See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
West Europe
Rulers Plan
Atomic Pool
Tariffs Removed
In Unification Step
PARIS ()-The premiers of six
Western European nations agree
to twin schemes binding their 16(
million people in a customs-fre
trade bloc and a European atomi
The premiers now return tC
their countries to seek parliamen-
tary ratification for the project
which gradually may go a long
way toward the old dream of Eu-
ropean unification.
Chances for ratification in al
six.countries-France, West Ger-
many, Italy, Belgium, Luxembour
and the Netherlands-are good.
The premiers, aided by thei
foreign ministers, put the fina
touches on a plan to tie oversea
territories to the common markel
* France demanded bringing ir
the overseas territories. This was
based on a recent debate in the
National Assembly which indicat-
ed that this would be the price the
other nations would have to pay
for French ratification. .
Negotiation on the commo
-market and Euratom treaties has
been in progress for 17 months
among the six powers who are tied
together in the European coal and
steel pool. After the experts fix
the final wording of the treaty
text, the Euratom' and common
market treaties will be signed in
Romie, probably the latter part of
The Euratom pool to be directed
by a supranational authority, will
give the six nations the opportuni-
ty to share nuclear materials and
work on ambitious atomic energy
development schemes which would
be impossible for any of the indi-
vidual nations.
All the nations-with the excep-
tion of Germany, which is express-
ly forbidden by other treaties-
will be free to work on their own
for atomic weapons. Only France
has .ny such ideas.
The common market comes into
force gradually over a period of
12 to 17 years, during which tar-
iffs and other trade restrictions
will be gradually broken down. In
the end, goods among the six na-
ttions and their overseas territories
,would be able to move freely across
each other's borders without cus-
toms formalities or trade quotas.
Free movement of manpower and
capital also is provided.
The plan for associating the
overseas territories calls for Ger-
many, which has no overseas de-
pendencies, to contribute heavily
for the economic development of
areas controlled by other nations.
In effect, Germany will be helping
to pay for building up French col-
South Quad
May Convert
Double Rooms
South Quad anticipates adding
164 men in the fall by converting
that many double rooms into
triples, Leo Vogel, quad manager,
said last night.
The expansion plan was worked
out by Vogel and a committee of
the South Quad Council, consist-
ing of one member from each
house. This action was taken in
response to a request by the Of-
fice of Student Housing, based on
in increase of 450 men in the
residence halls system. The plan
is subject to rejection by the of-
The plan also involves expand-
ing four rooms on each of 41 cor-
ridors throughout the quad, not
including back corridors and the
area occupied by the English Lan-
guage Institute. The rooms will
be in a line throughout the
height of the quad, to minimize
any additional noise.
They will not have washbasins,
but will have chests similar to
those used in the temporary hous-!
ing pool.
The expansion will involve 16
additional men in Kelse House,!
28 in Taylor House, and 24 in each
of the other houses in the quad.
ILA Settlement
May Be Delayed
Baltimore Officials Still Report
Being Stymied Over Local Issues
NEW YORK (P)-The International Longshoremen's Assn. today
ordered its striking dockworkers back to work at 8 a.m. today, but a
last-minute hitch in Baltimore threatened a delay once again.
Late in the day word was received that Baltimore shippers had
agreed to accept the coastwide pattern of the settlement reached in
New York Sunday.
This appeared to remove the last obstacle to, resumption of work
by 45,000 longshoremen from Portland, Maine, to Hampton Roads, Va.
Later, however, ILA leaders here got word from local ILA officials
Elliott Takes
'Job as Head
Of Backfield
Chalmers "Bump" Elliott has.
returned to the "Michigan Fam-
Elliott accepted the backfield
coaching position at Michigan
Tuesday night by telephone from
Iowa City, where he was the back-
field coach under Forest Evashev-
ski, head coach of Iowa.
Elliott's acceptance ended a
drama which saw a weekend of
speculation as to whether his pre-
decessor, Don Robinson, would re-
sign, a day of intrigue as to who
was offered the post and a day of
"wait and see" if he would accept.
Announcement of the selection
and acceptance of Elliott was
made by Athletic Director H. 0.
"Fritz" Crisler yesterday morning
following the long-distance phone
In announcing the selection,
Crisler said, "I am perfectly de-
lighted to have 'Bump' back with
Speculation as to Elliott's being
first in line to succeed Oosterbaan
when he retires, however, were
squelched by Crisler,
He said that "Elliott is coming
here with the understanding that
he is not heir apparent to any-
There has been some talk that
Oosterbaan might retire after an-
See NOT, Page 7
*in Baltimore that they still were
stymied over local issues in that
ILA President William V. Brad-
ley said still later that he still was
ordering his men to report to the
docks at 8 a.m. on a standby basis
to await instructions from local
union officials.
