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February 22, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-02-22

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MAT. FMlrtt1ARY 112. ISAI

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r'U 4apis 'LUJMVJSRA V9 *, SSUa ,Sot.aa'n r# WO


O~n Flight in Nlorthwest Pershing Rifle Squad
Matdo gude misie ecaed tsThe missile was launched at _____________ ____________
ground controls here yesterday and 11:12 a.m. CST. A Holloman C"OH MO MICHIGAN DAILY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE
roared northwest over New Mexico spokesman declined to give flgurse________________
toward Colorado and Utah. Hollo-1 on maximum flight time, but INSPECSHUHN HAAHMS!! CASFE DETSN
ma i eeomn etr earlier reports from other sources At this command, 16 rifle boltsRAE MAN'S tNGISHByccle- sd 3 k,BUT G THE
mawiaesometCne fi I trg ice alN -38.)29 BTS&SWISHERC
clais, from where the missile was indicated burnout came an hour will snap open in unison as mem- . LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS
"smwhr n etrnClrao"SeodRuaaycmet nth hrdRgmetlAD OWMFR ANN ARBOR WO(
The missile did not carry an i a h eodrnwyms drill meet tomorrow at Purdue D >. 44.4 .0385WAC SNSRN, (Wastenaw at Stadium)
explosive warhead and was equip- University. Figure 5 average words to a line.~~t Models Open Daily 104
At Colorado Springs, Continental One of the missiles was fied semester and we hope to come i Phon NO 2-324- 58 E. Wiliams CAR SERVICE, ACCESSO
Air Defense Command authorities from Florida in December and dis- home with a trophy" Pershing No7 Fo3th2Beti
expressed belief the missile landed appeared in the direction of Brazil. Rifles Captain Richard Pompian,. HELP WANTED _______________Fo__ rresateiest anevc
in an isolated mountain area in It never was found. '58, says. The group, practices every'vi
western Colorado or eastern Utah. Two jet interceptor planes from day for about an flour.. Experienced secretary to vice president r"'1rHO1B" GAl NSLE'Y
Utahs Wndovr Ar Foce aseand general manager. Transportation
Fuel Ex austed ifteen rill Ex rcisesnecessary. Salary $75 per week. ,-I E V C
A spokesman said there would sent aloft to intercept yesterday'sFite rlExrse
have been reports by now if the wayward missile, returned to their Among the 15 drill exercises to ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS Recordths wak nd .SUieriy Fs
misl asddmg.H adbase after vainly searching for the be presented by the "P-R's" is PERSONNEL SERVICE MineotasMinidSoc ae ___________
tathmisl'ful1noexMaao."To the Winds," a fast moving i 04 First National Bldg. NO 5-6107
hate ithe msile'sfelidowex-btTh asa iols eecs i hc ac ako )H92 Hors: Mon - Fri.: Noon - 8 PALMA L
hutdsItmsbedwbu Th Maao isapltesmen march toward the compass .- sat.:9- I E S L
missile over Colorado. Force officials said. Other exercises are "Throw Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Audio Supply Lb. Showrooms itrd-nfruetre
- .Arms," a circular drill in which T Phone NO 8-9382. )820 334 Nickels Arcade ully Guaranteed
each man throws his rifle over 6bOOMF ORAA RENTs (aboe By's Jewelry) GOLDENV'S SERVC
UN O H A E R Phis shoulder to the man at his rear uW "irE NO 27767 NO 2-9425 fetrn STANDARD Produc
UN ON THE T R T IPand a -split second later catches DOUBLE FOR RENT - excellent cam- p""3 601 Packard - NO 992
fthe rifle thrown by the man i21 pus location. Student managed. 701
"M A R L D front of him; and "Ripple," an. PERSHING RIFLES South Forest. Phone 5-6329. Inquire ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords -b$a.2;_____________
exercise in which all members ... Perfection after 7 p.m. )DI soks, 39c; shorts, 69c; military so.~ BUSINESS SERVICES
Starring: BRIAN AHERNE and ANN RODGERS break from a position of attention Two SPACES for graduate girls avail-cu S A SSTRTECROFPNOadmsct
A C 26a dA RL2to a kneeling position in wave- able at Tappan International House. 12SASt wSnTOnRE2 ae'HE ReeI fOrtmrlsoc
MARCH 2 n P I like fashion creating, as the name L1T End lom n board. 724 Tappan or ca.i1 f ahngo 82. a cultydgre. O3-4010,n4ci
$5.25 includes transportation to Detroit suggests, a. rippling movement. JJL___EnN_5_70.____muical_._O__400,4-
SINGLE ROOMS with refrigerator for
Tickets on sle at: Seven Other Colege T~I/i men near campus. Student managed. PURCHASE WASHNG AND MRONINGS doneI
UN ON ST D NT OF IC STh buehlmte, le cafe it ivM edea 996Greenood.NO 2-9851. )D56 FROM PURCHASE ry hoe eaonable price. Free
UN ON ST D NT OF IC Soutfit will compeete with seven ONE BLOCK from campus. Large 3 TAHRo ign n p
Monday thru Friday 2-5 P.M. other colleges and universities in room apartment, Also one man to Graphic '3 color slide camera with MECHRs. f Kenn n steas
______________________the Third Regiment. (Continued from Page 1) share apartment with three, sameMs.KnehNWstra,1
Both straight and exhibition drill - location. Phone NO 2-1443. )c74 case and flash; like new. $. .584.
will be presented. Straight drill is f or children in dance, art, andSTDROMadseinpoh.A CHILD DAY CAR - LicensedI
found in the standard United theater will not be interrupted, a double $7 each per week. As a PURCHASE Northwest location. References
ELGBET ONStates Armey drill manual. The new Drama Season Board, single $10 per week, 1227 s. State CMR HPNo 1-040
