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May 04, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-04

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Senate Can't Expect 'Switchgin
To Help U Meet Fall's Enrollment

"We're Not Going To Keep You Cooped Up In The Hold"
"U L - .
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Aida' Concert-
LAST NIGHT at Hill Auditorium the Philadelphia Orchestra, the
University Choral Union, soloists Leontyne Price, Martha Lipton,
Rudolf Petrak, Robert McFerrin, and Nicola Moscona, with Thor John-
son as guest conductor, gave a performance of Verdi's "Aida" in concert
In several ways the evening was not a general success. It seemed
that the problems of presenting an opera of the grand, romantic type
in the concert hall proved too sizable for the proposed solution. "Aida"
is music for the theater; the dramatic tensions and interactions find
constant reflection in the sounds. With the scenery, the action, and the
stage missing, and with the whole thing done in a foreign tongue, the
opera lost one of its main footholds.
That does not mean that the evening was without its glorious


N SWITCHING three and a half million dol-
lars from the University's capital outlay
budget to the operations budget, the Senate
actually provided no more money for opera-
tions. All it did was provide a way, and a very
poor way, of getting additional money for
The $3,500,000 switched to operations was
originally designated to help complete the Un-
dergraduate Library, the Freize Bldg. and
the Fluids Engineering Bldg. Money to finish
these jobs must now come from student fees
which had been pegged for operations. It hard-
ly seems like a switch worth making.
The Senate bill passed yesterday also per-
nits the University to pledge 40 per cent of its
student fees (roughly the $3,500,000) for reve-
nue bonds for new buildings. But this is a dan-
gerous way of financing construction.
T IS DANGEROUS because classroom build-
ings have no income so the revenue bonds
must be paid off with student fees. Thus the
University is forced to commit a large portion
of its student fees over the life of the bonds,
10 or 15 years. In the past fees have provided
an important source of flexibility in deter'min-
Ing the budget.
Financing classroom construction through
revenue bonds also increases, by the amount
of the interest on the bonds, the cost of con-
Establishing a pattern of using student fees
for construction places a premium on increas-
ing enrollment to get more money for new
buildings. But increasing enrollment just cre-
ates additional need for construction and the
merry-go-round is underway.
Revenue bonds may be a fine way of financ-
ing construction which can at least partially
liquidate the bonds, as with residence halls or

the Union. But it is a poor way of financing
ANOTHER objection to yesterday's Senate
action is that it presupposes an authority
which resides with the Regents and not the
Senate. As a constitutional corporation the Re-
gents are presumably empowered to dispose
of student fees as they see best.
The Senate may have acted presumptuously
in granting the Regents an option they al-
ready had. Legislative interference in matters
properly left to the Regents' discretion is be-
coming more frequent - several Regents have
voiced concern at encroachment upon their au-
thority at two recent Regent meetings.
With the passage of Senate Bill No1439,
which includes the University's appropriations,
Sen. Porter and his colleagues held to 'their
"no new taxes" slogan. But in so doing they
left the University canoe floating towards the
rapids without a paddle.
Unless the House takes the initiative in pro-
posing a new source of revenue, such as the
corporate profits tax, the shortage of funds will
force a decline in the quality of education.
The University now has a fine physical plant
and an outstanding faculty. Both take money
to maintain. And once the downhill slide is
underway, it is difficult, if not impossible, to
reverse the trend.-
IF THE LEGISLATURE does not provide more
money, the University should cut back en-
rollment proportionately.
The responsibility of the University to pro-
vide an education for all qualified state resi".
dents is no greater than the responsibility of
the Legislature to provide the funds with which
to accomplish the job.
City Editor

