Generation of Advancement
What Role for the 'U'?
See Page 4
j [1: 4 C
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 ti1y
Ben-Gurion Seeks Support for Withdrawa
l Iove
Hecklers Drown
Pleas in Session
Speech Touches off Huge Uproar;
Asks Parliament Vote of Confidence
JERUSALEM (P) - Under taunts and badgering at an uproarious
session last night, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion asked Parlia-
ment to support his decision to pull Israeli troops out of Egypt and
Hecklers drowned out his words at times as he wearily defended
his withdrawal decision. He is seeking a vote of confidence.
Biggest Uproar
When Ben-Gurion sat down, the opposition touched off the big-
gest uproar ever heard in the Israeli Parliament. It took the speak-
er five minutes to restore order.
Ben-Gurion declared the aim of the October invasion was deliv-
erance of Israel from danger of Arab attack, not conquest.
He implied that goal was ach-
Sima Kappa
Letters Set
.For Maling
Disagreements over wording
having been resolved, Student
Government Council will send out
letters today advising National
Sigma Kappa and other interested
parties of SGC's Feb. 13 actior
with regard to the sorority.
Although Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon and Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
were "concerned" with statemen
in the letter, SGC President Joe
Collins, '58, said the letters would
go out without change in word-
Dean Bacon said yesterday she
is "always deeply ,concerned with
the actions and words of SGC'
because "this is the voice of the
The letter, approved by SGC last
Wednesday, states, "The basis for
the decision was the action taken
by National Sigma Kappa at Tufts
and Cornell . ..."
This, statement, which sets the
basis for SGC's action, is reported-'
ly one questioned by Dean Bacon.
She refused to discuss any speci-
fic objections with The Daily yes-
terday, but said she had "specific
objections to wordings lots of
The letter explains the action
SGC took with Sigma Kappa and
outlines the council's rationale and
considerations in dealing with the
sorority and finding it in violation
of University regulations,
A two-page letter, it explains the
various recommendations for ac-
tion made by SGC's Sigma Kappa
Committee. "The majority of the
recommendations involve a period
of 'grace'," the letter notes.
The letter had been examined
and altered slightly before it was
approved at last week's SGC meet-
Collins said that any disagree-
ment over the letter was purely in
the English, and that the main
concern was with whether the let-
ter was consistent with SGC's past
action and expressions.
~ Mayor Brown
By Eldersveld
Samuel J. Eldersveld, Democratic
candidate for mayor of Ann Arbor,
sharply criticized Mayor William E.
Brown for his attack on City
Council Candidate Arthur Carpen-
Carpenter expressed the view
that Republican leadership on the
recent capital improvements issues
were inadequate. Brown replied
with a sharp attack on the pros-
pective council member.
Eldersveld, speaking to a group
of supporters, said that "Brown is
the kind of fellow we can expect
this from. He hasn't learned the
lessons cf democracy." He referred
to the role of the opposition in
criticizing the party in office.
The University political science
professor also reviewed the 12-
point Democratic platform, calling
it a "clear-cut, workable document
"I am keenly aware of the dan-
gers and drawbacks involved in
the settlement we have made," he
told Parliament.
UN Guarantees
While Israel did not receive the
United Nations guarantees of se-
curity against Arab attack that
were demanded, Ben-Gurion said:
"The President of the United
States has assumed a moral re-
sponsibility toward Israel and
many other nations have made
statements which involve a moral
With these assurances of sup-
port for maintainmg peace in the
Middle East, Ben-Gurion said, "I
do not hesitate to advise the
members of the Knesset (Parlia-
ment) and the people of Israel to
accept this settlement."
Opposition Motion
Today he faces the opposition's
motion of no-confidence. He is
expectedtowin out.
Four hours before he spoke,
speakers at a mass rally in this
old holy city acused him of sur-
render and demanded that he re-
SGC To Hear
Group Reports
Reports from Student Govern-
ment Council's Health Insurance
and Housing Study Committees
are on the agenda for the SGC
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Council Room, Student Activities
The suggested name for the
building will also be discussed for
recommendation to the Board of
SGC is slated to take up its In-
ter-Fraternity Council and Inter-
House Council Rushing Progress
Report and the report from the
Lecture Committee Study Com-
South Quad Council
Criticizes Explanation
South Quadrangle Council re-
solved last night they could "find
no justification" for the recent
dismissal of three quad residents,
after it had studied bean of Men
Walter B. Rea's letter explaining
the expulsion.
