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May 22, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-22

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"When Opinions Are Frie
Trutb Will Prevail"

Ehe hr fi~gu Bal-g
Sixty-Seventh Year

"I'll Speak To Him Again"

'abandon Ship' States
Ethical Dilenuita
ABANDON SHIP, one of the movies curently playing at the State
theater, is the supposedly true story of survivors of a major ship-
wreck in the South Atlantic,
Starring Tyrone Power and Mai Zetterling, the film tells the tale of
a few people's efforts to survive in an almost impossible situation, and
portrays with comparative competency and some measured of skill

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Beck's Ouster: Don't
Generalize from the One to the Many

DAVE BECK'S ouster from the AFL-CIO
council is a symbol of the foul corruption
which has been uncovered in the leadership
of the Teamsters Union. But perhaps more
importantly, it is a symbol of labor's unshak-
able desire to clean its own house.
The attitude of responsible labor leaders has
been constructive from the beginning. They
refused to condemn the Senate racketeering
investigation as a "witchhunt," but rather
pledged cooperation with it. They went so
far As to support the committee's investigations
by announcing its contempt for any citing of
the Fifth Amendment by union officials accused
of misusing union funds. In its earlier suspen-
sion and now in its permanent sacking of Beck,
the AFL-CIO is demonstrating its unwillingness
to have its good name associated with union
It can be argued, of course, that the cction
might have come sooner, that Beck's activities
should have been under much closer surveilance
by the AFL-CIO and detected by it before the
Senate ever acted. But the United Auto Work-
ers' new watchdog committee, set up as a reac-

tion to the Teamsters' disclosures, is a sign that
labor has become increasingly aware of the
problem of corruption and is willing to take
renewed measures to prevent it.
IT IS SIGNIFICANT, too, that the Senate
committee's disclosures have as yet been
restricted to one union, though doubtless some
exists in several others. But the public, in
evaluting the Beck disclosures, would do well
to keep in mind the limits to, as well as the
extent of, union corruption. It should also
keep in mind that the ire of the labor chiefs
is especially appropriate because the members
of the labor movement itself, not other seg-
ments of the public, have been the victims of
most of Beck's avarice. They have indicated
their interest in the welfare of the working
man, not, as in Beck's case, his exploitation.
Their sincerity should be appreciated, and
the bad name of Beck and some other teamster
leaders should not be generalized promiscu-
ously to the honest, hard-working leaders
of most other unions, nor to what clean ele-
ments may remain within the Teamsters.


Weak Power, Strong Stand

*'w i irE Sa .%.,4,# + rE .. s"0t
Old Guard Takes Over Party }

FINALLYa Western statesman has stood up
and told the world it cannot ignore Egypt's
Suez Canal seizure indefinitely.
Christian Pineau, foreign minister of France,
has urged the United Nations to make a final
settlement as to who will be the future operator
and controller of the canal. He says the Egyp-
tian seizure cannot be permitted to continue;
disposition must be made.
Pineau's words are a far cry from the state-
ments issuing from American and British diplo-
mats. Both the United States and England have
registered token protests in the form of "reser-
vations" when a ship goes through the canal.
THEY PAY, of course, while they make these
protests. And the Egyptians collect the tolls,
while paying no attention.
This arrangement apparently has been per-
fectly satisfactory to all parties cincerned. The
Egyptians have the canal, the Americans and
British have the feeling of righteousness, and
Nasser has the last laugh.
The French, however, have chosen to stand
firm. They continue to boycott the canal, and
now insist that a permanent settlement be
worked out. Pineau has suggested this problem
be solved in accordance with the principles
accepted by the United Nations in October,
guaranteeing use of the waterway to all nations.
This suggestion is a vast improvement over

the American-British knuckling-under, but still
leaves something to be desired. Any "scrap of
paper" will not work with Nasser, who was not
bound by the original agreement between the
canal company and Egypt. Any agreement on
his part to a canal settlement must be viewed
with suspicion.
A better answer would be the restoration of
the canal to its original owners. At the moment
this seems impossible, but a firm stand on
this point by the United States would be
sufficient. A nation beaten by Israel twice
certainly could not hope to impose its will on
the United States.
SO FAR, Egypt has succeeded in doing this,
to the detriment of American prestige the
world over. It remains for France, the weakest
of the major powers, to insist on a lasting and
honorable solution to the crisis, and to demand
that the United Nations negotiate such a solu-
Pineau may not receive the support he
deserves from the United Nations particularly
with Russia sitting in the Security Council. But
his courageous statements have recalled the
Suez problem to peoples and governments all
too willing to let time heal all things. For this,
alone he deserves much credit.

