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March 31, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-31

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01 4 rimr igan &1Dai
Sixty-Seventh Year

The Brown Herring'

When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Ten Thousand'
Just Too Many
THE DELIGHTFUL, all-too-short preview of Disney's "Cinderella"
ends with "Coming Soon" in block letters, and then, suddenly, a
nightgowned blonde sits up in bed in a CinemaScope, MetroColor bed-
room and whispers temptingly, "Hello, you're about to see"-when the,
picture is cut off to show imitation gold letters on a red background,
proclaiming, "Ten Thousand Bedrooms".
Credits follow, and the audience is whisked off to San Francisco
where a switchboard operator tells an unseen caller that Mr. Hunter

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
The 'Careful' Generation:
Is There One of Us Unafraid?.

. I

rroDAY'S GENERATION, according to "The
Nation" is composed of "The 'Careful' Young
Men." We take it easy; we don't go out on limbs,
we're concerned with being like other people.
Young people's quest for security has never been
greater. Why?
The depression and the war years had a lot
to do with it. We weren't around except for the
tail end of the depression, and most of us re-
member the horror of World War II only
vaguely. But our parents remember it; remem-
ber it most vividly. We have been bred to a
horror of poverty and the violence of war to
the point where we will do almost anything to
avoid them; even forget that the solution lies
perhaps not with avoiding them, btit doing
something about them.
Current prosperity and the present adminis-
tration have a lot to do with it too. Very few
people are making an enormous amount of
money, but most of them are getting along
fairly well. Even college professors, says one of
them, can afford two cars.
And the force of President Eisenhower's tran-
quilizing personality beclouds issues such as
Hungary and the Middle East. We glance over
the headlines, assume that Dulles has every
under control, and turn to the sports pages.
People are satisfied; none of these things touch
them personally.
Current emphasis on "adjustment" is an-
other factor. The social sciences have preached
it and we believe it, Anyone who has an idea
or a thought that might be considered danger-
ous to "the greater good" either keeps his mouth
shut or runs the risk of being ostracized. What's
more, McCarthy contributed his bit-now any-
one who voices a liberal opinion automatically
earns for himself the label of "red."
ished in American colleges and universities
in the Thirties and Forties seems on its way
out-from both, the pressure for adjustment,
and because of McCarthy. But the primary rea-
son is lack of a cause.
Liberalism can't grow when it doesn't have
any causes, and today's liberals, in a state of
current prosperity, are hard put to find a cause,
Even integration is a dead issue-the liberals
feel it is only a matter of time until the South

capitulates. Many Southern towns have already
done it quietly; the Clintons are few and far.
Civil liberties is a cause, but one almost al-
ways associated with American Communists,
and it seems doubtful that such a fight can
ever be won, given the stigma attached to it.
Even American conservatism, an old and
often highly intellectual tradition, seems
strangely sterile-today, in our middle-of-the-
road world, it's become difficult to tell left-wing
conservatives from right-wing liberals.
MANY PEOPLE believe that there is nothing
wrong with the middle of the road-an the
contrary, it keeps us out of trouble. Today's col-
lege generation, say some professors, shows sur-
prising maturity and deliberation. It is con-
cerned with family responsibilities, making
money (not a lot, but a comfortable amount),
keeping out of trouble. And they are less tor-
tured than their forebears, and happier.
There's certainly nothing wrong with people
being happy, but it would seem that, in the
search for it, this generation has thrown away
many things perhaps more important-our so-
cial consciousness. In coping only with the
microcosm, we have lost sight of the macro-
cosm. What happens to other people doesn't
matter very much.
The Hungarian Revolution is a good example.
The bloody massacre brought forth a storm of
editorials, some economic aid to refugees and
not much else. It seems likely that twenty or
thirty years ago, the Hemingways, the Cum-
mings, the Cowleys would have been there. The
age of the Italian Ambulance Corps is dead.
THE BIGGEST DANGER to this generation
is that, while it gains in a superficial sort of
nervous, temporary happiness, it will lose its
creativity. The spokesmen for our age write
of the battles of Madison Avenue, the play-
grounds of suburbia. But the spokesmen for our
age are not leaders.
Perhaps, if there were a leader, a man who
would speak out unafraid for what he believed,
we would follow him, and be glad of the
chance. But is there one among us who is not
afraid to speak out? -

Strange and .Subtle Articles?

