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Brandon Recalls Development
"I never thought I would leave
Michigan," reflected Arthur L.
Brandon, Director of University
Relations. He gazed from his office
at the Michigan Union with an air
of anticipated homesicknes
Brandon plans to leave the Uni-
versity between July 1 and Sept.
1 for New York City where he
will fill a newly crated position
of vice-president to Carrol V.
Newsom, president of New York
At NYU he will aid in developing
public relations policies by assist-
ing Newsom in the general phases
of administration. His new job
x will follow esssentially the same
line of public relations he helped
to form at the University.
came in 1946
When Brandon first came to the
University in 1946 after leaving
the Directorship of Special Servi-
ces at Vanderbilt University, there
were only two other persons in the
University Relations Service. Their
office occupied a section of the
"huge barn" that was old Univer-
sity Hall.
Later, when the "barn" was
torn down, their offices were
moved to two little cubbyholes or,
as - they were officially called,
"bays" in the basement of Angell
The growth of the organization
necessitated the addition of two
more "bays," but when this failed
to provide adequate space for the
enlarging group, the offices were
moved to their present location in
the Administration Building.
Dressed in a neat, dark brown,
tweed'suit that slows a conserva-
tive taste, Brandon laughed gently
as he compared the present size of
the University Relations staff with
that of 1946.
Grows to 62 Members
From three young men strug-
gling for a foothold~ in the Uni-
versity the organization has grown
to 62 members who are spread out
over four subdivisions of the serv-
ice: News Service, publications,
radio, television, field services and
special conferences.
Brandon related, "When you
leave a place like Ann Arbor with
all your associations and friends,
it's rough. This was the most diffi-
clt decision I ever made."
With a cheerful glance at the
sun beaming in at the window the
59-year-old man added, "Years
ago a person my age wouldn't have
thought of making a change such
as I have."
'Change' Not Only Reason
"Change," however, is not the
only reason why Brandon is mov-
ing to New York. He thinks of the
world as a big school where he
can "round out" his educational
experiences," just as a student
wants to round out his."
White haired and scholarly look-
ing, Brandon's expressive face does
not portray his age. Instead, he
appears like a man in his early
forties and his deep-sounding con-
fident voice gives him the author-
ity to say that his new job is a
"challenging opportunity I couldn't
afford to turn down."
For 11 and one-half years he co-
operated with all departments of
the University in every way pos-
day a week operation. The longest
I've ever been away from Ann
Arbor at one time is 20 days.'
His concept of public relations
has not only contributed to his
own success but has enhanced
that of the University also.
Brandon believes a university
should start with a strong educa-
tional system and the "only reason
you have a university relations
service is to aid the educational
program in communicating with
the outside world."
New York has many attractions
for many people and like the post-
man who goes for a walk on his
day off,, he is going to the "Big
City" because it "is the center of
public relations."
'Personal Appeal'
There is also a "personal appeal"
in New York. Newsom, the presi-
dent of NYU, a graduate of this
University, is a personal friend
of Brandon.
Like the proud father who con-!
tinually shows his child's picture
to everyone, Brandon has a picture
of his new home in New Jersey
which he will produce on the
slightest provocation.
Among the many committees
Brandon serves on are the Broad-
casting Service, of which he is
chairman; the Institute for Social
Research, (he is the oldest mem-
ber with nine years' service); the
Board of Directors and Executive
Committee of the Development
Council, the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, which he
helped to organize; and the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
,-DJaly-Dick Gaskll
... difficult decision
-Daily-Dick Gaskil
... it's been nice
sible whenever their work had
direct or implied public signifi-
cance. His life at the University
he says has been the "most satis-
fying experience I ever had."
"I think the University is one of
the greatest universities of the
The University, he said, has
more programs on television than
any other institution in the coun-
try - in fact they have two shows
that appear regularly in New York,
"sc I'll have an opportunity of
seeing what's going on at the
Took Trip to San Francisco
Experimentation in television
took Brandon to San Francisco
last month where he observed an
experiment which attempted to
determine which of three instruc-
tional situations was most condu-
cive to learning.
