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May 11, 1957 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-05-11

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Danger of Grass Roots
Being a Late Starter


Latest Deadline in the State





Expansion Dangers
Cited by Goheen
Sees Population, Enrollment Gains
As Affecting Quality of Education
Vast population increases and swollen university enrollments may
have a deadly effect on the quality of American education, Princeton
President-elect Robert Goheen warned yesterday.
Prospects of acquiring sufficient teacher-scholars to maintain
minimum standards are "woefully bleak," he told the 34th annual
Honors Convocation audience.
"To continue to offer the kind of educational services they are
now offering, our colleges and universities must acquire more teachers

Colombia Dictatorship
nder Rojas ollapses;

For -Al Capp
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Below is the
winning news story written by Lucy
McTeer, Cooley High School student
from Detroit, Michigan, covering yes-
terday's address given by Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer of the journalism de-
partpient at the 30th annual Michi-
gan Interscholastic Press Association
Convention in Rackham Auditorium.
"It's an accident that I'm here,"
quipped Prof. Wesley H. Maurer
chairman of the Department o
Journalism at the University o
Michigan, as he greeted the high
school delegates of the thirtieth
Annual Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association meeting thi
evening in the Rackham Building
Becoming a keynote-speaker o
30 seconds notice, Prof. Maurer
was substituting for cartoonist A
Capp, who missed a train.
"If Al Capp were speaking, the
emphasis would be on humor,
Prof. Maurer observed as he be-
gan his impromptu speech.
The professor, who was to have
introduced Capp, laughed as h
remembered last year's conven-
tion. "When I introduced Wal
Kelly some time ago, he got up
and said, "Now you've heard th
speech. Are there any questions?'
Organizes With Anecdotes
Relaxing the audience with his
anecdotes, and thus giving himself
time to organize his' "unprepared
ness," the keynoter went on to ex-
plain the relation of humor to
news and the importance of car-
toonists and humorists in jour-
"News," Maurer defined, "i
that which aids citizens in their
struggle for existence, their strug-
gle for survival, their struggle for
living. You must give humor," he
emphasized, "the paying grace in
this service;' it adds meat, and
makes life tolerable."
To appeal to all the high-school
journalists, whether they were
humorists or not, Prof. Maurer
continued, "Those of you going
into the field of journalism may
think of it as a calling and as a
Recent Conversation
In illustrating the ofascination of
the field, he told of a recent con-
versation he had with a reporter-
columnist, Thomas L. Stokes. "We
were discussing the great lure
which journalism has for us," the
speaker recounted. "And the con-
clusion was that one of the excit-
ing rewards of the profession is
that we are continually learning.
"You never stand still in jour-
nalism," he continued. "To pro-
vide the citizens with the infor-
mation, you must keep constantly
abreast of learning, or better still,
in advance of it."
plained the challenge of his field
Maurer more completely ex-
in his welcoming editorial, "A Call
*to Minds," in the M.I.P.A. pamph-
let distributed to the delegates.
Fighters For Freedom
"The fighters for freedom must
be girded with knowledge and
with high competence to commu-
nicate it. The function of Journa-
lism today," he wrote, "is to get
knowledge shared with people -
with all people. And this calls us
to fight to penetrate iron curtains,
at home as well as abroad, as part
of the struggle to free men of ty-
"We may lose a battle here and
there, but we can't lose the war,
not if the men and women who
edit our news, direct our radio
and televisions, publish our books,
see with fearless and knowledge-

