
- Williams Displeased
If the Legislature appropriates
y the funds, the University will get.
n $3.5 million for capital outlay and
- Michigan State University $2.5
r' million.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
called the House proposal for Uni-
versity operatinig expenses "ade-
quate" but was displeased with the
proposed capital outlay bill.
"I do not like the bonding
amendment, but if the necessary
funds cannot be obtained directly
through legislative appropriation,
it will have to do," Gov. Williams
Wait Until Next January
Under the bonding amendment,
the University would receive $ 13,-
3 10,000 and Michigan State Uni-
versity $12,365,000.
Chairman Arnell Engstrom of
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee and member of the capital
outlay committee, said "The fee
program would eliminate interest
rates but will result in higher tui-
tion and injury to the smaller

U.S. Wants
injuries inflicted on Americans and
damage to American property by
rioting mobs in the Formosan cap-
ital of Taipei.
The government of Presi dent
Chiang Kai-shek, whose mainstay
in work affairs is United States
expresse "profound regret" ton th
State Department for the violent
outbreak. It promised adequate
protection for United States lives
and property hereafter.
U.S. Will Probably Pay
The United States apparently
wilel wind up paying, at least in-
United States Embassy and in-
demande that the Chiee a
tionalist government pay compen-
sation. The Chinese have indicae
a survey of the loss. Officials here
said they had no idea how much
it would be.
The fact is, however, that Na-
tionalist China is running a defi-
city economy and the deficit is
beIng made up by. American aid.
Congressmen Disapprove
Last year exports from Formosa
totaled 130 million dollars, but
imports amounted to 226 million
dollars. The import figure includes
American assistance, except Thr
Member sofpCongress generally
took a serious view of the situa-
tion, and some said it was bound
tdamage Chinese-American re-
lions. Tere was ltle or no im-
modfte massiveoUnited States 1
Liancial aid to Ciang Kai-shek.
Calif.), said he was "shocked" b
the mob violence.
Fie Sml
Smoke from an overheated elec-
tric motor brought police and fire-
men to the General Librar~y about
10 p.m. last night.
An unidentified student noticed
the smoke and called the police
and fire departments. -
The motor operated one of the
library's book lifts.
A library official said he was
glad the fire was a false alarm. "I
hate to think of the damage a real
fire would cause,"he said.


Anti -Aerican

Anti-U.S. Crods
* -a-iWreck Embassy
Reaction to Acquittal of Soldier
T On Murder Charge Sets Off Riots
TAIPEI, Formosa (A' - Chiang Kal-shek rushed 33,800
troops into Taipei overnight to end anti-American rioting
which wrecked the United States Embassy and injured nine

At one stage a frenzied mob of 3,000 took over the em-
bassy compounds, officially United States territory. They
stoned the two-story, gray brick butilding, broke windows and
worked their way inside,I smashing furnishings and spatter-
Ing documents. They hauled down a United States flag and
tore it to shreds.
Other rioters moved on the two-story building of the
United State&' Information Agency, some distance from the
embassy, and left it in wreck-
age. They unsuccessfully at-
tacked a United States com-To n ds
munications center.
Rioters tosed stne at Unte
Satderg AmbassaoreKalgnkine

-Daily-Charles Curtiss
LOST CAP-Jim Dickey, ninth inning replacement for starting DICKEY REGAINS CAP
rightfielder Jack LeIs in yesterday's game against MSU, barely "..-. we'll get 'em today"