The Baltimore ILA chief, August
Idzik, flatly declared his 7,400 men
were not going back to work in the
"The deal's off," he said. The
Baltimore shippers, in agreeing to
the coastwide contract, rescinded
some of the local provisions they
had previously okayed, he said.
Alexander Chopin, spokesman
for the New York Shipping Assn.,
said he received word by telephone
that the Baltimore Steamship
Trade Assn. agreed to wage, hour,
welfare and pension provisions as
worked out in New York "provided
this master contract is signed by,
this association in Baltimore."
The strike, which began Feb. 12
actually was a resumption of a
nine-day stoppage last November.
That was interrupted by an 80-
day cooling off period under the
Taft-Hartley law.
Gets Nlew Post
Assistant to the Dean of .en
David Baad has accepted a posi-
tion as publicity assistaiit with the
Coordinating Secretariat of the
International Student Conference
in Leiden, Holland.
Baad, a former Daily Managing
Editor will serve from April 1 to
Oct. 1 when he enrolls at Oxford
University in England as a Rhodes
Hatcher Just
State Funds
North Campus Dorm
Financing Uncertain
University President Harlan
Hatcher said yesterday the Uni-
versity will make no formal pro-
posal for state aid to residence
halls this year.
At the same time Vice-President
for Financial Affairs Wilbur Pier-
pont revealed that the University
is not yet certain that it can
finance the planned North Cam-
pus Residence Hall using present
means of support.
Hatcher had informally advo-
cated state support at Tuesday's
hearings before the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee. This was
S"primarily a warning," he com-
Imented today.
No Formal Request
"Right now," however, ther will
be no formal request to endthe
self-liquidating principle of resi-
dence hall financing.
Hatcher explained that his in-
tention before the committee was
to "switch their thinking a little
bit"-away from the more-rigorous
enforcement of the self-liquidating
principle toward the realization
that "housing has come to be a
major problem"
He explained that legislators.
have recently criticized the prac-
tice of supplying utility service-
heat, hot water and electricity-to
dormitories using money from the
University's general fund.
Tells Annual Cost
Pierpont estimated yesterday
that such utility service costs the
University $300,000 a year, saving
the dormitory residents about $40
apiece. He said the, cost was rela-
tively low to the state, but would
be relatively high to the students.
- "I don't want to go backwards"
in the area of support for student
housing, Hatcher said in defense
of the present practice, He sug-
gested that rather than cutting
support the state should "provide
at least some of the equity capital"
needed to finance new dorms.
"Either the state or the federal1
government will have to come in
I'd prefer to see the state do it.
"Housing has become crucial in
educational decisions" as to en-
rollment size, he added.1
Housing Funds
"This is going to become urgent!
enough that the federal govern-
ment is already half-way into it,"
now offering low-interest loan
funds for college housing,.
Some Northwood apartmentsE
have been built with federal loan I
money already, Pierpont explained,
and the new Mary Markley resi-I
dence hall will be largely federally
However federal mortgage re-
quirements are similar to those ofc
private investors, and the margin 1
of residence halls which are mort-
gageable will be "pretty thin"
when the North Campus coed hallE
comes to be financed.
U N W-Must
To Move
U rge
'U' Won't Seek Dorm Aid Now
Poll Shows
A nti-Nixon
Preliminary results of Survey
Research Center's 1956 national
election study were released yes-
terday, revealing:
1) Opposition to Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon has increased
substantially since 1952 and is
sharply split" along party lines.
2 A general tendency away from
bloc voting with regard to income,
education, race, residential area,
profession and religion.
3) Reasonably widespread sup-
port for Republican foreign pol-
icy; and
4) Apparent support for an en-
larged federal role in domestic af-
SRC's results are based on in-
terviews with a nationwide sample
of almost 2,000 people, interviewedt
before and after the election.
Although anti-Nixon feeling in-
creased among all voters from .
seven per cent in 1952 to 23 pert
cent in 1956, last November the
Eisenhower-Nixon ticket retained.
its 1952 popularity among Demo-
crats and Independents.
In 1956, 40 per cent of the Re-i
publicans, 23 per cent of the In-
dependents and nine per cent of
the bemocrats expressed strong-
pro-Nixon feeling, while jtine per
cent of the Republicans, 21 per
cent of the Independents and 35
per cent of the Democrats expres-
sed strong anti-Nixon sentiment.
