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February 21, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-02-21

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in allreprints.

Unconcerned Citizens Defeat
Capital Improvements Plan

LIKE THE Veterans Memorial Park Project
last year and the proposed civic center
several years ago, the Capital Improvements
Plan has proven mere busy work for the City
Council and Planning Commission.
Capital improvements covered by tax sup-
ported bonds proposed in the city election this
week, would have provided an economical out-
let through which Ann Arbor could catch up
on much needed civic projects (park improve-
ments, paved streets, new fire station) and at
the same time project a beginning into planned
municipal expansion with provisions for sewer
and water lines.
But, for all the adept planning and foresight
of city officials, the voters are the ones who
judge. Unfortunately, they did not see the
need for municipal improvement.
It seems that the Ann Arbor citizen is too
conservative to consider a program which re-
quires money. It is regretable that the citizens
will look only at proposals bringing money into
city coffers and will not stop to realize how
they are hurting themselves in the long run.
ANN ARBOR citizens have clearly failed to
see their responsibility to themselves as a
community. Now what? Will any civic progress
ever be accomplished in Ann Arbor? If so,
how? Will city officials turn to the University
for financial help?
This is doubtful when the only proposal of
the capital improvements plan to benefit to
the University was extend sewers and water
lines to North Campus.
The rest of the plan was for the people of
the community. It would be illogical for the

University to even consider aid to a city that
cannot realize its obligations.
What other alternatives are there to imple-
ment a civic development plan? Apparently
Mayor Brown is satisfied to say the town will
still get along, strange attitude for one who
has solidly backed the plan. This kind of think-
ing will never encourage development.
The mayor, council and planning commission
have proven themselves competent at the plan-
ning stage. But the results of that planning
tend to indicate that there is not enough effort
being made to put the plans across to the
ONLY WHEN city agencies responsible for
projecting civic improvements can work
capably with the people will there be any hope
of their plans reaching maturity.
The Mayor and City Council might set up a
program to educate and modernize the voters
of Ann Arbor. Unless there is more concern on
the part of civic leaders with the attitudes of
the people there can be no hope for a thinking
and doing city.
As of now, the future looks dark. The people
are satisfied to forget about it entirely, or at
least forget about paying for it. There will
come a time, however, when the community
will realize the great problems presented by
population growth and will be forced to do
something about it. Until then, Ann Arbor as
a municipality will stagnate.
Not until the Mayor and Council institute a
policy of closely working with the people for
capital improvements can they become a reality.

"Ain't We Something!"
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NOW av R-rj
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.,Witt, IV
WSINGO MER-ORON:other Conflict of Interest .

tangible and difficult matters
with which the free world has to
There has just been an ex-
ample, by Britain and France, of
obedience to world order. Look-
ing at it from the viewpoint of
the international morality of only
a few years ago, their retreat
from a military action already
begun, just because the world
asked them to, is almost as in-
credible as was their resort to
force in the beginning.
DURING the same period, how-
ever, Israel, Russia and the Com-
munist government of Hungary
have boldly ignored the wishes of
the United Nations.
At other times, France, India,
South Africa and the members of
the Arab League have done like-
The trend toward world order
does not seem to be very great.
Indeed, there is a question of
whether it can ever make much
progress as long as the conflict
between democracy and interna-
tional communism continues.
For one thing, while peace de-
pends upon world order, world or-
der also depends on peace. As long
as there is no peace, the free na-
tions are going to have to do
things in self-defense which they
do not like to do, such as main-
taining military bases far from
home on the territory of small na-
THE LARGER powers cannot
wholeheartedly support independ-
ence for emerging peoples when
it threatens to create power vac-
uums. That is to invite interven-
tion by nations, which do not sub-
scribe to world order, permitting
a fatal accretion of power to the
other side.
There are a good many people
who believe that a lot of today's
troubles go back to the fact that
the Allies concentrated almost
exclusively on winning World
War II without enough considera-
tion for winning the postwar con-

