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April 03, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-03

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Who Gave Him the Do-It-Yourself Kit?"


"Wben Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Tribute to Retirin Regent,
New Regents and Mayor-elect
A University professor became the congratulate them and express confi-
city's first Democratic mayor in 26 dence in their abilities to help direct a
years; voters chose two new University wise course in the years ahead.
Regents, and a fine Regent bowed out prof. Eldersveld has a major job to
in Monday's elections. do-convincing voters of the need for
In his 16 years as Regent, Alfred healthy capital improvements. His cam-
Connable served the University with paign stressed the necessity for building
foresight and imagination. He was re- leadership, establishing a human rela-
spected by the community as a liberal, tions board and improving the bs
judicious person.
The next decade will be crucial fors
higher education, and especially for the These are worthwhile goals and we
University, faced with more problems hope Mayor-elect Eldersveld reaches
than at any other period in its history. his proposed destination. We wish him
Newly elected Regents Irene Murphy the best of luck and look forward to his
and Carl Brablec are experienced in term as mayor.
both administration and education. We -THE SENIOR EDITORS
Impose Sanctions on Iran?
THE SLAYING of three Americans by bandits make possible alienation of Iran or injury to its
in the Iranian desert calls for a certain de- Western world.
gree of restraint from the United States govern- -DAVID TARR
ment and toleration from the American public.
The natural reaction, particularly from the pm ee
public, of wanting to impose economic sanctions Un on Committee
should be scrutinized in view of more important A Valuable Step
Inability of the Iranian government to protect THE RECENT recommendation to establish
the life and property of foreign visitors is indeed a permanent Union International committee
regrettable. It is expected that a new govern- appears to be setting some direction in the area
rnent replacing the present one reported ready of foreign-American student relations.
to resign will undertake a stronger policy to
prevent reoccuring incidents. The direction in this case seems to be toward
personal relationships and not toward institu-
The United States, however, cannot let this tionalized programs.
incident ruin relations with Iran, although they The Union international sub-committee.
will undoubtedly be strained. Threats of eco- which compiled the report recommending the
nomic sanctions apparently have already been permanent International committee, proposed a
invoked with the rumored cancellation of some voluntary American brother system in which
of the Point Four program aid. a foreign student would be introduced to Uni-
The State Department has denied this report, versity life through an American student.
and we hope they will have the final word-- The American brother system may be a means
Iran is too important to risk a break. to achieve an often-repeated but seldom-ful-
filled purpose-to give foreign and American
RAN has certain natural resources and a geo- students a chance to share their varied back-
graphical location vital to the West-and the grounds and establish friendships.
East. Despite the poverty of its people, the
country does have oil reserves in abundance. And, since this proposed program stresses
individual relationships, it will depend on the
Further, it borders on the Soviet Union, being interest of individuals for its success.
the only obstacle between that country and the Even if the Union International committee
advance into India. Iran's strategic position also serves only a small segment of students, how-
makes it one of the physical barriers to Soviet ever, its programs would be justified. It is not
expansion in the Middle East. the volume of service which is important, but
The critical situation in the Middle East and rather the value of the committee's work in
the tenuous relations of countries in this taking a step in the right direction. ,
area to the West and to each other, can only -JAMES BOW
A ttention to General Princiles


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Gompers Autobiography
Doesn't Do Its Job
SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE AND LABOR, (E. P. Dutton Co.) an auto-
biography of Samuel Gompers revised and edited by Philip Taft and
John A. Sessions, doesn't do its job. This book wants us to believe that
Sam Gompers, as a hallowed founder of the A.F. of L. is, to a greater
degree than most industrialists, military men, or statesmen, responsible
for the modern, prosperous America of today. It is doubtful very much
if any one man or any one group of men have records and reputations


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'Daily' Feature 'Too Much'

(Letters to the Editor must be
signed, in good taste and not more
than 300 words long. The Daily re-
serves the right to edit or withhold
letters from publication.)
Just Too Mch
To the Editor:
WHILE I have often disagreed
with The Michigan Daily I
have, up to now, been able to
stomach most of their reporting,
but Sunday's front page feature
story on "SGC Note Passing" was
just too much.
The Daily has some responsibil-
ity as the major means of com-
munication on this campus to
print news which will be of some
interest and value to the student
body, while still attempting not to
distort or misinterpret the facts
to fit their story.
Many students on this campus
read The Daily faithfully and de-
pend upon it to inform them as to
what SGC and other campus or -
ganizations are doing and accom-
plishing. Students are likely to read
an article such as the one printed
Sunday and believe that such a
distorted view actually typifies stu-
dent government on this campus.
It seems to me that reporters
would do much better for them-
selves and the student body if they
would report such news as the pro-
gress of SGC in such areas as the
calendar, health insurance, driving
and parking, housing, and other
projects of student government.
All of this goes without saying
that you have probably violated
the trust of the individuals whose
names you took from crumpled
notes thrown into an ashtray. None
of these people were asked if they