MOST significant fact about the
President's battle of the bud-
get is that he is being defeated by
the two groups he rescued.
Last year when he was ponder-
ing whether a heart attack and an
ileitis operation should bar him
from running, two groups were
loudest in demands that he make
the sacrifice. They were:
1. Old guard Republicans who
knew they couldn't win without
2. Big business, which has re-
ceived more tax concessions, more
helpfulsrulings from regulatory
commissions than in any time in
twenty years.
F * ,R
TODAY, HOWEVER, it's the
United States Chamber of Com-
merce and the National Associa-
tion 'of Manufacturers which have
kept up a steady drumfire against
the budget. They began their
campaign early. Not satisfied with
record profits, they decided that
a further tax cut was more impor-
tant than schools for their chil-
dren or the defense of the nation.
Bitterly disappointed at the Eisen-
hower budget, they launched an
economy drive the like of which
the country hasn't seen since the
The disgruntled Old Guard
latched on to this big business
support. Ike could have stopped
the economy landslide by throw-
ing the full weight of his popular-
ity into the breach when it first
started. But he hung back, didn't
want to tangle with Congress, ig-

nored the advice of the palace
guard that he must have a show-
Meanwhile, the Old Guard also
urged Ike not to tangle with Con-
gress. The Republican leaders who
come to see the President once a
week are old guarders: Senators
Knowland of California, Bridges
of New Hampshire, with Joe Mar-
tin of Massachusetts. Charley
Halleck of Indiana, is a middle-
of-the-roader. The advice they
gave him against a vigorous show-
down was to their advantage. He
took the advice.
Today, as one result of taking
their advice, complete control of
the Republican party has gone
back to the Old Guard. Control of
the party was something they had
had for years, and they wanted it
back again. They lost it in 1956.
In 1952, they didn't lose it. In that
election, Modern Republicans had
to organize Citizens for Eisenhow-
er in order to circumvent the Old
* * *
BUT IN 1956, Modern Republi-
cans assumed control, and on the
night he won, November 6, the re-
elected President proudly an-
nounced his intention to remake
the Republican party in his own
Today, six months after that
astounding victory, the Old Guard
is back in the saddle. Here is what
is happening:
1. Ex-Speaker Joe Martin has
privately predicted, "There won't

be any Modern Republicans run-
ning in the 1958 election. They
won't be able to win in the pri-
2. Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illi-
nois, an old guarder, has quietly
pledged enough senatorial votes to
make himself the Senate GOP
leader when Bill Knowland goes
back to California. This is what
Lyndon Johnson did among the
Democrats in 1952. The Demo-
crats didn't particularly want
Johnson, just as many Republi-
cans don't want Dirksen. However,
when put on the spot singly and
asked for a vote, its difficult to
turn a fellow senator down. Dirk-
sen is the man who launched the
"hate Dewey speech" at the Chi-
cago convention in 1952.
3. Bill Knowland, who wasn't
given a chance to win the GOP
nomination in 1960, now is given
a real chance. Vice-President Nix-
on, a converted Modern Republi-
can, was considered a sure bet.
Now it's about 50-50 between old
guard Knowland and new guard
This is how radically politics
has switched as a result of the
battle of the budget.
Venerable President Syngman
Rhee has kicked up a terrific
backstage battle in Washington.
He's finally convinced the United
States to forget about the armis-
tice and send new planes and
weapons into South Korea
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