International Law
Concept Ignored
Associated Press News Analyst
SECRETARY Dulles says he thinks developments in the United Na-
tions in recent months represent an advance for the conception of
world order under international law.
At the same time he says there is no indication that this concept
will be accepted by the Communist nations.
This idea that there can be two world orders - or rather a world
order and a world disorder - co-existing, is one of the most in-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The following student sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs (2017 Student Activi-
ties Building) not later than 12:00
noon on the Tuesday prior to the
Feb. 22: Chicago House, Delta Sigma
Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Gomberg
House, Phi Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon.
Feb. 23: Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Lambda, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi,
Delta Theta Phi, Michigan House, Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Reeves House,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Taylor
Feb. 24: Fletcher Hall, Phi Delta Phi,



Of Senators and Education
"If the students are receiving a superior product (education at the University) their earning
Power is being increased and they should be willing to pay more."-State Sen. Clarence Graebner
(R-Saginaw), arguing for a tuition hike.

AN INTERESTING suggestion, but the at-
tempt to correlate student fees with earning
power raises some practical difficulties.
For example, most of the 6500 women at the
University will become housewives and never
realize any earning power. They shouldn't have
to pay tuition.
Students in the professional schools, engi-
neering school and business administration
school will increase their earning power the
most as a result of their education. In all fair-
ness they should pay higher tuition rates.
But students in philosophy or classical greek
will find it difficult to increase their earning
power because they received a "superior pro-
duct"-maybe we can establish special discount
rates for them.
And what of students trained in the schools
of education and social work where salaries
are usually low? Since the State has encouraged
them to decrease their earning power it ought
to pay them to go to school.

THERE'S ANOTHER problem-since we can't
know whether or not the student's earning
power has been increased until he is out of
school for some years we should consider delay-
ing tuition payments until earning power is
All in all there seem to .be a number of
practical difficulties in applying the theory
that students should pay more to come to the
University because their earning power is in-
Perhaps we should drop that notion. Many
students come to school, not to increase their
earning power, but just to gain understanding
of a complex world and to contribute to the
state as constructive citizens. The rewards these
people reap, in terms of the "superior product"
they receive, aren't reflected in gross national
City Editor

ON TOP of the embarrassing
resignation of Robert Tripp
Ross as Assistant Secretary of De-
fense because of a conflict of in-
terest, a n o t h e r conflict has
cropped up in the Pentagon. This
is the eighth conflict of interest
to plague the Eisenhower adminis-
The latest is that of Robert Carr
Lanphier Jr., Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense in charge of
supply and logistics.
, Despite the high position given
him in the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration and despite his post in
charge of supplies, Lanphier did
not resign his position as vice
president of the Sangamo Electric
Supply Co. of Springfield, Ill.,
which has defense contracts with
the government.
Lanphier was not available for
comment. H o w e v e r, his self-
penned biography in the latest
edition of Who's Who states that
he is simultaneously Deputy As-
sistant Secretary of Defense since
1954 and vice president of San-
gamo Electric, a firm of which his
brother is president. He is also an
executive of Sangamo Weston Ltd.,
a British subsidiary. Other sub-
sidiaries are Allied Tool and Ma-
chine, Sangamo Generators, Inc.,
and Capitol Aviation, Inc.
ness firms states that Sangamo
"manufactures special products
for the Department of Defense.
It is against the law for a gov-
ernment official to accept office if
he retains stock or financial in-
terest in any company doing busi-
ness with the government.
E x - P r e s i d e n t Truman told
Freshman Sen. John Carroll (D.,
Colo.) recently how he felt when
he first came to the Senate..
"The first six months," he said,
"I wondered how I ever got elect-
ed. The next six months, I won-

