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March 27, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-03-27

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C, r Alrchgatt Daily
Sixty-Seventh Year

Grandma, What Big Teeth You Have"



"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
SGC Should Approve
New Vice- President
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council will be desires of the students back to the Council,
offered an opportunity today to take a first the Council will be taking some practical steps
step toward getting the Council out of the to assure that the Council does not become too
realm of "dishwater" administration. wrapped up in its own self-righteousness.
If approved by the Council, President Joe The transfer of committee chairmanships
Collins' proposals could serve to make SGC a from Council members to Administrative Wing
more deliberative body and Administrative Wing personnel should result in two important ac-
membership more attractive to students. Collins . complishments. It would immediately allow
will request Council members to consider addi- Council members more time to debate legislative
tion of an administrative vice-president to the and over-all policy matters on the Council floor.
executive committee and delegation of com- The present setup has ingrained in the SGC
mittee chairmanships to responsible members structure a lineup of "experts," members who
of the Administrative Wing, have become recognized, more through seniority
In increasing the officers of the Council to than actual knowledge, as specialists in partic-
four, the work load of the executive committee ular fields-education and social welfare, cam-
will be spread over a greater number of people. pus affairs, national and international and the
By apportioning the time-consuming supervi- like.
lion of SGC's committte activities to the new Supervision of these prticular areas has left
officer, the duties of the executive vice-president Council members little time to study and debate
would be considerably lightened, allowing more problems of a broader nature, problems which
time- to assist the president in policy matters call for the applied imagination of the group,
and liason with the administration. The ex- rather than that of the appropriate "expert."
ecutive vice-president would be freed to work in Chairmanship of committees by Wing mem-
the area of external relations of the Council by bers would also enhance the attractiveness of
being relieved of the task of internal supervision the Wing. By delegating more responsibility to
of administrative details. the Wing, the Council would in turn find more
It is essential that the outside relations of the responsible students in competition for Wing
Council are strengthened by the executive com- positions.
mittee. The recent election showed the weak- One of the reasons for the Wing's present
ness of the Council's public relations, a weak- weakness is that it is little more than the Coun-
ness caused primarily by lack of contact with cil's leg man. Wing members have little real
the student body and other student organiza- opportunity to use their own initiative and
tions. Officers of the Council should have imagination. A freer reign on the Wing by the
enough time to represent the Council on outside Council would increase the incentive of students
boards and organizations, on the Wing and provide for development of
Officers of the old Student Legislature were potential members of the Council.
cognizant of the need to know what other stu-
dents and organizations were thinking and do- 0NE OF THE HALLMARKS of a vigorous
ing through personal contact and responsible student government is its ability to recog-
attendance at meetings of other student groups. nize its own problems and experiment with pos-
SL was thus enabled to keep a firm grasp on sible solutions.
the pulse of the student body and channel its An affirmative vote by the Council on Presi-
actions accordingly. dent Collin's proposals will also be an affirma-
tion that SGC is yet a vigorous student govern-
Y GIVING the executive vice-president more ment.
time to assist the president in interpreting -RICHARD SNYDER
SOC to the student body and bringing the Editor
Regents Unknown to Students
ALTHOUGH they set the tone of the Univer- and Carl Brablec and Republicans Ethel Watt
sity and ultimately decide all policy matters, and Al Connable-vie for two Regent positions
the Regents are almost unknown to most stu- Monday.
They are concieved by many as a .group of ON PAGE SIX of today's paper are biograph-
bearded sages who exist only to thwart student ical sketches of the candidates and answers
desires. None are bearded and some have a keen to a list of questions prepared by The Daily.
interest in helping students. We urge students to study the qualifications
In troubled times, as these are, Regent elec- and thoughts of the candidates and, for those
tions are even more significant in terms of over 21, to cast a meanigful vote. For those not
charting a proper course through the confused yet 21, acquaint yourself with the people who
maze of public opinion, state legislators, enroll- are responsible for the University and urge your
ment pressures and faculty raids. -LEnsMARKte
Four candidates - Democrats Irene Murphy City Editor