Although final results are not
compiled yet, Dr. Brandon said in-
dications showed it "doesn't make
much difference which way you
the course. The, learning is about
about the same"
The success which he has
achieved in his field might be at-
tributed to his devotion to his
work. The job "has been a seven
Prof. Ewert
To Give Talk
An expert in mediaeval French
literature, Prof. Alfred Ewert of
Oxford University, will talk on
"The Judas Iscariot Legend in
Mediaeval Literature" at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
A reviewer of scholarly works
in his field, Prof. Ewert will appear
under the sponsorship of the ro-
mance languages department. The
lecture is open to the public.
Brandon received a Master of
Arts degree at Bucknell in 1927.1
In 1936 Oklahoma Baptist Uni-
versity conferred the honorary
Doctor of Laws degree on him.
He is author and co-author of
several educational publications,
including "How Fare American
Youth?" and "Postwar Education
in American Colleges and Univer-
sities." Brandon is a member of
Phi Kappa Sigma, social frater-
nity; Sigma Delta Chi, profession-
al journalism fraternity, and Pi
Kappa Delta, speech honorary.
West Coast
Study Bias
Resolutions against discrimina-
tion have been made by the stu-
dent government body at Univer-
sity of California and by the In-
ter-Fraternity Council at Univer-
sity of Oregon.
Executive committee of the stu-
dent government in California
voted unanimously to recommend
the formation of a "watchdog"
committee to evaluate annual
progress reports on anti-discrim-
ination submitted by fraternities
and sororities.
Panhellenic and IFC presidents
had withdrawn from the commit-
tee drawing up the discrimination
resolution. The policy states op-
position to "discriminatory racial
and religious clauses and written
and unwritten agreements."
Not Tolerance Test
The University's International
board chairman said thermeasure
was not designed as a "tolerance
test," but rather to stop "auto-
matic" elimination of prospective
members because of their race or
He added that reports submitted
to the special committee would be
considered privately and that
groups would not be required to
have a representative of every
race or religion as a member.
The Daily Californian com-
mented editorially that "the reso-
lution is no more than a request
to IFC and Panhellenic to set up
this committee. Nothing more. It
is not an order .. .
Panhellenic Objects
"It has been said that the pow-
erful national Panhellenic asso-
ciation will not permit the local
organization to join in the forma-
tion of the 'watchdog' commit-
ee on this campus," the paper
went on.
"The reason given, in a wire
to the local Pannellenic president
from a national Panhellenic of-
ficer was that, since the (student
government body) has no connec-
tion with the University's Pan-
hellenic association, Panhellenic
could not recognize any action
taken by the Associated students'."
Investigation of membership-
restricting clauses in fraternities
and sororities has been made by
student government body at Uni-
versity of Oregon. Due to a ruling
of National Panhellenic, sororities
could not make reports.
Following a report that seven
of the University's 20 fraternities
admitted to written racial or re-
ligious clauses, IFC passed an an-
tidiscrimination resolution.
First Place
Radio station WUOM won first
place in the Regional Network
category as the University re-
ceived two top awards in radio
broadcasting at the 21st exhibi-
tion of educational programs.
The exhibition is being held at
Columbus, Ohio by the Institute
for Education by Radio.
WUOM won first place for its
26-week series about Michigan
regiments in the Civil War. "To
Make Men Free" was cited for be-
ing a "competent dramatic series
which makes the Civil War come
alive in the mind of the listener."
The programs were written by
William Bender Jr. and directed
by Bill Stegath, both of the
WUOM staff.
A first award in the "Local Sta-
tion" category went to the radio
section of the department of
speech for the series, "Down
Story Book Lane."
These programs are designed for
children. The institute cited them
for "helping the child develop
sound judgment through skillful
use of dramatic fantasy."
This is the third year in a row
that this series has won'a Speech
Department first award.
Spurr Receives
Science Grant
Stephen H. Spurr, professor of
silviculture, in the School of Nat-
ural Resources, has won a science
faculty fellowship from the Na-
tional Science Foundation.
With headquarters at the Uni-
versity of California, Spurr plans
to use his grant to study the nat-
ural variation of pines and aspens
in the western United States and
the general theory of ,forest ecol-
Professor Spurr holds a bache-
lor of science degree from the
University of Florida, and a mas-
ter's and doctor's degree from
Circle Society
To Organize
Circle, honorary society for in-
dependent' women will hold its
first organizational meeting at
8:30 p.m. tonight in the League.
