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May 22, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-22

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Latest Deadline in the State



Ike Speaks
Against Cut
In Aid Plan
Speech- Puts Focus
On High Peace Cost
WASHINGTON () - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower told tile
American public yesterday reduc-
tion of his $3,865,000,000 foreign
aid program would be "a reckless
gamble" which could lead to loss
of peace and freedom.
In a speech prepared for deli-
very by nationwide televisioi and
radio, President Eisenhower de-
clared anew that "the cost of
peace is high" in this atomic age.
"Yet the price of war is higher
and is paid in different coin-with
the lives of our youth and the
devastation of our cities," Presi-
dent Eisenhower said.
Obviously hitting at members
of Congress who want to cut the
foreign aid program, the President
then went on to say:
"The road to this disaster could
easily be paved with the good in-
tentions of those blindly striving
to save the money that must be
spent as the price of peace."
President Eisenhovwer, speaking
from his White House office, add-
ed that "to try to save money at
the risk of such damage" to the
mutual security program "is nei-
ther conservative nor construc-
tive." Then he declared:
"It is reckless. It could mean
the loss of peace. It could mean
the loss of freedom. It could mean
the loss of both.
"I know that you would not
wish your government to take
such a reckless gamble."
Eisenhower's TV-radio talk was
his second appeal of the day in
behalf of his foreign aid program,
already scaled down from the ad-
ministration's original figure of
The first was in a special mes-
sage to Congress norm ally re-
questing $3,865,000,000 for the fis-
cal year starting July 1.
But the odds appeared against
the President's getting that much.
The administration's foreign aid
request usually is trimmed at the
capitol, and the lawmakers are in
'a more economy minded mood
than usual.
English Picked
To Fill Beck's
Council Post
English, No. two national officer of
the Teamsters Union, was tapped
yesterday to fill Dave Beck's va-
cant chair in high AFL-CiO coun-
He promptly revealed Teamsters
officials will soon consider ousting
Beck as union president.
The union's Executive Board
will hold a special meeting to con-
sider Beck's status, he told a
English, 68-year-old Teamsters
general secretary treasurer and
longtime foe of Beck within the
union, was chosen to succeed Beck
as an AFL-CIO vice-president and
Executive Council member.
Beck, accused by Senate rackets
investigators of fantastic money
deals with teamsters funds, accu-
sations on which he has invoked
the Fifth Amendment, was re-
moved from the same AFL-CIO
posts Monday,
Selecting English to Beck's AFL-

CIO jobs was like rubbing salt in
the wounds administered to Beck
by the AFL-CIO chieftains.
They acted unanimously both in
ousting Beck and in naming Eng-
lish his ;u*cs r.
Engli-fh, a veteran of more than
50 years ar a Teamster, said last
night that Beck will be asked to
convene the union's 13-man execu,
tive board to "talk things over"
Gand if Beck refu s to assemble
the board, its members will con-
vene anyway.
"I waiin 't be surprised," Eng-
lish said whei a r .ked if the Board
will deman~d Beck's resignation
sSGC Waiting
To Hear Bids
Student Government Council's
Health Insurance Committee is
now waiting to hear bids from sev-
eral insurance companies.

House Kills Raise
Of School Funds
Salade's Attempts To Boost 'U's
State Appropriation Die on Floor
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Attempts to increase appropriations for higher edu-
cation were voted down by the House yesterday.
Economy-minded legislators adhered firmly to their "hold the
line" policy against additional state spending and defeated attempts
to amend the House Appropriations Bill.
While passing the appropriations bill, members of the House
also refused to delete the provision permitting universities to pledge

Vote Passes
Defense Cut





Ike's Pleas
Budget Slash

Submits Resignation;

40 per cent of student fees toward new construction.
Amendment Defeated
An amendment by Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann Arbor)
the University's operating appropriation from $30,315,686 to
X686 failed to carry the
)" - needed for passage and
feated 49-48.