their futile and almost pathetic
of both themselves and of the
Three hours after the sinking of
the Crescent Star, a luxury cruise
ship, 28 people find themselves
completely dependent for life and
safety upon the existence of a tiny
nine-man dinghy, and upon the
navigational ability of Alec
Holmes, the acting captain of the
Rescued in various states of
mind and undress, the survivors
form a curiously complete mon-
tage of human idiosyncrasy and
There are, of course, representa-
tives of the usual movie stock
characters aboard the boat. A
playwright, a retired opera singer,
an old military man, a beautiful
young socialite and others are all
there in their characteristic forms.
Acting and reacting upon each
other, their various personalities
make survival a mental as well as
a physical effort.
THE STORY centers, however,
around a rather interesting ethi-
cal question. A storm arises and
the captain is forced to decide
whether the lives of all are worth
risking at the expense of the lives
of a few,
His decision is negative; the
weak and infirm are thrown out
of the boat to fend for themselves
in the water. In a primitive situa-
tion, it seems, survival of the fit-
test must mean survival of the
The movie is a difficult one to
evaluate. Although the story is an
old one, the presentation of it is
both interesting and thought pro-
* * *
second feature, takes us back to
the Pacific battleground of World
War II to tell how the mine fields
around the Sea of Japan were
charted by Ronald Reagan.
After the tension of Abandon
Ship, this is a terrible letdown.
Somehow the sight of large seg-
ments of the Japanese navy being
sunk fails to excite as it once did;
possibly because we're fighting an-
other war now.
-Jean Willoughby
to the
Examinations ..
To the Editor:
MR. NAHRGANG'S editorial in
The Daily of May 17 contains
a highly valuable suggestion.
If, as I think, examinations are
useful as a teaching device apart
from grading, surely it would be a
good thing if they could always be
returned to the students, with the
instructor's comments and correc-
tions. This can be, and often is,
done for all quizzes except the last
one-the final examination-which
is the most important of them,
In discussing this proposal I
have at sundry times heard three
faculty objections: that students,
especially in June, are usually not
around to get the bluebooks after
they have been corrected; that it
would encourage students to come
and hold a post-Morten in the
professor's office, requesting a
higher grade; that the very short
interval allowed for grading ex-
aminations, compiling student
grades and turning them in to the
recorder's office does not permit
the professor to correct errors in
detail and mark them on the blue-

I do not think the first two
objectives need be considered. The
fact that some students are not
around to get their examinations
back, is no argument against giv-
ing them to those who can get
them; and students who wish to
complain of their grades will do
so, whether they have their papers
in hand or not.
But I admit that it is now hard
to read, grade and estimate the
work of a hundred students in two
or three days (often less than
that, if another examination
comes before the papers for the
first have all been read - and
both deadlines must be met); and
it would add to the difficulty if
mistakes had to be noted and cor-
rected in detail.
That, however, !s only one part
of the greater problem of exami-
nation schedules, which has so
many perplexing aspects.
Sometimes I have even toyed
with the radical notion that it
might be well to schedule final
examinations just before the end
of the term and have one more

