See Pate 4
Latest Deadline in the State
City Faces
Dollar Loss
Ref uses
C:ount in
May Not
'60 Census
Ann Arbor's City Council was
hit with somewhat of a bombshell
last night when acting Mayor Rus-
sel Burns revealed the City "may
lose $500,000 of revenue after the
1960 census."
He reported Mayor William E
Brown is now conferring with
congressmen in Washington, fol-
lowing up rumors that Congress
will forbid any city to count college
students in its population. Popula-
tion determines how much Anr
Arbor gets in diversion payments
from the State Legislature.
Acting Mayor Burns reported
each University student garnered
the City $18.24 in sales, intangible
and gas weight tax diversions. If
as predicted, the University enrols
30,000 students in 1960, the total
diversion from students will ap-
proach a half-million dollars.
City Administrator Guy Lar-
com said the City "couldn't af-
ford to lose" the $500,000 sum
nearly one-fifth of the entire bud
get. He pointed the finger at cam-
pus-less cities who are applying
pressure in Washington. Larcomy
concluded, "We provide service
for students 10 months of the yea
and should be able to claim themr
as part of the City's population.'
In other business, Larcom an-
$ nounced City Bus Co. will con-
tinue to operate until midnight o
April 6. On April 1; local voters
will have the opportunity of vot-
ing for a public bus service in the
sipring election.
A motion was passed directing
the Mayor to invite University ex-
evutives to an informal dinner wit
the purpose of improving City.
University understanding.
hoax .Dupes
Chicao 'U'
. Others -Too
* blared the bold headline in the
University of Chicago's student
newspaper, the Chicago Maroon.
The entire Feb. 12th issue of the
Maroon was devoted to the seizure
of the "gag" issue by "uniformed
and armed" police. Maroon editors
claimed the administration used
"Gestopo-like tactics" and added,
"though the issue might be con-
sidered by some as 'shady' the
action was totally unwarranted."
At first glance, this Feb. 12th
issue of the Maroon might well
stir up the ire of any democratic-
ally-minded person, student and
' citizen alike. And it did. Maroon
= editors reported their office was
- flooded with telephone calls and
letters from students and other'
college newspapers voicing out-'
!raged indignation over the report-'
ed confiscation.
Among the notable college news-
papers who printed the story with
righteous vehemence were the Uni-
versity of Florida's Florida Fam-
beau, The Dartmouth, the Minne-
sota Daily, the Columbia Daily
Spectator and the University of
Wisconsin's Daily Cardinal.
While all this hulabaloo was
raging in campuses nation-wide
and in particular on the Univer-
sity of Chicago's campus; the Ma-
roon editors undoubtedly sat in
their offices and cackled uproar-
iously. Their dupery had succeed-
Evidently both students and
newspaper editors alike had neg-
lected to carefully read the issue
telling about the confiscation. If
they had, they surely would have
noticed the following which was
written in the finest of print:
"Issued every Friday throughout
the school year and intermittently
during the summer quarter by the
publisher, the Chicago Maroon
takes pleasure 'in announcing that
you are reading its annual gag
issue. No issue appeared yesterday,
no papers were confiscated, and
this issue hasn't one word of truth
in it (except for the ads) ."
And this all goes to show, as the
Columbia. Daily Spectator most
aptly put it in its "face-saving"
editorial, -never "believe the big
type until you've read the small."
Curtain To Fall on DA C
-Daily--Charles Curtiss
UNRESTRICTED AREA-Coeds from Stockwell Hall and their
beaus can now show their amorous inclinations in form of oscula-
tory practices only in certain unprohibited areas outside the Hall.
Kisses Short-Circuited
In Stockwell Lounges
The nightly lounge crowds in Stockwell will be thinning out-
at least if the dormitory council has its way.
Disturbed by the excessive kissing and cuddling in their lounges,
council members took a deep breath Wednesday and said it must stop
-inside, at least.
From now on inside areas of the building will be off limits for
those wishing to express passionate emotion.
And how have the coeds reacted? Some with passionate emo-
tions, naturally.
