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May 07, 1957 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-07

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TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1957




AL ZAXKr r a T c.

Al Capp Will Emcee at Skit. Night

Al Capp, cartoon creator of
Li'l Abner characters, will be mas-
ter of ceremonies at Spring Week-
end's Skit Night to be held at 8
p.m. Friday in Hill Aud.
Tickets are on sale on the Diag-
onal, under the Engineering Arch
and in the Michigan Union Lob-
by. All proceeds are going to the
National Association for Retarded
Arriving in Ann Arbor on Fri-
day morning, Capp will enter into
the activities planned for the day.
During the intermission at Skit
Night he will draw the cartoon
characters which he has created.
Spring Weekend activities will
begin at 3 p.m. Friday with a pa-
rade of 33 decorated "darby's",
two-wheeled carts. The parade
begins at Tappan and South Uni-
versity and ends at Ingalls Street
in front of the Michigan League.
At 8 p.m. the same evening six
skits, presented by 12 housing
units, will compete for the Skit
Night trophies.
Following the Skit Night pro-
gram will be the Torchlight Pa-
rade. House presidents will lead
the group from the League to the
Diagonal. Once assembled around
the Diag. there will be an all-
campus sing and several variety'
Exhibition, competition and en-
tertainment will be combined at
Field Day to be held from 1:30 to
4 p.m. Saturday on Palmer Field.
For laughs there will be a donkey
baseball game between faculty
members and students.
Starring on the faculty team are
Bill Cross, Prof. Richard S. Dunn,
Prof. Edward Lurie, Prof. Wilbert
McKeachie, Gus Stager and K. D.
Streif. Members of the rival stu-
dent team include Bill Adams, Joe
Collins, John Narcy, Bob Pitts,
Fred Trost, Rob Trost and Don
The Ann Arbor Alley Cats and
several members of last year's
Musket show will provide enter-
tainment. Those entering in relay
races, a "Sadie Hawkin's" bicycle
race and other obstacle races will
compete for prizes.
"Comic Cotillion" with dancing
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. will be held
on the tennis courts at Palmer

For Offices
Opens Today
'U' Coeds Evaluated
By League Committee
On Basis of Interest
Petitioning opens t o d a y for
League summer school positions.
During the summer the League
serves predominately a social func-
tion, s a i d Dorothy Schaffner,
sophomore member of the Inter-
viewing and Nominating Commit-
Positions to be filled are: dance
class chairman, social chairman,
publicity chairman, j u d i c i a r y
chairman and two members for the
judiciary committee. These women
will work with Sheila Mulcahy,
League summer school president.
Fall Positions
Also open at this time are fill-in
positions for the fall. Two mem-
bers for orientation committee,
two members for hte Merit Tu-
torial Committee and a chairman
and five members for the dance
class committee are needed.
Junior Girls' P 1 a y positions
available are assistant general
chairman, music director, com-
poser-arranger, stage manager and
assistant stage manager.
JGP, the annual event written,
produced and directed by junior
coeds for the entire campus, has
become a spring tradition at the
University since it was first staged
in 1904 in Barbour Gym by six
Petitions will be available in the
League Undergraduate office this
week. Interviewing will begin next
Monday and will continue through
Question Period
Members of the Interviewing
and Nominating Committee will
be in the Undergraduate office in
the afternoon this week to answer
any questions.
The committee accepts all peti-
tions and interviews all candidates
trying out for a League position.
Previous experience in the League
is not important when petitioning.
Enthusiasm, interest and plans for
the position are considered.

Groups Hold Elections

Alpha Kappa Kappa...
Alpha Iota chapter of Alpha
Kappa Kappa, national medical
fraternity, held its annual elec-
tions last week. The following were
electer: president, William Russell;
vice-president, Edward Gorman;
recording secretary, Frank Mer-
rick; corresponding secretary, Paul
J. Sullivan; social co-chairmen,
Joseph Sargent and Jack York and
steward, Carl Herkimer.
Other positions filled w e r e:
house manager, Raymond Glowa-
cki; warden, Walter Grabowski;
historian, R o d n e y McDonald;
chaplin, Albert Adams; marshall,
John Morovitz; athletic co-chair-
men, Robert Kruger and Jose Cor-
Owen Roberts was elected per-
manent secretary of the present
senior class to keep in contact with
the future alumni. Steve Schweins-
berg, William Russell and Jose
Correa are to be the delegates to
the national convention held in
Richmond, Va.
Mortarboard ...
Mortarboard, senior women's
honorary, recently elected new
officers for the 1957-58 year.
Incoming officers are Julie Fah-
Coeds To Apply
For Girls' State
Counselor Jobs
Interviews for 18 Girls' State
counselors will be held from 1 to
3 p.m. today and from 3 to 5 p.m.
Friday in the League Undergradu-
ate office by Mrs. Charlotte Blair,
assistant director of Couzen's Hall
who has charge of the program.
Women students who have had
experience in leadership and train-
ing in art, music, camp counseling
are urged to come.
The 18 counselors will be the
"key" contacts in the organization
because of their constant associa-
tion with the girls. They will not
only advise, consult and counsel
but will also attend all sessions and
activities of their particular group
or city.
Girls' State, sponsored annually
by the American Legion Auxillary
will be held at Alice Crocker Lloyd
Dormitory from June 16 to June

