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May 15, 1957 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-15

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Education School Council tea, May 16,

Trip To Mark Integration Anniversary

By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Next1
week a young Negro minister will
lead a pilgrimage to the Lincoln
4 Memorial in Washington to mark
the third anniversary of the
Supreme Court's order desegre-
gating public schools.
The observance is expected to
attract 15,000 or more negroes
from all parts of the South. The
man who heads it was virtually
,unknown three years ago. Today
he is a symbol of the day the
Negro feels is coming.
From Montgomery alone, a thou-
sand persons are expected to go in
chartered buses, private cars and
the church-owned station wagons
put into service during the city's
historic bus boycott.
Says the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King :
Discourage Motorcade
"We will discourage a motor-
Haber Calls
National Aid
Should Americans continue to
work a 40-hour week during the
next quarter century they could
double their standard of living,
according to Prof. William Haber,
of the economics department.
Prof. Haber, who spoke at the
University extension in Flint, said
that automation could boost the
nation's productivity when it be-
4 comes more widespread.
"However, Prof. Haber contin-
ued, "the height of the nation's
standard of living will depend on
how much of this increase Ameri-
cans decide to devote to increased
leisure; and how much is used to
produce more goods and services."
Argue for Leisure
Many will argue for more lei-
sure, that is, a shorter work day
and shorter work week, he said.
Had this not happened during th
past 50 years, "our standard 6f
living measured in physical goods
and services' would have been
much higher than it is now," Prof.
Haber said.
Discussing the alternative, Prof.
Haber said, "there are others in
our country who question wheth-
er . . . it would not be a wiser
course to concentrate in the next
decade in raising our national in-
come, rather than in increasing
our leisure.
tUrge Same Hours
"Many say that, until our na-
tional productivity has advanced
so that we can fill the serious gaps
in goods and services which still
prevail, reductions in working
hours would postpone the time
when we would be in a position
to deal with these problems,"
Prof. Haber said.
"Some compromise between
these two points of view will, no
doubt, be worked out in the prag-
matic mpanner which we have em-
ployed in meeting most of our
industrial relations problems.
"We shall have shorter hours
and more leisure. We shall also
have a higher national income,
though not as much as we might
have if we did not reduce our
hours," Prof. Haber concluded.

cade, because we feel it will be too
As a leader of the demonstra-
tion, the 28-year-old King is work-
ing with Roy Wilkins, executive
secretary of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People and A. Philip Ran-
dolph,, president of the Brother-
hood of Sleeping Car Porters.
King came here from Atlanta in
September, 1954, to become pastor
of the Dexter Avenue Baptist
church, only a block from the spot
where Jefferson Davis took the
oath as first president of the
Worked Quietly
King worked quietly among his
parishoners, preaching the "social
gospel" that a minister's duties
go far beyond the realm o person-
al salvation. He once told an in-
"A minister should attempt to
improve social conditions of men
at every point where they are not
proper - education, cultural and
economic. He must not only
change a man's soul but a man's
environment, too."
Despite his youth and relatively
short residence in Montgomery,
King assumed leadership at the
outset of the bus boycott in De-
cember, 1955. He helped organize,
and was elected president of, the
Montgomery Improvement Assn.
Guided Protest
The association guided the bus
protest. When on Nov. 13, 1956, bus
segregation was outlawed by the
U.S. Supreme Court, it turned its
efforts to other means of uplifting
the Negro community.
King has said the next legal
step probably will be toward in-
tegrating the public schools or
Throughout the boycott and in
the face of later bombings and
gunfire attacks on buses, King
held steadfast to his belief in "non-
violence." He urged his people to
refrain from retaliation.
Home Bombed
The Negro leader's home was
bombed during the first weeks of
the boycott. Later a shotgun
charge was fired through his front
door. No one was injured.
After buses were integrated, four
Negro churches, three homes and
a taxicab stand were damaged by
bombings. An unexploded bomb
containing 12 sticks of dynamite
was found on the front porch of
King's home.
Four white men were indicted
by a country grand jury for the
bombings and face trial late this
month. Police Chief G. J. Ruppen-
tha blamed the violence on the
Ku Klux Klan.
Convicted Early
Early in the protest, King had
been convicted of leading an il-
legal boycott. He received a 386-
day jail sentence which was sus-
pended, pending his appeal. Two
weeks ago the appeal was thrown
out of court on a technicality be-
cause King's lawyer failed to file
the transcript of the trial testi-
mony within the time fixed by law.
When the boycott began, the
Negroes offered to settle for what