Underthedeep-voicedcommend WASHINGS-Also ironing epa
of men like John Leinonen, 598, wardt of the English department, PLEASANT ROOMS near campus for116SUnvriy PoeN8-72,pcalzinotnbous
DNI Gis also slated wodsustenw ml tdns.Cnieaelnll)24 Rahed skirts. Free pick up and
'D A N C IN G~~~~~~b P-R Drill Team Leader who putsdicsthne maesuet.Cnieaeldor!)24 vy.PneO2-0.
the group through their snappy drama vacuum. Cal NO 8-763. . )D53 vrPoeN -00
paces, Pompian indicated that "we Prof. Marckwardt insured last
sh udbred frc m eiin night that the Board will review ROOMS for 1 or 2m n in large; clean, woltrw ug -as redc os USED CARS
Friday and Saturday N ights stheldevelopmentorbutmaddedn""we rom 25180 ose30885mpu27Gaxw18l -ro $1.00 a rtd x o5-o3.9
Freddie Bentz and the Rainbow Combo tomorrow can'tt anticitpate any kind of d, decis- N -8 or N3-8. )4 While x1 they 7last $39 USED CAR SPECI1/
Don Bailey- Your singing host - ion at this time." TWO LARGE double rooms for men SM ITH'S FLOOR COVERING 94 Chevrolet fordor; radio,
HE DMrs. Neil 0 Staebler, a member stdns)7 0 ~akr cosfo 207 E. Washintn heater, powerglide, exception
~-" sMembers and Guests of the DAC controlling board, com- South Quad. Call NO $4096. )D54 NO 3-553 nice. $745.
Phon NO2.372 Vcal b VERmented, "If some sort of arrange- LARGE, clean 2 room suite .or working Open Monday evening until 8:30 1949 Ford; 1 owner, tudor,I
V.5 V nn O2.92 Vcl ymet between the University and' girls or women students. Call NO 3- _______________ 193 Dodge vs. tudor, blue, a
C i You mast be 21 Mary Lou the' DAC should work out, it would 8885. )D48 HI-F arrad, Electr-Voice, Bogen, well worth $200 moe. Our p
be wonderful. I sincerely hope this FOR RENT Heathkit F.M. Call Hillman 3-8508. $495.
314 EAST LIBERTY r. problem can be explored." ____________)Bas JIM WHITE Inc
Mrs. Staebler's husband, Demo- 2 ROOM SUITE for 2 with piano, kitch-
Specializing in Hall Rentals and Banquets ratic state chairman Neil O, en and laundry privileges-near cam- STOP THOSE Your Chevrolet Dealer
Staeler Isa mmbe ofthe ni-pus No2-796.W75Open 'til 9 P.M. Daily, at. til i
Stelr samme fteUi uN -90 C8STUDYING BLUES 2 Big Lots-Cr. Washington and
versity Drama Board. MALE GRAD student wanted to share With all that homework St. and Cor. Ashley and Liberty
First Show Today 1 P.M. DABs Board previously an- nice apt, with 2 others. NO 2-1908. And most of it bunk, Phones NO 2-000. NO 3-6495, NO
nounced that "it is conceivable )C241 Relax with our baked. goods_______________
TOiDAYand d l~~J~~k Continuous from Da O221 that at some future time the TASOTTO We know you won't flunk.USDCR
SNA* * * 6:45-75c Drama Season may sponsor a pro-- CAMPBELL &s SON BAKERY
For Exact gram similar to that Which is now GIRLS, need a ride to Fort Lauder- 219 N. Main call NO 8-9880
wlanwacky adventure ... a merry fling in Fra ne! Laughter Time offered by the Center, and may dale? We have room avalable on a Order now - we deliverMIW N E
chartered GeyhoundCbusleavingtAnn)823
utilizesome DC equiment."Arbor April 5 and returning April 14. ________________ I WN E
O E E SE khEven fusnisi thn the - Dramatic Arts Center has been Round trip ticket $42. For details SPE
AtA1")R M M6I..f & A PuizrPr_ l the community's single profession- NO 2-447 before March . )G25 TRANSISTORSPCIA
Ma~oD I a daatcoranztinsic RADIOS 1953 Pontiac Deluxe 8 tudor se
. aonRADaldaai raiainsne ROOM AND BOARD MgnoxradloZeih- C i!hater795. mti.-
Glen OR June, 1953. It was established by ________-______=_ZnithCA__alat$79_
Get4FCODlocal citizens, including Regent Runp BOARDERS WANTED- good food. 3.5 up 1953 Pontiac Deluxe 8; ta
ilachiko KYO gene Powers and Prof. Marvin Near campus, reasonable rates:. Call MUSIC CENTER- wagon, radio, heater, hy
. inTHU h MGM. Felheim of the English depart- Bob Fisk, No 2-8312. )Z17 Just West of Hill Auditorium mati, low mileage, one o
PANK" ment, after starvation of the Anan BADR AD- 'apa ntr )B238 ca195
0s. QAT0N p 0 ~irtOIIe BARDES WNTE - Tppa Intr- 950Studebaker; tudor, radio, h
plsSEN1 TbSeaioue r Arbor Arts Theater Club. national House, NO 5-703. )R13 LOTADFUDo r, overdrive, good transpo
1955 Chevrolet V-8 Be Air; t
L7' 70~ .. -GREY TOP bO7AT at Hle. Phone NO radios and heater, exceptin
CINEMASCOPfi -tOruani.zationU A E RTH u24591, ext. 0. )A94 ly Olean. $1,35.
MTRA0OLR YU E ff BROWN WALLET, monogram x. F. L.
EdiALRTNotices Call Lee Fithugh, No 3-3474 )A93 K .N L
g USBNYUse of this column is restricted to Custer's Last Standl Read the Clasifieds a250 Jackson
in ~~OFFICIALLY REGISTERED student or-aStduBl.
M ass cre t L ttle Bi H rnlPhone No 2-3221
"A Star is Bored" ganizations. Registration forms ar; saretLtteBg OeHorn!.. o22PM
available in the Office of Student Af- Opn83AMto:0P.
- fais 1020 Administration Building. Gothic Film Society
." , Registration for the current semester
wtrt should be completed not later than Ren Clir'
DIADSTANE OLLOAY IL" AESERSOIS Starting Sunday Union Bridge Club, bridge tourn- "A NOUS LA LIBERTE"LAT W E
DOADSNE ONRC AE ATROH, M Nent, Feb 22, 7:30 p.m. Union. and Tonight, Sat.
S The Congregational and Dsciples "A TI TO THE MOON"at81
Soon "4DON GIOVANNI"9 Cesare Slepi OH, WOMEN Student Guild, swimming party Feb, a OiU RI H
23, 7:5 p.m., Womens~ Pool. (George Meles, 1902)/