Improve Tone
The reason for it all, according to Stockwell president Jeannette
Grinta, '57Ed, is to "improve the tone of lounge conduct. The condi-
tion has steadly grown worse and -
we have received a stegdy flow of
complaints from the girls.""
"Dspte~ ~ Hopwoods
"DespI think over 95 per cent of the
women- support the action; they
say the kissing is extremely em-
barassing, particularly when they
are with their parents, guests, or Eight freshmen yesterday re-
men they don't know too well, ceived freshmen Hopwoods for
she remarked.cevdfehe oyosfr
Not all the coeds see eye-to-eye creative writing totaling $300.
witht he president, however. One Prof. Robert Haugh of the Eng-
reported her corridor would not lish department presented awards.
obey; another admitted the lounge Prof. Arno L, Bader of the English
antics are embarassing, but claim- department joined him in judging.
ed the residents should be able to Double honors went to Don How-
act as they wished; and still an- ard, '60. Howard received $50 for
other saw the rule as self-defeat- first prize .in the poetry division
ing by driving' couples into apart- for a manuscript entitled "Seven
ments, cars, the arb and the cem- Poems," and third prize of $20 in
etery." fiction for "Two Stories."
Different View In the poetry division, Carin
One coed, with an apparent Claar, '60, won $30 for "Wander-
grasp on reality, took a different ings," and Carol Shapire, '60, $20
view. "Basically, the coed's com- for her "Poetry."
plaints at the action are a matter Top essayist was Barbara Baril,
of pride-their's has been hurt." '60, whose "Canadian Sketches"
The main complaint of the resi- brought $50. "Three Miniatures in,
dents seemed to be lack of a dor- Pen and Ink" by Catherine Brad-
mitory-wide vote on the issue. "We ner, '60, and "The Beauty of Im-
should have the right to decide the perfection" by Mary C. Wicker,
issue," complained one coed. '60, also received awards.
Not so, said President Grimn. In the fiction division, top plaud-
"This is just not the type of thing its went to Ann Doniger, '60, fbr
you bring up for debate in corridor "In Black and White." In addition
meetings. Sure, there's a small to Howard's $20 award, a $30 prize
strong group who condone such ex- went to Donna McIvor for "Eyes."
cessive actions, but we must con-
sider those, regardless of how small RESIDENCE HALLS-
in number, who are embarassed
and do not feel right in their own
un.wideDVoteean Rea I
If Stockwell coeds agree, then
the council represtntated them.
The vote was 14 to four in favor
of the action.;
Enforcement of the rule is some-
thing else. Miss Grimn 'said coun-
cil members will "pass through"
the lounges "occassionally, re-
questing violators to be more dis-
If it is any consolation to Stock-
well coeds, this type of ruling isn'tx
particularly unique. Assistant Dean
of Women Elsie Fuller said similar
actions occur "every so often." 4
"Reoccurring or not, it's a prob-
lem," summarized one coed. "How
can you tell the guy, 'You can kiss
her, but not too much. '
SGC Considers
Names for SAB
Student Government Council is
considering suggesting the new ANOTHER PROBLEM - At almn
Student Activities Bldg. be called South Quad Council president,
Final Play
In Rehearsal
Original Production
Ends Footlight Era
The curtain has fallen on an-
other act in the ill-fated history
of Ann Arbor theater.
Dramatic Arts Center's Board of
D i r e to r s yesterday announced
that, after this seasons' final pro-
duction, it wil discontinue its pro-
gram of professional arena theater.
Paradoxically, the decision came
in the midst of rehearsals for what
will probably be the most success-
ful presentation in the Center's
three-year career.
Euripides' "Medea," complete
with original music and costumes,
will open Feb. 29 under the direc-
tion of Joseph Gistirak.
The classical Greek tragedy is
the seventh production in a finan-
cially disappointing season. Be-
cause of consistently poor attend-
ance, rumors have sped through
the local theater set for weeks,
each predicting the immanent col-
lapse of the group. Pagnol's "To-
paze" was the only play this year
which could be termed "a huge
success," according to actor Ralph
Last Saturday's formalization of
the University Drama Season
Board by the Regents, intern :eted
as a prediction of the DAC's de-
cision, added substance to the ru-
mors. The only real surprise yes-
terday was directed at the ration-
ale offered for suspension.