dered how the other 95 ever got
During the closed-door debate
on President Eisenhower's Middle
East proposals, Georgia's astute
Sen. Dick Russell tied a tag on
the Eisenhower doctrine. He called
is the "Moonbeam Resolution."
"This is a moonbeam resolu-
tion," he snorted. "I feel like I'm
in a dark room with a moonbeam
coming through a small crack. I
have tried to grasp it, but I can't
get hold of it.
"I have wrestled with Mr. Dulles
(Secretary of State). I have
wrestled with Admiral Radford
(Chairman of the Joint Chiefs),"
Russell continued. "But I can't
get any information. The under-
lings know how the aid money is
to be spent. KingSaud and his
underlings went back to Saudi
Arabia. They know what the mon-
ey will be used for. But I can't
get any information about any-
thing from anyone. It's a noon-
beam. I can't get hold of it.,"
*. * *
leader Bill Knowland made head-
lines with his blast opposing eco-
nomic sanctions against Israel,
Democratic leader Lyndon John-
son sent a sharp, private letter to
Secretary of State Dulles that
never leaked to the papers.
Calling the proposed sanctions
a "most unwise move," Johnson
wrote: "To put it simply, the
United Nations cannot apply one
rule for the strong and another
for the weak; it cannot organize
its economic weight against the
Little State when it has not pre-
viously made even a pretense of
doing so against the Large States.
I have, Mr. Secretary, seen no
suggestions in the United Nations
of the application of economic
sanctions against the USSR. Xsrael
has in very large part complied

with the directives of the United
Nations. Russia has not even pre-
tended to be polite.
"I have, as you know, been urg-
ing during the discussion of the
Middle East a determined effort
by the United Nations and by the
United States to go to the root
causes of the troubles in the
Middle East," Johnson added in
his private letter.
Yet, I have seen no suggestion
in the United Nations that -econ-
omic sanctions should be applied
against Egypt to force that State
to agree to permanent cessation
of hostile activities from those
* * *
cy to oversimplify a most compli-
cated issue," Johnson nevertheless
insisted that "justice and morality
*... are clear against such impo-
sition of economic sanction.
Thirty-year-old Congressman
John Dingell of Michigan got a
special thrill when he introduced
the old Murray-Wagner-Dingell
bill, partially written by his late
father, to provide medical help for
all Americans. Interesting thing
is that 14 years ago this bill was
defeated as "socialized medicine,"
yet most of its provisions have
now become law except National
Health Insurance. Dingell will
now try to pass health insurance
for everybody.
Assistant Interior Secretary
Ross Leffler has won the undying
respect of the nation's conserva-
tionists. As predicted, he has
dropped John Farley from the
Fish and Wildlife Service and has
appointed three career civil ser-
vants to head the new Bureau of
Sport Fishing and Wildlife. This
ends the attempt to put the na-
tion's birds, fish, and game under
the control of politicians.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Value of Interracial Competition

THE BOARD in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics deserves credit for refusing to
cancel the scheduled football game with the
University of Georgia in the face of criticism
by members of the state legislature.
The Board's statement that the game will be
"an affirmative contribution toward the better-
ment of racial relations" also focuses attention.
on the key issue in the controversy.
Interestingly enough, the best support for
the decision has come from State Sen. Leon
Butts of, Georgia, sponsor of a bill to outlaw
interracial athletics in his state. The senator
remarked upon passage of his bill by the
Georgia Senate (it is now pending in the
House): "WhenNegroes and whites meet on
the athletic fields on a basis of complete equal-
ity, it is only natural that this feeling of
equality is translated into the daily living of
these people."
Although Senator Butts did not intend his
words to be construed in the positive sense,
certainly he has clearly indicated the crux of
the issue.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN .. ........Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN rHOMAS ..............Features Editor
DAVID GREY ............... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRATER........... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN.........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON...... .. . Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER . .........Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE GEWIS................ Women's Feature Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL .............. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER. Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM DUSCH*..............Advertising Manager
CHARLES WILSON--------------- Vinance Manager