Interview with McCarthy

Senator McCarthy:
He Found No Peace on Earth

IT IS SELDOM in a lifetime that one public
figure stirs as many emotions-ranging from
adulatory love to utter contempt-as did Sena-
tor Joseph Raymond McCarthy.
Public response to his appeals and outbursts
was mixed, as was his contribution to American
democracy, but that response was as loud as it
has been for any man since Franklin Roosevelt,
When McCarthy first spoke out on the issue
of Communists in government, he performed
the service of awakening the public to govern-
mental laxity in guarding its secrets and the
loyalty of its diplomatic sources. He also served
hisĀ° own political fortunes greatly, and his
shotgun approach to a delicate subject, his
disregard for facts and regard for headlines,
and his partisan use of the Communist issue
greatly vitiated his effectiveness as a "fighter
of communism," and cast doubt on the sincerity
of his motives.
At the wave of his prominence, McCarthy's
name had become the name of an era, although
his power and his dangerousness were often
overestimated, especially abroad. He did not
create the hysteria over internal communism
but only exploited it, and his ardent followers
were louder than they were legion. At his most
influential. McCarthy had already set off
enough of a reaction, his name had become
sufficiently beclouded, that democracy's ways
set limits to, as well as permitted, his rise to
IT IS IRONIC that McCarthy, who died at the
age of 47, survived for so short a time the
McCarthy Era, which ended finally with his
censure by the Senate two and a half years ago.
McCarthy died of natural causes, which sev-
eral years ago would have surprised many, so
strong was the intensity of feeling connected
with his name. That he did not die-as did
Huey Long, his counterpart of the 1930s-at
the hands of an assassin, that the orderly
processes of the ebb and flow of public opinion
ended his power before death intervened, are

tributes to the political maturity of the Re-
McCarthy the man will always be something
of an enigma. He was capable of contemptible
arrogance and endearing jocularity, barroom
brawling and sophisticated propagandizing,
compulsive tenacity and calculated vacillation,
politically suicidal outbursts and politically
ingenious maneuvering. He could knee a Wash-
ington columnist at a party, or send personally-
cooked chicken over for a Washington neigh-
bor's dinner.
jcCARTHY may have been one of the
Twentieth Century's greatest political geni-
uses, whose uncanny sensitivity for popular
moods carried him to a point where he could
go no place but down, and which somehow
failed him during every inch, once the decline
began. Or he may have been a frightened,
insecure man in a high place, one who directed
all his fears and aggressions on "Communists
in government," and whose obsession led him
upward so long as it corresponded with a na-
tional obsession, and downward as soon as it
did not. Or he may have been a dedicated but
confused zealot who simply could not see his
actions in any perspective, who refused to let
any other dangers interfere with his uprooting
of the supreme danger. Or he may have been all
of these, wrapped into some awesome, unex-
plicable combination.
He is with us no longer. But the droning,
nasal interrogation, the repetitious "Mr. Chair-
man . . ." and "Who Promoted Peress?" the
legendary stubble beard, the documents taken
from a heavy briefcase and waved before an
audience, all these died shortly before Mc-
As his battles were ending, and his days as
husband and father just beginning, it was an
unkind fate which dictated that the peace
which his political eclipse could have offered
a tormented soul, he will never know on earth.

NEW YORK WP)-At the height
of the Army-McCarthy dispute
in 1954, Associated Press reporters
Jack Bell and Relman Morin in-
terviewed the late Sen. Joseph
Following are some excerpts
from this interview that give an
insight into some of McCarthy's
aims, methods and his personal
Q. In your own mind are those
people who think like Communists
as guilty of acting against our gov-
ernment as a Communist him-
self ... ?
A. Let's not talk about "think-
ing." Let's take the people who do
all the things the Communists
would do. If they are, teaching
school, if they would teach the
way they would teach under Com-
munist discipline, if they follow
the Communist party line, if they
are acting as a Communist, if they
are following a Communist line,
certainly, anyone who is teaching
conspiracy and treason should not
have a captive audience in a
t1. SUPPOSE THEY are not
teaching conspiracy and treason
but merely teaching what Com-
munism is? Is there a difference in
your view?
A. Of course there is. I think
it is impossible to fight Commun-
ism unless you know all about it.
Unfortunately, many people have
confused teaching what Com-
munism is without advocating
Communism . . . There is no com-
parison. It is like the difference
between teaching about the dan-
gers and the evils of crime or
advocating murder.
McCarthy was asked about criti-
cism that hearings of his Senate
committee were not to obtain new
information but to expose infor-
mation already obtained. He re-