objected to having their names
used or their comments quoted.
And while you are in the pro-
cess of improving your choice of
articles might I suggest that you
dispense with the useless SGC so-
cial column which appears weekly
on the editorial page. This space
might better be utilized for a
conscientious reporting of the ac-
tions and progress of the Student
Government Council.
Both the Michigan Daily and the
Student Government Council are
recognized as two of the finest
college groups of their kind in the
country. Let's help to maintain
that reputation.
-Tom Sawyer, '58
Forensic Forum . .
To the Editor:
Morrison implied that there are
only three formally recognized stu-
dent organizations concerned with
political events at this University.
This is not so; the Michigan
Forensic Forum has been over-
looked: the group wasrecognized
by SGC last spring. Its constant
desire has been the improvement
of discussions and debates on the
And the MFF is concerned with
political as well as non-political
subject matter. In fact, before the
last national election we sponsored
a debate between the two parties
on their relative merits in promot-
ing equal rights, and in pursuing a
vigorous foreign policy.
And we debated the American
immigration policy in relation to
the Hungarian refugees.

At 7:30 p.m. today we are going
to discuss one of the most vital of
all political topics, "Academic Free-
dom in Political Thought-How
Much Can a University Allow?"
Our guests will be Dr. Grace, a
political scientist and theorist of
considerable merit, and Dr. Slos-
sen, an expert on modern Euro-
pean history and thought.
at the Michigan Union to see
I recommend that Miss Morrison
come to our informal discussion
whether the Michigan Forensic
qualifies as an organization con-
cerned with political affairs.
-Rodney Blackma
Tweediness .-.
To the Editor:
I'D LIKE to join Thomas Blues
in execration of "tweediness."
His article suggested a grave prob-
lem, but, unfortunately, no remedy.
Without hoping to equal his killing
satire, I think I can offer a few
constructive suggestions.
First, throw away all that in-
vidious tweed and adopt a ward-
robe more conducive to intelligent
stimulus and individuality. A stud-
ied sloppiness isn't much harder
to achieve than a neat appearance,
and will admit you to the society
of a much "righter" sort.
Be careful, however, not to let
your hair get so long that you
won't be able to keep a careful
eye on the dormitory crises, the
momentous activities of SGC, and
the tweedy incompetents who run
the university.
Get out there in your V-necked
sweaters and crusade about some-
thing, and stop frightening Mr.
-Charles Ewell

