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May 08, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-08

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Preval"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Formidable NATO
Needs Nuclear-Armed Germany

N THE FACE of therrecent Soviet threat
"to convert West Germany into one big
cemetery" if she permits her territory to be
used for nuclear weapon launching sites, NATO
has announced it may place a much greater
emphasis on atomic weapons of all types.
If this happens, it could pose a very ticklish
problem for Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
The difficulty is this. West Germany, a new
member of NATO, would be one of the most
logical spots for rocket and missile bases due
to its strategic location with relation to both
communist Eastern Europe and Russia. These
bases would be within easy missile range of
key industrial and military targets in all of
Eastern Europe including Moscow, Stalingrad,
and Prague. Besides this, the new German
army which is once-again training men for ser-
vice in its once feared panzer divisions, and the
Luftwaffe, now flying in American jets in-
stead of Messerschmidts, could easily be
trained to man and protect these bases. Then
too, personal experience in rocket work must
still be present in Germany for the first real
guided missile, the V-1 and the V-2, were per-
fected and used by the Germans in World
War II.

BUT THERE seems to be muchhopposition
by the German people to any such plan. The
opposition comes not only from three power-
ful opposition parties of the Adenauer Govern-
ment, but from trade unions and the leading
German nuclear scientists. Then to top this
off the Soviet note has added an ominous note
to the affair.
The German people can hardly be blamed for
remembering how their country was devastated
by "ordinary weapons" a scant twelve years
ago. Many of the scars still remain in the cities
and villages across the Rhine, and if they are
hesitant about inviting a further holocaust, it
is no surprise. No one remembers better the
horrors of war than a natiorf twice defeated
and humiliated in less than a half century.
Still, all of these horrors may seem like a
picnic if the Russians are allowed to walk in
and take over the rest of Europe as they have
done in the Eastern portion. Only by present-
ing an armed and united front of free Euro-
pean nations, including strategic Germany,
and by equipping this body of nations with
weapons formidable enough (nuclear weapons
in this case) to cause the U.S.S.R. to think
twice before engaging in more aggression, can
NATO be an effective force for lasting world

Hot Rod
- A
V11, 06 6 7
Secret Deal on McLeod

Senator Robert Taft

CRITICISM has been directed at the inclu-
sion of Sen. Robert 4A. Taft in the first five
members selected for the Senate Hall of Fame.
This criticism is largely based on partisanship
and is unwarranted.
Taft was always one of the most honest and
courageous senators; this was conceded even
by his enemies. He did not hesitate to take an
unpopular stand on any issue when he felt
himself to be right. His criticism of the Nur-
emberg war trials exemplifies this.
When the Republicans gained control of
Congress in 1946, Taft had his choice of com-
mittee chairmanships. Instead of taking For-
eign Relations or Appropriations, where he
could have made political capital, he selected
the difficult, unpromising post of chairman of
the Labor Committee, thinking he could do
more good for his country there.
THE LAW he drafted and championed in
the Senate aroused great enmity from labor
leaders, and cost him the Republican presi-
dential nomination two years later, yet he re-
fused to consider his political career more im-
portant than service to his country.
Taft consistently stood for strict constitu-

To The Editor
Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.
Driving Ban . . .
To the Editor:
OPEN hearings are being held at 8 p.m. today and 3:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Rm. 3529 Student Activities Building, where students will have
an opportunity to present their views on present University driving
Under present conditions it is undoubtedly necessary that some
restriction be placed on driving. Exactly what type of limiting criteria


tionalism, believing such measures as public
housing and aid to education to be a perversion
of the principles of the "Founding Fathers".
In this he was frequently criticized as being
"behind the times" and "reactionary". This
Taft was not. However, he was a conservative
in the finest sense of the word, seeking to pre-
serve the traditions and values which formed
the country and made it great.
TAFT WAS NOT the "isolationist" he was
often called, but he did not believe in the
indiscriminate spending of American money in
Europe, while no aid was being given in crucial
struggles such as that between Chiang Kai-
Shek and the Communists. He felt the neces-
sity of aiding the newer nations of Asia, as well
as the older European states. For this he was
much maligned, but he never went back on
his conviction, voicing it and voting it.
Men devoted to principle, as Taft was, are
rare, and deserve all honor. The Senate has
recognized this in choosing him for its highest
praise. Credit should be given to the select-
ing senators for rising above partisan politics.

