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April 05, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-05

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Prof. Kelly Continues
To Measure Personality

Prof. Lowell Kelly is a persistent
He has to be to continue a study
begun more than 20 years ago and
whose end is not yet in sight.
The University professor of psy-
chology has gained world-wide
fame foT his studies in personality
measurement, one of which is his
20-year "study of personality
changes in engaged and later mar-
ried couples as they occur through-
out the years.
Questions Asked#
When Prof. Kelly first began his5
marriage study in 1934, he sought
answers to five questions: "How do
men and women pair off in mar-
"What characteristics of indi-
viduals are associated with sexual
and marital compatability?
Compatible Trait Groups
"What combinations of charac-
teristics in husbands and wives are
associated with sexual and marital
"How do individuals change
during the course of marriage?
"How are these changes related
to the nature of the marriage
relationship established?"
Slim, soft-spoken, the psycholo-
°gist.stretched his long legs, brought
them to rest upon a chair, and
talked of his marriage study.
Used ?00 Couples
"During the years 1935-1938, I3
enlisted the co-operation of 300
engaged couples," he explained.
The P00 individuals underwent
various tests, including anthro-
pometric measurements, blood
groupings, psychological tests, and
a 36-variable personality rating,
Results of the engagements were
to be recorded and the married
couples questioned annually and
retested after seven years. During
the process of recording, how-
ever, war disrupted the study inI
Study Discontinued
At the end of the war, however,
Prof. Kelly was unable to con-
tinue his marriage study. Instead,
he was occupied half-time in 1946-
47 as chief psychologist for the
Veterans' A d mi n i s t r a t i o n in
Columbus, Ohio; served from 1946-
1951 as consultant to the Office of
Naval Research; and since 1946
has been consultant to the U.S.
Veterans' Administration,cand the
U.S. Public Health Service.
All this was in addition to his
University teaching. Another post
he held was that of consultant to
the Selective Service System from
It was not until 1952-53 thatI

Prof. Kelly could again turn to
his marriage study. After reduc-
tion of the original 300 couples by
non-marriage, divorce, death and
elimination of individuals who had
not submitted periodic question-
naire tests, 116 of the couples re-
Marriage partners rank each
other on a 36-trait personality rat-
ing scale of six basic interests in
personality values: theoretical, eco-
nomic, aesthetic, social, political,
and religious.
Attitudes Change
Scores accorded by each of the
partners are compared with scores
of previous tests, and positive,
negative and neutral tendencies in
attitude are thereby revealed
through passage of time.
Results already compounded re-
veal that there are great changes
of attitudes in many instances
during adulthood. Further findings
indicate that there is little ten-
dency either for the husband to
alter the scores of his wife or the
wife to change that of her hus-
. Tests 1,100 Factors
The former president of the
American Psychological Associa-
tion is very careful to avoid gen-
eralizations. Since he began the
study, the original exploration has
mushroomed to include 1,100 vari-
ables, so he has reason to be con-
servative in making predictions.
The psychologist refuses to pre-
dict when he will complete the
study. It all "depends upon how
far I want to go," Prof. Kelly
shrugs, his soft brown eyes smil-
ing. He will not present any of his
findings until they are conclusive.
(Continued from Page 4)

sion: Marvin Felheim, Associate Profes-
sor of English, Harry Holtzman, Asso-
ciate Professor, Design Department,
Brooklyn College; and Frances Ville-
main, Department of Educational Phil-
osophy, New York University, 9:00 a.m.
General session. "Imaginataion and theI
Artist." Samuel M. Adler, Painter, In-1
structor in Fine Arts, New York Uni-
versity. 1:30 p.m. Sectional meetings.
3:00-5:00 p.m. *Dinner. Address: Harlan
Hatcher; President. 6:30 p.m., Michigan
Union Ballroom. Reception for Artists.
8:00-11:00 p.m., Alumni Memo-rial Hall.
A short course in programming for
the IBM Type-650 will be given April
22-May '8. Mon., Wed., Thurs., 3-5 p.m.
Room 3201 Angell Hall Mondays. Room
3231 Angell Hall Wednesdays, Thurs-
days. The first 4 hours will be on "A
Mathematical Language Compiler"
presently in use with the 650, for be-
ginners and those already familiar with
the 650. The following 12 hours will be
an elementary course. Contact Mrs.
Sally Brando, Ext. 2768 and indicate
whether p1lanning to attend the first 4
hours only or the entire session.
Hopwood Awards: All manuscripts
must be in the Hopwood Room by 4:30
p.m., Wed., April 17. Transcripts of
contestants' first semester records
should be sent from the Office of Reg-
istration and Records to the Hopwood
Spring Vacation Recreational Swim-
ming Hours - Women's Pool. The pool
will be open to all eligible swimmers at
the following times: Sun., April 7-
7:15-9:15 p.m. Fri., April 12-6:30-9:30
p.m. Sun., April 14-7:15-9:15 p.m.
Office of Religious Affairs: No Fri-
day afternoon "coffee and chat" this
week because of vacation.
Student Government Council, Sum-
mary of minutes, meeting of April 3,
Approved minutes of previous meeting.
Recommended ten students to Presi-
dent Hatcher for consideration for
appointment as student represen-
tatives on the Honors Convocation
Heard report from Professor Donald
Pelz on the Ann Arbor Self-Survey.
Heard report from Dr. Bingley on pro-
posed revision of University Regula-
tions concerning student affairs, con-
duct, and discipline.
Approved the following activities: Ap-
ril 21, 1957 Inter-Guild, Outdoor East-
er Service, 7 a.m., Library steps.
April 26, 27 Frosh Weekend, dance
and show, League Ballroom.
Granted recognition to the Interna-
tional Committee for Upholding the
UN Charter.
Adopted following motions:
Housing: To establish a Housing Pol-
icy Committee to be composed of
three elected council members, ap-
pointed by the Executive Committee
with the approval of the Council.