broad enough to bear such a bur-
den of praise.
The book begins with a
31-page introduction by George
Meany, president of the A.F..-
C.I.O., that has more matter, more
easily comprehended, and far less
dead fact and dead names of no
consequence, than the main body
of the book.
Gompers' own stry begins as
most primary readers for chil-
dren in the first grade do, at the
beginning-I was born. Is it too
much to assume of yourreader
that when writing an autobio-
graphy he will know that you were
born, grew through boyhood into
Mr. Gompers isn't the only per-
son guilty of leading his book with
trivia better used at the end, but
this applies to a great many auto-
biographies and biographies.
* * *
SEVENTY Years of Life and La-
bor is an autobiography, or a book
written about a man by the man
written about. If you think that
sentence took the long way around
you should read the excursions
taken by Gompers and his editors
when talking about the labor
movement in the United States
during the turn of the century,
for instance:
"As to the proposal for compul-
sory arbitration, which is always
advocated in such emergencies, I
pointed out the self-contradiction
in the term and urged voluntary
methods and ended my statement
with a strong plea against the ex-
tension of the injunctive process
in economic disputes and the de-
velopment of the court-made law
to govern industrial relations."
If you read this sentence four'
or five times the meaning starts to
come through, but you can't be
sure because the preceding and
following sentences aren't any
more to the point.
* *
THIS TOUCHES upon a point
here needing discussion - the
book's complete lack of readabili-
ty. Mr. Gompers led an exciting
life; this reviewer was expecting
an interesting book. It wasn't in-
teresting, and to emphasize this-
it would have made a good text-
The book is, from one cover to
the other, nothing more than a
catalogue of names, places, and
dates with a few interesting his-
torical issues stingily sprinkled
It appears that Mr. Gompers, af-
ter mentioning this multitude of
facts, figures, and names, did so
with the same purpose a bride's
parents have when they invite
three times as many guests as they
can comfortably handle-they're
afraid of hurting feelings by lack
of recognition.
I don't tiink Seventy Years of
Life and Labor hurts anybody but
the reader.
-John Cupak
New Books at Library
Bates, Marston and Humphrey,
Philip S., eds.-The Darwin Read-
er; NY, Scribner's, 1957.
Beale, Howard K. - Theodore
Roosevelt and the Rise of America
to World Power; Baltimore, John
Hopkins Press, 1956.
Buhl, Hermann - Lonely Chal-
lenge; NY, Dutton, 1957.
Counts, George S. - The Chal-
lenge of Soviet Education; NY,
McGraw-Hill, 1957.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 353
Adminstration Building, before I
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 1:00
pm. Friday.
VOL. LXVI, NO. 132
General Notices
Blue Cross Group Hosplizatioan,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
fro staff members will be open from Ap-
ril 1 thru April 24, 1957, for new ap-
plications and changes in contracts now
in effect. Staff members who wish to
include surgical and medical services
should make such changes in the Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020, Admn. Bldg.
New applications and changes will be
effective June 5, with the first payroll
deduction on May 31. After April 24,
no new applications or changes oan b
accepted until October, 1957.
The annual business meeting of the
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa will be held at 4:00 p.m.
Thurs., April 4 in Room 451, Mason Hall.
Committee reports will be presented
and election of new members and offT
cers will take place. All members of thl
chapter are urged to attend.
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the Travelogue at Hill
Auditorium on Thursday, March 28 had
late permission until 11:20 p.m.
All men wishing to try out for te
Freshman golf team are to report
Rod Grambeau at the Intramural Build.
ing at 4:30 p.m. on either Wednesday.
April 3, or Thursday, April 4.
Student Government Council, agenda,
April 3, 1957. Council Room, 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of previous meetings.
Officers' reports: President, Lecture
Committee, Loan Committee.
Exec. Vice Pres., Housing Conittee,
motion, Foreign Students Leadership
Admin. Vice President, Petitoning
Internal Structure, SGC.
University Regulations Concerning Stu-
dent Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline.
Activities: April 29 ,30 Indian Students
Association, motion picture, 7 p.m.
Committee Reports: Student Activitife
Request for recognition: Internationi
Committee for upholding the Unit
Nations Charter.
National and International.
Education and Social Welfare.
Public Relations.
Old Business: Southeast Asia delegation.
New Business.
Members and constituents time.
All veterans who expect education and
trianing allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must turn Instruc-
tors' signature form in to Dean's Office
by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 2.
The Extension Service announces the
following class to be held in Ann Arbo
beginning Tues., April 16 at 7:00 p.m.,
Room 524, University Elementary
Efficient Reading, Section II: Helps the
individual to improve his reading rate,
concentration, vocabulary, and critical
comprehension. Enrollment limited t
eighteen. Eight weeks. $11.00.
Registrtaion may be made in Room
4501 Administration Building or be-
cause of the limited enrollment reserva-
tions may be made by telephone to the
Extension Service: NO 3-1511, extension
Wednesday Noon Film. The film for
this week will be the Adventures of
Chico, Part I, dealing with a young
Mexican boy who makes friends with
birds and animals. 12:30 p.m., Wed.,
April 3, in the Audio-Visual Education
Center Auditorium, 4051 Administration

Thursday, April 4, 4:10 p.m. Lecture
by F. Eggan, "The Igorots of the Moun-
tain Province, Northern Luzon," Aud.
C, A.H.
Thursday, April 4, 8:00 p.m. Anthro-
pology Club meeting. Lecture by Prof.
P. Eggan, "Social Change," Rm. 3A,
Phi Sigma Lecture. "Diseases charac-.
teristic of the Tropics." Dr. Richard J.
Porter, Prfoessor of Protozoolgoy, School
of Public Health. 8 p.m., Rackham West
Conference Room, Thurs., April 4. The
public is invited. Important business
meeting at 7:30 for all members.
University Lecture. Brewster Ghiselin,
poet and critic, will give a reading from
his poems Thurs., April 4, 4:10 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell Hall, auspices of the
English Department.
University of Michigan Woodwind
Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Flor-
ian Mueller, oboe, Albert Luconi, clari-
net, Clyde Carpenter, French horn, and
ewis Cooper, bassoon, with Marian
Owen, piano, will perform compositions


Associated Press News Analyst
HE AMERICAN PUBLIC is pretty well con-
vinced by now that it is going to be required
to pay and pay for containment of Soviet
expansionism and the search for ultimate peace.
When President Eisenhower says world peace
is an objective that overrides high taxes, be-
cause without it the world faces virtual destruc-
tion, it is taken as merely routine.
There is less unanimity, however, when it
comes to the question of whether money is
really the answer, and how it is to be spent.
The President was talking more about the
budget and the possibilities of a tax cut than
about ways and means of peace. He sounded
at one point as though social problems at
home and the foreign aid problem were just
parts of the budget.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN................ Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor
DAVID GREY... .............. Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN . . . Associate Sports Editor
ARLINE LEWIS ................Women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL ................ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH........ ...... Advertising Manages