Budget System Failure

A SIGNIFICANT unreported in-
cident took place inside the
closed-door session of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee dur-
ing consideration of Scott McLeod
as Ambassador to Ireland. It illus-
trated how difficult it is for the
Democrats to show any sign of
leadership against'the Eisenhower
Administration when their alleged
leader is frequently in secret ca-
hoots with the Administration.
Just before McLeod's name was
to be voted on, Chairman Theo-
dore Francis Green of Rhode Is-
land, oldest and most revered
member of the Senate, said he had
had a talk with Chris Herter, act-
ing Secretary of State, who re-
quested that a vote on McLeod
be postponed for a week.
Senator Fulbright of Arkansas
immediately moved one week's
Thir brought protest from Re-
publicans. Senator Alex Smith of
New Jersey, the former Princeton
professor, said he couldn't under-
stand it. Senator William Know-
land of California, the Republican
leader, left the room. He came
%ack in a minute looking red in
the face,
Administration to say that con-
sideration of McLeod is not to be
postponed," he announced.
He said that Acting Secretary
Herter's earlier request had been
based on a phone conversation
with Chairman Green in which
Green had said McLeod could not
be confirmed.
Usually mild Chairman Green
corrected Knowland vigorously. He
said he had phoned Herter to say
that there would be a big vote}
against McLeod, and while it
might fall short of blocking Mc-
Cleod, it might embarrass the
Administration. He had asked the
State Department therefore to
consider withdrawing McLeod's
That was why Herter had asked
for one week's delay in order to
take the matter up at the White

What Acting Secretary Herter
hadn't known, when Chairman
Green phoned him, was that Sen.
Lyndon Johnson, the alleged Dem-
ocratic leader, had already made
6 deal with Republican Leader
Knowland to confirm McLeod. Re-
gardless of what the opposition
was, regardless of the time-hon-
ored custom of democratic debate,
regardless of what was brought
- out in the hearings, Johnson had
agreed that enough Democratic
votes would line up for McLeod
to confirm him.
Knowland, of course, knew this
when he stomped out of the Com-
mittee Room to phone Herter. He
also knew that President Eisen-
hower scares easily when it comes
to the Senate. He, Knowland, has
scared him a good many times
himself. He knew that Ike never
wanted to appoint McLeod in the
first place, did so only to please
John Foster Dulles. Finally, Know-
land knew that a week's delay was
likely to scare the President into
withdrawing McLeod's name.
, * *
THAT WAS WHY he talked
tough to Herter, in effect told
him to get some backbone.
Note 1-Significantly, Lyndon
Johnson's satellite, Senator Mike
Mansfield of Montana, the Demo-
cratic whip, voted for McLeod in
the secret Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee. Leo Graybill,
Democratic National Committee-
man from Montana, expressed
surprise at Mansfield's position.
He did not know that a deal had
been made by Lyndon. What
makes other senators sore about
the Johnson leadership is that
these matters are never discussed
in the democratic fashion, in a
party caucus. They are decided by
Johnson privately, discussed with
a few senators by telephone. John-
son has held only one Democratic
caucus this year, held only one
in the four preceding years.
Note 2-Johnson boycotted the
Democratic meeting in Washing-
ton over the weekend, did not
appear at the $100 a plate dinner

or the Democratic breakfast. He
did not appear at a single, solitary
* * *
MAILBAG: Col. James Stack,
Tacoma, Wash.-Thanks for the
word that neither you nor Edgar
Eisenhower had anything to do
with promoting the drainage ditch
which the Army engineers dug at
American Lake to prevent flood-
ing, and that you live some miles
away from the lake. I am happy
to make a correction. You will be
interested in knowing that infor-
mation to the contrary came from
an authorized Army spokesman-
doubtless because you have been so
active around Ft. Lewis that the
Army attributed various moves in-
volving decisions in Washington to
you or Edgar.
Senator Huey Long of Louisiana
did not use the Bilbo or McCarthy
tactic of unjust accusation. He
campaigned for better schools, free
school books,- bridges,hhighways,
and generally for things that
would, help people. He taxed big
business and fought it. Big busi-
ness fought him bitterly. It was
sometimes said that he robbed the
rich to help the poor.
* * *
Department officials the other day,
Secretary John Foster Dulles
brought up the Alsop column re-
porting that the 6th Fleet had
been sent to the eastern Mediter-
ranean in order to keep Israel
from attacking Jordan.
"What about the Alsop column?"
Dulles asked.
Dulles' staff assured him that in
this case the usually accurate Al-
sop brothers were not accurate,
that the 6th Fleet had been sent
to quiet Syria and Egypt, not
watch Israel, and that there was
nothing in the situation which he,
Dulles, did not already know
Assured, the Secretary of State
chuckled: .
"Well, a story like that won't
hurt us with the Arabs," he said.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