te boost
56 votes
was de-

The increase would provide for
an over-all eight per cent salary
increase for faculty members, he
told the House.
Legislators also rejected amend-
ments, co-sponsored by Rep. Sal-
lade and Rep. D. J. Massoglia (R-
Laurium), to add a total of $4,-
183,375 to the capital outlay ap'
propriation for the University,
Michigan Tech, Central Michigan,
Eastern Michigan, Western Mich-
igan and Ferris Institute.
Useful to MSU
Striking provisions from his
amendment to provide $195,000
for new construction planning at
Michigan State University, Rep.
Sallade said, "The bonding pro-
vision is useful to MSU and to
the University, to a degree, but
not to smaller colleges."
The vote on the amendment re-
moving the provision, originally
proposed by MSU, was 48-48, but
again, 56 votes were needed for
The appropriations bill now
goes to a House-Senate Confer-
ence committee to iron out differ-
ences in appropriations. The Sen-
ate had originally appropriated
$29 million for University opera-

WASHINGTON (A') - The House
Appropriations Committee s a i d
yesterday it has cut the Defense
Department budget by $21/ billion.
It voted for the slash in the face
of President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's warnings against any substan-
tial cut.
Set Total
The committee set the total at
$33,541,225,000 in new appropria-
tions for the Army, Navy and Air
Force in the fiscal year beginning
July 1.
This was seven per cent less
than the $36,128,000,000 President
Eisenhower asked, but much of the
cut was in bookkeeping and similar
operations, rather than cash.
The 50-man committee, 30 Dem-
ocrats and 20 Republicans, passed
the bill along to the House, saying
that the military threat to the
West seems "somewhat abated"
even though Russia is "closing the
gap" between United States and
Soviet strength.
President's Speech
President Eisenhower, in his
speech "to the people" a week ago,
said that if the defense budget was
materially cut, "the country would
be taking a fearful gamble."
Several key House members said
they could not comment on the cut
until they had a chance to deter-
mine where in the defense estab-
lishment the economies would be
Furthermore, more than a bil-
lion dollars in the Defense Depart-
ment reductions are sort of an op-
tical illusion, more apparent than
The committee conceeded that
actual reductions would net four
instead of seven per cent, because
restrictions on spending s o m e
already-appropriated funds were

. .. ineligible

Hits Sigman
The suspension bugaboo has
once again hit the Miehigan ath-
letic scene.
Al Sigman, regular rightfielder
on the Michigan baseball team,
has been suspended by the Big Ten
for signing a professional baseball
contract seven wears ago.
The action came late Monday
night when Big Ten Commissioner
Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson notified
Michigan officials that word had
been received from the office of
Gearge Trautman, president of the
National Associotiov of Profes-
00onal Baseball Leagues that Sig-
man hlad signed with the Wiscon-
si l Rapids team of the now de-
funct Class D Wisconsin State
League on April 15, 1950.
Sigman drew his release from
this contract three days later,
April 18.
Prof. Marcus Plant, Michigan's
faculty representative to the Big
Ten, said that upon receipt of this
information, Sigman was with-
drawn from competition.
Plant said that the games in
which Sigman has played would
not be affected by the ruling.
Coach Ray Fisher had cleared
Sigman through Trautman's office
.en another contract signed by the
e cte in. 1951. In this case it was
-roved that his father's name had
been forged on the document and
Sigman was declared a free agent,
regasing his an itiur standing.
See RULING, Page 4
Annual' eek'
State Industry
Today is Our Livelihood Day in
the annual observance of Michi-
gan Week.
Michigan Week, which will last
until Saturday, is, in the words of
K. T. Keller, chairman of Michi-
gan Week, "the largest single fac-
tor in developing a sense of state
pride in Michigan citizens."
Emphasized this year will be the
state's three largest industries,
manufacturing, tourism and agri-
culture. It marks the first time
that all the state's 83 counties
have participated in the event.
Campus Chest
Ta~t~lo vc




Quad's ELI Experiment
Nears Successful End
South Quad's experiment in internationalliving will have been a
success when the current class of the English Language Institute
graduates, accordirg to Roger Wiselogel, the assistant residence
advisor for institute students.
For the last month and a half, a number of English Language
Institute students have been living among Americans in South Quad.
Ordinarily, ELI students live on*