WHAT THOSE who wished to cancel the
game expected to accomplish is not clear.
The move would have done nothing to aid
integration and would have been merely re-
moving one vital area of interracial contact,
precisely what the Georgia senators are trying
to do.
Athletics is one of the few fields in which
normal contact between races, essential to
desegregation, is made naturally, without either
restraint or prompting. Jackie Robinson and
Joe Louis, to cite the most obvious examples.
have done far more to promote integration than
the state legislatures of either section of the
Praise should be given to the University of
Georfgia for recognizing the value of inter-
racial competition and quietly scheduling the
game while its state legislature goes off half-
cocked, and to the Board here, for keeping its
head and placing the issues in the proper light.
New Books at Library
Shwadran, Benjamin - The Middle East,
Oil and the Great Powers. N.Y., Praeger, 1956.
Sindler, Allan P. --- Huey Long's Louisiana.
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins press, 1956.
Vanderbilt, Arthur T. - The Challenge of
Law Reform. Princeton, Princeton Univ. press,
Verney, John - Going to the Wars. N.Y.,
Dodd, Mead, 1955.
Viereck, Peter - The Persimmon Tree. N.Y.,
Scribner's, 1956.
Wheelock, John H., ed. - Poets of Today,
III. N.Y., Scribner's, 1956. '
Wilkinson, Doug - Land of the Lond Day.
N.Y., Holt, 1956.
Wilson, Colin - The Outsider. Boston,
Houghton, Miffin, 1956.
Wolfe, Bertram D. - Khrushchev and Sta-
lin's Ghost. N.Y., Praeger, 1956.
Woodress, James - Booth Tarkington. Phil.

Take Your
Rock & Roll
THE producer-director team of
Sam Katzman and Fred F.
Sears has put forth two new films
for unhappy audiences every-
where, and it is with sadness that
I accept the revolting task of re-
viewing this latest attack upon
the audio-visual world.
"Don't Knock the Rock" is a
particularly unfortunate combin-
ation of moronic script, dismal
music, and the most repulsive col-
lection of human beings ever
gathered together, to my know-
ledge, on one wide screen. The
cast is incompetent to the man.
The only possible relief from al-
most 90 minutes of greasy smiles,
wild dancing and pathetic dialog
is a character out of Balzac's
Droll Stories: Little Richard.
Little Richard is a Rock & Roll
type musician and he is crazy.
But at least he is bearable.
The plot of this dreary ordeal
revolves around the efforts of
heavily made-up casting office
leftovers impersonating teen-
agers to convince a group of
authorities that Rock & Roll is fit
for human consumption.
The case is not proved.
SECOND FILM of this double
horror bill is "Rumble on the
Docks", which introduces Jimmy
Darren, a new teen-age screen
idol who raises the art to new lev-
els of inarticulation.
This is a waterfront story, with
a full complement of stock char-
acters. The warped-minded fath-
er, the willful but confused son,
the good girl, the know-all sociol-
ogist, the tough guy, the big-time
crook, the union organizer, the
gangs of young urchins; they are
all here, with a crooked lawyer
sifted in for good measure.
Perhaps this film is best de-
scribed as a combination of "On
The, Waterfront" and "Rebel
without a Cause", mixed well to-
gether, and stored in a warm
damp place until sour and
bubbling with the bacteria of. de-
cay and putrefaction. For unlike
these other films, "Rumble" is a
most unconvincing collection of
last minute reconciliations, death
bed confessions and lucky shots.
It is suggested that the erudite
college crowd devote the week to
study and contemplation. llow-