is chosen is an arbitrary point. If
it is desired to limit this privilege
to those deemed mature, I ques-
tion that age should be the only
factor which qualifies a student
for exemption.
We all know older, less mature
people and young, very mature
people. The University policy on
admission has nothing to do with
age, the social grouping or "class"
is the standard for entrance.
I would like to state a case for
exemption of all seniors in addi-
tion to the presint trial rule. Dean
Voller stated recently that ap-
proximately 97% of the seniors at
Michigan State College are over
twenty-one. In checking I found
that this percentage isapproxi-
mately true here. This additional
exemption would cause very little
proportional increase in the num-
ber of cars on campus (less than
4 /)0.
Is it not reasonable that a per-
son in his last year of college work
be extended all privileges that are
given discriminately to under-
graduates, that discrimination be-
ing an age limit of twenty-one?
Some sophomores and many ju-
niors are now eligible for this ex-
emption. Should not a person
ready to leave college to take his
place in an adult community be
given this privilege and responsi-
-Ronald Shorr, W5BAd
Imbecility?; . .
To the Editor:
WE BET A BEER. And, with
unfounded expectancy of even
mediocrity, we entered tonight
that beehive of unparalleled un-
dergraduate activity, South Quad-
Never have I been an advocate
of the erudition of the Michigan
undergraduate. However, this eve-
ning we took a most disillusioning
poll of omnifarious oafs that could
be mustered anywhere, much less
this fifth finest university in the
nation, according to the infallible
Chicago Tribune.
Our simple question: "Who is
Albert Schweitzer?"
Our incredulous answers: "An
atomic scientist who works for
the government;" "I just don't
have time to read magazines;"
"Sounds familiar-a mathemati-
cian like "Einstein?"
All we asked was mere identifi-
cation of he whom few will dis-
pute is the greatest man alive and
(with two exceptions whom we
do not wish to discredit) all we
found was example of indescrib-
able imbecility.
In twelve minutes we found ten
fatheads unable to answer us. En-
closed you will find bill for the
beer my bet cost me.
-K. Don Jacobusse, '58L
On Fear
A FEAR here, a fear there, we
slowly created this era, and it
is axiomatic that fear breeds upon
fear so the thing will fester and
grow till we put an end to- it.
Nobody can help us. As long as we
,eep asking for it we continue to
get it. But once we stop saying
"Boo!" to each other in the dark,
we, our leaders, and then maybe
the rest of the world can get on
to manlier things.
-Henry Lee
In-American Mercury