The resolution concerns three
men, David Gumenick, '59, Jeffery
Mandel, '59, and Roger Gottfreid,
'59, who were asked to leave the
quad, after connection with a De-
troit newspaper article.
Best Judgement
Because the Council thought the
residence halls conference commit-
tee "did not use its best-judgement
in this case," the council requested
further cl irification of what "con-
stitutes an 'undesirable resident'."
Although recognizing s t o r i e s
concerning, the December food
demonstration in Detroit news-
papers were exaggerated, the reso-
lution says the men's statements
to the newspaper were "in no way
Reports Exaggerated
It said exaggeration present in
these reports is more "logically as-'
cribed to Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment and to irresponsible journal-
The resolution deplores the pun-
i-hment of these students without
presentation of charges, or an op-
portunity to defend themselves.
Finally, it questions the bypass
of judiciary hearings, and urges
judicial action in the future.
Express Opinion
Statement enml asized no stu-
dent should be punished forsex-
pressing an opinion to a news-1
paper, if it is held by many stu-
dents or "based on facts."
- A Detroit newspaper reporter
covered the :neeting, after receiv-
ing a letter concerning the reso-
lution signed by Bill Jones, '60,E
president of Scott House.
However, Jones emphatically de-
nied any connection with the let-r
He said that several people have
compared his signature with that
on the letter and have found no
"Whoever wrote this letter," hel
explained, "did great harm to the
value of the resolution."
He thought it had been a fair'
resolution, which would help to1
solve a student problem with the
"It certainly wasn't a publicityr
gag," he concluded.
For Council
Jim Richman, '59A&D, offici-
ally withdrew his candidacy from
the Student Government Council
race early today, dropping the
number of candidates to 15.
Elections Director Jim Childs,
'57, said the elections commit-
tee's recommendation to Joint
Judiciary has been dropped.
Sixteen students will run for
six Student Government Council
seats in elections March 19 and
20, Spring Elections Director Jim
Childs, '57, announced yesterday.
At the same time, Childs said
complaints had been received
about the election procedures of
one candidate, Jim Richman, '59
The elections committee, Childs
said, is "drawing up a recommen-
dation to Joint Judiciary that they
investigate and take whatever ac-
tion they deem necessary" with
Reports to the committee said
a woman student had been circu-
lating Richman's petition for sig-
natures. Elections rules specifical-
ly state a candidate must circulate
his own petition for signatures.,
"I'm very pleased with the res-
ponse to petitioning," Childs said.
"We're shooting for a 10,000-vote
election. We're trying under-cover1
voting for bad weather-and we're
expecting bad weather."
Number of candidates for SGC
-16-is the highest in four se-
The 16 candidates for six seats
on SGC are:
Bob Burton, '59; Scott Guy
Chrysler, '59; Art Epker, '58BAd;
Duncan Garrett, '58BAd; Ron
Gregg, '60; Judy Martin, '59; Nan-
cy Murphy, '58; James C. Park,
'59; Jim Richman, '59A&D; Lucy
Riley, '59; Jean Scruggs, '58; Nel
Sherburne, '59; Ronald Shorr, '58;
John T. Thomas,''58BAd; Le-Anne
Toy, '59; and Phil Zook, '60.
See ALL, page 2
IFC OFFICERS ELECT-Fraternity Presidents Assembly last night elected new Inter-F
Council officers for the next year. They are (1-r): John Gerber, administrative vice-preside
Wright, treasurer; Rob Trost, president; Bert Getz, secretary; and Mal Cumming, execut
Rob Trost Elected IFC President
Fraternity Presidents Assembly
last night elected Rob Trost, '58,
of Sigma Chi, President of Inter-
fraternity Council.