nestock, president; Nelita True,
vice-president; Judy Guest, 2nd
vice-president; Nancy Caldwell,
secretary; Betty Watts, treasurer
and Nedra Hall, historian.
Places Open
In Block 'M'
Petitioning for chairmanships of
Block "M," flash card section at
football games, is open until
Petitions are available in Rm.
2522 in the Student Activities
Students interested in sitting in
the Block next year may sign up
between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tues-
day, May 14 through Thursday,
May 16 on the Diagonal. When
signing up a minimum fee and the
summer address of each person is
Petitioning for the chairman-
ships of six committees is open.
The Assistant Design Committee
chairman will head the group
which designs the various stunts
the block performs. Poster and
Publicity Chairman's Committee
arranges for the block's publicity
and makes all posters used on the
football field.
Photography chairman records
the progress of the block through
movies, slides and color photo-
graphs. Chairman of the Facilities
Committee attends to the arrang-
ing of cards and capes used at the
games. The Coordinator directs
the ushers' preparation for block
stunts. Chairman of the Produc-
tion Committee handles the in-
struction cards used in the stunts.

SNOOTRAC-Li'l Abner finally meets Snootrac,
Spring Weekend symbol
Men's Glee Club To Present,
Annual Spring Concert

"OAHU" Swim Set

The University Men's Glee Club
will present their annual spring
concert at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in
Hill Aud.
Reserved seat tickets are free to
the general public and may be


t4cr,'i sCaonpu


Chariot parade .... 3 p.m.
Chariot darby....... 4 p.m.
Skit Night .......... 8 p.m.
At Hill Auditorium, Al Capp
All-campus sing following
Skit Night on Diagonal
* * *
Field Day ...... 1:30-4 p.m.
Palmer Field
Donkey Baseball game
Relays and obstacle races
Comic Cotillion 9 p.m.-1a.m.
All-campus outdoor dance
Palmer Field tennis courts


Field. Music for dancing under
the full moon will be played by the
Bob Alexander Band.
Decorations for "Comic Cotil-
lion" are based on the Weekend's
theme, Cartoonival. Along the
walls will be cartoon figures of
Gerald McBoing-Boing, Mr. Ma-
goo, Little Lulu, Pluto, Li'l Abner
and several others well known to
comic strip readers.
' During the intermission at 11
p.m. the Miss Cords will sing sev-
eral of their favorite songs. At
midnight William Miller, general
co-chairman, will announce all
the prizes won during the week-
end. After the announcements,
the Central Committee will teach
couples the "Snootrac Shuffle."
Grand prizes for the weekend,
two hi-fi phonographs, will be
t presented to the men's and wo-
men's housing units accumulating
the most points. Points may be
earned through participation in
events with additional points
awarded to winners.

SOPH SHOW - A publicity
meeting for Soph Show will be
held at 7:15 p.m. tonight in Hen-
derson Rm. of the League. First
semester sophomores and second
semester freshmen are eligible to
work on the committee.
* * *
JR. PANHEL - Jr. Panhellenic
will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the Student Activities Building.
Candidates for election of officers
for 1957-58 will be announced..
Diane Duncan, first vice-president
of Panhel, will speak on the pres-
ent Panhel situation.
* * *
MICHIFISH - Try-outs for
Michifish and Michifins will be
held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Women's Pool. Requirements are
basic strokes, surface dive, dol-
phin, ballet legs and kip.
There will be a business meet-
ing at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
ED SCHOOL - Petitions for
treasurer of the School of Educa-
tion Senior Board are now avail-
able in the education school office
in the University Elementary
School. Petitions will be due there
Friday. Candidates must be Ju-
niors in Education School. Anyone
with questions about this office
may call Laila Sadi.
* * *
Sonia Baur has been elected pres-
ident of the Political Issues Club.
Other officers elected for the
fall semester are Cam Yerian,
vice-president and E 1i z a b e t h
Haughn, secretary-treasurer.
Petitioning for positions on the
on the literary school steering
committee closes Friday. Students
may get petition blanks in Dean
Robertson's Office.

obtained until Friday in the Ad-
ministration Building ticket booth.
In accordance with a recent policy
change reserved seat tickets will
be valid only until 8:30 p.m.,
The one hour and 45 minute
concert will be presented before
the Sp ri ng Weekend dance,
"Comic Cotillion."
The Glee Club will sing several
numbers including "Chorus of the
Returning Pilgrims" from "Tann-
hauser" by Wagner, "I Hear an
Army" by Barber and "Country
Fair" by Mel Torme.
Featured Soloists in the concert
include tenors Dan Pressley and
Marshall Franke and Don Ridley
The Friars, an octet within the
Glee Club, will sing "Hard Hearted
Hannah" and "Jerusalem in the
Morning." Members of the octet
are Ray Babin, Joel Boyden, Mert
Crouch, Dwight Davis, Marsh
Franke, Denny Larkin, Ron Port-
wood and John Vavrock.
The Glee Club traditionally
opens every concert with "Laudes
Atque Carmina" and concludes
with "The Yellow and Blue."
The Glee Club, second oldest in
the country, was founded in 1859.
Prof. Philip A. Duey directs the
club and it is accompanied by
Richard Trevarthen.
Orientation Leaders
Students interested in serving
as orientation leaders next fall,
may get a petition card in the Un-
dergraduate office of the League.
Leaders are needed from the
following schools: Architecture
and Design, Dental Hygiene, Edu-
cation, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy,
Business Administration and En-





If your entry is one of the first 16


entries received, you will win a prize. It's simple-
just name 'the mystery movie star. Send your entry
to Spring Weekend Offices at the Michigan Union.
All people connected with Daily publication and those on Spring
Weekend central committee are ineligible to participate.
Third wife was killed in a crash, but next time
married a lady.


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