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility.Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the dr preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Hearings on the Student Driving
Regulations will be held by the Office
of Student Affairs at 8 p.m. on Wed..
May 8 and at 3:30 p.m. on Thurs., May
9 in Room 3529, Student Activities
The purpose of the hearings will be
to solicit and record from individuals
and groups any suggestions regarding
possible modification of the present
driving regulations. Following the hear-
ings the Office of Student Affairs will
carefully review all comments and sug-
gestions offered before establishing the
student driving regulations for the
school year 1957-58.
Individuals and groups are urged to
submit written briefs to the Office of
Student Affairs if for any reason per-
sonal appearance at either hearing is
Urgent Notice to all ushers who
signed to help at Skit Night! You are
hereby reminded that the Skit Night
show starts at 8:00 and that you should
therefore report at the Auditoriurxl at
7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the May Festival Concert
at Hill Auditorium on Sun., May 5,
had late permission until 11:25 p.m.
Correction to the Weekly Calendar:
The lecture sponsored by the Center
for Japanese Studies and the Depart-
ment of Far Eastern Languages and
Literatures will be held on Wed., May 8
Instead of Tues., May 7as announced
in the Weekly Calendar. Prof. Howard
L. Boorman, School of International
Affairs, Columbia University, will speak
on "China Under Communism and Its
Alliance with Russia" at 3:10 p.m. in
Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Seventh Social Seminar of the Michi
gan Chapter of the American Society
for Public Administration May 9 at 8:00
p.m. in the West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Jane Weidund, as-
sistant program director, Europe, Afri-
ca and the Middle East, United Nations,
New York, will speak on "Problems i
International Administration."
Kasimir Fajans - Award Lecture.
Thurs., May 9, at 4:00 p.m., Room 1400,
Chemistry Building. Speaker to be an-
The Red Inn will be presented by the
Department of Speech at 8 p.m. to-
night in Architecture Auditorium,
Scenes from Opera presented by the
opera class of the School of Music, un-
der the direction tof Josef Blatt and
Hugh Norton, 8:30 tonight in Ad. A,
Angell Hall. Scenes from Act QIIIof
Aida by Verdi, sung in Italian; Act III
of Gounod's' Faust, sung in French;
and the final scene of Mozart's Cosi
Fan Tutte, in English. Tues. and Wed.
evenings. Open to the general public
without charge.
The University of MichiganWolver-
ine Band will hold its annual spring
concert on Thurs., May 9 at 8:00 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom. Open to the
general public. No admission charge.
Student Recital by Robert' Whitacre,
graduate student of wind instruments,
8:30 p.m. Thurs., May 9 ,in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Whitacre studies
tuba with Glenn Smith, and present
the recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
degree. He will be assisted by Emerson
Head, trumpet, John Alexander, trum-
pet, James Hubard, trombone, Nathan
Judson, euphonium, and Arlette Zend-
meer, piano. Open to the general pub-
Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m. Thurs.,
May 9: The modern renaissance of car-
illon music in Belgium, with arrange-
ments for keyboard carilon by J.
Denyn and K. Lefevere; group of mod-
ern Belgian carillon compositions be-

fore World War II, and three Belgian
compositions since World War II.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students in Linguistics:
Preliminary examinations for the doc-
torate in Linguistics will be given ac-
cording to the following schedule:
Fri., May 10, 2-5 p.m., 229 Angell Hall:
Linguistic Science, Comparative Indo-
European Grammar, Structure and His-
tory of a Non-Indo-European Lan-
Sat., May 11, 9 a.m.-12 noon, 626 Haven
Hall: History and Structure of Eng-
lish, History and Structure of Russian;
8-12, 212 Romance Languages, History
and Structure of Spanish.
Medical College Admission Test: Can-
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on May 11 are requested
to report to Room 130, Business Admin-
istration Building at 8:45 a.m. Sat-
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs..





A FTER the President returned from his
Easter holiday in Atlanta, the White House
made it known that he will now, campaign for
his budget. It will be hard work. For while
many a President has had to fight for his bud-
get, President Eisenhower is in a specially dif-
ficult position.
He has to defend a budget which his princi-
pal financial adviser and he himself have dis-
credited. It is this attack by the administration
itself on the administration's budget which has
unloosed the popular demand for big cuts in
the expenditures. The President has now to
reverse, or at least to arrest, a very strong tide
of public opinion. He will probably consider
himself fortunate if he can hold the cutting
below $3,000,000,000.
The President's position is weak because the
integrity of the budget which he transmitted
to Congress in January has been irreparably
damaged by Secretary Humphrey, by Under
Secretary Burgess, by jhe President's own hesi-
tation, by the open opposition of Mr. Know-
land. Except for a handful of Eisenhower Re-
publicans, all of them uncertain as to whether
President Eisenhower is really with them, the
President's budget has no active defenders.
IT IS NOT because the budget is so bad or
because it imposes an intolerable burden on
the taxpayers. The budget is quite consistent
with the pledges in the platform on which the
President was re-elected last autumn. The
items for foreign aid are no more than a part
of the bill for the foreign policy which the
country approved when it re-elected Eisen-
hower. But aserious thing has happened. It
is that the administration has destroyed confi-
dence in the country that the budget has been
competently and responsibly prepared.
The budget law fixes upon the President the
responsibility for deciding what "estimated
expenditures and proposed appropriations" are
"necessary in his judgment for the support of
the government." The principle of the law
lies in the words "necessary in his judgment."
The law assumes, quite correctly, that the
Chieff Exentive is in a htter nnoition than is