left that morning. Off to New
York, where another operator says
the traveller has left and, she
guesses, is somewhere between Lis-
bon and Rome. Next: A private
airplane, somewhere between Lis-
bon and Rome, and there he is,
the busy Mr. Hunter.
* * *
MR. HUNTER is obviously a very
busy man. He is playing golf on
the airplane. That is, he is prac-
ticing putting. He is also very
busy because he is Dean Martin
and he is acting without Jerry
Lewis, and he has a lot of songs to
Well, Mr. Hunter gets to Rome,
where he takes over his firm's
new acquisition-a large hotel (of
course-Ten Thousand Bedrooms).
He then meets a pretty young
thing who has three sisters and
proceeds to fall in love with one,
then the other, then the first
The usual plot complications set
in and-naturally-all four girls
become romantically involved with
someone. The ending is obvious-
a quadruple wedding, with the
lonely-to-be-parents so overcome
with the suddenness of it all they
are still not sure which young man
married which of their daughters.
AS MR. HUNTER, Dean Martin
wows 'em with his usual careless,
carefree, Perry-Como-like manner.
As a member of the "idle rich," he
is typical of so many movie gal-
lants who have ever seen or
thought of the drearier aspects of
life. He has nothing to offer. He
plays a very boring role. And he
sings-at length.
Walter Slezak, as usual, is good
in a tiny character role. It's a role
that brightens the movie quite dif-
ferently than the constant focus
on sex. But the girls all look good.
Anna Maria Alberghetti, Eva Bar-
tok, and their sisters are charm-
ing. Moreover, you don't have to
listen to them. This film would be
almost as good without the sound-
* * *
FORTUNATELY for the film,
the Roman scenery is interesting
and even occasionally represented.
Some of the music is even listen-
able, particularly a trio in En-
glish and Italian with Martin,
Slezak and Miss Bartok. And, as
usual, Hollywood makes no dis-
tinction between the Italian peo-
ple speaking English or Italian.
Both are intermingled, with little
cause for changing from one to
the other.
But these credits are few and
not worthwhile enough to sit
through the whole film to see. If
they had turned. Jerry Lewis loose
in this picture, it would have been
-Vernon Nahrgang
HISTORY will certainly show
that both the Hungarian revo-
lution and the effort to extinguish
it went far beyond the goals origi-
nally envisaged.
For a short time at least, the
revolution for liberty and justice
was on its way to becoming a pas-
sionate anarchy; the counter-revo-
lution, first intended merely as a
braking action, turned in to a tyr-
anny as bad as that which impelled
the revolution.
-The Reporter

City Elections and Party Politics

TOMOR-OW is Ann Arbor's biennial spring
Local voters will be asked to vote for a mayor
and ten councilmen, five local proposals, and
numerous state officials. There is one proposal
that will not be on the ballots tomorrow, but
which we think should be in the near future:
that City elections be taken out of party-label
Many observers-Republican, Democrats and
Independents-who have been spectators to the
current campaign .have commented that in-
nuendo, rough-and-tumble has been excessive
(one man had his business threatened and he
blamed it on the Democrats), too many issues
have been "red herrings," and the real issues
(if any) are indistinguishable.
ONE QUESTIONS how many, if any, of the
concerns of city government are susceptible
to party approaches. Samuel Eldersveld may
have some ideas about how garbage ought
to be collected but the Democratic party hardly
does. Mayor Brown may pride himself on
adding $9,000,000 to the City's assessed valua-
tion, but this is the Mayor's accomplishment,
not a Republican one, and presumably a Demo-
cratic mayor would attempt the same feat.
City government is essentially an administra-
tive, service-type government. Its main jobs
are catching crooks and speeders, protecting a
man's house from fire, keeping water and elec-
tricity owing into that house and sewerage
flowing out.
Second, partisan elections in council-manager
cities is against the trend of the times. In 1956,
86 per cent of the council-manager cities with
populations over 5,000 conducted non-partisan
A further reaction to the trend of the times in
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTFIN................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN............. Magazine Editor
JANET REARYCK . ...... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................Features Editor
DAVID GRE~Y............ ".......... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER.........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN......... Associate Sports Editor
ARLINE LEWIS............... Women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
1XTTj:rTA flT-1 AI---+* , 4 - . n