But then he brought in the importance of
making the world truly understand America's
position in it.
All of these things are more fatefully joined
together than merely through inclusion in the
same budget.
ONE OF THE THINGS that gives Americans
pause as they contemplate their outlays for
peace is that they can't see what has been done
so far as a concrete, definite program with defi-
nite results.
After 10 years of foreign aid as it has been
practiced from time to time, the taxpayers still
see a world which moves from crisis to crisis
with the brink of war as a familiar shadow
which follows them throughout the day.
A great many of them are convinced that
what they see is not the prosecution of an
American policy, but a series of reactions to
Russian deeds.
This is true only in degree. However, it is true
that there would be no such policies and no
such reactions except for fear of Russian ex-
Perhaps it is time not so much for a revision
of policy as a revision of outlook under which
the public can be given added reasons for
different programs.
If the rest of the world is to be given an
understanding of what America means, then
America must be that which she professes.
By that token, social programs which enhance
rather than diminish the dignity of the individ-
ual must be carried out in that light, and
presented to the world in that light, rathcr
than as political sops to pressure groups.
F THE UNITED STATES believes that the

resdent Changes Position, Defends Budget

IN TALKING about the budget at
the press conference last Wed-
nesday, the President extricated
himself from the untenable posi-
tion he had taken before. Then
he was saying, so Congress and the
rest of us had supposed. that the
budget was too high, that he would
like to see it reduced but that since
only Congress could reduce it, it
was their responsibility, not his,
to revise the budget.
This general understanding of
what he believed was, of course,
heavily influenced by the famous
press conference in which Secre-
tary Humphrey had spoken so
harshly of the President's budget,
After several weeks of confusion,
the President has changed his
position, and he has now made
himself the defender and the ad-
vocate of his own budget. What-
ever one may think of the budget,
this is a sounder attitude, both
legally and morally, than his ear-
lier one.
* * *
UNDER existing law the Presi-
dent is obligated to present a bud-
get which he believes in and is
prepared to justify and defend.

duced if the Congress would repeal
or would amend some of the great
spending programs which Congress
-and apparently Congress alone-
had enacted.
In order to justify this alarming
abdication of the executive au-
thority, the President pictured
himself as a humble servant of
Congress whose orders he is carry-
ing out. "We have worked many
months on the development of the
budget," he said on March 13, "and
each item in there has been devel-
oped with the idea of performing
to the very best of our ability the
responsibilities laid on the Execu-
tive Department by Congress for
carrying out its mandates."
Congress, he asserted, has order-
ed a number of "great programs"
which cost money, and there can-
not be "any great cuts in the bud-
get" until and unless Congress
votes for "the cutting out or the
elimination or slowing up, at least,
of some of these great programs."
This was a strange picture of
how the government happens to
be engaged in the "great programs"
that cost so much money. Are they
really the work of Congress alone,
initiated in Congress, developed

the budget was untenable, as the
reaction in Congress and in the
country made quite evident. Last
week, in a not-very-happy mood,
he made himself the champion of
his own budget.
THE COUNTRY, or at least a
large and vocal part of it, is
startled by the size of the budget.
Is the size of it really startling?
It is startling, but only when it is
measured by the campaign prom-
ises of 1952, especially the promises
made by General Eisenhower after
his famous covenant on Morning-
side Heights with Senator Taft.
But measured by the campaign
promises of 1956, when the Presi-
dent adopted the philosophy of the
new Republicanism, the President
is entitled to say, as he is now say-
ing, that his budget proposes to
carry out conservatively what the
voters have been promised.
The crux of the matter is that
between 1952 and 1956 the Presi-
dent committed himself to the
"great programs" which cost so
much. At the same time he was
compelled because of the state of
the cold war to have a great pro-

siderably, the grants and subsidies
of the welfare programs.
* *
THE BASIC difference between
the orthodox Republicans and the
Eisenhower or new Republicans is
over these two assumptions. The
orthodox Republicans still believe
in these two assumptions whereas
the President does not.
Thus the orthodox believe that
much money can be saved, especi-
ally out of what now goes to
foreign aid, by a more isolationist
foreign policy. The President, on
the other hand, believes in collec-
tive security, which cannot be
made to work without subsidies to
foreign countries.
The orthodox believe also that
the welfare measures can be re-
duced, and that a lot of money
can thus be saved. The President
and the new Republicans have be-,
come convinced that the party can-
not win elections unless it is able
to attract those large bodies of
voters who had become an invin-
cible coalition under Franklin
The President's budget is not a



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