Al iance Intact, Solid
UR KNOWLEDGE of what went on at Bermuda is, as this is written,
very meager, and so it is likely to remain until we have the com-
mentary from London and Washington by men who have been talked
to off the record.
Yet it would be surprising if' anything surprising comes out that is
not already indicated by the official communique.
If I read it correctly, the basic Anglo-American Atlantic alliane*
for the defense of Western Europe is intact and quite solid. The reduc-
tion of military forces which the
British are planning to make is to have abdicated our own responsi-
be compensated by the American bility and are leaving everything to
offer to supply new high powered Mr. Hammarskjold.
weapons, such as guided missiles. For it is only as we accept the
Beyond this basic alliance, responsibility of restoring our pow-
which is also the core of NATO, er to bargain with Nasset that Mr.
the old partnership is, as they say Hamma&kjold can be eAipected to
in diplomacy, fluid. For the Pacific negotiate successfully.
and for Japan and as far south as 1957 New York Herald Tribune
Vietnam, there is no partnership
but rather an American sphere of
influence. In the Middle East and
in Africa there is not a concerted A Y
There are fairly well defined OFFICIAL
common purposes, and there are
commitments, which are not rigid BULLETIN
or very strict, to consult. But there
are very considerable differences
of opinion as to what the situa- The Daily Official Bulletinisa&
tion really is and considerable dif- official publication of the University
ferecesas t wht weougt todo. of Michigan for which the Michigan
ferences as to what we ought to do Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
WE MAY SAY that at Bermuda TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3953
the British conceded that Western Adminsitration Building, before 2
policy in the Middle East should p.m. the day preceding publication.
for the present follow the line laid Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
down by the President and Secre-
tary Dulles. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951
Although there were no warn- VOL. LXVII, No. 126
ings or threats of any kind, there
was a distinct implication at Ber- General Notices
muda that Britain would follow
American leadership in dealing Regents'°Meeting: Friday, April 10.
with the Arab states as long as, Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
but no longer than, its vital inter- hands not later than April 10.
ests are not sacrificed.
A most important consequence The .Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
of Bermuda is that the President land, again offers through a reciprocal
and r. Dlles haing een on- arrangement an exchange scholarship
and Mr. Dulles, having been con- for a graduate from the University of
ceded the right to lead and to ad- Michigan. The Scholarship will provide
minister their own rather than an fees, board and lodging for the next
agreed policy, have now become academic year, but not travel. However,
definitely responsible for the con- application for a Fulbright travel grant
may be made. Economics, Geography,
sequences. Mathematics, Medieval History, Philo-
They are already responsible, as sophy, Political Science, and Romance
a result of their one-sided pres- Languages are suggested as especially
sure, for the security of Israel. Be- appropriate fields of study. Further in-
neath the bland and polite surface formation is available at the Office of
of the Bermuda communique, one the Graduate school, and applications
of heBerud comuiqu, ne should be filed with the Graduate
can read that they have acquired School before April 3.
the same kind of responsibility for
the security of British, indeed of Student Government Council, Agenda.
Western European, vital interests March 27, 1957. Council Room, 7:30 p.m.
in the Canal and the oil of the ,iuts fthe previous meeting.
idte Canal aOfficers' reports: President - Election,
Middle East. report of results.