struggles to attain final mastery
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial r-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
.919 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the dap preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Meeting of the Senior Class Presidents
in Room 302. West Engineering Build-
ing. Thurs., May 23, at 7:00 p.m. to dis-
cuss the schedule and plans for Com-
Meeting of the American Association
of University Professors, Thurs., May 23,
4:15 p.m., West Conference Room, Rack.
ham Bldg. Report of the recent nation-
al AAUP meeting and election of offi-
cers. Refreshments.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, Council Room, May 22, 1957, 7:30
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Officers' reports: President - Interim
Action: May 21, Young Republicans,
program, 3510 Student Activities Bldg.
University Regulations
Next meeting time.
Exec. vice-President - Congress dele-
Admin. vice-President - SGC vacan
Treasurer, Keys.
Counselling Study Committee report:
Deborah Townsend.
Campus Chest: final report.
Housing Policy Committee.
Committee Reports:
Public Relations, progress report.
Education and Social Welfare: Health
National and International
Student Activities Committee Regis-
tration, out-of-order.
Old Business: Forum committee.
New Business.
Members and constituents time.
American Chemical Society, U-M Sec-
tion. Dr. W. S. Youden, of the National
Bureau of Standards, will speak on
"Control of Experimental Error by Sta-
tistical Design." 8:00 p.m. in Room 1300
Chemistry, Wed., May 22.
University Lecture. "Emotional Archi-
tecture" by Mathias Goeritz, noted
Mexican sculptor and architect, Wed.
May 22, 4:15 p.m., Architecture Aud.
Student Recital by Marian aMercer,
mezzo-soprano, pupil of Frances Gareer,
8:30 Wed., May 22, Ad. A, Angell HaIL
The program will include compositions
by Handel, Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Erich
Wolff, Villa-Lobos, Thomas, and Finz,
and will be open to the public. It is
presented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Mu-
sic degree.
Carillon Recital, 7:15 p.m. Thurs.,
May 23, by Percival Price, University
Carillonneur: Modern Carillon Music in
Europe, including French, English,
German and Danish compositions. This
is the fifth in a series of eight spring
recitals by Professor Price.
Student Recital, Wendell Orr, bass-
baritone, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master
of Music, on Thurs, May 23, at 8:30
p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Nelita
True, pianist, will accompany him.
Works by Handel, Mozart, Brahms, Ra-
vel, Rachmaninoff, and Mussorgsky. He
is a pupil of Chase Baromeo. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar, Thurs.,
May 23, at 4 p.m. in 246, West Engi-
neering. Ralph Dennis will speak on
"Numerical Solution of Heat Conduc-
tion Equations". Refreshments in Room
274, West Eng., at 3:30 p.m.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs,,
May 23, 4 p.m., 307 West Engineering
Bldg. William Benner will speak on
"The Effects of WindrGusts on Motor
Vehices" - Chairman: Prof. Walter E.

402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on Ap-
plication of Mathematics to Social Sci-
ence, Room 3401 Mason Hall, Thurs.,
May 16, 3:15-4:45 p.m., May 23. A. Rapo-
port, "Biased Net Models for Socio-
Doctoral Examination for John Cush-
man Abbott, Library Science; thesis:
"Raymond Cazallis Davis and the Uni-
versity of Michigan General Library,
1877-1905", Wed., May 22, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. H. Gjelsness.
Doctoral Examination for Joel Fein.
berg, Pilosophy; thesis: "Naturalism
and Liberalism in the Philosophy, of
Ralph Barton Perry", Wed., May 22, 2214
Angell Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
C. L. Stevenson.
. Doctoral Examination for Sister Mary
Brandon Hudson, O.|P., Chemistry;
thesis: "The iodine Complexes of Some
Saturated Cyclic Ethers," Wednesday,
May 22, 3003 Chemistry Building, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, Milton Tamres.
Doctoral Examination for Winifred
Olivia Moore, Botany; thesis: "Clarifi-
cation of the Echinocereus enneacan-
thus Complex," Wednesday, May 22,
1129 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.





A Penny for Arthur

field seems quite sure Congress will give him
the four-cent first class postage rate he wants
so badly.
Last weekend Summerfield announced the
printing of a new four-cent stamp, to picture
the American flag in its own true colors-red,
white and blue. The printing will be done on
new Swiss presses, to be used for the first time
with the flag stamp.
It will be the second time in recent years
that Summerfield has experimented with bi-
color printing processes-each time on expen-
sive new presses used only once for the bi-color
The results have been of interest primarily
only to stamp collectors-and then they have
met with criticism.
But it takes courage to go ahead and print
40,000,000 new four-cent stamps for issue July
4. If the rates are not raised, the post office

will have large four-cent stamp stocks on
hand, for the only rate a four-cent stamp pays
is that of the airmail post card.
YET SUMMERFIELD maintains a four-cent
rate would still be "the world's biggest bar-
gain." And it probably would, for it includes:
red, white and blue mailboxes, talking stamp
machines, an end to service-cut threats, and,
to boot, patriotic four-cent stamps.
There seems little doubt now but that the
four-cent rate will become a reality this sum-
mer. There remains only the question of what
the additional money will be spent for-better
service or more talking stamp machines?
Some of the initial funds will have to be set
aside, of course, to renovate all the newly-
purchased talking stamp machines. They'll
have to be converted to sell four- instead of
three-cent stamps.