"The decision was made neces-
sary because of inability to find a
new location to serve the Dramatic
Arts Center next year," Board
president Richard J. Mann ex-
The Masonic Temple has leased
the present DAC home to the Ben-
dix Corporation, and new quarters
could not be found to accommo-
date the group.
All hope for possible revival has
not been relinquished, however.
When questioned about possible'
financial problems behind the clos-
ing, Mann denied a connection and
replied, "If we can find a building
suitable to our needs, the theater
will open again next fall."
And regardless of professional
drama's exit from the immediate1
scene, the DAC will continue as an
organization. The Ann Arbor play-3
reading Group and - unior Theater
will continue their programs undera
Center sponsorship, and its classes
See DAC, Page 21
Democracy Seen As Farce
By Foreign Student Panel
That Democracy is a farce was decided by a panel of six par-
ticipating in an International .(udents Association forum .ast night.
Semantic difficulties caused the panel to disagree on their defi-
nition of democracy. The final decision, deprecating democracy, was
based on the statement of the president of ISA that democracy, in
the frame of reference intended, was the unadulterated form of
democracy practiced in the Greek city-states.
Confronted with this interpretation the entire panel agreed de-
mocracy, indeed,*s a farce since it doesn't exist in reality.
Participating in the forum were David Bell, representing the
British Commonwealth, Didiet Soerjotjokro of Indonesia, and Mo-
hamad M. Kamal of Lebanon on
the pro side. Janet Neary, '58, rep-
resenting the United States, Wil-
liam Shehan of the United States
and Thomas David, representing
Mohamad M. Kamal of Leban-
on argued that none of the three
principles commonly applied to
democracy, self-g o v e r n m e n t,
equality and freedom were valid.
Self-government is "illustrated
once every four years when the
people go to the election box."
'51 per cent ruling 49 per cent is
not equality."
The American people only have
the right to speak within constitu-
tional limits and present laws.
Janet Neary suggested basic
premises of democratic theory be
considered, and included the as-
sumption of theI importance of
individual rights, equality under
law and majority rule.
TENDER FINALE--Scenes such as this will long be remembered by fans of the Dramatic Arts Center,
which will close after its coming production of Euripides' "Media."
Cite Egypts
Duties in tN
United Nations demands on
Israel should be accompanied by
demands on Egypt, a University
history professor said yesterday.
Egypt should give Israel assur-
ance she is safe, Prof. Preston
Slosson said.
Visiting political science lecturer
Edward Hughes said President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is in a
difficult position because it is diffi-
cult to apply economic sanctions
to the Suez situation.
"Dulles," Prof. Slosson said, "is
in a tangle of priorities. The
See PROF., Page 6
Good Look
I n oSGC
Disagreement and student dis-
dension with the work of the com-
mittee evaluating Student Gov-
ernment Council became evident
Dave Baad, assistant to the dean
of men, led student members of the
committee In demands for a more
critical and constructive evalua-
tion of SGC.
Baad asked that the committee
"pinpoint where the structure (of
SGC) has weaknesses and also
what can be done to correct them.
"This committee," Baad said at
the meeting, "should come up with
recommendations for change where
Laing Speaks
Committee Chairman Prof.
Lionel H. Laing, of the political
science department, said the com-
mittee "cannot do such a thing
within the time limit.
"We don't want to make an-
other seven-month study," Prof.
Laing said.
Under Vice-President for Stu-,
dent Affairs James A. Lewis'
charge to the committee, the group
must "evaluate the effectiveness"
of SOC and report "not later than
Committee members said yes-
terday Vice-President Lewis had
indicated to them the evaluation
was expected to take "two or three
Prof. Roger Heyns, assistant to
the literary college dean, objected
to expanding the committee's scope
"because that was my commit-
ment when I got in."
Notes Agreement
Prof. Heyns later noted the,
committee agreed on a "real, crit-
ical, sound, thoughtful study" but
not on what the study should
During the hour-and-a-half dis-
cussion, committee members also.
agreed their work should have
started last year.