This committee shall be responsible
for compiling available information
from existing sources and making
policy recommendations to the Coun-
cil pertaining to all phases of Uni-
versity housing,
Honor Systems: Student Government
Council believes that the introduc-
tion of an honor system into the vari-
ous colleges and schools of the Uni-
versity may be a desirable objective
which might be initiated by a coop-
erative effort of faculty and students
if the practicability and acceptance
by the student body is demonstrated
through subsequent study and ex-
perimental research. Student Govern-
ment Council initiates an Honor Sys-
tem Study Committee which shall
collect data and make recommenda-
tions to the Student Government
Council regarding the introduction of+
an honor system intthe various
schools and colleges of the University,
The committee shall consist of' five
faculty members to be appointed by
the Faculty Senate Advisory Com-
mittee. It is recommended that
among these should be a representa-
tive from the Survey Research Center.
The committee shall also have five
student members appointed by the
Student Government Council. One of
the members should be a member of
the Student Government Council, the
other members should be selected
with a view towards bringing in a
social scientific background.
Student Government Council recog-
nized that the final authority for the
introduction of the honor system into
any school, department, or course,
rests with the faculty. However, the
Council conceives its role in this area
to be that of presenting student opin-
ion for consideration by other ele-
mnents of the University community
in matters -which affect students,
and of determining for the faculty
the nature of student opinion, atti-
tudes, and behavior in regard to
various factors related to the honor
system as accurately and comprehen-
sively as possible.
That Student Government Council
organize a cultural and educational
delegation to visit Southeast Asia for
the summer of 195.
Tableda nmotion relating to recom-
mendations emanating from the Wo-
men's Senate and/or the Union Rep-
resentative Body (proposed).
Academic Notices
Students intending to take the pre-
liminary examination for the doctor-
ate in Linguistics should communicate
Ball Office Supply
213 E. Washington Ph. 3-1161

with Prof. A. H. Marckwardt in 1613 H.H.
before April 6.
Graduate Students in History. Dr.
Boyd C. Shafer, executive secretary of
the American Historical Association,
will address graduate students in his-
tory and members of the Department
of History Wed., April 17, 8:00 p.m. at
the Clements Library on "The Profes-
sion of History and the American His-
torical Association." Open to the public.
Placement Notices
The following schools will be at the
Bureau of Appointments to interview
for teachers for the 1957-58 school year.
Week of April 8
Montclair, New Jersey - All Elemen-
tary; Junior High French/English/So-
cial Studies: Instrumental/Vocal Music;
French/English;Math;Social S t u di e s:
Librarian; Senior High English; Math;
General Shop; Physical Science; Li-
brarian; Elementary Art Consultant;
Elementray Health & Physical Educa-
tion Consultant; School Nurse.
Week of April 15
Mon., April 15
Decoto, California - All Elementary;
Mentally Retarded; Teacher of the
Blind; School Nurse; 7th & 8th Girls
Physical Education.
Thurs., April 18
Battle Creek, Michigan (Springfield
Schools) - All Elementary; Elementary