termination of the amount is final. It is not
final. The last word is with Congress. But it
does mean that in making a final decision,
Congress shall have before it - so that it can
act responsibly - the best judgment of the
Executive branch of the government.,
IN THE handling of the budget, the adminis-
tration has violated the spirit and the intent,
if not the letter, of the budget law. It has sent
to Congress a budget which the Treasury has
denounced as too big by several billion dollars.
Thus Congress and the country have been told
by the President's principal financial advisers
that they should not trust what is supposed
to be the President's budget - that Congress
and the country shall not believe that all the
funds are "necessary" which the President's
budget says are necessary.
This has meant a breakdown of the Presi-
dential budget system, and from this break-
down stems the rebellion which threatens not
only the President's legislative program but
also his foreign policy.
Sen. Lyndon Johnson told the Senate last
week that "the American people are giving us
a clear and firm mandate to cut the adminis-
tration's budget. Anyone who doubts that
statement can have his doubts resolved quickly
by travelling through his home state." There
is no doubt that the popular mandate to cut
the budget is strong,.
THE BUDGET, as Sen. Johnson remarked la-
ter on in his speech, is 1,125 pages in length.
It took a year to prepare it. Four hundred per-
sons worked on it. It cost, just to prepare the
budget document itself, $4,000,000. Having been
completed, and as soon as it was transmitted,
the document was discredited by the Secretary
of the Treasury and irresolutely defended by
the President. There can be no clear mandate
under these conditions. There is instead the
great loss of confidence in the budget which
has encouraged everyone to attack any acti-
vity of the government which for one reason
or other he does not approve of.
How is confidence in the integrity of the
htiri + o p an r--0r19N v n -i ha c a -:ve


'Gallic Churchill' To Take NATO Helm

By The Associated Press
lic Churchill," takes the helm
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization next week and judging
from the records, NATO is going
to be a more lively organization.
The new secretary general is
probably the world's most promi-
nent advocate of European unifi-
cation and Western solidarity. At
least, he's one of its most eloquent
and articulate proponents, and one
of its most effective campaigners.
Over the years he has earned
the Churchlihan nickname with
his oratorical ability, hismcareer,
his aims, policies and methods,
and the mutual admiration and
friendship between himself and
the retired British Prime Minister.
IN ADDITION to political
causes the two men havr e aslieht

also speaks a strongly accented
English rather well.
At NATO sessions Spaak, as
foreign minister, has usually been
just as well prepared. When a
communique is mentioned, Spaak
often dips into his pocket, then
looks up slyly. "It just so happens,"
he will smile, "that I have here an
outline for one ."
The other ministers usually
agree to use Spaak's draft as the
basis for a NATO communique.
* * *
SPAAK KNOWS nearly all the
Western foreign ministers person-
ally, and quite well, too. As Bel-
gium's foreign minister, he has sat
and argued with them on all sorts
of panels and commissions rang-
ing from the United States to the
Council of Europe, the Steel-Coal
Pool and the Organization for
Eron en wonnmin nnnrno+inn

at mass meetings and street rallies.
His street corner technique was
demonstrated in 1948 from a plat-
form he shared with Churchill at
a Brussels mass meeting sponsored
by the European Movement - a
private organization devoted to
the cause of European unity.
Communists infiltrated the
crowd and turned it into a hostile
audience as Churchill spoke in
English, a language few on the
crowded square understood very
well. Churchill made an attempt
to carry on in French and met
with a chorus of boos. Then Spaak
took over.
HE POINTED to Churchill and
a group of French and Belgian
wartime resistance leaders on the
platform behind him. Were these,
he asked, men of war? The Com-
munists shouted-"Ve i"Bunt their

friends were helping Hitler carve
up a helpless Poland."
That halted the hecklers for
good, and the throng, by this time
fully aroused, cheered for Spaak,
Churchill and the whole cause of
European unification.
* * *
AFTER WINNING attention as
a successful attorney, Spaak quick-
ly established himself as a power
in the Belgian Chamber of Depu-
ties. Only the agile or the fool-
hardy would take him on. This
ability in floor debate served him
well in the 20 years or so that
Spaak has been a member of a
Belgian government.
In some of those years, Spaak
was chief of government or pre-
mier, more often he was foreign
minister. In fact, he held the lat-
ter job so long that one of his
friends nn[:P Aeserihed him ac



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