able eyes."
Sums Up Philosophy

-in the next 15 years than in all
their previous history combined,"
the 38-year-old educator said.
Effect of Training
Vocational a n d technological
training at the university level has
had a profound effect on our coun-
try, Goheen observed. "Consequent
advances in knowledge reached in
university laboratories and dis-
seminated t h r o u g h university
courses have vastly increased the
yield of our grain crops, opened
t the way to unknown mineral re-
sources, raised beyond past cred-
ence the life expectancy in human
But the complexity has simply
increased the "need for people
whose purview of human experi-
ence is both broad and deep, while
f their patterns of thought are
f imaginative and synoptic rather
than being limited to the "know-
h how of a single specialty," he add-
c ed.
s - Study and Research
. "Study and research in the hu-
manities and social sciences ap-
r propriately, then, are receiving
r recognition as the main avenues by
1 which one gains advan' ge of
mankind's varied history - gains
insight into the forces that move
individuals and societies, and --- -
learns to prize the persistant hu-
man quest for general principles
e and values superior to the dictates
e of any here and now."
If these values are to be effec-
t tively cultivated, teaching must
P never be reduced the "the mere
e inculcation of data and tech-
niques," Goheen stressed. "What
most distinguishes a university is
that. it endeavors to- send its stu-
s dents out as thinking human be-
f ings, not merely as well informed
- human beings."
- Exciting Places
Universities, as "excited and
- exciting places," must continue to
produce 'reflective and creative
habits of minds," even in the face
r omassive enrollments, in order to
r e m a i n "vital and productive
rforces," he insisted.
They can do this only if indivi-
duals who can be expected to be
thoughtful citizens accept the
charge "to extend the understand-
ing and support which this Univer-
sity and its kindred universities,
. . . must have, in order that they
r may sustain their obligations to
t the well-being of the nation and
of mankind."
Fires Persist
In Northeast
By The Associated Press
Forest fires ravaged Northeast
timberlands for the fifth consecu-
tive day yesterday.
Rain brought a measure of re-
lief to Maine, New York and Ver-
mont. But elsewhere there was no
sign of a break in a dry spell that
has turned forests tinder-dry.
Historic Plymouth, Mass., where
the Pilgrims landed in 1620, was
saved from destruction for the
second time in two days. Fanned
by 35 miles per hour winds, the
flames crack ed to within a few
hundred yards of Jordan Hospital,
the only one in Plymouth.
Some 3,000 firefighters, some of
them volunteers from among pris-
oners in the Plymouth County Jail
and others from communities as
far away as 70 miles, finally got
the fire under control
The hospital's 50 patients were
alerted for evacuation but it was
not necessary.
In Middleboro, Mass., 35 patients
were evacuated from a nursingr
home in the path of a woods fire.

And in Farmingdale, N. J., 200
child patients, some only 2 years
old were evacuated from a tuber-
culosis sanitarium.
Near Warwick, R. I., 15 high
school boys battling a woods fire


Western PoW(
Nuclear Test
MOSCOW (M)-Soviet Foreign Ministe
yesterday the Western Powers are afraid-
-to stop testing nuclear weapons.
He told the Supreme Soviet that the
fear termination of the tests would "unde
on the use of nuclear weapons."
The 1,347 deputies, acting with their4
adopted a resolution calling upon the Unit
British Parliament to join in a three-power
to study the best means of halting--

-Daily-John Hirtzel
THE HONOR OF DANZO-Geisha Girls are shown' above in a scene from last night's winning
presentation at Skit-Nite. Delta Delta Delta sorority and Delta Tau Delta fraternity teamed up
to take the first-place trophy, winning over five other skits. At right is cartoonist Al Capp who *was
master of ceremonies at Skit-Nite.
Tri-Delt, Delta Tan .Delta NWin Prize