He defeated fellow-candidate
Mal Cumming, '58BAd, of Alpha
Tau Omega.
After losing the presidential
race, Cumming "stepped down"
to defeat John Gerber, '59, of Beta
Theta Pi, for the executive vice-
Stepped Down
Gerber then stepped down to
win the administrative vice-presi-
dency from fellow candidates Fred
Wright, '59, of Beta Theta Pi, and
Rick Ruhala, '58, of Phi Kappa
Sigma. Ruhala had been nomin-
ated from the floor.
Wright and Ruhala dropped to
run against Bert Getz, '59E, of
Sigma Chi, and Jim Richman,
'59A&D, of Sigma Alpha Mu, for
the office of secretary. Getz won
on the first ballot,
Stew Gordon
Wright and Richman stepped
down to run for treasurer against
Stew Gordon, '58BAd, of Theta
Delta Chi, who was nominated
Icers Whip Nodaks in Overtime, 3-2,
To Gain Berth in NCAA Tournament.
from the floor. Ruhala chose not
to run for the office.
Richman was dropped from the
race when no candidate received
an absolute majority vote on the
first ballot. Wright won the office
on the second ballot.
Following his election, Trost
called for expansion of the fra-
Religion Panel
Faculty Views
Each religion should be taught
at the University by believers of
that religion, Prof. George B. Har-
rison of the English department
claimed at a faculty-student panel
last night.
The panel discussed how religion
should be taught during a general
discussion of "What Happens to
God on the Campus?" held as part
of All-Campus Conference on Reli-
Specific Religions
Fred Trost, '57, Union executive
vice-president, said he believed
courses in specific religions taught
from the point of view of the par-
ticular religion had no place in a
state-supported university. He fa-
vored a course presenting a general
picture of religious knowledge, on
the ground that religion is an im-
portant intellectual discipline.
Daily City Editor Lee Marks, '57,
said religion is now taught in many
courses at the University, citing
as examples courses in Far Eastern
religions and the Italian Renais-
sance. He{referred to a statement
by Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
the economics department that le
"sneaked religion in sideways" in
economics courses.
Religious Belief
"You can't do more than this
without inculcating religious be-
lief," Marks said.
Jean Scruggs, '58, Assembly pres-
ident, suggested a course be taught
in comparative religion and offered
as a humanities elective. But Lau-
rence B. Slobodkin of the zoology
department said that religion "is
a four-dimensional subject, and
ternity system to mee
of the expanding Unive
He advocated develo
North Campus fraterni
and improvement of fra
lations with the Ann A
Justify Existen
Criticism of frater
said, ironically comes P
who know little about t]
"We must work hard
our existence."
Regarding fraternityk
es, Trost said, "Elimina
lectivity clauses is to 1
aged, but this is a gra
cess and one in which
seen progress in the
IFC Personne
He also called for de
of a new IFC personne
to create new incenti
freshman and sophom
and to draw more tryou
The new officers w:
their positions immedia
ever, retiring P r e s i d
Leedy, '57, will retain th
officio position on Stu
enment Council until
campus elections Marc]a
Leedy said, "The bod3
nity Presidents Assen
elected one of the most
ing groups I've ever se
By The AssociatedP
gro nation of t1- - British
wealth was born todayt
prosperous Gold Coast
tropical West Africa.
The transition of po
British colonial handst
tion named Ghana cam
night ceremonies agains
ground of cheering ai
* * *
State John Foster Dulles
Egypt yesterday to stop
its feet" and get the S
cleared and open-now
rael is scheduling immed
U.S. Forces
Will Combat
Military Help Pledged;
Economic Aid Plan
Set at 200 Million
ate adopted overwhelmingly yes-
terday a resolution serving notice
on Russia the United States will
fight, if necessary, to help halt
Communist aggression in the Mid-
dle East.
The vote was 72-19.
Passage of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's M i d d 1 e East reso-
lution came at the close of more
than two weeks of debate on the
proposal which:
Military and Economic
1) Pledges the United States to
use its military forces if the Presi-
dent deems it necessary to help
any Middle East nation which asks
les Curtiss United States help in resisting
raternity overt armed aggression by the
ratenity Reds.
nt; Fred 2)sGives the President authori-
ive vice- ty to spend up, to 200 million dol-
lars free of most present restric-
tions, in supplying arms aid and
economic assistance to Middle East
natons between now and July 1.