Center studies have consistently
shown Democrats less likely to{
vote than Republicans and more
likely to cross party lines when
Surprising Result
One of SRC's most surprising
results is a "flattening out" of the
once-marked relationship between
income and presidential prefer- t
ence. Although the percentage ofI
voters increased steadily from low-c
er income groups to. higher, the
party split was about the same1
(39-44 per cent Democratic, 61-
56 per cent Republican) for all in-
come groups except $10,000 and!
over (six per cent of the votings
population), where the Democratict
vote drops sharply to 23 per cent.
While 22 per cent of the college-8
educated voters went Democratice
See SRC, Page 2(
-Daily-David Arnold
A CHALLENGE-Prof. Robert Crane spoke on Indian neutralism
before a crowd of 250 people last night in Ann Arbor High School's
West Cafeteria.
Inptdian Neutralism Point
Challenges U.S.--Crane
Outlining three ways in which Indian "neutralism" is a challenge
to the United States, Prof. Robert Crane of the history department
last night called for better understanding of the Indian viewpoint.
India's. attitude is a challenge to our interpretation of world
affairs, a challenge because it is an alternative to alignment with
either East or West and a challenge to the quality, virtue and maturity
of United States leadership, he said.
Speaking in the third "Town Talk," Prof. Crane explained that
other nations often interpret meanings of world happenings dif-
ferently from the U.S. India feels "we have misconstrued the nature
of the Communist-Free World-
{ U.S. Support
Of Sanctions
President Declares
Peace in Middle East,
UN Future at Stake
WASHINGTON () - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower declared
last night "the United Nations
has no choice but to exert pres-
sure upon Israel" to get her
troops out of disputed Mideast
President Eisenhower thus
threw out an apparent hint that
the United States stands ready,
if a showdown comes, to support
some kind of United Nations
sanctions against Israel for her,
failure thus far to heed UN de-
mands to withdraw.
But the President coupled with
the hint a statement that "we
still hope" Israel will accept
United States assurances and go
along with the UN demands.
Broadcasts Report
President Eisenhower spoke out
in a half-hour radio-television re-
port to the nation on his admin-
istration's efforts - so far un-
availing - to settle the latest
Middle East crisis without sanc-
tions against 'Israel.
He opened his talk, broadcast
worldwide by the Voice of Ameri-
ca, with the solemn statement:
"The future of the United Na-
tions and peace in the Middle
East may be at stake."
President ,Eisenhower's talk
went step by step over the situa-
tion as he saw it. In a warning
to Israel he said:
"The United Nations must not
fail. ,
Must Exert Pressure
"I believe that - in the inter-
ests of peace - the United Na-
tions has no choice but to exert
pressure upon Israel to comply
with the withdrawal resolutions."
And then he offered the Israelis
a way out:
"Of course, we still hope that
the government of Israel will see
that its best immediate and long-
term interests lie in compliance
with the United Nations and in
the declaration of the United
States with reference to the fu-
President Eisenhower spoke
shortly after the UN announced
a postponement, the third this
week, of General Assembly de-
bate on the question of sanctions
against Israel.
IFC To Elect
New Officers
IFC-IHC To Give Evaluation
Of Rushing to SGC Next Week
A written progress report on the Interfraternity Council-Inter-
House Council rushing evaluation, due yesterday, will be presented
to Student Government Council next Wednesday.
IHC President Bob Warrick, '57E, cited unusual circumstances
for the delay and explained the report would discuss the recommen-
dations of the original IFC-IHC Rushing Study as they worked out
last fall.
Success of these recommendations has been determined partly
by the response to questionnaires sent to all rushees and fraternity
presidents last semester.
Return Delay
Slow return of the questionnaires and their tabulation has also
struggle," he said.
Ineffective Alignment
"They think our proposals of
military alignment are not effec-
tive in resisting the spread of Com-
munism, but rather, he way to
combat it is to eliminate the con-
ditions which facilitate its spread,
such as poverty."
Indian non-involvement, the
Delhi-born professor told an aud-
ience of 250 people, is "an open
appeal to other uncommitted na-
tions not to commit themselves."
By remaining neutral, India
asks whether the U.S. is mature
enough to understand that other
people may have different view
points, he said.
Factors in Thinking
Prof. Crane sketched some basic
added to the delay in presenting the progress report, accord-
ing to IFC President Tim Leedy, '57BAd.
Warrick indicated he would like to have "a much more extended
evaluation" following rushing this spring.