+ i ds H r p os .uesapos
Sec. WVilson Disarms Pearson



-« VW

THE OTHER DAY I went to the
Pentagon to have it out pub-
licly with Secretary of Defense
Charlie Wilson. He had confis-
cated my "Nickerson Document"
on guided missiles after I did him
the courtesy of submitting it to
the Defense Department for secur-
ity guidance. I was determined
to show him a few facts about
cooperating with newspapermen
when they try to cooperate with
I came out of the verbal shooting
fray with Charlie Wilson a differ-
ent and defeated man. He took me
with charm and frankness.
He not only took me, but I be-
came something of a Wilson boost-
er. He handles his press conference
with frankness and an obvious
desire-to-tell-the-truth. He also
knew more about the vast rami-
fications of his intricate Defense
Department than is humanly pos-
sible for most men.
* * *
FIGURED I would take Charlie
Wilson by surprise by easing up
on his vulnerable side - General
Motors. After the press conference
got underway I quoted an excerpt
from the secret memo for which
Colonel John Nickerson of the
Army's Redstone Guided Missile
Arsenal is going to be court mar-
Colonel Nickerson had claimed
that Wilson's guided missile plan
"favored commercially the AC
Sparkplug Division of General
So I asked Secretary Wilson: "I
would like some guidance as to
what should or should not be clas-
sified. Would you say that the
statement that your guided missile
program 'favors commercially the,
AC Sparkplug Division of General
Motors' - should that or should
that not be classified?

"Well, it is of course a misstate-
ment," said Wilson, referring to
alleged favoritism for his old com-
pany, "but there is no reason why
it should be classified unless it was
hung on to a part of a document
that in itself was classified."
"Then why did you not return
that document to me with such
portions X'd out that should have
been classified?" I asked.
"ARE YOU the man who had
the document in the first place?"
he asked.
"I am.
"Didn't we release some official
correspondence we had with Mr.
Pearson about it?"
"You did. The correspondence
was not very edifying."
"Well I think that letter is as far
as I care to go at this time," ob-
served Mr. Wilson, keeping both
his poise and his smile. "It's what
out attorneys said should be the
right decision to take, as long as
the matter is in the court martial
"One of your counsel, Mansfield
Sprague, stated to my office the
contrary," I pointed out. "He
thought the document should be
turned back with certain portions
X'd out, to which I was quite
"We appreciate your bringing it
to us in the first place," Secretary
Wilson said. "And obviously to you
it had certain things in it that you
thought should have been classi-
fied, or you wouldn't have brought
it to us.
* * *
"AND WE like that kind of co-
operation," he continued. "I think
the reason we changed our minds
as between Mr. Sprague and Mr.
Dechert (who succeeded Sprague
as counsel) is that in the inter-
mediate time we found out more

about it. We found out who had
produced it. As long as we didn't
know where it came from and who
sponsored it, and that you were the
only person that had it and noth-
ing else happened, you would have
got it back with-the classified parts
deleted. But under the circum-
stance we thought 'well, that's not
the right thing to do.' I don't know
whether I make myself clear, but
I have tried to."
"You make yourself very clear,
and I appreciate that explana-
tion," I said, all the chips having
slipped quietly off my shoulder.
"It's just a little bit difficult for a
newspaperman who has been in
the habit of trying to check things
that might be classified, and who
is worried about it-it's a little
difficult to continue that custom,
which I think is a good custom."
At this point Secretary Wilson
took the wind completely out of
my sails.
"You'll sleep well with yourself
as long as you do the right thing,"
he said.
I had a couple of other pungent,
political quotes from the Nicker-
son document up my sleeve, but
after that I folded. You can't go
on arguing with anyone as nice as
Charlie Wilson.
Note - Colonel Nickerson, who
has a fine record as an Army offi-
cer, is being tried for writing a
memo opposing the transfer of
guided missile development from
the Army to the Air Force. These
memos were then circulated to
members of Congress.
Nickerson's name was not on the
memo which came into the posses-
sion of my office and I had no idea
he was the author. It contained
some data which obviously should
have been classified, which was
why the Defense Department was
asked for guidance.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