theytcalled a fairer system of seg-
regation -- a "first come, first
served" seating arrangement on
the buses. But city authorities
turned that down and subsequent-
ly a federal court suit was filed
that led to the integration decree.
In the face of victory, the young
minister cautioned his followers to
refrain from gloating.
"Must Respond ...
He told them on the eve of bus
integration that "we must respond
... with an understanding of those
who have oppressed us and with
an appreciation of the new adjust-'
ments that the court order poses
for, them.
"We must be able to face up
honestly to our own shortcomings.
We must act in such a way as to
make possible a coming together
of white people and colored People
on the basis of a real harmony of
interests and understanding . ..
Since he became a recognized
spokesman for integration, King
has been the target of abusive
words as well as bombs. Unsigned
leaflets have appeared on the
streets, professing to speak for
other Negroes, accusing the Bap-
tist clergyman of hurting the
cause of his people and telling
him to "get out of town."
Threatening Calls
King has received many threat-
ening telephone calls.
The son and grandson of clergy-
men, the Negro leader has degrees
from Morehouse College, Crozer
Theological Seminary and Boston
University. He received a doctorate
in theology shortly before coming
to Montgomery.
King was assistant pastor for
five years at the Ebenezer church
in Atlanta where his father, the
Rev. M. L. King, Sr., has been
pastor since 1932 and his maternal
grandfather was pastor for 37
years before then.
King plans to fly to Washington
a few days before the observance
to make final plans.

Union Aids
In Foreign
The primary project of the new-
ly formed Union International
Committee is an American Broth-
er Program, according to Richard
W. Schwartz, committee chair-
The purpose of the American
Brother Program is threefold. The
program is designed to provide
new foreign students on campus
with a personal contact which
would develop into a friendship
beneficial to both the foreign and
American student.
Another aim of the program is
to assist foreign students during
the difficult period of adjustment
after their arrival in this country.
Finally, through the program the
foreign student will be introduced
to the numerous student activi-
ties in which he can participate.
The American Brother Program
would involve over 1300 foreign
student representing over 75 dif-
ferent nations who are on cam-
pus. The bulk of these students
are from China, Canada and In-

Americans Called
jMagazine Addicts


3-5, Education School lounge. All in-
vited who are interested in the School
of Education or in becoming certified
to teach.
Kappa Phi, picnic, May 16, 5:15, First
Methodist Church.

Young Democratic Club, May 15, 7:30 Junior Girls Play, Central Committee
3R Union. Speaker: Mayor Eldersveld. meeting, May 15, 7:00, League.

America is "a nation of maga-r
zine addicts," John Fischer, editor-
in-chief of Harper's Magazine said
here yesterday.
The seven thousand thousand
magazines published in the United
States today fill the role of a
national press, he told a journal-
ism department lecture audience
in Rackham amphitheater.
In his analysis of "The Chang-
ing Role of American Magazines,"
Fischer divided the industry into
two sections, the ascending and
the declining pu1ication groups.
General mass magazines headed
the list of declining. "Colliers, The
Saturday Evening Post. Life and
Readers Digest" have lost sub-
scribers and advertisers to the
'"more palatible fare of television."
Colliers, according to Fischer, was
doomed after the Board of Direc-
tors, all businessmen, took control.
"In its heyday, Colliers was run
by editors, not businessmen," he

In contrast, five other types are
in the midst of a period of partic-
ular growth. News magazines,
digesting great volumes of complex
issues, cater to the busy.
Leisure time publications, such
as Better Homes and Gardens, Hi-
Fi, and How-to-Do-It manuals,
help plan the hours freed by
shorter work weeks.
"Confidential, "according to Fis-
cher, leads the field in the "intel-
lectual underworld." Like its ear-
liest ancestor, "Captain Billy's
Whiz-Bang," "Confidential" caters
to expectation of thinly veiled
pornography and "the inside dirt,"
he said.
Anti-feminist men's magazines,
providing excitement for men in
"highly sedentairy jobs;" and the
magazines of cultural criticism,
like the New Yorker and the New
York Times Sunday Magazine,
complete the list of those growing
in circulatiop and influence.

Education School Council, business
meeting, May 15, 4:10, 3545 S.A.B.
Physics Club, May 15, 7:30, Randall
Physics. Speaker: Dr. Glaser, "Parity."
Roger Williams Fellowship, Midweek
refresher, May 15, 4:00-5:00, Guild
Student Government Council peti-
tioning: for three vacancies on the
Student Activities Building Adminis-
trative Board. Petitions are available
in Mrs. Callahan's office, 2011 Student
Activities Building, and are due on
May 22. Petitioning is restricted to stu-
dents working in an organization on
the second floor of the building.

American Rocket Society and the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Science, May
15, 8:00, Kellogg Auditorium. Speaker:
Dr. Rudolf Hermann (German scien-
tist who was responsible for the aero-
dynamic development on the V-2 mis-
sile). "Space Travel -- When?" Prior
to the lecture, chapter members and
their guests will dine in Room Ander-
son-A, Union.
Women's League, International Com-
mittee, petitioning for the American
Sisters of the International Friend-
ship program will be extended throught
Friday, May 17. Petitions may be se=
cured at the Undergraduate Office of
the League, and should be returtied


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