Ann Arbor government is the use of the ward
system. It has been found by researchers that
the interests of the "city as a whole" is often
sacrificed when the ward system is used.
Councils took often defer to the wishes of
each ward's representative; giving him a virtu-
al veto over any Council action relative to his
ward. Also, gerrymandering is facilitated with
the ward system. Electing Councils "at large"
has proved best.
The trend is toward professionalism and ob-
jectivity in city government and away from
partisanship and its associated "spoils," gerry-
mandering, innuendo and issue-making.
A DVOCATES of partisan elections offer two
arguments, neither of which can be accepted
regarding Ann Arbor. They first say local party
organizations are the "building blocks" of state
and national organizations and that they must
have something to do between state and na-
tional elections-something to keep them well
oiled. To this we must ask, to which is our first
concern-to the condition of political parties
or to the effectiveness of city government?
They also say that constituents aren't well
enough informed about the personalities and
issues involved and tha~t parties provide for
"identification and responsibility." This argu-
ment might hold for a metropolis, but in Ann
Arbor any citizen who can't spend the time
necessary to be reasonably informed on the
issuessand candidates has no business at the
To expect the political party in power to ini-
tiate a move toward non-partisanship would
reveal a Pollyanish view of the nature of man,
but even political parties can be prodded into
moves by a concerned citizenry.
New Books at the Library
Paton, Alan - South Africa in Transition;
N.Y., Scribner, 1956.
Saroyan, William - The Whole Voyald and
Other Stories; Boston, Atlantic-Little, Brown,
Sorensen, Charles E. - My Forty Years with
Ford; N.Y., Norton, 1956.
Stearns, Marshall W. - The Story of Jazz;
N.Y., Oxiord University Press, 1956.
Stone, Irving - Men to Match My Moun-
tains; Garden City, Doubleday, 1956..,
Tompkins, John B. - A Voyage to Pleasure:
the Log of Bernard Gilboy's Transpacific Cruise
in the Boat "Pacific," 1882-83; Cambridge, Md.,
The Cornell Maritime Press, 1956.
Wilkinson, Burke - By Sea and by Stealth;
N.Y., Coward-McCann, 1956.

Pakistan and U.S. Aid
To the Editor:
STRANGE and subtle articles
have been written lately to
hoodwink the good-natured and
unsuspecting American people into
believing that they have in Paki-
stan their 'staunchest ally in Asia'
in their fight against communism.
But it will be a great price that
the American people may have to
pay if they fail to descry the real
purpose and basis of Pakistan's
foreign policy, camouflaged, as it
is, behind a hazy cloud of anti-
Communist fervour. If the fight of
the American people be against In-
dia, then they do have in Pakistan
their strongest friend; but if it be
against Communism, they have ev-
ery reason to be cautious and wary
in their relations with Pakistan.
Mr. Suhrawardy, Pakistan's
prime minister, had often de-
clared in inequivocal terms that
the whole policy of Pakistan turn-
ed round India and for this reason
Pakistan must be a r nember of the
Baghdad Pact and the SEATO.
It is rather interesting to note
that many of the speeches made
and articles written in connection
with the celebration of Pakistan's
first anniversary as a Republic by
the 'leaders' of Pakistani student
body on the campus harp on India
and Ne (hr) utralism rather than
on the U.S.S.R. and Communism
or on matters more befitting the
The same is true within Paki-
stan. As Mr. A. T. Steele, the well-

known American correspondent,
after a visit to Pakistan, wrote on
June 7, 1956 in the New York Her-
ald Tribune: "To be sure, Ameri-
can arms aid to Pakistan is in-
tended solely to strengthen that
country's defenses against Com-
munism. But anybody who travels
much in Pakistan soon finds that
the only enemy most Pakistanis
take seriously is India.
"The average Pakistani thinks
very little about the Communist
threat if he thinks of it at all His
hostility is toward India rather
than the Soviet Union. And he as-
sumes that in the event of a show-
down with India the American
military supplies will be drawn
-Thomas S. David
ly Planninr . . .
To the Editor:
Thomas Blue's editorial (Mar.
24) concerning Ann Arbor's may-
oralty campaign, in which he em-
phasized the need for long-range
planning in government.
It is indeed difficult to expand
the imaginations of the citizenry
to plan the environment for which
we must inevitably pay taxes. Ap-
parently most people prefer the
fantastic waste of municipal de-
terminism even though they take
planning for granted in their re-
spective professions, businesses,
industries-in their very lives.
Much can be done at the Uni-