* * *
THE PROBLEM of negotiating
with Nasser is inordinately diffi-
cult because we have deprived our-
selves of the power to bargain with
Weshave given him a guarantee
that we will not use force. We have
given him specific proof that we
will not allow Britain, France and
Israel to use force. We have con-
ceded that the UN has no inde-
pendent authority and that it can
act only with his consent.
We have given him reason to be-
lieve that there is little likelihood
of our agreeing to use sanctions
against him. On the other hand,
we have very little to offer him as
a reward for substantial conces-
Under these conditions it is un-
fair to expect Mr. Hammarskjold
to wring from Nasser the conces-
sions which Nasser is under no
pressure to concede. The Admin-
istration is well advised,'no doubt,
to try to negotiate with President
Nasser through Mr. Hammar-
But we must never lose sight of
the fact that while Mr. Hammar-
skjold may be the most acceptable
negotiator, he has no bargaining
power of his own beyond that
whcih the United States possesses.
WE OUGHT not, therefore, to
allow the world to think that we

Dulles vs. M
Associated Press News AnalystV
SECRETARY OF STATE Dulles and British t
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan are talk-
ing out of different sides of their mouths. c
They are doing so in interpreting the achieve- L
ments of the Eisenhower-Macmillan conference
at Bermuda with respect to future cooperation t
between Britain and the United States in the f
Middle East. i
, They apparently are placing a different em- d
phasis on the importance of the Bermuda E
talks. Moreover, Dulles came very close today
to contradictingwhat Macmillan had said 7
publicly at Bermuda on Sunday.
THE REASON for the differences seems to be c
that the British government has an interest f
in demonstrating the return of almost total d
harmony between London and Washington. U
But the United States government is trying
to maintain its influence with the Arab states rr
as well as Israel while becoming much more E
Editorial Staf U
Editorial Director City Editor
Business Staff 0
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager S
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH .............. Advertising Manager c
CHARLES WILSON ................ Finance Manager e
PATRICIA LAMBERIS...........Accounts ManagerV
GAIL GOLDSTEIN . ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor O
JANET REARICK ........ Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS...............Features Editor A
DAVID GREY ............. ....... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor d
STEPHEN HEILPERN ..... Assrate Snnrts Eitorw

riendly with Britain again. Hence it does not
want to show too close an understanding with
he British on all points.
This is the kind of diplomatic game which
ould lead to serious misunderstanding between
London and Washington by confusing the issue.
Dulles told his news conference yesterday
hat the President and he had held long in-
ormal talks with Macmillan and Foreign Min-
ster Selwyn Lloyd at Bermuda but that they
id not lead to any agreement on the Middle
THE EXCHANGES of views were useful, he
said, in making it more likely that there
would be a common policy. But he said the
ontingencies in that region - meaning the
uture of the Suez Canal ad Israeli-Egyptian
isputes-are so unpredictable that it seems
nprofitabe to try to reach a formal agreement.
Macmillan told a news conference at Ber-
auda on Sunday, in talking about the Middle
ast and United Nations efforts to obtain a
ettlement there, that "the British and Ameri-
an governments have agreed on the line they
ropose to take in the short term and in the
ong term."
Macmillan was asked whether there were any
.nresolved issues between Britain and the
United States in the Middle East and he said
ie did not think there are any "in principle."
Furthermore, he said, preparations were made
t Bermuda for carrying on close consultation
n Middle East problems between the United
tates and Britain.
At still another point in his Bermuda news
onference, Macmillan was asked whether Eis-
nhower and he had agreed in principle on
ghat to do if either Egypt or Israel violated its
bligations in some manner.
He replied that "We've considered all the
ossibilities" but when he was pressed for
etail he said "I don't think you would expect
,n +f lm all ln -f %--- fnt-c_:,.n _ .4