For Best Ski
Delta Delta Delta and Delta
Tau Delta won Skit-Nite last eve-
ning with an adaption of a Kabuki
play, "The Honor of Danzo."
The skit, "Secco," presented by
Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Phi
Epsilon took second place. Chi
Omega's and Theta Xi's choral
reading, "Unto Us The Living,"
won the third place honors.
"The Honor of Danzo," a 17th
century Japanese tragedy con-
cerned an outlaw whohaddto com-
mit suicide to redeem his honor.
Danzo was portrayed by Jim Sar-
gent '57.
Al Capp, who appeared for the
benefit of the National Association
for Retarded Children, was mas-
ter of ceremonies. Between skits,
while the scenery was being
changed, Capp entertained the au-
dience with his sharp, spontaneous
wit. Capp also did a caricature of
Jerry Stanton, campus cartoonist.
Winners of the Darby parade
were Trigon and Henderson House,
Winchell and Angell Houses and
'U' Glee Club'
To Present
Spring Show
Familiar strains of "Laudes
-Atque Carmina" will open the an-
nual University Men's Glee Club
spring concert at 8:30 p.m. tonight
in Hill Auditorium.
Under the direction of Prof.
Phillip A. Duey, the Glee Club
will sing "Chorus of the Return-
ing Pilgrims" from "Tannhauser"
by Wagner, "I Hear an Army," by
Barber, and "Country Fair," by
Mel Torme.
Soloists for the evening's concert
will be tenors Dan Pressley, '57SM,
Marshall Frdnke, '57, and bass-
baritone Don Ridley, '59SM.
Members of the Friars, an octet
within the Glee Club, will sing
"Hard Hearted Hannah," and
"Jerusalem in the Morning."
Free reserved tickets may be
obtained in the Administration
Building ticket booth until 5 p.m.
today. In accordance with a new
policy, these tickets will be valid1
until 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, when
standing patrons will be seated.,

it-Nite Presentation


Sigma Alpha Mu and Kappa Alpha
Following Skit-Nite was the Jazz
Jamboree on the Diagonal. The
program included group singing,
the Four Scores quartet, John
Kirkendall's twirling and the Doug
Campbell jazz band.
Today's Spring Weekend events
include Field Day from 1:30 to
4 p.m. on Palmer Field. High-

lighting the program are novelty
races, a donkey baseball game be-
tween faculty members and stu-
dents and the appearance of Al
"Comic Cotillion," following the
University Men's Glee Club con-
cert, will be held at 9:30 p.m.
tonight on the Palmer Field tennis

Senate Rackets Probers
Reveal Profits from Fund
WASHINGTON (MP)-Senate rackets probers produced evidence
yesterday that Teamsters Union President Dave Beck reaped profit
from a benefit fund set up for the widow of his best friend.
Donol Hedlund, a Seattle mortgage banker, testified that he and
Beck shared an $11,585 profit on mortgage sales to a fund set up by
various unions for Mrs. Terry Leheney, widow of Ray Lenehey, a labor
leader whom Hedlund described as Beck's "best and closest friend."
Beck was a trustee of the widow's fund, and Robert F. Kennedy,
counsel for the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee, told newsmen

future tests.
After that, the Supreme Soviet
ended its three-day 'session, having
preserved its rubber-stamp record.
Without a murmur it ratified all
decrees of the Presidium since the
last session, and approved party
boss Khrushchev's sweeping plan
for decentralizing and reorganizing
the Soviet Union's gargantuan in-
dustrial administrative machinery.
Promyko's 30 minute speech was
made in response to a request by
some deputies for information
about international negotiations
on proposals for banning tests of
atomic weapons.
Britain and the United States
maintain the nuclear weapons
problem can only be handled by
an international foolproof inspec-
tion system to guarantee that any
agreement banning or limiting the
manufacture, stockpiling and, use
of these weapons is honestly ob-
They say the experiments are
necessary to the defense of the
free world and as a deterrent to
Gromyko said the Soviet Union
would go on producing and testing
guided missiles until the Western
Powers agree to ban the tests.
"The Soviet Union must act in
the interests, of its own security,
the security of the Socialist camp
and of general peace," he declared.
Gromyko ridiculed arguments
that some explosions might escape
detection, if a ban on tests were
agreed to.
"Those who use these arguments
have fear," he said. "Like the devil
fears Christ, these people are
afraid the termination of tests will
undermine their whole position of
the use of nuclear weapons."
House Reopens
Old Dispute
On Road Bill
LANSING (/P)-The S e n a t e
Highways Committee yesterday re-
opened a long-standing dispute by
changing a House highway bill to
give more money to local units of
The committee change calls for
the diversion to local units of more
than 12 million dollars a year in
state gasoline tax and motor vehi-
cle fees that now goes for state
highway construction.
About eight million dollars of
the money would go to the coun-
ties and four million to the cities.