versity level so that future leaders
in all fields will be less naive in
their approach to government.
All of us must face, in one way
or another, the mounting prob-
lems of social, political and eco-
nomic degeneracy in our urban-
izing civilization.
Tom Michalski, '56A&D
Parkig Problem * .
To the Editor:
UNFORTUNATELY is is neces-
sary for many of us to com-
mute to the School of Public
Health-housing being what it is
in Ann Arbor. It is too bad that
there is no choice for the students
other than feeding the meters
every two hours, seven hours a
day, five days a week. Even this is
not lawful as there is a two hour
limit in the metered area.
So far the fines have been cheap-
er than taxis-although some stu-
dents use them. Others live con-
venient to buses if they live on
north campus. The majority drive.
To date my own fines have come
to thirty-four dollars. I see no way
to avoid additional fines unless
the University or City govern-
ment give some thought to this
Perhaps in your concern with
student problems, it might be pos-
sible to give more attention to this
It would be much appreciated
by the students.
-Marjorie Beers, RN

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Unversity
of Michigan for which the MJ.chigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Rom 3553
Adminsitration Building, before 2
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daly due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1957
Atomobile Regulations: Spring Re-
cess: The automobile regulations will
be lifted Saturday noon, April 6, and
will become effective again at 8:00 a.m.
Monday, April 15, 1957.
Dr. Bunche Lecture Postponed. Dr.
Ralph Bunche, who was to have spoken
tomorrow night in Hill Auditorium, has
been delayed in the Mddle East where
he is on an important government mis-
sion, He is now scheduled to appear
here Saturday, April 2, 8:30 p.m. Tick-
ets issued for his lecture will be hon-
ored on the new data.
All veterans who expect education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must turn Instruc-
tors' signature form in to Dean's office
by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 3.
Science Research Club will meet in
Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m.
Tues., April 2. Program: The Earth Sat.
ellite Program. Leslie M. Jones - Engi-
neering Research Institute. The Arti-
ficial Heart, Herbert E. Sloan, Jr.-Sur-
gery. Dues for 1956-57 accepted after
7:10 p.m.
Orientation Leader Interviews. Both
experienced and non-experienced male
applicants for orientation leaders may
sign up in the Union Student Offices
-from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Fri-
Students, College' of Engineering: The
final day for dropping courses without
record will be Wednesday, April 3. A
course may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con-
ference with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for removal of incompletes
will be Wednesday, April 3. Petitions
for extension of time must be on file
in the Secretary's Office on or before
Wednesday, April 3.
Sports and Dance Instruction - Wo-
men Students. Women students who
have completed the physical educa-
tion requirement may register as elec-
tives on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes..
day from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in Barbour
Instruction is available in: Modern
dance, ballet, riding, swimming, diving,
life saving and tennis.
Registration in Golf IV (Advanced)
is with the instructor's permission. Try-
outs will be held in the Women's Ath-
letic Building from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Monday, April 1.
University Lecture in Journalism.
Wallace Lomoe, Managing Editor of
The Milwaukee Journal, will speak on
"The Professional Future of the Press"
on Tues., April 2, at 3 p.m. in Audi-
torium A of Angell Hall.
ISA presents Dr. Marvin Feiheim,
Dept. of English, in a summary of the
series on Cultural Dynamics. Tues.,
April 2.
W. D. Falk, Senior Lecturer at the
University of Melbourne, Astralia, Vis-
iting Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy will lecture on "Why Be
Moral?" Wed., April 3rd at 4:15 p.m. In
A. H. Aud. C. Sponsored by the Depart-
ment of Philosophy.
The Henry Russell Lecture will be de-
livered by Louis . Bredvold, Professor
of English, Tuesday, April 23, at 4:15
p.m, in the Natural Science Audito-
riumn. Dr. Bredvold's lecture topic Is
"Some Basic Issues of the Eighteenth
Student Recital. Jackie Mindlin,