Next meeting, Friday, March 29
University Calendar.
Interim action:
March 22, International Student Aa.
soc., dance, League 8-12 Approved.
March 30, 31 India Students Assoc.,.
Movie, Rackham. Denied.
Treasurer: M-Handbook.
Homecoming Dance, funds.
Phi Mu colony requests recognition as
a chapter of Phi Mu National Sorority.
Committee Reports:
National and International: Mock
United Nations.
Student Activities Committee:
Request for recognition: Student Na-
tional Education Association,
North Campus: bus service.
Old Businesg.
New Business: Senior Board, recom-
mendation of activities, motion.
SGC, Administrative Vice-President,
Members and constituents time,
Prof. Simone d'Ardenne, prof. of Ang-
lo-Saxon and Middle English at Liege
University, will give two lectures on
Wed., March 27: "The Open Knight in
the Fourteenth Century," at 4:10 p.m.,
Aud. C, Angell Hall, and "The Influence
of Old French on Middle English Ortho-
graphy," at 7:30, East Conference Room,
Sigma Xi Members are reminded that
the dinner for 1957 initiates will be
held Thurs., March 28, at 6:15 p.m. I*
the Ballroom, Michigan League.
Sigma Xi Lecture, 8 p.m. Thurs.,
March 28 in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The guest speaker will be Dr. Clyde
Kluckhohn, Laboratory of Social Rela-
tions, Professor of Anthropology at
Harvard University. He will speak on
"Cultural Anthropology as a Science".
The public is invited.
The University of Michigan Choir and.
Symphony Orchestra, with Maynard
Klein, conductor, and the Chorale Choir
(Continued on Page 5)




Israeli Search for Peace Dates Back 3,000 Years

(Editor's Note: The following is the
first of three articles on Israel. To-
day's article outlines the ancient
history of the Jewish nation.)
AP Foreign News Analyst
ISRAEL has bet her life on peace
-in a land that has known little
peace for 3,000 years.
By withdrawing from territories
she conquered in November, Israel
gambled that Western statesman-
ship can turn her Arab neighbors
inward to their own problems and
prevent a holocaust which could
signal World War III.
Israel and the Arabs have one
thing in common: both need at
least a generation of uninterrupted
peace. Without it there can be
little hope of solving Middle East
Lacking solutions, the area will
remain on the edge of explosions
which could menace the life of
Western civilization in the place
where it was born.
ON THE fifth day of the Month

not with Jewry but with Zionism,
Arabs claim a right to the land
the Jews call Zion.
Who are the Israelites? What is
their claim to Zion?
About 18 centuries ago, the Jews
were expelled by Rome from Pales-
tine and destined to roam the
earth. Jews of the Diaspora dis-
persions never forgot the Zion they
called "the House of Our Life."
The Israelites' origins are cloud-
ed by mists of history. They sprang
from nomadic tribes practicing a
primitive religion.
They mixed with Semitic wan-
derers from Arabia while moving
west to the end of Goshen in what
is now eastern Egypt. Egypt's phar-
oahs then controlled the area
known today as Palestine.
In the land of Goshen these
people became the children of
Israel-descendants of the patri-
arch Jacob, Grandson of Abraham,
whose other name, Israel, meant
"May God persevere."
** *

south Judah, ruled by descend-
ants of Jacob and Leah. But they
shared the same religion and tra-
In721 B.C. Israel fell to the
Assyrians. Judah, with a tradition
of strong kings stemming from
David's dynasty, persevered until
587 B.C., when Nebuchadnezzar
captured Jerusalem and carried off
many Jews to captivity in Babylon
for half a century.
Some time before this event the
first references to the citizens of
Judah as "Jews" began to appear.
But Hebrew, in the meantime, fell
into disuse and no longer was a
spoken language.
DURING the Babylonian cap-
tivity, Jews of necessity began
their experience in trade. The in-
clination was to grow steadily,
spreading them as merchants
throughout the world. Usually,
wherever they settled they kept
to themselves in their own com-
Cyrus of Persia restored the
Jews to Jerusalem and let the

Roman province of Judea. Dis-
persed, Jews were forbidden by
Rome to come within sight of



by Dick 8ible

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