"Harry Lunn's viewpoint now is
way out of date," Deanof Women
Deborah Becon said, referring to
the Daily managing editor of 1954,
who wrote the evaluation commit-
tee a seven-page analysis of sGC.
Won't Remember
"Three years ago," Dean Bacon
said, "a whole (university) gener-
ation. They'll never have heard of
you (Baad) in a few years, either."
Baad also insisted there be an
r r
Seeks More
Demands Guarantees
Of Navigation Rights,
Security from Raids
JEUSALEM, Israeli Sector(W-
Israel refused last night to bow to
President Dwight D: Eisenhowers
appeal to withdraw immediately
behind the armistice lines.
But Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion insisted the door is still
open for negotiations. Addressing
Parliament after a critical Cabi-
net meeting, Ben-Gurion declared
anew Israel must have guarantees
of freedom of navigation in the
Gulf of Aqaba plus security against
raids from the Gaza Strip.
"No matter what may happen,
Israel will not submit to restora-
tion of the status quo in the,strip,"
he said. Before last October's in-
vasion Egypt controlled the strip,
formerly a part of Palestine, un-
der the 1949 armistice terms.
Ben-Gurion said Israel is seek-
ing further negotiations to reach
an understanding with the United
Nations and with the United
Ambassador Abba Eban, return-
ing toaay to Washington will con-
vey the Israeli government's posi-
tion. He had been summoned home
to give a first-hand report to Ben-
Gurion and the Cabinet.
President Eisenhower Wednes-
day night called on Israel to meet
the UN demands that Israel with-
draw from Gaza and from the
Sharm el Sheikh area overlooking
the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba.
He in effect held over Israel the
threat of United States backing
for punitive sanctions by the
United Nations.
Yesterday in Washington, Pres-
ident Eisenhower appealed to
American Jewish leaders to use
their influence with the Israeli
House Cuts
Budget Again
WASHINGTON oP)-Taking its
cue from Secretary of the Trea-
sury George Humphrey, the House
Appropriations Committee yester-
day slashed $60,794,000 from new
appropriations requested by the
Interior Department.
The budget cut amounted to 12
per cent, a much larger reduction
percentagewise than the two per
cent trimmed last week from the
Treasury-Post Office departments
request for the fiscal year begin-
ning July 1.
The largest reduction in new
money for the Interior Depart-
ment was deniAl of the entire 40
million dollars requested for sub-
sidized domestic purchase of tung-
sten, asbestos, fluorspar and co-
lumbium-tantalum for the defense
Borton States
Japan's Gains
Since 1945 Japan has learned
more from the West than 100
years prior to that time, Prof.
Hugh Borton, guest lecturer, in-
dicated last night before 70 peo-
ple in Rackham.
With the Allied Occupation un-
der General Douglas MacArthur,
a democratic government has be-
come more influential, the Presi-
dent-Elect of the Association for
Asia Studies, pointed out.
Militarism was driven out, and
a peacefully inclined government
created, explained Borton, speak-
ing on "Japan's Modernization
and the Impact of the West."
The largest political groups in
Japan are convinced of democrat-
Explains, IHC Discusses Problems
The Residence Hall Conference Committee is empowered to re-
move from the quadrangles those whose conduct is not in the best
interests of the Residence Halls, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea explained
in a letter to South Quad Council yesterday.
The letter discussed the three men, Roger Gottlieb, '59, Jeffery
Mandel, '59, and David Guminick, '59, who were asked to leave the
quad after their names appeared in a Detroit newspaper article con-
cerning the December food disturbance.
Such actions are not uncommon, he continued, and because they
are based largely on personal information a complete explanation for
the'expulsion cannot be offered.
Questions Judgment
However, Dean Rea declared any student who, "contributes to
exaggerated .. reporting of an incident such as the food protest is
doing a disservice to his University, his quadrangle and his fellow
residents . . . I seriously question the good judgment and loyalty of
such an individual."
In view of this, Dean Rea told the Daily University action was
"no more than a slap on the wrist.
"There are many people who are surprised the boys are still in
the University."
According to Dean Rea, record of the incident will not be placed
on the men's official transcripts. However, it will be entered on their
-Daily-John Hirtzel
ost the same time John Mayne,
received an explanation from