Panhel Considers Honor Code


Big Power Morality

Associated Press News Analyst
FRANCE AND BRITAIN, appealing for United
Nations pressure to make Egypt renew nego-
tiations over the Suez Canal, serve as a re-
minder of one of the great chances taking
place in the world.
One of the most remarkable evidences of this
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager

change came last fall, in the hullaballoo raised
over the Franco-British attack on Egypt.
N OW, in the seven months intervening, it has
become fairly well accepted that respectable
large nations can never again get away with
high pressure and force against small nations.
Only the unmoral Communist governments,
despising respectability, can do it.
And even they are squealing, but without
serious threat of action, over some of Egypt's
rules about Suez.
Nasser precipitated the Suez crisis with
international opinion decidedly against him.
He acted in pique, and from motives wholly
separate from any rightful expression of Egyp-
tian interest in the canal.
Nobody would have interfered if Britain and
France had encouraged his political opponents
to oust him, as the United States encouraged
the ouster of a pro-Communist government in
Mlnfa +nn. cPV'r~i va.c Ago y

TOMORROW afternoon Panhel-
lenic Board of Delegates will
vote to determine contact rules
for sorority rushing for next year.
During the last several weeks,
Panhel and Assembly have voiced
changing, conflicting opinions
about contact rules. However, they
have both tossed out the idea of
strict contact rules for the fall
semester such as those used in the
past during formal rush, because
of the tension and unnatural sit-
uation it would create among wo-
men on campus.
Panhel Executive Council began
planning contact rules under the
impression that Assembly and the
administration did not want to al-
low affiliated women to enter
dorms during the entire first se-
With this in mind, they pro-
posed only one limitation on in-
dependent-affiliate relationships
during this time - that no affili-
ate should enter an independent
women's housing unit and no in-
pendent woman should enter
any sorority house.
* * *
THIS blanket coverage would
limit rushing in those places but
would do nothing to stop or limit
"dirty" or pre-rushing other
places. It does not allow for a
normal relationship with women
living in dorms or specifically take
nnrnr ftoffi ni ncac n ir a.c.,..-

In an unrestricted or "all honor"
code, a basic rule would provide:
"no outright attempt to pre-rush
a woman, such as planned parties
or large group get-togethers will'
be made."
The code itself would clarify re-
stricted actions: Sorority women
must not attempt to pre-rush, i.e.,
seek new friendships in dorms or
among independents with the ex-
pressed intention of rushing, in-
vite prospective rushees to houses,
or out to dinner. They would not
entertain, persuade them to join
or notify them that they want to
pledge them.
With this plan Panhel would
place the burden of enforcement
on the shoulders of each affiliated
woman. Since Panhel has contact
rules as much to protect itself
from internal rivalries as it does to
protect the rushees time and give
them a fair chance to make up
their minds, this responsibility of
avoiding what Panhel President
Marilyn Houck terms "illegal
salesmanship" should lie with
Panhellenic and more specifically
with each affiliated woman.
* * *
HOWEVER, since independent
women are also vitally interested
in rush, temptation will exist on
both sides. All the responsibility
cannot lie with Panhel. Assembly
must share the load and its mem-
bers resist any contact attempt
a'nd not -ne,,. ......trainh -

in dorms and sororities; one that
would limit contact only ini soror-
ity houses; and a policy statement
including andunrestricted honor
code placing the responsibility on
all women.
The first two suggestions would
cut temptation of rushing in the
restricted places but would not be
effective elsewhere. It is also ques-
tionable whether they could really
be enforced. Why have a rule if
it can't be enforced?
Removing contact rules and set-
ting up an honor code would leave
the situation squarely in the laps
of sorority women. They would
have to live up to their "high
ideals" and creed, not let pre-
rushing get started.
If Panhel does pass an "all hon-
or" code which prohibits only pre-
rushing, they must be positive in
their attitude. The sororities must
unite behind this goal - no in-
ternal quarrels should be allowed
to impair unity. All must have a
sincere desire to make the code
* * *
THE SPIRIT with which all wo-
men, independent and affiliate,
attack an "honor" system will ul-
timately decide its effectiveness.
Are coeds "grown-up" enough to
assume such a responsibility? Bet-
sy Alexander, president of Assem-
bly, thinks so. Assembly wants a
system that assumes the maturity



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