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Junta 'Reigns
Thirty Killed
ms Fear
3rs ear As Soldiers
Stoppage Create Panic
r Andrei Gromyko charged
"like the devil fears Christ" Gen. Paris, Proises
Elections Next Year
United States and Britain
rmine their whole position BOGOTA, Colombia (A) - The
four-year dictatorship of Gen.
customary unanimity, then Gustavq Rojas Pinilla collapsed
ed States Congress and the yesterday on the rocks of his
parliamentary commission greed for power.
New bloodshed accompanied his
downfall. Soldiers advancing be-
en y Seen hind tanks and wielding rifle
eI~l Seen butts stampeded a crowd of joy-
ous demonstrators before the Cap-
itol. Thirty died in the panic.
Rojas turned his presidential
powers over to a five-man mili-
tary junta headed by Maj. Gen.
ntl o axe.Gabriel Paris.
There were reports Rojas had
gone to Caracas, Venezuela, but
HINGTON (A - Secretary an official radio announcement
te. John Foster DuIles said said he still was in the presiden-
ay the proposed interna- tial palace.
agency for peaceful uses of Cristanto Cardinal Luque, whose
energy can be a stepping opposition helped oust Rojas, ap-
toward control of nuclear pealed to the people over a na-
s. tionwide radio hookup to support
ng speedy Senate action to the junta in the name of patriot-
this country a member Of ism.
w 81-nation International The church warned that Com-
Energy Agency Dulles said: munists were interested in cre-
agency, for the first time ating new disturbances.
ory, the overwhelming ma- Paris, as president of the junta,
of the nations have agreed promised on his honor as an of-
ar-reaching system of con- ficer that popular elections will
nd safeguards." be held next year.
agency can help in moving Rojas' surrender capped a week
control of nuclear weap- of demonstrations and violence in
.e said. which more than 100 persons lost
Dulles testified at the open- their lives.
the Senate Foreign Rela- He went down under pressure
;ommittee hearings on the from opposition of the Roman
rship treaty submitted by Catholic Church, the business
nt Dwight D. Eisenhower community, the political parties of
rch 22. the country and the people as a
dent Eisenhower said the whole.
an outgrowth of his speech Rojas, a 56 year old army man
United Nations in December who c o m m a n d e d Colombia's
the answer to the desire troops in Korea, seized power in
ty nation's for a body "in June 1953 in a bloodless coup.
all may safely pool their He wanted another term start-
dge and skill for the ad- ing next year, but the constitu-
ent of all." tion, forbidding a president to
Lmber of serators in both succeed himself, stood in'his way.
have expressed misgivings To get around that, he hand-
he agency. Ratification of picked a constituent Assembly
rter requires a two-thirds which last Wednesday suspended
the Senate. the constitution's provisions for
Dulles underwent critical a popular election and" handed
"i"g by two Republican Rojas a new term extending until
tee members, Senator Wil-
nowland of California, the This traditionally democratic
enate neader' and Senato republic of more than 11 millions
ickenlooper of Iowa. o refused to accept the Assembly's

there was a violation of the law
receiving a profit on the mortgage
sales to the fund.
Hedlund defended the profit as
being "done from the heart rather
than the head," although earlier
he had said he didn't think it was
handled in an ethical manner.
Introduced into evidence was a
Nov. 16, 1956, letter to Mrs. Le-
heney in which Beck assured her
she would be getting "a very fine
return on your investment with
the maximum of safety."
The committee also developed
testimony thatNBeck quietly col-
lected thousands of dollars in fees
on money invested in mortgages
by his union, the biggest in the
Beck, who didn't attend Friday's'
hearing, issued a statement de-
fending his method of handling
union funds.
When he took over as interna-
tional president, Beck said, the
net yield on the union's invest-
ments was two and one-half per
cent as of Dec. 31, 1952. As of last
March 31, he continued, the yield
was 4.06 per cent.
He has declined to answer ques-.
tions before the committee on the
grounds that to do so might in-
criminate him.