Fresident Eisenhower asked ur-
gently for authority in a special
t demands message two months ago yester-
ersity. day. The House gave its approval
pment cf 355-61 on Jan. 30.
ty housing Adjustment Needed
ternity re- The Senate has been debating
trbor com- the subject with deliberation.
Ordinarily, the S e n a t e a n d
House versions would be turned
te over to a conference committee of
nities, he both branches for adjusting dif-
from those ferences
he system. However, there were reports
to justify that the House may be inclined
to accept the Senate language,
bias claus- without going through the con-
tion of se- ference committee process.
be encour- The basis -for these reports was
adual pro- said to be a feeling that there
we have need not be any further considera-
past five tion, since theadministration has
approved the essentials of the
1 Senate version.
evelopment While both the Senate and
l program House have now acter, the resolu-
ve at the tion will have to be adjusted in a
ore levels, Senate-House conference commit-
ts into the tee, since the two versions differ in
some detail.
ill assumec
tely. How-1 T11*
ent Tim 7OV w r
he IFC ex-
dent Gov-
detGo-W ill Support
the all-
y (Frater- ClJ o sn
19 Housing
bly) has
en If the University "feels housing
is more important than laborator-
ies and libraries," he will recom-
ews mend housing appropriations to
the legislature, Governor G. Men-
nen Williams declared last night.
In Ann Arbor to appear in a
University Television Office film
Press on Michigan state government,
Gov. Williams explained "we ask
e first Ne- the universities for a capital out-
Common- lay budget in terms of priority."
out of the If housing was a top priority item,
colony in the governor indicated he would
not oppose it. "I don't, however,
ower from know how the Legislature would
to the na- feel."
e at mid-( University President Harlan
st a back- Hatcher recently intimated he
nd talking might ask for state funds to
finance University housing in the
ecretary of Calling college graduates "no
s called on longer a luxury, but a necessity,"
"dragging the smiling, bow-tied Democrat
uez Canal termed legislative proposals fbr
v that Is- substantial tuition hikes "a way
iate with- to beat raising taxes
Empty Quad
Rooms Noted
Approximately 150 vacancies
exist in men's residence halls,
Francis C. Shiel, manager of Ser-
vice Enterprises, told the Resi-
dence Hall Board of Governors
This contrasts with women's
residence halls which are 163 over
capacity according to Assistant
Dean of Women Elsie R. Fuller.
Prof. Lionel Laing, of the Po-
litical Science department, told
the Board they should try to an-
ticipate problems of doubling up
in the quadrangles for next year.
He expressed concern over the
increased load of counselling for
residence hall staff men, caused by
expansion, and asked if counsel-
lors could be given single rooms
to better cope with their responsi-
Shiel expressed sympathy with
this point of view, but explained
approximately $100,000 would be
lost if 125 doubles became singles.
-Daily-Charles Curtiss
ICERS WIN-Wally Maxwell's winning goal with 5:35 seconds gone in sudden death overtime of
last night's game with North Dakota, enabled Michigan to take a 3-2 decision and a bid to its tenth
straight NCAA playoff,
A fired-up Michigan hockey
squad staged a classic comeback
at the Coliseum last night, as it
overcame a two goal deficit and
went on to gain a thrilling 3-2
"sudden death" overtime victoryj
over North Dakota.
Wally Maxwell's goal after 5:351
be determined by the number of shot beyond the outstretched reach
games won, Michigan would hold a of North Dakota goalie, Tom
one game advantage: 11-10. The Yurkovich at 6:05 of the third
tournament will be March 14-16 period. As the red light flashed,
at Colorado Springs, Colo. the tense silence of the Coliseum
Stirring Comeback was broken.
There have been many stirring Tasting Defeat
comebacks in the annals of Mi- The 2500 fans who, up to this
chigan hockey and last night's sa-I noint were almost tasting defeat.