High English/Social Studies; Industrial
Arts; Speech Correction.
Grosse Pointe, Michigan - All Ele-
mentary; Elementary Music; Elemen-
tary Physical Education; Speech Correc-
tion, Teacher of Mentally Handicapped;
Junior High Math; Senior High French/
Spanish; Latin/French; Latin; Math;
Biology; Biology/Chemistry; Chemistry/
Physics/ General Science Industrial
Arts; English; Physical Education
(Swimming); School P s y c h o l o g i s t
(teaching experience required.)
Romulus, Michigan - All Elementary;
Junior High Math; Reading; Shop; So-
cial Studies/English; Instrumental/Vo-
cal Music; Librarian; Physical Educa-
tion Director (Head Football and Track
Coach); Counselor.
Please try to make appointments for
these interviews before leaving for
Spring Vacation.
Foradditional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-j
ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
American Medical Association, Chica-
go, Ill., has vacancies for Research As-
sistants. The company is interested in
women who will be graduating in June
with a major in economics or any re-
lated social science.
Hird & Son, Cleveland, Ohio, is look-
ing for a man with an engineering de-
gree for technical sales in the Detroit
National Electric Coil Co., Columbus,

the southwest territory, headquartering
in Southern California.
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Birming-
ham, Ala,, needs a graduate Naval Ar-
chitect in the Design and Estimating
Dept. of the Barge and Towboat Div.
Joliet Young Men's Christian Assoc.,
Jollet, Ill., has an opening for a boys'
program director. Requires strong aqua-
tic skills as well as a general knowledge
of physical education. It would be de-
sirable if the applicant had a back-
ground of YMCA work, either as a
member or as a part time employee.
For further information contact the
Bureau of 'Appointments, 3528 Admin.
BIdg., ext. 3371.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., April 16
The Ohio Oil Company, Marathon
Corporation, Findlay, Ohio. Interview-
er, Merle Pemberton, or Lorne Black.
Location of work: Ohio, Michigan, In-
diana, Illinois and Kentucky. Men with
B.A. or B.S. for Marketing, Sales. Men
with twelve (12) hours of Accounting
for Accounting Field.
The Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the U.S., Detroit, Michigan. Inter-
viewer, J. A. Babb, Cashier. Location
of work: Major cities throughout the
U.S. Men with A.B., B.S. or M.A. for
Office Management and General Ad-
ministrative work. Students who may

have pending military obligations such
as R.O.T.C. or Selective Service will be
considered provided they can spend
adequate period of time on the pro-
gram before leaving for active duty.
U. s. Marine Corps, Chicago. Ill. In-
terviewers. Elizabeth M. Mullins, 1st
Lt., Woman Officer Selection Officer;
June R. Doberstein, T/Sgt. Location of
work: Marine Corps posts on the East
and West Ciasts, and in Europe and
Hawaii. Women with Bachelor's de-
gree in fields other than Law, Medicine,
Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry or The-
ology for Executive Positions in the
fields of Administration, Communica-
tions, Supply, Finance, Training, Pub-
lic Information, Etc.
Wed., April 17
U.S. Marine Corps -- See Above.
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood, Cliffs,
N.J. Interviewer, Mr. Max Lyon, Field
Editor, Ann Arbor, Mich. Location of
work: Various territories throughout
the U.S. Men with B.A. or B.S. for Col-
lege Representatives.AThese represen-
tatives call on College and University
professors to market their texts and
procure manuscripts.
Additional information can be ob-
tained from the Bureau by coming
into the office or calling Ext. 3371 at
the University. Material is also avail-
able on many of the companies inter-
viewing during the week of April 16,


& High School Arts and Crafts; Junior Ohio - an opening for a graduate en-
High English/Social Studies; Senior gineer, preferably electrical, for sales in
Delivered -'-
HOT' >
As students at the University of Michigan, you'll find Ann
Arbor Bank the traditional place to conduct your banking busi-
A rbor ness Two near-campus branches at S. State Street and
Ss . w n a - a u b a c e . a S tdatiEIS . U n iv ersity S tre e t . . . serv e a s c o n v e n ie n t fin a n c ia l
headquarters," offering these helpful services:
j With Warming Oven Equipped Truck Special Checking Accounts-Only $2 for a book of 20
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DELIVERIES MADE EVERY HOUR Special Money Orders - Personal money orders for up
From 7:30 P.M. to 11:30 to $250, at special low rates, beginning at 15s.
Travelers Checks - Instantly negotiable, anywhere, they
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all denominations.
FOWLER'S Coffee Shop _
2204 West Stadium Blvd., Corner Liberty




Service General Clinic will be open
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon each day
except Sundays (11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon)
Other services when necessary are avail-
able by appointment.
The Thursday "polio" shot clinic will
not be conducted during the vacation
period but will be resumed Thurs., Ap-
ril 18.
'Fri., April 5: 15th Annual Conference
of the National Committee on Art Edu-
cation. All sessions in the Rackham
Building. General session. "Imaginative
Man." Aline Saarinen, Associate Art
Critic, New York Times. "Imaginative
Aspects of Modern Art." Panel discus-




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