regulating trusteeships in Beck's
Ho Ha Wins
Trial .Delay
- WASHINGTON (P)-After day-
long legal arguments James R.
Hoffa, Midwest boss of the Team-
sters Union, yesterday won only a
short delay of his trial on bribery
and conspiracy charges.
United States District Judge
Burnita S. Matthews set back the
trial from May 27 to June 17, but
denied all other motions by attor-
neys for Hoffa and his co-defend-
ant, Hyman I. Fischbach, Miami
Defense motions which the
judge turned down included one
for dismissal of the three-count
indictment against Hoffa and
Another asked for a six-month
continuance or, as an alternative,
that the trial be sent elsewhere--
New York. Detroit and Miami were
Attys. Edward Bennett Williams
for Hoffa and Daniel B. Maher for
Fischbach argued that "the at-
mosphere in this jurisdiction has
been so affected by publicity gen-
erated by the government" that
the defendants could not get a
fair trial here now or in the near
Hoffa, often pictured as the
number two man in the Team-
sters and anxious to become num-
ber one, and Fischbach are accused
of an attempt to plant a spy within
the Senate Rackets Investigating
Committee so he could feed them
its secrets.
Williams said Senators John Mc-
Clellan (D-Ark.), Carl Mundt (R-
S.D.), the Justice Department and
the United States attorney's office,
as well as Robert-Kennedy, coun-
sel of the Senate Committee, had
helped generate "prejudicial, ob-
jectionable publicity" about Hoffa.
But government lawyers renlied

Sen. Knowland raised the point
that the United States proposes to
contribute 5,000 kilograms of fis-
sionable materials to the agency
against a Russian contribution of
50 and a British contribution of
20 kilograms. A kilogram is a little
over two pounds.
Sec. Dulles emphasized the
treaty does not contemplate a
"give-away"-agency. He said coun-
tries receiving atomic fuel would
pay the agency for what they re-
ceived and the United States
would be reimbursed.
Further Dulles said the fuel
"will not be' of a kind usable for
nuclear weapons."

Campus Chest Exceeds
$2,000 on Fifth Day
Campus Chest collections ex-
:,ceeded the $2000 mark yesterday
at the close of five days of stu-
dent solicitations.
Sale of late permissions, the
. k". r bucket drive, and house solicita-
tions brought $704 dollars into the
chest treasury yesterday.
Women's Judiciary Council sold
k 236 late permissions for one dollar
R keach, with the mor'ey donated to
the fund drive. Total sales ofs late
permissions have accounted for
over one-third of the receipts of
. the Campus Chest drive.
*...« ¢Another ;ount of funds will net
be made until Monday, when most
of the money collected in frater-

New Palefaces Initiated
By Michiguama Braves

Prof. Marshall Knappen, of the
political science department, will
address the sixth annual World
Order Conference to be held at
First Presbyterian Church at 9
a.m. today.
His subject will be "Is There a
United States Foreign Policy?"
Six areas of foreign policy legis-
lation before Congress this year
will be discussed in separate con-
ferences following the address.
Petitioning for graduate and
undergraduate women interested
in participating in the "Interna-
tional Friendship Program" is still
open according to Nancy Colwell,
'58, League chairman.
Petitions may be obtained any
time over the weekend at the Un-
dergraduate office of the League
which will not be locked, Miss Col-
well said. Petitioning closes Mon-
Five members of the psychology
department and Institute for So-
cial Research are presenting pa-
pers to the American Association
for Public Opinion Research May
8 to 11 in Washington, D. C.
The members are Prof. Angus
Campbell, Arnold Tennenbaum,
Basil Georgopoulos; Gerald Gurin,

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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