Research Seminar of the Mental
Health Institute, Dr. George DeVos,
on "Some Observations on the Rela-
tion of Guilt to Achievement and Mar-
riage in Japanese." on Thurs., Feb. 21,
1:15-3:15 Conference Room, Children's
Psychiatric Hospital.
Lecture in Anthropology and Lin-
guistics. Prof. Joseph Greenberg, Prof.
of anthropology, Columbia University,
will give a lecture entitled "Signs,
Symbols and Language", Aud. C, An-
gell Hall, 4 p.m. Fri., Feb. 22.
Dr. F. Clarke Fraser, associate pro-
fessor, Department of Genetics, McGill
University and director of medical
genetics at Montreal Children's Hos-
pital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, will
Igive an illustrated lecture on "Gene-
Environment Interactions in Cleft Pal-
ate Production." Thurs., Feb. 21 at
4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Aus-
pices of the Department of Anatomy
and the Medical School.
Academic Notices
All Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Please fill out the application for the
teacher's certificate if you have not
already done so, and return it imme-
diately to the Recorder's Office in the
School of Education, 1437 University
Elementary School.
College of Engineering announces
the Wunsch Foundation Material
Handling Essay Contest-first prize
$300; second, $75; third, $25. All manu-
scripts due May 2, 1957. Contact Prof,
Q. C. Vines for further details.
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in Jine, 1957,
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Graduate School by
Fri., March 1. A student will not be
recommended for a degree unless he
has filed formal application in the
office of the Graduate School.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs,
Feb. 21, 4 p.m., Room 307, Wes tEn-
gineering Bldg. Harold W. Blaynton
will speak on "Legal Aspects of Air
Pollution Problems" - Chairman:
Prof. F. Kent Boutwell.
Political Science Graduate Round-
table Thurs., Feb. 21, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. J. Philip
Wernette, Prof. of Business Adminis-
tration, will speak on "Fact and Fic-
tion in Explaining Economic Progress."
Refreshments. Public invited,
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar,
Prof. J. Valensi, Director, Institute
of Fluid Mechanics, University of Mar-
seille, will talk on "Three-dimensional
Flow in Compressors," Thurs., Feb. 21,
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1504, East Eng.
English 298: Mr. Crowley's section will
meet Thurs., Feb. 21, in 1006 A.H. at
7:30 p.m. Students in this class should
consult with him at his office (2626
H.H.) to arrange conference hours,
Chemistry ,Department Colloquium:
8:00 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 21, Room 1300,
Chemistry Building. Oswald Anders will
speak on "Absolute yields of Deuteron
Induced Nuclear Reactions." Dave Em-
erson will speak on "The Rearrange-
ment of Thiocyanates."
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science, Room 3401, Mason Hal, Thurs.
3:15-4:45 p.m. Feb. 21. Leo Katz; (De-
partment of Statistics, MSU) "Proba-
bility Distributions of Random Vari-
ables Associated with a Structure of
the Sample Space Sociometric Inves-
Philosophy 31 Make-up 'Final Sat.,
Feb. 23 9 a.m. to 12 noon in 429 Mason
The Extension Service announces the
following class to be held in Ann Arbor
beginning Thurs., Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 131, School of Business Ad-
Eisenhower's Second Term: Major
Problems of the Next Four Years.
drirrE a neriod f raP a- o ,rld ri ,ioa




Of Protest, Popcorn, and Photos


Student Protest ? .. .
To the Editor:
THERE WAS a time when the
student body of the University
of Michigan would have risen in
wrathful protest against the action
of the Board of Athletic Control
for proceeding with the scheduled
football contest with Georgia.
Being removed from the scene, I
have no knowledge of student re-
action. As a former (very scrubby)
member of the football squad and
as an alumnus, I am shocked,
deeply grieved and made ashamed
by the refusal to cancel that con-
A part of Mr. Crisler's philos-
ophy as a coach was emphasis on
the quality of poise as an essential
to a successful football perform-
ance. Poise implies confidence and
in turn, strength of character. I
cannot reconcile those virtues with
the act of, in effect, recognizing as
an honorable opponent a school
supported by a state which has

Popcorn Humor-.
To the Editor:
THE DAILY'S criticism of "Tea
House of the August Moon" is
perhaps quite accurate. However
the critic failed to see why the hu-
more is "popcorn-munching" for
,the American public. This is an-
other movie whose moral implica-
tion is weakened by an ominous
background censorship. If more
subtle humor were used to satirize
the American superiority attitude,
the movie would have difficulty in
escaping censorship.
"Tea and Sympathy" is another
movie of this type where the artist
is prevented from expressing fully
his theme because of the tyrany of
public opinion, which is censorship.
American superiority cannot be
satirized too much at this time
because of our fear of Russia. We
can laugh at the superiority in
slight amounts but if the humour
in the "Tea House of the August
Moon" were too subtle American

We know he plays well besides
being extremely photogenic but
does it not take five men to win
a basketball game?
We feel, that to be truly demo-
cratic, the other players deserve a
picture now and then in recogni-
tion of their fine playing.
-Susan Hetherington, '57N
-Betty Cole, '57N
-Marion Duerks, '58N
-Evelyn Hubacker, '58N
Boxer Rebellion . .
To the Editor:
To' the young man who daily
trains his boxer beside the
Natural Science Building, we of-
fer the following suggestions:
Be consistent in your training.
Be kind, he is still a pup.
Substitute PATIENCE for pun-
Reward obedience.
Do not beat, throw, strangle or
otherwise mishandle your dog.




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