French horn and James Edmonds, pian-
1st, assisted by Irene Kunst, soprano,
will be heard in a program at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, March 31, in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall. It will include
Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 1 in D
major, K. 412, Schubert's Auf dem
Strom, Op. 119; (for soprano, horn and
piano); Stevens' Sonata for Horn and
Piano, and Schumann's Adagio and Al-
legro, Op. 70. It will be open to thO
general public.
Student Recital: William Donahue,
clarinetist, assisted by Camila Dopp-
mann, cellist, and Carol Leybourn Ken.
ney, pianist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music at
8:30 Sunday evening, March 31, in Aud-
itorium A, Angell Hall. Mr. Donahue
is a pupil of William Stubbins, and his
recital will be open to the general pub-
Student Recital: Wesley True, pianist,
will perform works by Galuppi, Beetho-
ven, Chopin, and Dello Jolo at 8:30
Monday evening, April 1, in the Rack-





Glass Slippers and Pumpkins and $500,000

Daily Television Writer
IF YOU can get anywhere near
a television set (preferably a
colornset) tonight, try to do so
around 8 o'clock. If you are tuned
to channel.2 at that time you will
see what promises to be one of the
most magnificent, if not the most
magnificent production ever seen
on television.
Tonight marks the culmination
of seven months labors by Richard
Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein
II and a few thousand other peo-
ple who have spent that time pre-
paring for an original musical
version of "Cinderella."
The public's familiarity with the
Cinderella story has created an
enormous responsibility which pro-
ducer Richard Lewine and director
Ralph Nelson are quick to ac-
knowledge in staging the hour-
and-one-half musical.
The two are tackling a score of
problems which they could side-
step with a lesser-known story.
"But," says Lewine, "viewers ex-
pect to see a pumpkin changed
into a gold carriage, and mice be-
come horses. They know that Cin-

cal but traditional Cinderella
story "musts."
a * *
THE USE of two television cam-
eras simultaneously will be syn-
chronized to perfect the pumpkin-
into-carriage magic. And the mice
will become horses in the same
way. An ingenious costume design
for Cinderella Julie Andrews (of
"My Fair Lady" fame) will allow
her to make split-second changes
frcm her servant clothes into her
ball gown and back again.
In order for Fairy Godmother
Edith Adams (Mrs. Ernie Kovacs,
Daisy Mae in L'l Abner) to enter
magically through locked doors
and windows Nelson has staged her
dialogue with Cinderella so that
they will appear to be talking face
to face but will actually be at oppo-
site ends of the studio.
The New York studio from which
the show will originate would have
to be five times as large if the nu-
merous settings by William and
Jean Eckart were to be used ad-
joining each other. Nelson points
out that the public expects to see
Cinderella's home, the royal ball-
room, the kingdom it general, plus
the carriage ride and Cinderella's

cially dyed orchir chiffon em-
printed twice with the royal de-
sign for the ballroom settings. And
in the royal gardens, where Prince
Charming Jon Cypher sings one
of the musical's fourteen selections
to Cinderella, 72,'00 specially
painted leaves have been affixed to
formal apple trees, which bear ex-
actly 700 perfect apples.
* *~ *
more vital statistics, Callahan also
had to stock a flower market with
some 800 blossoms and a fruit
stall with crates and crates of ar-
tificial pears, peaches, bananas and
oranges. A sky of 300 15-watt stars
and another sky of rhinestones on
velvet are among the show's re-
quirements, as are four separate
staircases used throughout the
many settings.
All in all 115 opulent costumes
will be worn and the Eckarts,
noted Broadway designi' team,
call their Cinderella costumes
"Middle-Make Believe" in style.
Actually they are based on various
fashions of the periods from 1795
to 1830, adapted freely to fit best
the fairy-tale excitement of the

New York in mid-Februar to be-
gin work on the size 71/2B "glass"
shoe, and the results, after four
weeks of experiment and exasper-
ating labor, are three pairs of slip-
pers, costing $300 per pair.
It was decided that three pairs
would be ree 'e.l be-,- e one pair
must fit Julie Andrews; one must
be much smaller than her stepsis-
ters could wear, and a third pair
for Julie is made with leather soles
so that she can dance in them.
Actually, it would hardly -uire
the search of the kingdom to locate
the proper owner for stepsisters
Kaye Ballard and Alice Ghostly
and stepmother Ilka Chase all
wear 72B and could all easily fit
into the glass slipper.
* * *
RODGERS AND Hammerstein
report that "The amount of music
we have written for 'Cinderella'
is perhaps more than we have
written for a relative amount of
time in a Broadway show." (six
songs, three instrumental selec-
tions and many segments of mu-
sical dialogue, all of course orig-
inally created for tonight's show)..
They have been working at the
hbnk .snr eanr1 irc, frti +s +1_


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