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April 17, 1957 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-17

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*Z.#' 4Psychology Professor Finds Students Challen5

je, Stimulate


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FRESH AIR ENTHUSIASTS-Youngsters at the University Fresh Air Camp enjoy such facilities as a
lake for waterfront programs, overnight trips and cookouts in the surrounding camp area. They also
participate in sports and construction activities..
Junior IFC, Panhel, Initiates, Pledges,
Join in Cleaning Up Fresh Air Camp

"Teaching is a psychic hairbrush
-a stimulant when good students
keep an instructor on his toes,"
Professor Max L. Hutt, of the psy-
chology department remarked as
he reached for one of the many
pipes lining his desk.
Holding a lighted match overl
the bowl of the pipe, Professor
Hutt continued, "I enjoy teaching
very much but my personal reason
is rather a selfish one. Challenges
from students help to improve my
own conceptualizations."
Professor Hutt flews teaching as
a broad avenue to helping people
as one teaches people xother than
just a , ubject.
Instructor in Psychology
He is instructing in Psychology
142, the Deviant Individual, and inI
the graduate crurses Counseling
and Psychotherapy and Advanced
Partially sponsored by a Rack-
ham Fund grant, the psychology
professor is doing research on the
problems of identification - the
way an individual learns person-
ality characteristics from the
people around him.
By focusing on psychotherapy,
Professor Hutt views rapid shifts
in habitual responses as the pa-
tient learns new methods of adap-
tation. These changes that occur
rapidly during therapy are believed
to be synomonous with the slower
changes in life.
Feels Area is Unexplored
"I regard this as an important
and relatively unexplored area of
psychology since it deals with both
conscious and unconscious factors
in learning," he continued, leaning
back in his chair. "This is a basic
problem as the individual learns to
behave in a certain way without
knowing or consciously desiring it."
Profesor Hutt is in the process
of analyzing data obtained from
group therapy with high school
students and adults from Ann Ar-
bor. Data were also obtained from
patients at Northville State Psy-
chiatric Hospital and the Veterans

theory and research that will be
useful in understanding this rapid-
ly changing field.
Becoming interested in psychol-
ogy as an undergraduate at the
City College of New York because
he wanted to learn something
about himself as well as other
people, the professor took graduate
work in clinical psychology at Co-
lumbia University.
"I was strongly motivated to
learn why people behaved as they
did and how to help them," he re-
plied. "I was concerned about how
some people developed 'abnormal
behavior and others failed to do
so under similar circumstances."
Professor Hutt came to the Uni-

versity in 1947 after serving as
chief of the Clinical Psychology
branch in the Surgeon General's
office of the U.S. Army.
Set up Group Therapy
To meet an emergency situation
of boatloads of neuropsychiatric
casualties during the war, Profes-
sor Hutt set up three types of
group therapy. With his staff, he
prepared a set of memoranda on
the philosophy and techniques of
this group therapy.
The Surgeon General adopted
and incorporated these as the first
published complete medical bulle-
tin on group therapy in the U.S.

"The major part of my time now
is spent in teaching and research,
but I also have a limited private
practice," Professor Hutt confes-
sed. "I feel that private practice
has a great value in teaching and
in developing hunches, about be-
havior difficulties."
He finds a different type of prob-
lem in private practice than in
hospitals. "Here you see the bor-
derline difficulties of people who
make some adjustment to life
while in hospitals you mainly see
people with more serious malad-
justments," Professor Hutt re-


Junior Inter-fraternity Council
and Junior Panhellenic will begin
the annual renovation of the Fresh
Air Camp during Help Week which
is scheduled to be held from Mon-
day, April 29 to Saturday, May 4.
The joint project will involve
cleaning up and repairing the
camp. The new initiates and
New Members
Informed About
League Activities
The annual League Council
Training Discussion was held from
7 to 9 p.m. last night in the Hussey
room of the League.
This program, offered each year,
helps the new League Council
members become acquainted with
various League functions.
First on the agenda was a wel-
come, given by Marylen. Siegel,
newly elected League president,
and Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
Andrea Snyder, outgoing treas-
urer, explained League finances
and Maureen Isay, retiring first
vice-president and head of Buro-
cats, gave a short talk on office
Mrs. Marian Wissenberg, assist-
ant social director of the League,
trid the newly elected leaders
about the history of the League.
This was followed by two work-
shop discussions.
The discussion on "Union Re-
lations and Joint Projects" was
conducted by Sue Arnold, outgoing
League president. Maureen Isay
led the discussion on "League and
Campus Programs."
Included among the topics dis-
cussed were the co-ed show, the
dances on the social calendar, and
the dance classes.
Following the training discussion
the new officers were formally in-
stalled by the retiring president,
Miss Arnold.