Michigan Nine Loses Vital
Gamne to Michigan State, 3-0
An unheralded right-handed hurler, Bill Mansfileld by name,
yesterday gave Michigan something to remember him by, in the form
of a six-hit whitewash job, as his MSU teammates won at Ferry
Field, 3-0.
The Wolverines' hopes for a Big Ten championship this season,
although darkened considerably, are not completely crushed. They take
on these -same Spartans at East'
Lansing today, with the first game .
of the doubleheader beginning at itee
one o'clock. .ENLb~
The loss temporarily toppled
Michigan from its league-leading Disarmament
perch in favor of Northwestern,
making twin victories today man- Talks Planned
datory to remain in contention for
the title. Should Northwestern win
both its games against Purdue, WASHINGTON GP') - Another
Michigan's winls would go for high level disarmament conference
naught, will be held at the White House
Near-Perfect~for Five today, presumably to put the fin-
John Herrnstein opposed Mans- ihntoceonaewppsl
field on the mound yesterday, and sngtuhsnanwprpa
the .husky Wolverine southpaw to be made to Russia.
was near perfect for the first five President Dwight D. Eisenhower
innings, giving up only two singles set the meeting for 9 a.m. EDT
and a walk in that time. - and asked some of his leading ad-
But it was the sixth frame that visers to be present.
spelled eventual disaster for the These include Harold E. Stassen,
home team. The Spartans filled his disarmament aide; Secretary
the bases without the aid of a of State John Foster Dulies, Adm.
single hit. Gary Warner, the Arthur W. -Radford, chairman of
shortstop, was hit by a Herrnstein the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Lewis
fast ball, and was advanced to Strauss, chairman of the Atomic
second on a bunt by rightfielder Energy Commmsion; Donald Quar-
John Russell. les, deputy eecretary of defens'e
Herrnstein fielded the would-be and Robert Cutler, presidential
sacrifice and attempted to throw aide on national security matters.
out Warner at second but failed. A Stassen leaves for London at
throwing error by Ernie Myers on noon Sunday f or the resumption
second-sacker Frank Palamara's of arms limitation talks with rep-
grounder resulted in loading the resentatives of the Soviet Union,
bases. Canada, Great Britain and France.
Three Runs in Sixth


WASHINGTON (/P)-A 3% -hi!-
lion-dollar defense appropriation
started through the House yester.
day and crashed into a crossfire of
debate over whether it has been
cut to the danger point.
Members of the Appropriations
Committee, which brought the bill
to the floor with a reduction of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
requested $36,128,000,000 in De-
fense Department appropriations
for the 12 months beginning July
1. The committee allowed $33,541,-
SUpholding the administration's
contention that the slashes, if they
stand, will mean risky, unwise
gambling with' national security,
Rep. Robert Wigglesworth (R-
Mass.) told his colleagues the cuts
"are deeper than they should be."
But Rep. George Mahon (D-
Tex,), the man piloting the bill
toward a House vote next week,
assured the members "we have
proceeded with the greatest care
and caution" with what "could be
an extremely dangerous business."
Soundings of sentiment indi-
cated that the House is likely to
stick pretty closely to what the
Appropriations Committee ap-
proved when the bill gets to the
amendment and voting stage next

and Georse~~~~ Ye.frnmnse
for Nationalist China. Yeh was
to ne Attahe's Home
The home of Col. Walter E.
Barker Uied States miiary a--
tache, was stoned.
Finally, the mobs, grown to 20,-
000 or 30,000, besieged the city's
police headquarters demanding re-
lease of prisoners taken in the
earlier rioting. This siege lasted
six hours and ended only with a
declaration of martial law and. the
arrival of the first contingents of
That evidently saved Taipei
from a ghastly bloodbath.
Reaction To Trial
The mob action was set off by
reaction to the trial of an Amer-
ican soldier who shot to death a
Chinese he accused as a Peeping
The soldier, Sgt. Robert R. Rey-
nolds of Cobora, Md., was acquitted
Thursday by a United States
courtmartial. He was hustled out
of Formosa-guarded by 67 police
-before the violence broke out. He
flew to Manila in a chartered
plane with Mrs. Reynolds and their
seven-year-old daughter.
Some quarters expressed belief
that pro-Communist elements, op-
erating in the guise of patriots,
had agitated the crowds. That was
a tactic often used on the mainland
before Communists took over there
in 19.0-
Military Aid
CRock Bottom'
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's request
for $3,865,000,000 to spend on mu-
tual security aid was described by
y estray as 'ssentialy" a rock-
bottom figure.
Ass Secretary of Defense
Mansfield D. Sprague told the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
madeto"trefine" tfhe prografr-
ther so as to effect any possible
Needed for Latest Weapons
But he said he did not think It
could be safely assumed -that a
further reduction in the appro-
priation would result in savings
"ithou "t impairing the program
Sprague testified that $1,900,-
000,000 sought for direct arms aid
was needed to supply Western Al-
lies with "the very latest weapons,"
to help them keep pace with Rus-
si's"constantly icreasing capa-
and other weapons.
SHe said the Communist world's
military establishment is "row-
ing in capability and quality, in
nuclear capability and in the
strength of its economic base."
Defense of World