TrIp Rule
A Civil Aeronautics Board rul-
ing which does not allow freshmen
on the Michigan Union's Airflight
to Europe plan has been revoked,
Duane LaMoreaux, '58, Union Ad-
ministrative Vice-President, said
Eightyfreshmen were affected
by the rule, which declared that
persons not connected with the
University for six months prior to
registration for the trip are ineli-
The purpose of the rule, accord-
ing to LaMoreaux, was to keep
persons from using the University
as a means of cheap transporta-
tion to Europe.
CAB Convinced
However, lawyers from the
sponsoring airline and travel
agency were able to convince the
CAB that no such effort was being
made by the freshmen involved,
LaMoreaux said.
The trouble arose because of the
vagueness of CAB rules. The
freshman ruling, by CAB adminis-
trative personnel, was a clarifica-
tion of a rule which prohibited
use of the plan by persons not con-
nected with the University on a
full-time basis.
Other universities sponsoring
similar programs were also af-
At the same time, three persons
were obliged to drop off the trip,
due to not being full-time Univer-
sity personnel, La Moreaux said.
Wayne Instructor
One of these was an instructor
in Wayne who is taking courses at
the graduate school. However, he
already has his Ph.D., according
to LaMoreaux, and so does not
qualify for the plan.
The other two are teachers in
the Ann Arbor school system who
are also teaching University stu-
dents in the teacher-training pro-
SGC To Hear
Forum Motion
Student Government C o u n c i 1
will consider a motion tonight to
establish a special forum com-
mittee, according to Maynard
Goldman, '59, Council Treasurer.
The committee would look into
the possibility of sponsoring a pro-
gram to invite speakers to the
campus to discuss educational
matters and controversial areas in
such things as religion and politics.
At the same meeting, the Cam-
pus Chest committee will give its
final report, and recommendations
for a program next year.

only one corridor in the Quad.
Wiselogel said the program
probably not be continued in the
The inherent difficulty in plac-
ing language students with Ameri-
can students in the quads, he said,
is that the institute does not know
until the last minute the number
of students that will be enrolled
in the two-month course.
The institute was able to place
their students in these rooms be-
cause a number of vacant rooms
were available in South Quad this
The institute is currently trying
to establish an international house,
Wiselogel said.
In this house, English language
students would be living with
American students, and ELI stu-
dents would be sharing rooms with
American students.

Kansas Search
For Tornado
Victims Begins
KANSAS CITY OP) - A brickby
brick search of shattered homes
and stores was under way yester-
day for more possible victims of
a radar-tracked tornado that
killed at least 37 and injured more
than 200 in a slash through Kan-
sas City suburbs early Monday
The cautious hunt was ordered
in the Ruskin Heights subdivision
where the storm dealt its heaviest
blow, crushing a busy shopping
center and an estimated 100
homes, besides damaging hun-
dreds of other residences.

-Daily-John Hirtzel
LAWRENCE B. LINDEMERE - Cites the difficulties facing the
GOP while speaking to the Young Republicans last night,
State Chairman Outlines
Difficulties Facing GOP
Money and organization - a shortage of both - have been mal-
adies of Michigan's Republican party since 1948 when state Demo-
crats started winning elections on a regular basis.
The situation hasn't changed much, Lawrence B. Lindemere,
GOP state chairman told the Young Republicans last night. But he
also said hard work by local groups can turn the party into a dy-
namic, vote-winning organization.
Named Chairman
Lindemere was named state chairman last February. Two months
later, following the Republican debacle in the spring elections when
the Democrats walked away withe
everything worth taking, Linde- 4 *
mere said -he probed local organi- -eniston Pu s
zation around the state with
"amazing" results. Value
"I found, among other things,
no precinct organization in many
areas; seldom any township or- On Education
ganization; and frequently no per-
son to answer Republican ques- Speaking before the 1957 Phi
tions or distribute GOP informa- Kappa Phi Honor Society initia-
tion." tion meeting last night, Prof. Hay-
On Republican finances, Linde- ward Keniston, Dean Emeritus of
mere told the YR's, "This group is the, Literary School, stressed the
in better shape than the whole importance of learning as a per-
state organization." The club sonal experience.
treasury has a balance of $99.24. As he discussed general values
Eliminate Debt of higher education Prof. Kenis-
We want to eliminate our en-
tire debt by next January," he. . . . ..:>>
said. There has never been a clear . . . .. .
report on what that debt is, but:
Lindemere said it is five times
greater when he became state
chairman than he was previously
Lindemere announced that YR:
president William Hanks, Grad.,
has been named assistant to the.
state chairman beginning in July.:
This is the first step in Linde- :
mere's program to enlarge the
state central committee's perman-
ent staff.
He said the party will encourage
more participation in the prima-
ries but will not support any per-
son or group of candidates.
"We want to get Republicans to PROF. HAYWARD KENISTON
run in all contests including those . .
in Democratic strongholds," the . -.speaks atinitiation meeting
University graduate said. ton singled out individual intellec-
tual growth as the most unique
Hit opportunity presented to college
7 "The great problem of the col-
M issou i; 16lege is how to ensure that every
student in every school will be
1~b ~forced to think things out," he as-
Persons Killed serted.
The important thing in learn-
)- House-splin- ing, Prof. Keniston said, is ori-
ST. LOUIS ()-sHsm sescat- ginal thought - "thought one has
tering tornadoes smashed scat- made one's own by pressing it out
tered points in Missouri with re- or forging it in one's own brain.'
newed fury late yesterday, killing In the long run, he concluded,
16 persons and injuring 70 or "learning is not an end in itself
its goal, is life itself."