"The principal purpose of a
public hearing is to let the public
know what is going on. As far as
getting information ourselves is
concerned, we could get all that
information behind closed doors.
"There are two theories, of course.
There is one theory, followed by
some, that it is a favor to the
American people to let them know
what their elected officials are do-
ing. I don't follow that theory. I
think they have an absolute right
to know what is going on."
"I THINK we have an absolute
duty to bring all the facts in re-
gard to any misconduct on the
part of public officials to the at-
tention of the public. If there are
Communists handling defense
work, the American people should
know it. That is the way you get
Q. Senator, there has been a
great deal of speculation on the
question of whether you are run-
ning for the Republican presiden-
tial nomination in 1956 or a later
A. The answer is definitely no.
Q. Along that line, are you
trying to capture the Republican
party in any way?
A. Definitely not. Any such at-
tempt on the part of any one Sen-
ator would be ridiculous.
Asked about President Eisen-
hower's batting average in efforts
to rid the government of Com-
munism in reference to a 1953
McCarthy speech, the Senator re-
"I think President Eisenhower's
batting average was good then. I
still think it is good. I don't expect
we will ever have a president, no
matter how good he is, who will be
perfect all the time. That is one
of the reasons why you have a
"If you could elect a president

who was a perfect individual he
wouldn't need the checks of the
Asked if President Eisenhower
hadn't indicated unhappiness with
methods used by McCarthy, the
senator replied:
* * *
would be unhappy with that. You
have to name some method that
is objectionable. The record is
available for anyone to see. We
call a man in. We give him every
right to counsel, give him every
right to rebut the testimony
against him."
"I can't think of anything we
can do in addition to that. If
anyone has any further sugges-
tions, I would be glad to hear
them. You find people screaming
about methods, but they never tell
what methods they have in mind."
Asked whether he thought there
was rising opposition to him with-
in his own party McCarthy re-
"I THINK YOU would be just
as good a judge of that as I am.
There were times in the early
days of this fight when it was not
too popular in the eyes of some
for a Senator to be seen talking
to me on the floor of the Senate.
"Then there are times when a
great number of Congressmen and
Senators were clamoring for me
to come into their states to speak.
I have seen times when some of
them definitely didn't want me in
their state.
"If I were to be concerned
about my personal popularity,
with the ebb and flow of personal
popularity, I couldn't do a job
down here. I just have to go ahead
and do this job-it is unpleasant-
and not worry much about what
effect is has on personal popu-

moments. The concert was carried t
cal moments interspersed here
and there, where melody was al-
lowed to soar and display the
wonders at the heart of all opera
-the human voice; yet what lay
in between these moments was
The chorus had little to do ex-
cept sing loud and fast at a few
climaxes and processionals. At
these moments they stood up and,
I am sorry to say, sounded blurry.
The soloists were confronted
with a touchy dil mma. Should
they accept the concert hall or
pretendi that, they were still at
the opera? The fact that they
hovered somewhere in between
was unfortunate. There were
turnings and twistings and step-
pings back and forth. Now Mr.
Petrak would turn from Miss Lip-
tcn in defiance, now Miss Lipton
would break almost into a dance
IT WAS OBVIOUS that some-
thing rather gripping was going
on; yet exactly what it was re-
mained for us a mystery, for the
concert was sung in beautiful but
incomprehensible Italian.
It happens to be one of the rules
of the game of opera that speech
and music refuse to blend very
well; in trying to depict anger and
dramatic tension in speech-song
the problem becomes even worse.
The voices bark and snarl in a
heated argument of the theme of
which the audience unfortunately
is kept ignorant. Such sounds,
however, were our fare throughout
most of the evening.
Even the orchestra, in addition
to being elevated from the pit
and having been blown up into
unoperatic proportions, was
caught in the fad of the drama;
the cellos were exciting, scratchy,
and out of tune in the manner of a
true opera orchestra. Further,
there were some regrettable cuts;
almost all of the rather tuneful
ballet music had been eliminated
in favor of the sawing and grumb-
ling of the recitatives.
* * *
TO MISS PRICE had been
granted some of the most grati-
fying vocal lines of the evening;
her voice was free and clear and
ringing and handled with consid-
erable mastery. Mr. Petrak's few
tender moments were a joy. Mr.
McFerrin and Mr. Moscona sang
their jagged speeches competently.
The loudest sounds of the evening
were whipped forth by the cym-
bals and the big drum in combina-
-Avo Somer
Party Flops
YES, we admit something should
definitely be said in the movies
on behalf of the "common man."
It is nice ;to know, after view-
ing literally millions of feet of film
about the hordes of Genghis Khan,
the plush parties in Beverly Hills,
and the galloping heroes of the
old West, that ordinary men like
ourselvesare appropriate subjects
for motion pictures.
But it is not necessary to make
man as humble, mediocre, and
conformist as the characters in
"Bachelor Party."
Paddy Chayefsky, TV scripter
turned movie scenarist, does a
commendable job of probing deep
beneath the surface of the "nor-
mal" life of the American lower-
middle-class male.
ASSISTED BY the fine direc-
tion of Delbert Mann, he discovers
loneliness in the supposed security
of marriage, restriction and frus-