Three Dead
By The Associated Press
Tonadoes in "fantastic" nuii
hers ripped across the Southwest
and southern plains yesterday
killing three persons 'and causing
heavy damage.
"We are reasonably sure that
the number of tornadoes repoted
yerday is on of the worst out-
years," a United States Weate
Bureau meteorologist said in Ch-
dago. He called the outbreak "fan-
Weather bureaus in the stricken
areas charted the mighty wind-
storms by radar warning resi-
dents over radio stations to take
From Six State Area
Reports of tornadoes by the.
dozen filtered in at nightfall with
increasing rapidity. The reports
came from a six-state area; Texas,
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas,
Colorado and Wyoming.
Many twisters dipped from low-
hanging thunderclouds and struck
harmlessely in open country.
But others lashed towns and farms
in the area - gouging trails of~
death and destruction.
Weather observers said they had.
no explanation for the sudden
rash of storms. "We can't explain
it," on.e said. "Its just that tor-
nado-producing weather has exist--
ed over these areas for a number
of days without breaking up as It
usually does."
The newest rash of the wind-
storms came on the heels of a
two-day twister outbreak that
kiled at least 50 persons -and in-
jured nearly 300 in Missouri Mon-
day- and Tuesday nights.
SThree Killed
Hardest hit by last night's
deadly outburst were an area near
Lawton, Okla., and the town of
The; TOklahoma Highway Patrol
said at least th.ree were killed near
A tornado boiled unseen out of
a heavy rain at Olton, reportedly
tyTexas Pnhandle comuniy
Some 30 homes were destroyed
and at least 10 persons were in-
jured in the community of more
'than 1,000 pdpulation.
Legion, VFW
Ann Arbor American Legion and
Veterans of Foreign War members
will join today in the annual Poppy
Day drive to raise fuds for re
Sale -of poppies began at 6 a.m.
and will continue until 5 p.m., ac-
cording to Charles Knorpp, Poppy
Day campaign chairman.
m *W -o OD

Sak olio Inoculation
Program. Expnding
The University Eealth Service has given 11,721 Salk polio vaccine
shots to students since last September.
The program, begun with the Medical School, gained quick popu-
larity with long lines forming every day in front of the nurse's office.
To lessen the waiting time Health Service began its every Thursday
program in February.
Students came in every day from S to 12 a.m. in the morning to
1 to 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Shots were given by two or three nurses
on the first floor of the build-K'
Tegreatest number of shots in Hs i
any month was Marcoh with 3.143

State's big first baseman, Roscoe
to make a play anywhere, and
Russell scored on the hi. oros
on the play tried to nab Palamara
off second. He was unsuccessful
and eWarner also came around to
Dennis Mendyk, well-known for
his football ability, then belted a
clean single to left scoring Pala-
rnara for the third and final run.
Coach Ray Fisher yanked Herrn-
stein, and his replacement, Jim
See MANSFIELD, page 4

New Artificial Kidney
To Help in Operations
University Hospital's new artificial kidney may save lives if
doctors need several hours to treat damlaged or diseased kidneys.
The mechanical substitute for a vital organ is used mainly In
patients with acute temporary kidney failure.
It helps the patient over his critical period by removing poisonous
waste products from the body or removing excess fluid from the blood
4 that has accumulated as a result

al Plans Eye Bank

The highest day saw 984 shots
given. On the average Thursday
the nurses give about 600 shots.
To be highly immunized against
polio it is, necessary to have three
vaccine shots. The first and second
are spaced afive to six weeks, the
second and third at sio seven
The vaccine, given as a nart of

University Hospital has an-
nounced the establishment of an
eye bank to provide cornea trans-
plants for persons with diseased
The proposal was first put forth
by the Ann Arbor Lions Club,
whose primary service function is
sight restoration. Present plans
call for~ costs and pledges to be

According to Dr. John Hender-
son of the ophthalmology depart-
ment, it is hoped that an office
will be ready at the. hospital for
the handling of donations by Sept.
15. University Hospital will pro-
vide both space for the bank and
medical personnel to utilize the
eye material.
Dr. Henderson emphasized that

money paid for donated eyes. He
added that they will probably re-
ceive an adequate supply of eyes
from various parts 6f the state
when the bank is fully developed.
"Every effort will be made to
make full use of each eye received,"
he said. "When the cornea of th~e
eye is removed, the remainder will
provide valuable research and

of kidney failure.
The artificial kidney is a large,
square device, composed of a series
of cellophane layers separated by
a thin cellopane membrane
tient through a vein or artery in
[his r-
.The patient's blood flows on one
side of the cellophane membrane
and a solution of special salts dis-
solved in water flows on the op-
posite side-.
Waste products from the blood
pass though the thin membrane

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