Coty Slates
With Leaders
Prepares for State
Visit to Washington
PARIS 0P) - Socialist Premier
Guy Mollet handed in his resigna-
tion last night after losing a confi-
dence vote in the National Assem-
President Rene Coty seized on
a technical point to delay accept-
ance. Coty said he will consult with
Assembly leaders and decide
whether to ask Mollet to stay on,
Coty's Point
Coty's point was that Mollet's
opposition failed to muster an
absolute majority, currently 298
votes, as required under the con-
stitution to force a premier to
Defeated on his "beat the rebel'
fiscal program, of belt tightening,
Mollet told reporters he will insist
on quitting.
The president, preparing for a
state visit to Washington, faces
the bleak task of trying to replace
the Mollet regime that had proved
to be the most stable Fran'e has
had in postwar years.
The assembly by 250 to 213 re-
jected his policies, including new
taxes and cuts in nonmilitary
spendingto pay for France's cam-
paign to crush the Nationalist re-
bellion in Algeria.
Postwar Record
Mollet had been in office 1
months, a postwar record.
The assembly ignored last-min-
ute warning that Mollet's down-
fall would be regarded as a disa-
vowal of Foreign Minister Chris-
tian Pineau, who now is in New
York debating the Suez Canal dis-
Pineau had flown to New York
in an attempt to require Egypt to
reaffirm the United Nation's six
principles on freedom of access to
the Suez for all shipping.,
The result shears Pineau of any
real authority.
Algerian Position
The ballot also undermines the
French position in war-torn Al-
geria where President-Minister
Robert laCoste has been trying to
clamp down on the 30-month-old,
nationalist revolt.
In theory, the vote does not
oblige Mollet to quit. An absolute
majority of 313 negative votes
is required to oust a government.
But in practice a premier always
resigns when outvoted on a for-
mal demand for confidence. An-
other result of Mollet's collapse
includes France's position on the
European Economic Union and
Atomic Energy Euratom treaties
is undermined.
Also noted is that the country is
plunged into what will probably
be a long period of political tur-
The Assembly is so badly di-
vided that finding a new govern-
mental combination of parties is
almost impossible.
Almost any combination will re-
quire support of the powerful So-
cialists-and Mollet's benediction.
Tax Experts
See Federal
Spending Hikie
WASHINGTON () - Despite
congressional vows to cut the bud-
get, House tax experts forecast
yeterday that federal spending in
1958 may soar more than a billion

dollars above President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's figure of $71,800,000.
ICongressional budget cutters


'U' Band To Present Annual Concert'
University Michigan Band, un-
Sden the direction of William D.
'~Revelli, will present its annual
outdoor concert at 7:15 p.m. to-
night on the Diag.
Featured in the program will
be a drum duet written by Acton
Ostling entitled "Friends of Old."
Old style rope tention drums,
dating from the revolutionary war,
will be used for the number.
:: Soloists,dActon E. Ostling, Jr.,
Sy58SM and James Moore, Grad.,
will Carry out the effects of the
:rs.. 4 < .......::.:::..:v :......,. drums by dressing for the number



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