The purpose of the meeting is
for the election of officers. The
organization recently held its tap-
ping ceremony.
Ball Office Supply
213 E. Washington Ph. 3-1 161
Open House
To Feature
Tour, Tests
Psychology department's annual
open house from 3-5 p.m. today
will occupy the entire third floor
of Mason Hall.
Students and residents of Ann
Arbor are invited to have their
brain waves charted, take a lie
detector test and intellectual and
manual skills tested according to
Lawrence Littig of tle psychology
The department will give guided
tours of psychology labs and pre-
sent exhibits on perception, social
psychology, animal psychology,
learning, emotion, motivation and
the nervous system. Refreshments
will be served.
WHO Grants
Trip to Smith
Dr. Donald C. Smith, director
of the program in maternal and
child health at the University
School of Public Health, will leave
tomorrow for an extended tour of
Europe and the Middle East.
The trip is under the auspices
of the United Nations World
Health Organization (WHO).
WHO has granted Smith a fel-
lowship to spend three months
overseas to observe and study ma-
ternal and child health problems.
He will travel to England, France,
Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Egypt,
Iraq and Lebanon.
Tour Leader
To Discuss
Student Tri
A new travel program will be
explained by Edgar Orr, direc-
tor of Orr International Service
Organization at 8 p.m. today in
Rm. 3-S of the Union.
Under this program twenty stu-
dents will tour six countries in
Europe for ten weeks in the sum-
mer of 1958.
The group will be selected on
the basis of their personal inter-
ests and their interest in the trip,
according to John Myers, Grad,'
a tour leader. The tour will cover
France, Italy, Switzerland, Ger-
many, Holland and England.
Beginning in January 1958 pros-
pective members of the tour will
attend weekly discussion meetings
to discuss varied aspects of the
countries to be visited.
U' Singing Group
Plans Hill Concert
The Michigan Singers will pre-
sent a public concert at 8:30 p.m.
May 16 in Hill Auditorium.
Under the direction of Maynard
Klein, the selected concert choir
will sing "Exultate Deo" by Scar-
latti; "Super flumina Babylonis"
by Palestrina; "Jauchzet demt
Herrn" by Pachelbel; and "Song
of Praise" by Schutz.
The group will continue with
songs by Hindemith, Brahms and
several others.
Read the (ilassifieds
Educators Hear Problems
Presidents of land-grant colleges
and universities meeting together
for the first time, heard yesterday
that their public institutions face
a growing crisis of mounting en-
rollment and lack of funds.
The sessions are sponsored joint-
ly by the American Association of
Land-Grant Colleges and State
Universities Association. A total of
92 institutions are represented by
the two associations.
A survey, prepared from ques-
tionnaires distributed among
member colleges, was presented.
"Unless broad educational op-
portunity of high quality is held
open to the qualified," it pointed
out, "we shall see { severe and
perhaps nationally fatal, shortage
of trained and skilled men and
women in our society."
A summary of the survey showed
the following conclusions:
1) Sixty-five per cent of the
institutions polled said the sug-
gestion had been made in their
legislatures that the financial need
be met by raising student tuition
2) Seventy-five per cent of the
institutions said the question had
been, answered by limiting the
number of students admitted. Al-
most all of this group saw such
limitation as the only answer to
maintaining educational quality
if new funds are not provided.
3) The institutions requested
an average increase in operating
funds of 27.7 per cent for 1957-58
over the previous year.
4) Sixty-six of them indicated
a need for new construction funds
from their states amounting to a
total of three-quarters of a billion
dollars for the next two years.
Unless something is done to
meet the situation, the survey con-
cluded, the general assumption
"may well be invalid" that public
higher learning institutions would
expand to meet growing popula-
tion needs.
Notice to Glee Club Spring Con-
cert Ticket Holders:
Tickets will
be valid only until
8:30 P.M. of
May 11. At that time standing pa-
trons will be seated.
Complete Summer
Formal Rental Service
Now Available
Tice & Wren
1107 S. University Ave.
STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.
Total cost $5.75 per diem for a
thrilling vacation in the
Quetico-Superior wilderness.
For information write:
Bill Ram, Box 717 C, Ely, Minn.
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