pledges will be aiding a good cause
and gain enjoyment from working
together on the common project as
they prepare the camp for its sum-
mer session.
Community Contributions Offered
Previous to the actual cleaning
up work at the camp, money is
earned for the camp's support by
community contributions.
In preceding years, the camp
was partly supported by funds
raised during a Tag Day sponsored
by junior Panhel but now proceeds
from Campus Chest are used for
the camp's support. Junior Panhel
has volunteered to collect money
during the Campus Chest drive
which will be held Thursday and
Friday, May 9 and 10.
The contributions collected are
ustd for food medical care, craft
and camping supplies, camper
transportation, and athletic equip-
ment. These conltributions are
supplemented by funds from Uni-
versity institutions and foster
Camp Provides Vacation
These funds have enabled the
establishment and continuance of
the Fresh Air Camp. For 37 years,
the camp which is 24 miles north-
west ul Ann Arbor on Patterson
Lake near Pinkney, Michigan, has
been a vacation opportunity to
children from southeastern Michi-
Originally, the camp was mainly
intended for the enjoyment of un-
derprivileged children. In 1946,
when it was placed under the Uni-
versity's Institute for Human Ad-
justment, its main function be-
came sociological in nature.
Approximately 250 underprivi-
leged and emotionally disturbed
boys from institutions and foster
homes receive guidance in social
living at the camp. Only boys that
have demonstrated a basic need
for help are admitted to the camp.
They are taken from broken homes
or are accepted because of delin-
quency records.
The boys with serious social and
emotional problems receive group

and individual therapy. They are
unaware that they are undergoing
treatment, because of the stigma
that this knowledge would produce.
Good Facilities Offered
Facilities for the boys include
the use of a lake for waterfront
programs, overnight trips through-
out the surrounding countryside
and cookouts in the camp area.
Their daily life is also filled with
participation in various sports and
construction of numerous crafts.
All of these activities give the boys
practice in harmonious living.
The direction and sociological
development of the camp is hand-
led by a staff of University pro-
fessors, advanced undergraduate
students and graduate students.
All of the staff work in the fields
of psychology, sociology, or educa-
tion at the University.
Aid is also given by professional
social workers, visiting teachers,
and religious experts.
Women's Senate-There will be
a women's Senate meeting at 4'
p.m. today in the League.
Spring Weekend - The mass
meeting 'for those who signed up
for the dance committee and
others interested in working on
this committee will be held at 7:30
p.m. tonight in the Union.
* * *
Hillel-Deadline for petitions for
positions on the Administrative
Council of B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation is today.
Scroll-The senior women's hon-
orary for affiliated women recently
elected their new officers: Mary
Francis Jones, president; Sue Rut-
ledge, vice-president; Nancy Mur-
phy, secretary; Linda Balling,
treasurer; and Mary Klauer, spe-
cial projects.

-Daily-David Arnold
Rehabilitation Center at Univer-
sity Hospital.
At the International Congress of
Psychology in Brussels this sum-
mer, the professor will present a
paper on the theory of identifica-
tion using data obtained from this
Publishing New Text
Answering a need for an intro-
ductory text on abnormal psychol-
ogy that presents a developmental
approach to patterns of behavior
from infancy to old age, the clini-
cal psychologist is publishing a
text, "Patterns of Abnormal Be-
havior," in May.
Robert G. Gibby, chief psycholo-
gist at the veterans hospital in
Marion, Ind., is co-author.
"I hope this will have some in-
fluence in changing the empqhasis
of a course in abnormal behavior
from one primarily for psychology
concentrates to a general educa-
tional course useful for all adults,"
he commented.
Text Stresses Theory
Professor Hutt will use this text
next fall in his Deviant Individual
course. He feels that it stresses

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There's always a sale

A new love interest.. .smooth, glove-i
pumps and sandals.'.slender and so
feminine ! All the colors fashion
decrees in young silhouettes with
fanciful details of buckles, buttons
and bows. You must see them to belies
they're only

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