Leedy, however, said the scheduled re-evaluation of rushing for
fall of 1958 would be sufficient, "as long as we keep making com-
prehensive evaluations such as"
this one."R
Going down the list of recom- REPLACES SOLOMON:
mendations in the original Rush-
ing Study Report of March 12, 5
1956, both council presidents P ian st Jan
agreed there would be a specific
new recommendation made in :
their evaluation. : : :
. .
is To
Extra Rush Day
One would concern the extra
day of "open house" during the
rushing period, which was tried
last semester and dropped this
Leedy explained the extra day
served the purpose of allowing
rushees to see more houses, but
then cut down on the number of
subsequent smokers, causing the
rushee to begin eliminating more
houses sooner.
Warrick and Leedy also pointed
out areas that had met with suc-
cess under the original :ecom-
"Fraternities at Michigan", the
IFC publication, now contains de-
tailed information on each of the
houses and may include more
straightforward advice to the in-
dividual in next year's edition.
More Rush Counseling
There has also been an increase
in rushing counseling, with a re-
S (4 factors in Indian th-inking. "The
' fl" present leaders grew up in the na-
ionialist movement,"he said, "and
A ppe r apearit isn't easy to escape experience
Pianist Byron Janis will appear in opposing control and domina-
in a concert today at 8:30 p.m. in tion. They are suspicious of West-
Hill Auditorium. erners, bred to a sensitivity about
Janis will open the evening's independence and, when they took
program with the Haydn "Sonata over ten years ago, were faced with
in D major." This will be followed a series of genuine problems which
by "Arabesque" by Schumann and they have not yet solved."
"Impromptu in E-flat major, Op. With their limited physical re-
90, No. 2" by Schubert. sources, he added, Indian leaders
Moussorgsky's "Pictures at an argue that they can't afford the
Exhibition" and Ravel's "Sona- luxury of military involvement.
tine" will be performed next. "They feel they must solve their
Concuding the program will be internal problems first."
"Nocturne in D-flat major," "Im- Although present leaders are
promptu in A-flat major," "Three Western - trained, Prof. C r a n e
Mazurkas," and "Scherzo in C- warned, they may not remain the
sharp minor," all by Chopin. dominent element in Indian pol-
Janis, who appeared in Ann itics.
Arbor in the 1956 May Festival, "If we put too much pressure on
made his debut at the age of 15 Westernized leaders," he conclud-
with the NBC Symphony Orches- ed, "we may cut the ground out
tra under Toscanini. Since then he from beneath them and make way
has toured South America and for chauvinists, which might be
Europe, as well as the United worse than neutralism."
States and Canada and has ap-
peared many times with all the
major orchestras of this country. Prof. Hugh Borton
During the summer of 1955,
Janis was solosist with the New1 To Speak Tonight
SGC Appoints
Shorr To Fill
Vacant Post
Questions of procedure took
Student Government Council into
a 45-minute executive session yes-
terday before it could name Ron
Shorr, '58BAd, to the council's
vacant seat.
It was SGC's first meeting in
its new council room in the Stu-
dent ActivitiesiBldg.
.SGC also agreed its five-man
Sigma Kappa committee will meet
again to try to determine what
sorority action would be suffi-
cient to prevent withdrawal of
University recognition in,1958.
Daily Editor Richard Snyder,
'57, questioned the composition
of the interviewing and nominat-
ing board for the vacant council
seat, a composition not in accord
with recent SGC action.
SGC's executive committee and
John Wrona, '57, served on the
board. A motion by the council
last week called for the executive
committee, Tom Sawyer, '58, and
League President Sue 'Arnold,
'57Ed., to serve.
SGC President Joe Collins, '58,
explained the executive commit-
tee had appointed Wrona to the
board when Sawyer and Miss Ar-
nold could not serve and inter-
viewing had already been sched-
With a motion on the floor that
the nominating board reconsider
its procedure, SGC went into ex-
ecutive session - for the second
time in its three-year history.
When the regular meeting re-
sumed, Shorr was named to the
council seat vacated by former
On March
Presidential candidates in the
March 5 Inter-Fraternity Council
elections are Rob Trost, '58, and
Mal Cumming, '58BAd, according
to Mike Barber, '57, executive vice-
Trost has served for the past
year as IFC Administrative Vice-
President. Cumming, a member of
Student Government Council, is
the present treasurer of IFC.
Running for the office of execu-
tive vice-president is John Ger-
ber, '59. He is now personel dir-
ector for IFC, and has been work-
ing on revision of the IFC tryout
Fred Wright, '59, editor of the
fraternity newspaper, Michigan
Fraternities Report, is seeking the
administrative vice-presidency.
Bert Getz, '59E, and Jim Rich-
man, '59A&D, are running for the
Democracy Debatei
To Be Held Today
"Is D memcr ai-,e= ,, ho