tration within the stability of a
regular job. The men in the movie
are portrayed as living empty,
aimless lives.
Yet, his dramatic explorations
only reveal the severest limita-
tions of man, his lack of imagina-
tion-never his heroic potentiali-
Ken Murray, still playing the Bo
of "Bus Stop," reluctantly relin-
quishes his night school account-
ing course to join bachelor Phillip
Abbott and three other men from
his office to "make the rounds" of
Greenwich Village before Abbott
"loses his freedom."
* * I'
MURRAY, THE protagonist of
the tale, has just found out that
his wife is pregnant. He seeks des-
neratelv to escane the fact of his

by the three or four arias, the lyri-
THE Oedipus legend was old
when Sophocles wrote the
greatest of Greek tragedies, pos-
sibly the greatest tragedy of all.
Through his play, the legend lived
on to give its name to a psycholo-
gical term, which, in its way, is
Partially through psychology,
man turned inward to examine
himself, and lost his sense of uni-
versals. Yet there has never been
a work of art so opposed to the
conception of man as a microcosm
rather than a macrocosm,
In remaining faithful to the
macrocosmic concept, the Strat-
ford, Ontario Shakespearean Fes-
tival Players have recreated in
toto the timeless power of a larg-
er-than-life man caught in the
clutches of an inexorable Destiny
even larger than he.
The film of the play, and it is
just that, is a stunning, magnifi-
cent piece of color photography.
Except for slight use of camera,
mobility in well-executed close-
ups, the film presents the play
as a play, not a movie version of
the play. Such treatment is to
Sophocles' advantage, because it
permits the sort of abstraction of
character which makes the work
so universal.
The Stratford Festival Players
have made few concessions to the
modern age, either in costuming
or setting. Two pillars, a door, a
dais and a flight of steps com-
prise the sparse background - a
setting not far removed from the
bare Greek stage.
* * *
THE USE of stylized masks, at
first somewhat startling to a mod-
ern-day audience, becomes more
and more appropriate. Oedipus's
mask is an additional aid in re-
moving him from the sphere of or-
dinary mortals. And, surprisingly
enough, the masks do not hamper
expression; rather, along with
conventionalized body movements,
they augment it.
The unreality of the masks and
the chanting of the chorus some-
how lends credence and a certain
kind of horrifying realism to Oedi-
pus' plight. The players, making
use of their training in Shakes-
pearean bombast, endow William
Butler Yeat's version of Sopho-
cles' poetry with passion, precision
and soaring beauty.
"Oedipus Rex" is a strangely
foreign yet satisfyingly brilliant
experience. It is an edifying com-
ment on the sensitive minds that
produced it in our times and the
towering humanity, understand-
ing and power of the man who
first gave it life centuries- ago.
-Tammy Morrison
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Uplversity
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent.
In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.