in my
NO -
1 deli-
y Sts.

Westminster Student Felowship aMna, 8 p.m., Rckhom Api
graduate dinner, Feb. 22 :30 p.m.. theatre. Subscriptions for the 5 ___
Presbyterian Student Center, Lewis
Room. remaining films of the 1956-7
TON GHTal~i~ Jwis Ap~al meeingof Theseries are $2.50 each. For infor-f
itrseInworking paontn campaign, Thre's Always Tomorrow" mtion, cal NO 3-1353 or NO
Feb. 24 and Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m., Hilel 3-1430.
Ray Lous ComboHEATH, HIBBLER.,___
RyL usC m sUnion Cafeteria 9-12 P.M. Admission Free CHIT' EWO N RO
TTH O R J O H N S O N S u y n g g tI
CONDUCTORStd$y t I Take time out at the Hillel
TUES., FEB. 26, 8:30 CARDSLyiMe

id eh.
n~ ra


ROOMMATE WANTED to share lovely
modern 3 room apt. with 2 girls, 1107
Michigan. Phone NO 5-55025. J F144
available for parties, banquets, wed-
dings and meetings. Call owner, Mr.
Almnashy', Brighton, AC 9-6303. )F143
J-HOP PICTURES: Stragglers may
pick up pictures this Friday, Feb. 22.
at the Union between 3-5 p.m. )F141
GIRL WANTED to share 7 room house;
private bedroom. Attractively fur-
nished and close to campus. Call,
NO 5-6785. )F146
Tailoring, restyling. Will do fitting in
your home or mine. Experienced,
minimum charges. NO 3-6370.
Pick-up and Delivery
Uniforms and furs, up to 507% off.
Fur tricks for spring styling. 516 N.
Liberty, NO 5-5729. )FI42
Mending - Alterations. Phone NO 2-
9541 . )P137
CONVERT your double-breasted suit to
a new single-breasted model. $15.
Double-breasted, $18. or new silk
shawl collar, $25. Write to Michaels
Tailoring Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit,
Michigan, for free details or phone
Woodward 3-5776. )Fl
Specials on new and used:
Short wave radios
Tape recorders
Short wave communications receivers
Table model Hi Ft phonographs'
1217 &s 1317 So. University
NO 2-9595 )B=$5
1948 STUDEBAKER Convertible, all
accessories, good condition, call NO
3-8691 after 5 p.m. )8229
Read the Classifieds
DIAL NO 2-3136

Plus 2nd Feature


gaag wa! A CLOWt PRCOUCV "A C


'rd odet's broadwray and
hollywood success
dUf~ at944CentAre
r's professional arena theatre
temple' 327 s. 4th ave.


3e nts



Issohn Theatre
~f.4. DffD a"

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