General Notices
Daily Official Bulletin notices should
be brought to Room 3519, Administra-
tion Building, instead of Room 3553.
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
The annual Convocation recognizing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 10, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. Robert F. Goheen,
President-elect of Princeton University,
will speak on "The Not So Serene
Temples of Learning."'
Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10:00 classes. All classes,
with the exception of clinics and grad-
uate seminars, will be dismissed at 10:45
for the Convocation. However, seniors
may be excused from clinics and semi-
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty members, who will robe back-
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats wili
be reserved for them and for members
of their families, and will be held until
10:45. Doors of the Auditorium will open


4 .


Budget, McCarthy Draw Comment

Passing the Buck on a Bomb

SOME DAY it may happen.
Some day the bomb might drop-here, on
Do you care? Does anyone care?
Apparently not. If they did, perhaps Dr.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MIILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH.............Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON ........... Finance Manager

Roger B. Nelson, Washtenaw County's Civil
Defense coordinator, would have far fewer
problems to face than he does at present. Per-
haps his complicated but effective plan might
be capable of immediate implementation, in-
stead of remaining just a blueprint.
If they cared, there would be no worries
about equipping the proposed operating rooms
to be set up in the women's residence halls on
"the hill."
If they cared, there would be no problem
involved in bringing volunteer workers in from
upstate Michigan and surrounding states. Or
in getting emergency supplies from out of state.
F THEY CARED, the desperately needed
"portable hospitals," and the extra cots and
linens would already be stored in nearby ware-
houses. There would be people to man them
around the clock. as is necessary.

Stroke of Genius . . .
To the Editor:
PRESIDENT Hatcher's opinions
on federal aid to'education are
certainly a stroke of genius. The
University budget has been slashed
by $5 million, construction has
been curtailed, new dorms so bad-
ly needed can't be built,' teachers
who need and should have raises
won't get them, the cost of "free"
education is becoming prohibitive,
and what does President Hatcher
say? Fight against federal aid to
education! Why? Because he fears
federal control.
This fear is odd, considering that
when the paranoiac Kit Clardy de-
scended in his wrath on this cam-
pus in 1954, President Hatcher
couldn't have extended a warmer
welcome. Nothing the federal gov-
ernment could do is to be feared
more than the kind of control and
intimidation practiced by that
committee. Yet President Hatcher
wasn't afraid.
On the positive side, it may be
that federal aid would be accom-
panied by strict enforcement of
desegregation. Certainly our Pres-

If President Hatcher refuses
federal aid, he'll wait a long time
for his money. How high can gaso-
line taxes go?
-Judy Gregory
Joseph McCarthy .".
To the Editor:
IN REFERENCE to Mr. Hallor-
an's editorial of May 3, I was
surprised and shocked to find such
poor journalistic practice con-
tained within the pages of The
The editorial certainly does not
live up to the high standards evi-
denced in Mr. Halloran's previous
writings. It was uncalled for and
poorly timed, not the type that has
made The Daily respected here
and at other aniversities.
While I certainly did not agree
with some of Senator McCarthy's
tactics, I nevertheless find an
attack such as this on the day
after his death deplorable.
-Joan M. Coburn, '58
To the Editor:

when the Senator was doing his
investigating. Investigations over,
the vilification, the crucifixion via
typewriter keyboard continued.
Must this continue after the man
in question is dead?
Mr. Halloran writes, "We will
not miss Senator McCarthy the
demagogue, McCarthy the insinu-
ating slanderer, McCarthy the de-
stroyer of a free man's most pre-
cious possession, his reputation."
Attack a dead man for ruining
men's reputations, and in so do-
ing, you attack his reputation.
-Rene Gnam, '58
To the Editor:
RESPONSIBLE journalism de-
mands good taste and the com-
mon decencies of life-and death.
Richard Halloran's editorial on
Senator McCarthy showed neither.
To use the death of a fellow hu-
man being as a sounding board for
the very sort of vituperative slan-
der which he deplores in the edi-
torial is itself deplorable.
Halloran himself is "sowing the
seeds of dissension and distrust."
If McCarthy smeared live people,




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